Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.434 Judgement

As the intense light from the collision of Solar Beam and Aeroblast gradually died down, the battlefield above Saffron City transformed. In a surprising turn of events, Mewtwo, with a mere snap of its fingers, teleported everyone back to the safety of the rooftop. Giovanni, watching the result, was visibly shocked, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Thu-Fi-Zer, a fusion of demi gods. 

The Pokemon he had planned as the Trump card against people like Lance, Steven, Red was on the rooftop blood flowed from giant wounds across its body, starkly contrasting its previously formidable presence. 

Meanwhile, Charmeleon, which had been in the direct line of Thu-Fi-Zer's devastating attack, had narrowly escaped the same fate. Thanks to Musharna's quick thinking, it had been saved by a Trick Room teleport at the very last second. 

Austin glanced at Mewtwo, his eyes reflecting a mix of relief and determination. "I think this is over," he stated, a subtle hint of triumph in his voice.

Giovanni, still reeling from the turn of events, felt a sudden chill run down his spine. His confusion was evident as he looked up, his eyes widening at the sight of a massive swirl of thunder clouds accumulating overhead. The air was thick with electricity, the energy almost palpable.

"What is that?" Giovanni exclaimed, his voice laced with a mix of awe and fear, as he sensed the enormous power building within the clouds.

Mewtwo, standing beside Austin, gave a knowing smirk. "Yes, I think it's time to finish this battle," it declared confidently, its voice echoing with a sense of finality.

In the next moment, both Giovanni and Austin found themselves enveloped in psychic bubbles, lifting them off the rooftop and into the air. Austin, seizing the opportunity, quickly recalled his Pokémon, from the injured Charmeleon to Musharna, who had played their parts in the battle.

"You guys did amazing," Austin whispered to his Poké Balls, his voice filled with gratitude and pride for his team's valiant efforts.

Hovering above the almost destroyed rooftop, Lucario faced Mewtwo with a defiant stance. Mewtwo, exuding an aura of superiority, regarded Lucario with an almost mocking curiosity.

"Should I assist you, or simply leave you to your fate?" Mewtwo mused aloud, its tone dripping with condescension. "Such are the dilemmas of a god. To intervene or not in the mortal coil."

Lucario, unphased and oozing sarcasm, retorted, "Oh, if you're still debating your godhood at this point, you're not as divine as you think."

Mewtwo's eyes narrowed, and a sly smile crept across its face. "Ah, in my infinite wisdom and boundless magnificence, I have graciously decided to withhold my mercy from such an unworthy being as yourself," it proclaimed with an air of arrogance.

Lucario, still trapped in the psychic bubble, glanced upward, unfazed. "Please, spare me the theatrics. You lack the power to save me even if you wanted to."

Mewtwo, reveling in its perceived superiority, responded with grandiose flair, "Observe and tremble, mere mortal, as I demonstrate the true extent of my power, a spectacle beyond your wildest comprehension."

Austin, watching from the sidelines, could only sweat drop at the surreal exchange. He had just witnessed Lucario, with nothing but his sharp wit, completely bamboozle Mewtwo, arguably the most powerful creature he knew. 

Giovanni, witnessing the exchange between Mewtwo and Lucario, stood in disbelief, his mind racing to make sense of the unfolding events. He was struggling to comprehend how Mewtwo, a Pokémon he thought he understood, had developed such a complex and independent personality. "When did Mewtwo start acting on its own? When did it become acquainted with Ash Ketchum?" he wondered, his thoughts swirling with confusion and disbelief. "Where did it all go wrong?"

His internal turmoil was interrupted by a voice, clear and resonant, cutting through the chaos. "The moment you became boring to me," the voice declared. Giovanni's eyes darted upward, and he saw Mewtwo, its hands orchestrating movements as if conducting an unseen orchestra.

As Mewtwo's hands waved, a surge of psychic energy radiated across Saffron City. The entire city seemed to pulse with this energy, visible waves of power flowing through the streets and buildings, encapsulating the city in a psychic force field. It was as if Mewtwo was reinforcing the very essence of the city, altering reality with its immense psychic abilities.

Giovanni stood, transfixed by the display of power, his mind grappling with the realization that Mewtwo had transcended beyond his control, beyond his understanding. It was a sobering moment for him, a stark revelation of how much had changed and how little he truly knew about the enigmatic creature he once thought he could command.


The sky above Saffron City transformed into a canvas of raw elemental fury. Lightning, like veins of pure energy, branched across the heavens, converging towards a singular point with a mesmerizing, ominous beauty. The entire city, held in a state of suspended anticipation, watched as the storm clouds churned and swirled, a maelstrom of electric power gathering above them.

Then, in a moment that seemed both an eternity and an instant, the heavens unleashed their wrath. A colossal pillar of lightning, akin to the mythical hammer of Thor, struck down upon the city. It was a spectacle of raw, unbridled power, a force of nature in its most primal and terrifying form. The bolt was gargantuan, dwarfing the tallest structures of the city, a blinding column of white-hot electricity that illuminated every corner of Saffron City with an eerie, otherworldly light.

The air around the lightning's path ionized instantly, creating a deafening thunderclap that echoed like the roar of a thousand beasts. The sound was overwhelming, a sonic boom that reverberated through the streets and buildings, shaking the very foundations of the city. The atmosphere itself seemed to warp and twist around the immense energy of the strike, the heat and light warping the air and creating rippling shockwaves visible to the naked eye.

As the lightning struck Silph Co and Thu-Fi-Zur, the effects were cataclysmic. The bolt's energy, concentrated in a singular, devastating burst, atomized the building and the creature in an instant. It was as if a miniature sun had descended upon them, an inferno of electric fire that vaporized matter in a fraction of a second. The intense heat and light of the lightning were akin to the core of an atomic explosion, radiating outwards in a blinding flash that turned night into day.

The sheer power of the bolt was enough to pulverize concrete and steel, reducing them to dust and scattering them into the wind. The air around the impact site superheated, expanding rapidly and creating a shockwave that rippled outward. Windows shattered, and car alarms were triggered blocks away, the force of the blast felt throughout the city.

Yet, miraculously, the rest of Saffron City remained unscathed. Mewtwo's psychic energy enveloped the city like a protective dome, an invisible barrier that held back the destructive force of the lightning. The energy field absorbed the shockwaves, the heat, and the electromagnetic pulse that radiated from the epicenter of the strike. Without this shield, Saffron City would have been reduced to ashes, a victim of the unleashed elemental fury.

In the aftermath, a stunned silence fell over Saffron City. Where Silph Co once stood, there was now only a smoldering crater, a testament to the terrifying power of nature harnessed and unleashed. The sky gradually cleared, the storm clouds dissipating as if in reverence to the power that had been displayed. 


[ Saffron City - Mansion ]

Bill stood poised in front of the intricate machine, his hand hovering over a critical button, ready to initiate the final phase of their daring plan. The tension in the room was palpable, a mixture of hope and apprehension filling the air. Dr. Akihabara, standing beside him, voiced the concern that was on everyone's mind. "Will we be safe?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mix of scientific curiosity and underlying fear.

Bill, with a resolute expression, replied confidently, "Yes." 

Akihabara was , however , sceptical as he said,"But, this will concentrate everything into a single point. Can Pikachu even handle it?" His gaze shifted to the small, determined figure of Pikachu, encased in the heart of the machine.

Dr. Akihabara's brows furrowed in worry. "I trust Austin to know what he is doing," Bill said firmly, almost as if trying to convince himself as much as Akihabara.

The machine that housed Pikachu was a marvel of technology, its surface alive with pulsating lights and the hum of energy. Inside, Pikachu was surrounded by a vibrant, electrifying aura. The air around him crackled with raw power, and occasional sparks danced across the confines of his container, illuminating his determined expression. It was a sight that was both awe-inspiring and intimidating, a testament to the potential of the experiment and the risks involved.

Akihabara, still not entirely convinced, wanted to protest further but chose to remain silent, recognizing the critical moment they were in. He resignedly sat down, his eyes fixed on Pikachu, whose electrifying presence was the focal point of their hopes. The room was filled with a sense of momentous anticipation, everyone present aware that they were on the brink of something extraordinary.


Austin gazed down at the injured Thu-Fi-Zur, his expression softened with a sense of pity. The creature, a fusion of legendary might, now lay weakened, a shadow of its former self. It was clear to Austin that Thu-Fi-Zur was a victim of circumstances beyond its control, a pawn in a game of power and ambition. 

As he hovered in the psychic bubble, a faint whisper reached his ears, barely audible over the hum of the city's psychic energy. "Pl-Please..." The voice was weak, strained with pain. Austin's eyes focused intently on Thu-Fi-Zur. "Please... End... My... Suffering."

Understanding and resolve washed over Austin. He nodded solemnly and took out his phone. "Bill, initiate it," he said into the device.

"Got it," came Bill's crisp reply. 

In moments, the storm clouds above Saffron City crackled with an intense accumulation of electricity. The sky turned a blinding white, illuminating the city in an eerie glow. The smell of ozone permeated the air, a tangible reminder of the impending climax.

People across the city, from frightened children to battle-hardened trainers, paused and looked skyward, captivated by the spectacle unfolding above them. The usual sounds of the city seemed to fade away, replaced by the crackling energy amassing in the clouds.

Austin, his voice resonant and clear, broke the tense silence. "Begone with the clap of thunder," he commanded.

His words seemed to resonate with the energy in the sky, a moment suspended in time before the inevitable release. 


[Omake Paragraph ] 

Many travelers to the land of Hoenn encounter the sight of a Wurmple rearing up to shoot poison at a Swellow, and presume it to be no different than a Weedle doing likewise against a Pidgeotto: a desperate attempt to scare off a predator, or at least use its poison to avenge its own death. This understanding is completely backwards: although poison does slowly damage a Swellow, it makes it twice as strong in combat. Were a Swellow to eat a Wurmple, they would find that although their digestive system can handle them, they give so little nutrition that they are not worth the effort they take to find. The reason Wurmple shoot their barbs at Swellow is not self-defense, but a tribute paid in poison: many Swellow will stay still and absorb waves of attack until they are properly poisoned, then fly off and use their newfound power to pursue larger prey.

Wurmple venom is so weak that it takes days to wound any living thing. It evolved precisely to maximize the power of Swellow by tricking their bodies into fighting like their life depended on it while doing little actual damage. Those Wurmple whose venom is most effective find Swellow warning off the local predators with threats of eating them, and gain experience each time they return for their aid. It is these Wurmple who typically survive to evolve into Silcoon or Cascoon, because practicing on Swellow is the only way for Wurmple to grow their skill without being knocked out or eaten.

When Wurmple evolve, their venom becomes too dangerous, so Swellow carry them into the safest treetops they can find as a reward for their service. Eventually, they become Beautifly or Dustox and lay countless eggs: the cycle begins anew.

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