Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.425 Spear of Longinus

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[ Author Note: This chapter is from Cloyster's perspective ] 


[ Cloyster's POV ] 

Giovanni's command echoed through the storm, decisive and unyielding. 

"Cloyster, use Shell Smash!" he ordered. In response, my shell began to fracture, pieces swirling like shards of a shattered dream. The transformation was empowering yet precarious, bolstering my Attack, Special Attack, and Speed, but at the cost of my defenses.

As I readied myself, harnessing the tempest's wrath, the elements seemed to conspire with me. Rain and wind encircled me, augmenting my newfound might. "Now, Cloyster, use Icicle Spear!" Giovanni's voice cut through the chaos. Instantly, icicles materialized around me, each a frozen lance aimed at Scizor, hoping to exploit its vulnerability to Ice.

But then, amidst the fury, Austin's murmured words, "Dance Mania," barely reached me. The icicles I launched, propelled by the storm's vigor, sped towards Scizor. Yet, it moved with an uncanny agility, dodging each icy projectile with a dancer's grace.

In a flash, Scizor, glowing with a crimson aura – a combination of Swords Dance, Laser Focus, and Agility – bridged the gap between us. It didn't rely on a specific move but instead on sheer, brute force. The impact of its punch was like a comet striking the earth. I was sent hurtling through the air, my world a blur of pain and disorientation. I crashed into the rooftop above Giovanni, tiles shattering, debris raining down.

The pain was indescribable. It felt as if my very essence was fracturing along with my shell. Blood, my life force, splattered across the rooftop, painting a grim picture of defeat. As I landed at Giovanni's feet, the world seemed to fade, my consciousness slipping away like sand through an hourglass.

Shock flashed in Giovanni's eyes as he witnessed the intensifying crimson aura enveloping Scizor. The Bug-type Pokémon's malevolent energy seemed almost tangible, magnifying the storm's ferocity. A sense of impending doom hung in the air, mirroring the darkening turn of the battle.

Miraculously, I found the strength to rise, despite the searing pain from the gash above my eye. Looking into Austin's eyes, Giovanni saw a chilling playfulness, a game of mental warfare.

Time was running out. "Cloyster, use Hydro Pump!" Giovanni's voice cracked with desperation. From my mouth came a fierce water jet, drawing the storm's energy, morphing it into a swirling, aquatic fury.

Austin's smirk remained unshaken. "Bullet Punch," he commanded, his voice chillingly methodical. Scizor, ignoring the water's onslaught, launched its Bullet Punch. It tore through the Hydro Pump, the friction turning water into a veil of steam, shrouding the battlefield.

Out of the mist, Scizor aimed for my horn. The impact was catastrophic, shattering it entirely. My blood joined the grim tableau on the rooftop, splashing across the surface in a haunting shade of red.

Lying there, the pain was overwhelming, a relentless tide eroding my strength. Every beat of my heart sent fresh waves of agony through my shattered horn. The world around me seemed to slow, sounds muffled, as if I were sinking into the depths of some dark, cold ocean. 

The rain intensified, each drop sharp as a blade, heightening the battle's ferocity. Giovanni, heart pounding, knew he had to outsmart his opponent. He delved into his extensive Pokémon battle knowledge, desperately seeking a strategy to overcome Scizor's powerful onslaught.

"Cloyster, use Ice Shard!" he yelled, banking on the move's quick action to hit the agile Scizor. I summoned sharp icicles around myself and hurled them at Scizor, only to watch them miss as it dodged with remarkable agility.

Giovanni tried everything in his playbook: Rapid Spin to deflect attacks, Toxic Spikes to poison the field, even Recover to heal my injuries. Yet, Scizor seemed invincible, unbothered by our tactics.

Scizor's speed was blistering, its energy demonic. It tore through me with brute strength, leaving the roof of Silph Co. stained with my blood, like a grim masterpiece.

From my perspective, the pain was unrelenting. Each strike from Scizor was like a hammer to my shell, the force reverberating through my body. The rain felt like needles on my wounds, each drop a reminder of my failing strength. Despite Giovanni's efforts to heal me, the pain only grew, a constant, throbbing reminder of Scizor's superiority.

I could feel my energy waning, my body struggling to keep up with the demands of battle. The world around me seemed to slow down, sounds becoming distant, as I fought to stay conscious. 

Haunted by the memory of his fallen Raticate, Austin's anger deepened, his grin widening as he watched the battle's brutality. He took perverse pleasure in the display of Scizor's destructive might, its demonic energy pushing it to savage extremes. The storm around them echoed the storm of vengeance in Austin's heart, his need for retribution intensifying by the second.

Giovanni, on the edge of despair, saw Cloyster battling valiantly against Scizor's unyielding attacks. He knew he needed a drastic move to change the battle's course or risk losing Cloyster forever.

In a last-ditch effort, Giovanni commanded, "Cloyster, use Avalanche!" The storm seemed to heed his call, as a colossal wave of ice and snow plummeted towards Scizor, seeking to trap it in a frosty grip. Yet, not even this formidable attack could halt the relentless Scizor.

Scizor danced through the icy barrage, its movements a macabre waltz of evasion. It approached Cloyster, its red aura glowing with evil purpose. Austin's voice rang out, "Finish this with 'Spear of Longinus'."

As Scizor closed in on me, it unleashed its ultimate move, Spear of Longinus, a fusion of Bullet Punch, Close Combat, and Aerial Ace. Its metallic claws glowed, charged with the energy of the three techniques, while its crimson aura grew, taking on an almost supernatural aura.

The Spear of Longinus formed, a monstrous, shining spear of red light, its jagged edges slicing through the rain-soaked air. Scizor, holding the spear, charged at me, cutting through the downpour, its speed unbelievable.

The spear struck with a force that rattled Silph Co. itself. My defenses crumbled under the attack, the spear's red light engulfing me, sending waves of excruciating pain through my body.

The pain was all-consuming. The Spear of Longinus felt like a thousand needles piercing through me, each one carrying the weight of Scizor's hatred and power. As I flew through the air, the world around me blurred into a whirl of pain and despair.

I was thrown back, landing at Giovanni's feet, my form battered and broken. The rain washed over me, trying to cleanse the pain and the remnants of the battle. Giovanni faced Austin, his expression a mix of fury and defiance.

Austin's voice cut through the rain, "Call out your next mon, Giovanni."


[ Omake Paragraph]

When most people today think of Combusken, the first thing to come to mind is their appearance in a litany of fighting games. This is not, as has been commonly surmised, due to any unique grace or skill on their part; many of the techniques for Combusken, as for other pokemon, are based only loosely on real attacks and embellished for the sake of gameplay. Nor is it because of Combusken's small size and the need for a short character to dodge high attacks; there are shorter fighting-type pokemon, after all, yet one rarely sees a Machop in such games.

The real reason for Combusken's ubiquity is an accident of history. When Littleroot Studios were developing the first game in their acclaimed Type Wild series, many of the motions for not only Combusken but the other pokemon in the game were developed by observing the Combusken owned by Professor Birch, the only fighting pokemon in the area whose movements were slow enough to capture. It is in tribute to this that the series has included a Combusken from day one, and that the many games it inspired have followed its lead.

Many trainers have been disappointed to learn that real Combusken are incapable of pulling off a sky uppercut to blaze kick to fire punch combo on a regular basis. Others have set up contests where trainers enter their Combusken and attempt the longest combo they can on Lucario dummies, a contest so popular it has recently bee

n included in real fighting games as well

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