Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.426 Battle of Beasts

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"Call out your next mon, Giovanni." Austin coldly exclaimed.

"Quite the tough brat." Giovanni coldly exclaimed while reaching for another Pokéball. He tossed it skyward, declaring, "Garchomp, take the stage!" The Dragon and Ground-type Pokémon appeared, standing tall. Its dark blue, draconian form was striking, with red underbelly from jaw to mid-abdomen, including its arm undersides. A gold patch pointed below the red on its belly, and its snout was adorned with a golden star. Garchomp's intimidating presence was undeniable, its scythe-like arms ready for combat. Its intense eyes surveyed the battlefield, a deep growl rumbling through the stormy air.

Without hesitation, Giovanni initiated his strategic plan. "Garchomp, create a Sandstorm!" he commanded. In response, Garchomp spun rapidly, summoning a swirling sandstorm that blanketed the rooftop, turning the environment to its advantage.

Austin, quick to react, ordered, "Scizor, Bullet Punch through the barrier!" Scizor's metallic fist surged forward, striking the sandy veil. To everyone's surprise, the barrier shattered as Mewtwo, observing from afar, allowed the barrier to dissipate. The falling rain quickly turned the sandy battleground into a muddy terrain.

Giovanni, though momentarily taken aback by this unexpected turn, didn't lose his composure. He knew Garchomp's strength as an ambush predator, especially with its Rough Skin ability, would still give them an edge despite the muddy conditions. 

Giovanni and Austin faced off, the rain creating a flowing stream of mud on the rooftop. Beneath this muddy veil, Garchomp lay in wait, ready to strike.

Giovanni's command was sharp and clear. "Garchomp, now! Poison Jab!" From beneath the mud, just feet away from Scizor, Garchomp erupted. Its claw, coated in venom, lunged towards Scizor in a swift, stealthy attack.

Austin was quick to counter. "Fighting Combo, Scizor!" he yelled. Scizor's Bullet Punch met Garchomp's claw mid-air, deflecting the venomous strike. In a rapid sequence, Scizor then targeted Garchomp's vulnerable spots - elbows, throat, armpits - with a precise combination of Brick Break and Close Combat. Each hit landed with precision, forcing Garchomp to reel back from the impact of the blows, its body absorbing the punishing strikes from Scizor's calculated assault.

Giovanni, quick to adapt, called out, "Dragon Claw, Garchomp!" Garchomp's claws radiated with dragon energy, swiping at the mud, sending it spraying towards Scizor as a diversion. Austin, foreseeing Garchomp's next move, shouted, "Clone Combo!" Scizor swiftly created a Substitute, taking the brunt of Garchomp's Fire Blast. Then, in a swift retort, Scizor unleashed its Bullet Punch and Close Combat.

Giovanni responded immediately. "Garchomp, fire fang now!" Garchomp aimed for a surprise attack. However, Austin was one step ahead. "Slam Mania, Scizor!" he commanded. Scizor dodged with a Pounce and counterattacked with Fling, perfectly timing it with its Close Combat and Bullet Punch. This combination landed a critical hit on Garchomp's jaw, causing it to break and bleed profusely.

Giovanni, undeterred, commanded, "Draco Meteor, Garchomp!" Garchomp unleashed a sphere of draconic energy skyward. It burst into a shower of meteors raining down. As Scizor nimbly dodged, Giovanni called for the final play, "Outrage, now!"

Garchomp charged, fueled by Outrage, just as the meteors fell. Austin was ready. "Strong Style: U-turn!" he instructed. Scizor transformed into a red orb, cutting through the chaos like a comet. It collided with Garchomp, the force sending the dragon staggering, its scales marked but not breached.

As Scizor retreated to its Pokéball, the impact echoed across the rooftop, signaling the end of a fierce exchange.

Austin wasted no time in responding. He swiftly released his next Pokémon, and it landed with a heavy thud in the mud. This was no ordinary Rhydon; its body unnaturally bulky and brimming with raw power to the point cracks formed on its skin. The cracks in its stone-like hide pulsed with a strange lava like glow.

The Rhydon let out a thunderous roar as it landed on the blood-stained rooftop, its huge form reminiscent of a charging Rhyhorn as Rhydon had taken the stance of its previous evolution as opposed to being on two legs.

Giovanni glanced coldly at Garchomp. The aftereffects of Outrage had left it confused, a vulnerability Austin was quick to exploit. "Swords Dance, Rhydon!" he commanded.

In response, Rhydon's immense aura exploded outwards, transforming into shimmering swords that spun around it in a dazzling display. The swords then converged, aligning themselves atop Rhydon's horn. 

Giovanni knew he had to think fast to counter this new threat.

"Garchomp, aim for Rhydon's eyelid, but be careful of the eye!" Giovanni instructed, knowing the eye was protected by a diamond-like layer. His plan was to impair Rhydon's vision, giving Garchomp a strategic advantage.

Garchomp, understanding its trainer's intent, lunged at Rhydon with its menacing claws, skillfully slashing at the eyelid without harming the eye. Blood flowed from the wound, blurring Rhydon's sight and creating the blind spot Giovanni had anticipated.

Garchomp then launched a series of rapid and precise Dragon Claw attacks, each leaving deep marks on Rhydon's tough exterior. Austin, however, only smiled at the close-range combat.

"It's time," Austin said coolly. "Seismic Impact!" Rhydon, combining the powers of Earthquake and Head Smash, unleashed a devastating attack. The ground shook violently, and Garchomp was thrown back like a rag doll, its bones rattling from the sheer force of the impact. 

Garchomp struggled to move, clearly affected by the powerful blow.

Austin capitalized on the moment. 

"Strong Style: Drill Run!" he commanded. Rhydon's aura flared, amplifying the power of Drill Run. Garchomp was hit hard, spiraling into a dangerous death roll. Despite the pain, the dragon-type managed to escape, rolling with the momentum, but not without severe damage. Blood streamed from its reverse scales, a grim testament to its injuries.

Giovanni, desperate to turn the tide, yelled, "Outrage!" Garchomp began to gather a swirling draconic aura, but before it could unleash the attack, Austin interjected.

"Agile Style: Ice Punch!" he commanded. Rhydon delivered a flurry of ice punches, each landing on Garchomp, encasing it in ice. Though frozen, Garchomp's struggle was audible, its body thrashing within the icy confines.

Then, Austin prepared for the final strike. "Tectonic Titan!" Rhydon, channeling all its strength, combined the raw power of Earthquake with an intensified Head Smash. The attack shattered the icy prison, sending Garchomp flying through the air. It landed at Giovanni's feet, a defeated, battered shadow of its former self, its proud form now nothing but a broken and bloodied heap.

Giovanni's gaze was cold and hard as he surveyed Garchomp's extensive injuries. The once-mighty dragon-type lay battered and broken, its scales cracked and bloodied, revealing deep gashes that marred its once-imposing form. Its breathing was labored, each breath a struggle against the pain.

With a decisive, almost mechanical motion, Giovanni reached for Garchomp's Poké Ball. He pressed the button, and in a flash of brilliant red light, the defeated Pokémon was recalled. 

Undeterred, Giovanni reached for another Poké Ball on his belt and threw it decisively into the fray. The ball burst open, revealing Nidoqueen, a large, bipedal Pokémon with a striking blue hue and reptilian characteristics. Its body was armored with hard scales, rising in excitement or defense. Nidoqueen’s blunt snout, narrow brown eyes, and big ears with brown insides were distinct, alongside a small horn on its forehead, a spine on each ear, and a line of toxic spikes along its back. Its hands and feet ended in formidable claws, with its lower jaw and front of its abdomen contrasting in a cream color.

Giovanni, sensing the need for a strategic move, commanded, "Nidoqueen, use Attract!" The Nidoqueen cast a captivating gaze towards Rhydon, which instantly seemed mesmerized, its defenses lowered.

Seizing the moment, Giovanni ordered, "Focus Punch, aim for the horn!" Nidoqueen's fist radiated with energy as she charged at Rhydon, her punch aimed squarely at its horn. The strike resonated powerfully, but Rhydon, snapping out of its daze, was quick to retaliate.

As Rhydon prepared to unleash its attack, Giovanni quickly analyzed the situation. "Rocky Rampage!" Austin's command echoed. Rhydon charged, combining the raw power of Stomping Tantrum with the piercing force of Megahorn.

Giovanni observed closely. The way Austin commanded Rhydon, it was clear he aimed for a direct, power-driven confrontation. Giovanni understood that this tactic was designed to draw Nidoqueen into a slugfest – a type of battle where Rhydon, with its sheer physical strength and endurance, held the advantage. If it continued this way, Nidoqueen would likely lose.

Realizing the trap laid out by Austin, Giovanni countered strategically.

"Dodge and use Earth Power!" Nidoqueen evaded the incoming attack, her feet slamming into the mud, sending a surge of earthen energy towards Rhydon.

Austin wasn't done yet. 

"Drill Quake!" he shouted. Rhydon executed Drill Run combined with Earthquake, creating a piercing force that rippled across the rooftop, aiming to destabilize Nidoqueen.

Giovanni, however, had anticipated this. "Nidoqueen, jump and use Body Slam!" Nidoqueen leapt high, avoiding the ground-shaking attack, and descended upon Rhydon with her full weight.

Rhydon swiftly dodged.

"Nidoqueen, Poison Sting followed by Superpower!" he commanded. Nidoqueen swiftly launched her poison-laced sting, then charged with a powerful Superpower.

Austin was quick to respond. "Rhydon, counter with Horn Attack and Rock Blast!" he instructed. 

As Rhydon unleashed its Rock Blast, the sharp stones flew towards Nidoqueen, neutralizing her poison sting. Austin then commanded, "Horn Attack, now!" Rhydon readied its horn and charged.

Nidoqueen, responding to Giovanni's call, prepared to strike. "Counter with a Power Punch!" Giovanni yelled. Nidoqueen growled, her fist glowing with power as she faced the oncoming Rhydon.

In a moment of high tension, Nidoqueen's fist collided with Rhydon's horn. There was a resounding boom, and the force of the impact threw both Pokémon back.

Giovanni, seizing the moment, commanded, "Hyper Beam, Nidoqueen!" Nidoqueen, summoning all her energy, unleashed a tremendous beam of power aimed directly at Rhydon.

Austin, ready with a counter, shouted, "Drill Quake!" Rhydon, combining the piercing power of Drill Run with the seismic force of Earthquake, charged forward. The Drill Quake tore through the Hyper Beam, and in a moment of intense energy, Rhydon and Nidoqueen were almost face-to-face.

Giovanni spotted an opening. "Focus Punch, now!" he yelled. Nidoqueen's fist, charged with a radiant energy, jabbed forward in a precise, powerful motion. She struck Rhydon's horn with her Focus Punch.

The collision was monumental, the impact sending shockwaves through Rhydon's solid form. The force of the blow reverberated across the battlefield, showcasing the immense power of Nidoqueen's attack.

The force of the blow was so strong that it broke Rhydon's horn clean off, causing it to reel in pain. The vibrations rattled its brain, causing it to stumble and lose its balance. Rhydon's eyes rolled back, and its massive body swayed unsteadily before finally crashing onto the rooftop, unconscious from the overwhelming force of the attack.

Giovanni couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph as he saw the indifferent look on as Austin recalled Rhydon back into its Poké Ball, a small smirk appeared on his face.

"Well done," Austin said coolly, "You managed to defeat my weakest Pokémon."


[Omake Paragraph]

Although Blaziken are unable to fly, this has not stopped them from preying on the food sources of their flying ancestors: small birds such as Taillow and flying bugs such as Beautifly. It is their method for doing so which is most remarkable: rather than climbing trees to prey on nests or relying on ranged attacks to hit these inevitably distant targets, Blaziken jump high enough into the air to knock out their foes in mid-flight!

This is not the only use for a Blaziken's remarkable jumping ability. In the old days, they were used as a measuring stick for religious buildings in Hoenn, whose builders often tried in vain to create structures so tall no earthly creature (which in this case meant a Blaziken) could jump over them, which was thought to honor the gods. In time, theologians solved this problem by declaring Blaziken not earthly creatures, but a type of bird, because of their avian roots: although Machop can clear some small skyscrapers even today, they were (and remain) far weaker jumpers.

Today, Blaziken are often found jumping from rooftop to rooftop in contests of agility hosted in major cities. These contests are not especially profitable, and most trainers view them more as a training exercise than a sport in their own right, for Blaziken depend on their control of their jumping in combat. It does maintain a small following of avid fans, however, and has often been used as inspiration for exciting chase scenes in film and levels for platform video games alike.

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