Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.446 Jessie and James: A Forged Family

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[ 10 Years Before Present Day ] 

Winter had come to Viridian City, turning everything white with snow. The city, usually busy, now looked like a scene from a fairy tale under the night sky. Bright lights wrapped around buildings, making shadows dance on the snowy streets. The air was filled with the smells of hot cocoa and the sounds of people having fun, along with the occasional jingle of bells from a sleigh.

In the alleys, a thin Meowth appeared. He was a shadow of what he used to be. His coat wasn't shiny anymore, and his green eyes seemed desperate. He walked carefully towards a rich-looking woman.

Mrs. Lockwood was known for her wealth. She wore a fur coat and a fancy hat with a sparkling brooch. Her blonde hair was styled perfectly, and she looked like someone important.

Meowth purred near her. But she reacted with disgust. "Shoo, you filthy creature!" she yelled, swinging her bag at him. Meowth quickly ran back into the shadows.

Inside, Meowth thought, "Why can't they see I'm just hungry and cold? I don't mean any harm." He missed the days when he was cared for, but now he had to fend for himself. 

In the cold embrace of the alleyway, Meowth huddled against a brick wall, holding onto the meager crumbs of bread he had managed to scavenge. His eyes, now glassy with unshed tears, trailed off into his own world each bite a bitter reminder of his hunger and loneliness. 

His thoughts wandered back to his past decisions, the years he had spent learning the human language in a fruitless attempt to impress Meowzie. 

"If only... if only..." 

The silence of the alley was abruptly shattered by the clatter of trash cans falling over. Two figures emerged from the snowy veil, their shapes blurred in the dim light. One was a boy with a shock of blue hair peeking out from beneath a threadbare beanie - James. His mismatched clothes hung loosely on his thin frame, and his eyes flickered with uncertainty. The other, a girl with a mane of fiery magenta hair, was Jessie. Her patched-up dress bore testament to her tough life, but the spark in her eyes told a tale of unyielding determination.

James looked at Jessie, a crease of worry etched on his face. "Jessie, I'm not sure about this." Jessie, however, flashed him a confident smile, her gaze fixed on the ragged Meowth. 

"Trust me, James." She pointed a gloved finger at Meowth, her declaration echoing in the narrow alley, "Become my Pokémon."

The sudden demand caught Meowth off guard. As he blinked in confusion, Jessie swung a stick at him. His surprise swiftly morphed into anger, and before he knew it, he had let his secret slip, "What da hell was dath for?"

Immediately, Meowth clamped his paws over his mouth. His heart pounded against his rib cage like a trapped Spearow. James and Jessie exchanged a glance, their eyes wide with disbelief before they turned their gaze back to Meowth, shouting in unison, "A talking Pokémon!"

"N-no!" Meowth stuttered, his mind reeling as he searched for an excuse. "I mean, meow, meow!" 

The children weren't buying it.

"Come on, spit it out! You just spoke, didn't you?" 

"You're mistaken, I assure you! Just a... just a weird meow," Meowth argued, backing up with every word he uttered. He could feel the cold brick wall against his fur.

"A talking Pokémon... we're going to be famous..."

Meanwhile, Jessie's eyes lit up with avarice, dollar signs practically dancing in her pupils. 

"You," she began, her voice dripping with greed, "are going to make us a lot of money."

In the back alleys of Viridian City, behind an old restaurant, Jessie and James had built a home from things people threw away. They used wooden boards, old metal sheets, and colorful tarps. It wasn't perfect, but it felt warm and hopeful.

Inside, James was walking back and forth, worried. He looked at Jessie and then at Meowth, who they had tied up. 

 "You're going to work for us," she said, pointing at him. Her eyes showed she meant it.

Meowth didn't say anything. He was hurt, but not scared.

 "Jessie, we should give him some food. He's weak."

"Feed him with what? We hardly have food for ourselves!"

"We could look for food in trash cans." But Jessie didn't like the idea. "In the daytime? We'd get chased away!"

They all went quiet, listening to the snow hitting their roof. 

"We could use our emergency money," she said, looking at a small jar with a little bit of money in it.

"But Jessie," James couldn't believe it. "That's for real emergencies, like if we get sick or something!"

Jessie looked at Meowth. "If we help him now, maybe he can help us make enough money for food. Isn't that worth it?"

James was about to argue, but then Meowth spoke up. "Don't we all need food? So, what's the plan for making money?" 

As dawn broke over Viridian City, the usual quiet was replaced by a growing buzz of anticipation. A crowd had gathered in the city's central square, their eyes focused on two young children - Jessie and James. The duo had promised a spectacle that would forever change the way trainers communicated with their Pokémon, and now, they stood in the heart of the city, eager to prove themselves.

"Ladies and gentlemen, trainers of all ages," Jessie's voice rang out, piercing the morning chill, "Today, we bring you a revolutionary breakthrough - the ability to teach your Pokémon to talk!" 

With a loud whistle, she signaled for Meowth to join them on stage. Meowth's appearance caused a ripple of interest through the crowd, but the real test was yet to come.

Jessie coughed to grab attention, then signaled for Meowth to speak. Meowth, however, found himself paralyzed by stage fright. A sea of faces stared at him, their expectations weighing heavily on his tiny shoulders.

Seeing Meowth's hesitation, James frowned with worry. Jessie slammed her foot down on Meowth's tail, eliciting a yelp of pain from the Pokémon.

"What da hell was that for?!" Meowth screamed in surprise and pain, causing a wave of gasps to surge through the crowd.

As the astonishment turned into chatter, doubts and amazement intermingled among the audience.

"Can it really talk?" 

"Is this some sort of trick?" 

"I've never seen a talking Pokémon before!" 

The collective disbelief was palpable. 

Turning to face the crowd, Meowth mustered his courage. 

"Of course I can talk! Jessie and James ain't lying!" he asserted, silencing the crowd. The quiet was broken when a child asked, "What's my favorite Pokémon?" 

To which Meowth retorted, "How should I know?" 

Questions began to flood in, but overwhelmed, Meowth took a step back. Seizing the opportunity, James swiftly whisked Meowth off the stage.

"We taught Meowth to talk," she proclaimed proudly, "And for just 500 Pokédollars, we can teach your Pokémon too!" 

Later that afternoon, back in their makeshift home, the trio found themselves feasting on pizza - a luxury they hadn't enjoyed in years. Jessie and James thanked Meowth for his cooperation, and he blushed, a hint of pride seeping through his typical bravado.

As they sat around their humble meal, Meowth voiced his curiosity. "What's the plan with all these Pokéballs?" 

Jessie replied, her tone nonchalant, "I know someone who'd buy them off us."

James and Meowth exchanged worried glances. 

"But isn't dat a crime ? Are we going to jail for this?" 

Jessie reassured them, "No, we'll be gone before the end of the month. We're not sticking around long enough to get caught." 

Neither James nor Meowth looked particularly comforted by her words, but they chose to go along with the plan. After all, it was their only ticket out of the harsh life they had been living.

Jessie's destination was an unassuming establishment hidden away in the heart of the city's labyrinthine back-alleys. A quaint pawn shop, marked only by a simple, faded sign that read "Cash for Goods," served as the sanctuary for all things discarded and unwanted. 

Inside the shop, a world of trinkets, relics, and odds-and-ends awaited, presided over by an old man named Cyril. 

As Jessie stepped into the shop, the chime of the doorbell brought Cyril's gaze towards her. "Ah, if it ain't young Jessie," he drawled, his voice rough as gravel. "Come to sell me more stolen wallets, have ya?"

Jessie rolled her eyes, dropping her bag onto the counter with a thud. "Not today, Cyril. I've got something a bit more interesting."

The old man leaned forward, interest piqued. "Oh, is that so?" 

From within the bag, Jessie produced a Pokéball, placing it carefully on the counter. The spherical object glinted under the shop's dim lights, immediately catching Cyril's attention.

"Pokéballs, eh?" he mused aloud, his aged fingers gingerly lifting the item for closer inspection. "Not exactly rare goods, these."

Jessie shook her head, her fiery hair swaying with the motion. "These aren't your average Pokéballs, Cyril," she said, her tone confident. "Trainers paid me 500 Pokédollars each, believing I could teach their Pokémon to talk."

Cyril's chuckle filled the shop, his eyes twinkling with newfound respect. "A clever scheme, lass. And you expect me to find a buyer for these?"

Jessie nodded, her eyes unwavering. "I know you can, Cyril. The real question is, how much will you pay?"

Thus, the intricate dance of negotiation commenced. Cyril started low, offering a price barely higher than the standard rate for Pokéballs. Jessie balked at the offer, countering with a figure three times his. Threats and persuasions, interspersed with the occasional hearty laughter, bounced back and forth as the pair haggled.


As the sun rose and set over Viridian City, the trio found themselves trapped in an exhausting but thrilling cycle. Each day was painstakingly similar to the last, yet unique in its own ways, the promise of a brighter future fueling their tireless efforts.

Morning dew on the grass of Viridian City's park marked the beginning of their routine. Jessie would command the attention of passersby, her enticing words promising an extraordinary spectacle. "Ever wanted your Pokémon to speak your language? Come witness a miracle!" 

James would assist in drawing the crowd, his loyalty unwavering. Meanwhile, Meowth would nervously prepare for his performance, rehearsing lines under his breath.

With the stage set, Meowth would inevitably steal the show, his human-like speech shocking and thrilling spectators. "What's da matter? Never seen a Meowth who can talk?" 

Afternoons were a flurry of activity, counting and recounting the day's earnings, the stack of Pokédollars growing more substantial with each passing day. Jessie would then head out, her bag filled with Pokéballs, only to return later with a weightier bag and a satisfied smile.

"Another successful trade with Cyril?" 

"You bet," Jessie would answer with a grin, tossing the bag onto the pile they'd accumulated.

Days turned into weeks, the constant grind becoming an integral part of their lives. The money stacked up, their dream transitioning from a distant desire to a tangible reality. And then, finally, they had enough.

The moment they stepped foot into the grand lobby of the city center hotel, their breath hitched. The opulence was unlike anything they'd ever seen; plush carpets, crystal chandeliers, and elegant furnishings bore testimony to a world far removed from their experiences.

"Wow, Jessie," James mumbled, eyes wide with awe. "I can't believe we made it."

Jessie nodded. "We did, James. But this... this is just the beginning."


It was a day that began like any other in their newfound routine, but a surprise visit from a flamboyantly dressed, elderly woman soon disrupted the monotony. Madam Rochelle, the epitome of Viridian City's elite class, was a vision in her lavish silk gown. In her company was her extravagant Furfrou.

Rochelle put forth a demand rather than a request. "I've heard of your marvelous skills, teaching Pokémon to talk. I wish for my Furfrou to converse with me."

Jessie, James, and Meowth exchanged swift, nervous glances before Jessie, with her characteristic bravado, assured Rochelle they could indeed assist her cherished Pokémon. Satisfied, Rochelle departed, leaving her Furfrou in their care, with a promise to return the next day.

However, the following morning brought a storm in the form of Madam Rochelle. She burst into their luxurious hotel room, her face pale and distraught, demanding the immediate return of her beloved Furfrou. "I cannot endure another moment without my Furfrou! I demand him back, this instant!"

James tried to mollify her. "Madam Rochelle, we assure you, Furfrou will be back with you by tomorrow."

Their fears began to mount, however, as they sensed the precariousness of their situation, the looming threat of their exposure becoming increasingly evident. And soon enough, their worst fears were realized. Merely hours later, Rochelle returned, the local police force in tow. The elaborate façade they'd constructed crumbled, as they were apprehended, their hidden stash of Pokéballs discovered, and their elaborate ruse unveiled.


In Viridian City, night had come and Jessie, James, and Meowth were in jail. Jessie was crying. "James... Meowth... I'm sorry. It's my fault we're here..."

James tried to comfort her. "We're a team, Jessie. We stick together, right?"

Their talk was cut short when the cell door opened loudly. The police chief came in with someone else - Giovanni.

"These are the ones I told you about, sir," said the chief to Giovanni. 

Then he left them alone in the cell.

Giovanni looked around the cell before he spoke. "I've noticed you three. I have a job for you."

James was curious. "A job?"

"Yes," Giovanni replied. "Join Team Rocket."

Jessie looked at him bravely. "What if we say no?"

Giovanni smiled a little. "Then enjoy your time in this cell. It's not as nice as a hotel."


"We should have said no," Jessie think to myself, looking back. 

After meeting Giovanni, life for James, Meowth, and her changed.

The next few years were tough. They had to either steal Pokémon from trainers or catch wild Pokémon and train them so Team Rocket could sell them. 

The trio did many things for Team Rocket. They even joined Nurse Joy's Medical School to steal Chanseys. They became part of local bike gangs, only to steal their Pokémon later. Stealing was something they had to do, even though they didn't like it.

The truo didn't have any other options. They couldn't leave Team Rocket - they were too powerful in Kanto. All they could do was follow their orders.


[ 10 Years Later ] 

Meowth woke up in a car, confused. Outside, he heard jungle sounds, very different from what he was used to. He saw Jessie and James in front, looking serious. This was not like their usual life with Team Rocket.

"What's goin' on here?" Meowth asked. "Why are we in da jungle? Aren't we supposed to be in Saffron City?"

Jessie and James didn't answer right away. 

Meowth felt uneasy. 

"How long was I asleep? Don't tell me you left the mission. We can't betray Team Rocket."

Finally, Jessie spoke quietly. "I found my mother, Meowth."


[Omake Paragraph]

To the partisans of Kyogre in the great eternal war which literally shapes Hoenn, Wingull is also known as the bird of victory.

Wingull spend their days flying above either the open ocean or those perpertual battlefields between land and sea called beaches. Whenever a wild Wingull is carried inland by wind currents or simply explores too far in that direction, it is almost always shot down and killed by Groudon worshipers, who fear their use in reconnaissance and espionage and despise them for being water pokemon. Team Aqua and its predecessors have historically used Wingull spies, after all, although they were far better trained in stealth than their wild counterparts.

Wingull is called the bird of victory because the only time when they can venture inland unharmed is after the sea triumphs over the land in battle. With no one left who is capable of knocking them out of the skies, their long, white, blue-striped wings take on the character of a flag of triumph, soaring triumphantly over the home of a vanquished foe who can offer no further resistance.

But although pokemon and trainers fighting for Kyogre and Groudon wage war again and again, the sea merely gains or loses territory; it never disappears or becomes strong enough to swallow Hoenn whole. Until the forces of Groudon regroup and rejuvenate, the victorious corsairs loot at will, and none do better than Wingull, the great pirates of the avian world. While whole cities, their armies beaten, move themselves inland to survive, these pokemon take their chance to loot everything from valuable jewels to poke balls in their long beaks. And then the Wingull carry their loot away, either to ransom it back for food or to line their opulent nests, and they wait for water's next conquest.

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