Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.435 Closure

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Inside the heart of the machine, Pikachu was intensely focused, feeling the spread of his control over magnetism radiating throughout the entire Kanto region. His mind was a whirlwind of concentration and resolve as he began the monumental task of moving everything towards Saffron City. It was an effort that required every ounce of his strength and willpower.

This is it. I have to use everything I've got, Pikachu thought determinedly. He could feel the Light Orb, nestled deep within him, resonate and pulsate with the immense power coursing through his body. It was a sensation both exhilarating and daunting, as if he was tapping into the very essence of his own being.

The Light Orb... it's amplifying everything. I can do this. For Austin, for everyone, Pikachu's inner voice rallied, pushing him to his limits.

As he exerted himself, pushing out all the energy he could muster, Pikachu felt the Light Orb reaching its breaking point. It's too much, but I can't stop now. I have to do this. For the greater good. For all of us.

With a final, monumental effort, the Light Orb shattered inside him, releasing a torrent of power unlike anything he had ever experienced. The release was overwhelming, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still, enveloped in a silent burst of energy.

As the machine's container opened, alarm bells rang out, signaling the end of the operation. Pikachu, drained beyond measure, stumbled out. His eyes and nose were bleeding, a physical testament to the ordeal he had just endured.

Bill caught him just in time, concern etched on his face. "Pika," Pikachu managed to utter weakly, looking up at him.

"Yes, you did it," Bill reassured him, a mix of awe and relief in his voice.

"Pika," Pikachu repeated, his voice barely a whisper.

"We? Yeah, we all did it," Bill agreed, understanding the unspoken sentiment.

A small, tired smile graced Pikachu's face as he succumbed to exhaustion. In his last conscious thought before drifting into sleep, he dreamt of a large bucket of ice-cream mixed with ketchup – a peculiar yet comforting reward for a job well done.

[ Author Note: Comment if you think, Pikachu should get a bucket of ice-cream and ketchup ]


In the aftermath of the cataclysmic event, Saffron City was engulfed in a haunting silence. The once bustling metropolis had come to a standstill, its citizens struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what had just transpired. At the epicenter of the devastation, a vast, melted crater marked the spot where Silph Co once stood, a stark reminder of the unleashed power that had obliterated the building.

In the sky above, Mewtwo hovered, a figure of immense power and now, vulnerability. Its arms trembled, a physical manifestation of the strain it had endured. As Mewtwo gazed upon the city below, it took in the chaos – the relentless sound of car alarms, the myriad of shattered windows, and an unsettling realization that the thunderous roar of the lightning strike had caused widespread hearing damage.

"Guess, a god can bleed," Lucario remarked mockingly, watching Mewtwo closely.

Mewtwo, momentarily puzzled, followed Lucario's gaze. Austin, with a subtle gesture, pointed to his own face, indicating something amiss with Mewtwo's appearance. Mewtwo raised a hand to its face and felt it – blood. It was a startling revelation for a being of such power, a tangible sign of the immense physical toll the effort had taken on it.

As Mewtwo contemplated the consequences of its actions, it couldn't help but ponder the alternative – what if it had been directly struck by the lightning? The thought was both intriguing and unsettling.

Meanwhile, Giovanni, still caught in the shock of the moment, stood paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the gaping void where Silph Co had stood. His mind was a whirlwind of disbelief, fear, and realization of the immense power that had just been demonstrated.

Without warning, Mewtwo snapped its fingers, and in an instant, Giovanni vanished. It was a swift, decisive action, one that spoke of Mewtwo's authority and ability to alter the course of events with a mere gesture. Giovanni's disappearance from the scene was as sudden as it was enigmatic, leaving those present to ponder the implications of Mewtwo's actions.

"So, what's going to happen to him?" Austin asked, his gaze fixed on the spot where Giovanni had vanished.

Mewtwo responded cryptically, "A child doesn't need to know."

"Really?" Austin questioned, his eyebrow arching in skepticism.

"Of course, how can a god be wrong?" Mewtwo retorted with a touch of arrogance.

"You do realize that you were the one who presented me with Raticate's corpse," Austin pointed out, a somber note in his voice as he recalled the tragic event that had cemented their mutual enmity.

Mewtwo paused, a flicker of recollection crossing its features. "Oh, yeah," it conceded, its tone less assured.

"So, what are your plans for Giovanni?" Austin pressed on, his determination to understand Mewtwo's intentions clear in his voice.

"A broken toy must be discarded," Mewtwo replied, its voice carrying a sinister undertone.

Austin nodded, absorbing the information. He then posed another question, "So are you going to discard me once you lose interest in me?"

Mewtwo responded with a sarcastic smirk, "My my, are you giving up already? Have you finally given up after seeing the might of a god and decided to join my side?"

Austin scoffed at the suggestion. "Our ultimate battle is still a year away, Mewtwo!"

"I look forward to it," Mewtwo declared, a hint of genuine anticipation in its voice.

In a sudden display of power, Mewtwo outstretched its hand, causing the ashes of Thu-Fi-Zur to rise up and transform into a dagger, which it then handed to Austin.

Austin examined the dagger, confusion evident on his face. "You wanted my help with that thing, right? Stab it with this, and that thing will return back to normal," Mewtwo explained.

Austin's eyes widened as he sensed the intense aura emanating from the dagger. Despite his reservations, he knew Mewtwo wouldn't lie about this. "Thanks," he said, taking the dagger.

Suddenly, the sounds of police cars, helicopters, and flying Pokémon approached rapidly. "Till next time, Ash... No, Austin," Mewtwo said before teleporting away.

With a quick nod to Kadabra, Austin was enveloped in a swirl of psychic energy and teleported away. He reappeared in the open garden of a large mansion, where his friends and allies were waiting for him. The garden was a serene oasis, a stark contrast to the chaos they had just endured.

Green, Yellow, Bill, and Dr. Akihabara stood among the blooming flowers and lush greenery, their faces a mixture of exhaustion and relief. As Austin materialized, their expressions brightened, welcoming him back.

Austin smiled at everyone, feeling a sense of camaraderie and accomplishment. At that moment, Pikachu, despite being visibly injured and exhausted, mustered the strength to stand up. With a burst of affectionate energy, he ran towards Austin. Austin, seeing his faithful partner, bent down and scooped Pikachu into a warm, grateful hug.

Suddenly, there was a soft 'ping' sound. All around Austin, his Pokémon burst out of their Poké Balls, each one showing signs of the day's hard-fought battles. Despite their injuries and fatigue, there was a sense of pride and determination in their stance.

Yellow and Green approached, releasing their own Pokémon, joining the reunion. The garden was now filled with a diverse array of Pokémon, each one a testament to the bravery and strength of their trainers.

Austin, overwhelmed with emotion, looked around at everyone – his friends, his Pokémon, the allies who had stood by him. "We did it!" he exclaimed, his voice breaking with emotion.

A cheer erupted among the group, and despite their injuries, they embraced each other, sharing in the victory they had achieved together. Pikachu, ever the spirited companion, leaped into the air, joining in the celebration.

Green and Yellow then moved closer to Austin, joining him in a heartfelt hug. The warmth of their embrace was a comforting end to the harrowing ordeal they had all faced.

For a few seconds, Austin stood still, holding Green and Yellow in his arms. He gazed upon the setting sun, its rays casting a golden hue over the garden. He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the day's events finally settling on his shoulders.

"A lot has happened, Raticate," Austin began, his voice filled with emotion. "I remember the day they took you from me, the pain, the anger. It changed everything. But today, I've destroyed Team Rocket. They'll never hurt anyone again, like they did to us, to you. Your death wasn't in vain, my friend. Rest in peace."

As he spoke these words, a sense of closure washed over him. The setting sun seemed to acknowledge his sentiment, its warm glow a silent witness to the end of a long journey and the beginning of a new chapter. Austin, surrounded by his friends and Pokémon, felt a sense of peace, knowing that Raticate's memory would live on in their victory.


[ Author Note: Comment your thoughts below about what you thought of the Team rocket saga ? ] 


[ Omake Paragraph ] 

Unlike Metapod and Kakuna who sit immobile and helpless in trees, their only defense a hard shell which can be broken by most pokemon given sufficient persistence, Silcoon are capable of escaping from battle. They rarely run from pokemon trainers, for they prefer the safety of a pokeball to the danger of the wilderness, yet the danger which they fear does not come from other pokemon.

The silk bodies which Silcoon possess are thought to be an adaptation to make themselves as unappetizing as possible, for in this phase these pokemon have no natural predators. Yet silk's usage in comfortable clothing has made them an alluring target for Man; they were once so commonly hunted for it that it is from Silcoon that silk gets its name. Early artifacts show Silcoon as ovals, noticably lacking the few stray strands so common in modern depictions. From the late Heian period until the early Sengoku era, there is no evidence of a single Beautifly in all of Hoenn; the only Silcoon were unfortunate Wurmple born of Dustox mothers, and they were soon harvested by hunters.

Modern Silcoon survived not because of evolution, but because of a technique whose development is still too far in its infancy for them to use it in battle, although Cascoon have mirrored it in shape as a delivery method for Poison Sting. By spinning threads together, they learned to create an ever-shifting number of spiky silk limbs, which modern Silcoon use to swing across branches and run along the ground to escape danger. Their evasive skill is an even match for human ingenuity, for although Silcoon hunters are as numerous as ever, Silcoon are once again as numerous as Cascoon in the wild; the hunters are no more dangerous than Cascoon's natural predators.

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