Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.402 The Unknown

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[This is a live call !]

A hush fell over the room, and an eerie silence took hold.

All eyes were fixed on the center of the room, where the most experienced and battle-hardened trainers of the Kanto region stood frozen in shock and trepidation. Their faces were etched with expressions of disbelief and fear, as they looked at each other in confusion.

As the silence lingered, the tension in the air became palpable. Everyone was waiting for someone to break the silence, to offer some explanation for what had just transpired.

But no one spoke.

The stillness was so complete that even the faintest rustle of clothing or the softest breath could be heard echoing in the room. It was as though time itself had stopped, frozen in a moment of collective bewilderment.

After what felt like an eternity, Blaine finally spoke up, breaking the silence with a tremble in their voice. 

"How do we know, what you're saying is true ?" 

Everyone collectively turned to Austin in the video who just smiled.

[Either I am telling the truth and Kanto is saved from destruction or I am just baiting you into a false trap from where Team rocket can systematically launch the attack, am I getting his correct, Dr. Redburg ?!] Austin's voice broke through the silence of the room.

Some glanced at Austin and then to Blaine while others sat back wanting to see where this was going.

Blaine meanwhile clenched his fists as he felt everyone's eyes of him.

" Who is Redburg ?" Lorelei asked as Austin smiled.

[Dr. Redburg, one of the executive of Team rocket's God's Facility, that wanted to create pokemon capable of capturing or terminating Gods, about 8 years ago, Mr. Blaine was recruited into the God's program under the commands of the chief of the international police to look into the disappearance of prominent nut jobs that were dismissed by the league.]

Blaine stayed silent at Austin's words as the Lance glanced at Mr. Goodshow and the Cheif of the Security.

"Is this true ?" 

Mr. Goodshow took off his baseball cap as he brushed whatever locks of hair he had left on his balding head.

" Yes." 

That one word sent shocks down the spines of everyone.

" Why weren't we informed ?" Bruno questioned but Mr. Goodshow stayed quiet.

" Sir, what was the missions goals ?"

" Charles !" Agatha pressed further as Mr. Goodshow sighed.

" A decade ago, prominent scientists who were .... morally grey suddenly were disappearing from the face of the earth."

"Where they a threat ?" Lance asked as Mr. Goodshow sighed.

"They were ... people who lost themselves in their hubris, trying to take the role of Gods. They suggested a lot of changes that were ... disgusting."

"Like what ?" Daisy curiously asked.

"Artificial insemination of man and Pokémon to create ... the perfect being." 

A silence enveloped the room as Mr. Goodshow said,"This was one of the more tamer suggestions from these people. We tried to launch an investigation but nothing came up. A year or two later, a young scientist revealed the reason for the disappearance in exchange for a lot of money and we found some kind of underground network of facilities recruiting those scientists under the watch of the league for something. Blaine was tasked to infiltrate this facility to find out the mastermind of the operations." 

"What did you find ?" Lance asked.

"Not much other than there were a lot of facilities in Kanto under some kind of sponsor that was trying to create a weapon against Legendary Pokémon. A year ago, Blaine was able to fake his death in the facility and escape but unfortunately the mission was for nothing as even as a director Blaine couldn't find much about the other facilities or the head of operations. We tried to find the locations of the other facilities but nothing came of it and the facilities were abandoned, personnel that knew anything about them were disposed of and the facility was sealed underground. Blaine managed to escape via his fake death but everything about the God facility and other similar facilities was an absolute unknown. But on the day of the SS. Anne accident, we ... finally put it together. Team rocket was behind the God Facilities and a pokemon capable of fighting against a legendary Pokémon was created." 

"Mewtwo !" Lance growled while answering.

" When were you going to tell us ?" Daisy asked as Mr. Goodshow stayed quiet.

" You weren't going to tell us." Blue Oak exclaimed as Mr. Goodshow looked down.

[Well, I don't have much time to waste] Austin exclaimed as everyone turned to him.

"I hope that makes my words more credible. Team rocket has been planning to launch this attack for years so I propose ...." 

Austin was cut off by Lance who barked out.

"Why should we trust you ?!" 

[So that your home, your family and your remaining Pokémon don't end up like your Charizard, Lance.] Austin countered immediately shutting up Lance who looked ready to explode in anger.

"What's the plan ?" Blue and Agatha asked at the same time as Austin smiled.

[Well then let's begin with celadon city ....


The video shut off, and the room falls silent. The Gym Leaders and Elite Four members, turn their attention to Lance, the champion of the Pokemon League.

Lance sat at the head of the conference table, his expression inscrutable. He gazes steadily back at his colleagues, taking in their faces one by one. The silence stretches on for several tense moments, each person waiting for someone else to break it.

As the seconds tick by, the room becomes increasingly still. The only sound is the soft whir of the air conditioning and the distant hum of traffic outside. The weight of expectation hangs heavy in the air, and everyone seems to be holding their breath.

Finally, Lance spoke. His voice is low and measured, carrying easily through the hush of the room. 

" You heard the man ...." 

" Wait, you can't be serious. How can we trust him ?" Daisy questioned.

" Doll, we either trust him or Kanto is doomed." Surge chimed in while looking at the ceiling as the days of the Kantonian War came back to him.

" I believe he was telling the truth but ..." Koga chimed in catching everyone's attention.

" I believe he was wearing a Ditto disguise." 

"See, why should we trust someone ..." Lily Waterflower answered but was cut off by Agatha's shout.

" Shut up !" 

The Cerulean Sisters stayed quiet seeing the look on everyone's faces unlike them, everyone on the table had fought in war before and they knew the full scope of what is going to happen in one month.

Blue glanced at the head of security," So, mind telling us what you found, Mr. Rogan ?" 

Everyone shifted their attention to the head of security.

" I had my men track down where the live feed of Uchiha Bob was coming from ?"  

" And ?" Lorelei asked as Rogan gulped.

" The video wasn't a live feed." 

" What ?!" Daisy questioned as she slammed her hands on the table.

" You're saying that wasn't a live feed then how could he hear and answer us !" 

Mr. Rogan looked at his assistant who stayed gulped.

" We don't know, it was as if he had seen the future and created the video based on the certainty of when and how and what we will all speak." 

"But ... that's impossible." Daisy said as Mr. Rogan sighed.

"Yet, it clearly occured Infront of our eyes." 

"Do you think that man was a human or a psychic ?" Bruno turned towards Sabrina who was filling her nails as she looked up.

"I don't know."


[ Omake Paragraph ]

It is a common saying of the history teachers of Johto that Donphan are the reason why castles are built on hilltops. This is an exaggeration, for height confers enough advantages that castles are built on high ground even in lands far away from any Donphan. However, castles on flat plains are often toppled by these pokemon and there are few more terrifying sights in warfare than an avalanche of Donphan rolling downhill.

Other large, round pokemon, such as Electrode and Graveler, are often used in the same way as Donphan; heavy balls which plummet downhill with enough force to knock over anything from trees to attacking armies. But Donphan have two major advantages over these these other pokemon: its tusks, low to the ground, make its Rollout a wider attack in area with the potential to stab as well as send flying. It can also cease its rolling by extending its long, armored trunk, either to protect itself or to trip up its enemies, unlike rounder pokemon who are easily blocked by tower shields.

There was one reliable way to defeat these Donphan before the invention of cannon. I do not refer to water or grass attacks, which seldom have enough momentum to alter the course of a rolling Donphan, and a fainted Donphan which continues moving is nearly as dangerous as a conscious one! They do lose momentum going uphill, and if the incline is too steep the Donphan will simply be sent flying over the battlefield. Therefore, in the age of castles and Donphan, earthworks were probably the most important part of warfare, for altering the ground was the best defense against Rollout. (Flying pokemon were also used, but could be shot down too easily by Stone Edge.)

And few pokemon dig better earthworks than other Donphan.

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