Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.436 Aftermath part 1

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[ Johto Region - Mount Silver ] 

The sun had just begun to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows on the quiet streets of a small town nestled at the base of Mount Silver in Johto. The idyllic community was a picturesque example of serenity, with quaint homes and lush gardens dotting the landscape. As the day waned, the townspeople retired to their cozy abodes, leaving the streets almost deserted.

Nestled among the charming storefronts, a tiny bar served as a refuge for those seeking respite from the day's toils. Behind the counter, a bored bartender named Max absentmindedly polished the glasses, his stout build and thick mustache giving him an air of authority despite his young age. Max sighed, convinced that it was going to be another uneventful day. He absentmindedly flipped through the channels on the TV mounted on the wall, hoping to find something to pass the time.

As Max settled on a rerun of an old sitcom, the door to the bar creaked open. He glanced up and began to greet the newcomer when he suddenly froze, his eyes locking with those of a disheveled man who stood in the doorway. The man's tattered clothes hung loosely on his thin frame, and his unkempt beard bore witness to months, if not years, of neglect. Despite his disarray, the man's piercing orange eyes seemed to stare straight into Max's soul. A belt of first-generation Pokeballs hung at the man's waist, giving the bartender pause.

"What can I get you?" Max asked cautiously, trying to hide his unease. The man pointed at the TV, and Max hesitated before responding. "You'll need to buy something if you want to use the TV." The stranger rummaged through his pockets and produced a few solid gold coins, placing them on the counter. Max's eyes widened, but he nodded and handed the man the remote.

As the man began flicking through channels, he landed on a news coverage from Kanto, where Sabrina said a sentence that made the man pause as if he wasn't expecting such words.

[ Team rocket has fallen ]

Max, sensing an opportunity for conversation, asked, "What can I get you to drink?"

The man pointed towards the water as the bar tender saw this large wound across the man's neck as if it was slashed open.

Max nodded and fetched the water, trying to make small talk as he handed it over. "So, what's your name, stranger?"

The man hesitated, as if searching his memory for the answer. Finally, he wrote down the words, "Red ... Red Ketchum."


People all over Kanto were glued to their screens as they heard the breaking news, a story that would forever alter the landscape of their world. The screen flickered to life, showing the familiar logo of Channel 6 Kanto News before transitioning to the poised figure of the reporter.

Diana Bell, known for her striking presence with sharp, angular features and her hair styled in a sleek bob, looked into the camera with an intensity that commanded attention. The backdrop was the bustling streets of Cerulean City, with the channel's logo emblazoned in the corner of the screen.

"Good evening, Kanto," Diana began, her voice resonating with a mix of gravity and excitement. "Our region stands at the precipice of a monumental shift. In an unprecedented turn of events, the notorious Team Rocket has been dismantled!"

The screen briefly cut to footage of Team Rocket bases, now in ruins, with officers rounding up members in droves. Diana continued, her words laced with dramatic flair. "Ninety-nine percent of its members have been apprehended, facing trials that promise to be the most sensational this region has ever seen."

The imagery shifted again, showing the Pokémon League headquarters, where disgruntled officials were being escorted out amid a sea of paparazzi. "Corruption has permeated the very core of our Pokémon League," Diana intoned. "Our trusted institution now under scrutiny for its dark dealings with Silph Co."

Footage of Silph Co.'s headquarters, once a beacon of innovation, now showed protesters outside its doors, their signs a blur of anger and betrayal. "The esteemed company faces its darkest hour," Diana said, "as revelations of its shady dealings with Team Rocket send shockwaves through the business world."

The scene on the screen changed to various locations across Kanto, where rallies and protests had erupted. People from all walks of life, trainers and non-trainers alike, united in their outcry against the broken trust. "The trust in our Pokémon League is shattered," Diana declared. "Citizens across Kanto are demanding accountability and reform!"

The camera returned to Diana, her expression a mix of solemnity and intrigue. "And at the center of this maelstrom," she continued, "is a mysterious figure, a man who single-handedly exposed the corruption, toppled Team Rocket, and is now nothing short of a legend."

A shadowy figure appeared on the screen, his identity obscured, but his impact unmistakable. "This enigmatic hero, known only to us as 'Ashura,' has changed the face of Kanto forever. His leaks to the league led to the destruction of Team Rocket and the unveiling of a network of corruption so vast, it has left our region reeling."

The camera zoomed in on Diana, her eyes reflecting the seriousness of her report. "The leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni, is missing. His empire crumbled, his whereabouts a mystery that continues to baffle authorities."

Diana paused, allowing the weight of her words to sink in. "Tonight, Kanto grapples with a new reality. The fall of Team Rocket, the upheaval in our Pokémon League, and the rise of a figure who has become a symbol of justice and truth."

As the report neared its end, Diana looked directly into the camera, her voice firm. "This is a story of betrayal, courage, and change. Kanto will never be the same again. I'm Diana Bell, Channel 6 Kanto News, reporting from the heart of a region reborn."

The screen faded to the Channel 6 logo, and Green, with a flick of the remote, switched off the TV. She turned towards Austin, who lay sprawled on the couch, half-smiling despite his exhaustion. Yellow was beside him, her hands glowing as she applied her healing powers.

"Ashura, huh?" Green mused, looking down at Austin with a smirk. "I guess you've got yourself a new nickname."

Austin raised an eyebrow, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Great, just what I needed. Another name to add to my 'mysterious hero' business card."

Yellow, focusing on her healing, chided him without looking up. "Stop moving, will you? I'm trying to fix you, not play whack-a-mole."

Austin grumbled but stayed still, shooting a mock glare at Yellow. "Sorry, I forgot we're in Yellow's Pokémon Center. How about a lollipop after the treatment, Doctor Yellow?"

Green chuckled, shaking her head. "You'd probably prefer a rare candy, wouldn't you, Austin? Speed up the healing and all that?"

Yellow, finally looking up, added with a playful tone, "Only if he promises not to run off and battle another evil organization right away."

Austin, with feigned indignation, replied, "What can I say? I live for the thrill. Plus, who else will save Kanto from its daily dose of villainy and corruption?"

"The same person who seems to attract trouble like a Magnemite to a power plant," Green quipped, crossing her arms.

Austin smirked. "I'd say more like a Pikachu to a thunderstorm. Electrifying and unstoppable."

Yellow sighed, her tone light but firm. "Well, this Pikachu better stay put for now. The only storm you're facing is the storm of my healing powers."

Green laughed. "Sounds like a storm he can't dodge. Better brace yourself, Ashura."

Austin, finally relaxing under Yellow's healing touch, grinned. "Bracing for impact. But hey, if this is what it takes to be a hero, I might just start enjoying these little 'healing storms.'"

Green leaned forward, her curiosity evident. "So, what's next, Ashura?"

Before Austin could respond, Bill entered the room, his expression a blend of concern and professionalism. "Rest and relaxation," he announced, setting down his medical kit.

"Oh, Bill, are you done with the check-up?" Green asked, her eyes following Bill's every move.

"Yes," Bill replied, flipping open a notepad filled with notes. "Well, Austin, ready for the medical rundown?"

Austin nodded, bracing himself. "Lay it on me, doc."

Bill began, his tone serious. "Your Scizor's armor is broken. It needs to molt and create a new one. I'll send you a list of nutrient-rich foods to aid the process. Absolutely no battling or training for a month."

Austin frowned, concern etching his features. "Understood. What about the others?"

"Chansey," Bill continued, "requires a few weeks of rest and a course of anti-inflammatory medication, like Meloxicam, for her bladder, which was stressed from steroid use."

"Poor Chansey." Yellow said.

"Aerodactyl's wing muscles are torn; it needs a protein-rich diet and pain relief medication."

Green winced sympathetically. "That's rough."

Bill nodded, then looked at his notes. "Rhydon needs to shed its rock skin. You'll need a Pokémon Dermatologist for that. And Gengar... its miasma has diminished. It's in a dormant state now."

Austin raised an eyebrow. "Is it okay?"

"Perfectly normal under the circumstances. Pidgeot, however, needs to see a physiotherapist for muscle rehabilitation. Its flight muscles are severely damaged."

Austin's jaw tightened, his concern growing with each update.

"And Charmeleon," Bill added, "will need physiotherapy and surgeries for its claws due to ligament and tendon damage and scale grafting near its back"

Austin took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Shedinja's fine, though," Bill offered, trying to lighten the mood. "And Arbok... well, we need to milk it to alleviate the excess production of venom caused by steroids in its sacks."

Austin let out a heavy sigh, each piece of news weighing on him.

Bill paused, then added, "About Pikachu..."

Austin straightened up. "Tell me."

"Pikachu's cheek coils are fried; it needs charge therapy. And the Light Orb... it's shattered. We'll need to perform surgery to remove the shards from its chest."

Austin's eyes widened in alarm.

"But there's good news," Bill reassured. "Pikachu can now evolve into Raichu. However, any physical strain could be dangerous due to the orb's proximity to its heart."

Austin took a deep breath, trying to process everything. "What do I need to do?"

"For now, just relax. I've contacted specialists for each Pokémon. Dr. Akihabara has checked the others; they have minor injuries but will recover."

"Thanks, Bill."

Bill nodded. "Anything else you need?"

Austin sighed in relief, a weight lifted off his shoulders.

"Bill, can I talk to you?" Austin asked, his tone serious.

"Sure," Bill said, gesturing towards the door.

"No, I trust Green and Yellow," Austin insisted, his gaze shifting to his friends.

Green and Yellow blushed at the trust Austin placed in them, while Bill nodded, understanding the gravity of the conversation.

"Okay, Romeo, what do you want to talk about?" Bill asked, ready to delve into whatever was weighing on Austin's mind.

[ Author Note: What do you think Austin wants to talk about with Bill ? ]


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Although they belong to neither of the two types, steel and dark, which have so often confounded and developed our understanding of the elements, there is no pokemon more associated with alchemists than the Beautifly. Unlike most pokemon, whose attacks are developed entirely internally, a Beautifly's thorax is so small and fragile that attacks from Stun Spore to Bug Buzz are produced in plain view on their multicolored yet semi-transparent wings.

Many an alchemist has spent their life studying Beautifly in the hope of infinite wealth by discovering the secret of how to turn Silver Wind into silver coins or simply pure, solid silver. Although they failed to even teach this pokemon Pay Day, they discovered a great deal about how pokemon attacks worked. Although these moves have never been taught to other pokemon, they first learned how to mix Beautifly's status powders such as Stun Spore and Sleep Powder for themselves, and were employed by bodyguards and assassins for their mastery of these chemicals. The first Move Tutors in Hoenn are descended from Beautifly alchemists, although the two groups diverged in the centuries when alchemy became impossible after Silcoon were hunted to virtual extinction for their silk. When Beautifly spread their wings again across Hoenn's skies, a more scientific age developed the first technical machines in Hoenn (and arguably in all the pokemon world) from attacks such as Attract and Giga Drain. However, because Hoenn's numbering system is not based on discovery date, but on alphabetical order in Hoenn's ancient script, these techniques are actually numbered fairly high in the TM registry.

Ironically, this science sparked by Beautifly's wings has been of little use to them in combat; their best attacks, Quiver Dance and Bug Buzz, are learned without any help from the masters of pokemon alchemy and chemistry.

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