Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.447 Facility A-2

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In the Kanto region, a seemingly peaceful wilderness known as The Morose Mirkwood stands hidden from the world, surrounded by towering ancient trees called "Monarch Firs." 

The Morose Mirkwood used to be a project to save the Monarch Firs, started by Lionel Giovanni. 

Most people thought this was a great idea to protect the old trees.

Unknown to them, the conservation project was actually a cover for Giovanni and Team Rocket's secret activities. They had constructed a hidden facility, deep beneath the forest. 


On a dark and cloudy day, an SUV screeched to a stop at the edge of a foggy forest. The headlights sliced through the mist like ghostly swords. 

Jessie, James, and Meowth got out of the vehicle, their faces set in a mix of nervousness and fear. 

Jessie, wearing a fitted white shirt, black pants, and a bright red trench coat, stared into the forest. Her eyes were like a stormy sea, full of worry. James stood beside her. His deep periwinkle hair fluttered slightly in the cold wind.

"I don't like this place."

Jessie looked around, her face as serious as the dark woods around them. "Yeah, it's as creepy as a gathering of Ghost-type Pokémon."

Meowth, his fur bristling, shivered and quietly agreed.

They walked deeper into the forest, following an old, worn-out map. They arrived at a place surrounded by police tape, marking the scene of a terrible accident - a burnt car. 

"Are we in the right place?" 

Then, a cold voice answered from behind, "Yes, you are." 

Sabrina stepped out from the shadows, her hair moving slightly in the breeze.

Jessie, James, and Meowth tensed up, ready for anything. Sabrina rolled her eyes at their reaction. 

"Relax. Doflamingo sent me."

The mention of Doflamingo made Jessie and James tense up even more, while Meowth let out a sigh, though still uneasy.

Sabrina then showed them a black dagger, which appeared out of nowhere. She threw it to James, who caught it skillfully. The trio looked at the dagger in awe.

"What's this?" 

"It's a dagger," Sabrina replied.

Jessie responded with a hint of sarcasm, "I can see that. But why do we need it?"

"It's a solution," Sabrina answered.

"Solution for what?" 

"Something inside the base," Sabrina said simply.

"Will you help us with it?"

Sabrina shook her head slightly, a mysterious smile on her lips. "Fate doesn't need me. And I don't see my fate aligned with yours."

Confused, Meowth pressed, "What does that mean?"

"It means no," Sabrina replied sharply, and then she disappeared.

A cold wind blew through the trees as Jessie, James, and Meowth looked at each other, realizing the gravity of their task. "Should we even go in?"

Jessie's eyes hardened with. "My mother is in there. I have to go."

James nodded in silent agreement.


As Jessie trudged along the remnants of a path that led deeper into the underground mine, an unnerving feeling of dread was difficult to dismiss. The area was devoid of any life, unsettlingly quiet. The only indication of life was a weak glow emanating from further within the mine.

"No one's around," Meowth observed, "No Pokémon, no humans."

"That's strange," Jessie mused, aware that usually, there'd be wild Pokémon within Meowth's detection range. It was almost as if the mine was holding its breath along with them.

Granted they were alone, Jessie clicked on her flashlight. Its cold beam swayed as she progressed deeper into the mine, where the faint light was coming from.

"Eek, I stepped in something!"

Meowth yelped.

"Huh?" Jessie aimed the flashlight at Meowth. He squinted, shielding his eyes from the bright light. Jessie quickly adjusted the beam.

Meowth's paw was dyed red.

Looking down at his paw with an expression of disgust, he said, "Gross."

Jessie's beam swept across the ground, a large pool of red liquid had spread across the rocky surface, seeping into the cracks and crevices like a dark, sinister lake.

"Dear Mew," Jessie whispered as the beam fell upon the corpse of a Charmander.

"Gah!" Meowth jumped, claws digging into Jessie's leg as he saw the decomposing eye of the Charmander staring back at them.

He clung to Jessie's leg and she felt him trembling, only to realize that the shaking was her own. She was hyperventilating and had trouble keeping herself steady.

Meowth cautiously approached him, then prodded him with a paw. 

"He's not a threat, he's dead."

A small figure lay sprawled mere meters away, the charred skeletal remains of a Charmander buried in the rocky ground. Its tiny, delicate bones were blackened from an intense fire, visibly warped and bloating grotesquely.

Before Jessie could process the horrific sight, a sudden, unexpected explosion erupted from the bloated remains. Jessie and Meowth were showered in an unsettling mix of aged blood and ashes, the blast shocking them into stunned silence.

"Dust!" James pointed at what Jessie had initially thought to be a fallen rock. Reluctantly, she shone the flashlight towards it.

"By the gods..."

The skeletal remains of a human figure, still garbed in the remnants of a scorched lab coat, were propped against the rugged wall of the mine. The hollow emptiness in the abdomen allowed the flashlight's beam to pass eerily through it. 

However, as Jessie's eyes bore into the scene, the fragile structure suddenly crumbled. The skeleton fell to the ground in a disquieting heap and disintegrated before their eyes, transforming into a fine layer of ash that blanketed the ground in a grim reminder of what once was.

"Hmm," Meowth pondered, "Something bad happened here."

No kidding.

As Jessie's trembling light uncovered additional casualties strewn about, a wave of sickness surged within her. The distinct, overpowering scent of metallic blood mixed with decay had a threatening potency, promising to unsettle her stomach. The bodies all bore frightful injuries, deep lacerations or chillingly vacant spaces where flesh and bone should be.

On the verge of losing her composure, Jessie managed to veer to the side, emptying her stomach violently. 

In the midst of her turmoil, a cold realization was forming in her mind. She observed the bodies, their preservation eerily perfect. "The deeper we go into this forsaken place, the fresher these... these remains seem."

"This can't be real."

"It's just like a nightmare or a bad movie."

James' voice was comforting even though he himself was afraid.

 "Don't worry, I'm here with you."

Jessie's attention focused on her friend.

Meowth pointed towards a deep recess within the mine. 

"Look, we found what we came for."

He walked towards the source of the faint light, unperturbed by the carnage around him. Jessie followed suit.

Hidden amidst the rubble and charred remains of the mine, a heavy metal door stood half-open. A small, metallic room was behind it, likely an old storage space repurposed. A luminescent plate fixed to the ceiling gave off a dim, almost eerie, light. It was indeed the source of the light Jessie had seen.

The omnipresent, chilling silence seemed even more profound as Jessie tried to make sense of what lay in front of her.

An elevator.

"Told you," Meowth smirked, "You've found it!"

Jessie just stood there, stupefied. Was this really what they were searching for, the secret lurking beneath the ruins of the old mine? The mine didn't even have another level above or below this one.

It took her a moment to notice the tarnished silver plate affixed to the wall.

She read the engraved words, her voice a mere whisper in the oppressive quiet.

Welcome to:

Team Rocket 

Test Facility A-2


Deep inside the mine, far from where Jessie and James were exploring, a strange and unsettling scene unfolded. In a forgotten room, a Pokémon called Missingno was trapped. It was a mass of jumbled pixels and sounds, a glitched creature that didn't seem to belong in the natural world.

Missingno's shape kept changing, never staying the same for long. It was like a creature in constant pain, unable to find peace. It kept hitting itself against the bars of its cage, making loud, echoing noises that filled the underground tunnels.

Suddenly, Missingno stopped moving. It heard faint voices saying, "Kill me" – the voices of a man, a woman, and a child, filled with pain and despair. The creature seemed to freeze as it heard these words, as if trying to understand them.

In front of Missingno was a heavy steel door, old and worn out. On this door, there was a label that read "Project Eve."

As the voices continued, Missingno made strange, distorted sounds, like a mix of static and garbled noises. It started to move more wildly, as if it was upset or disturbed by the voices.

Even though the room was dark and scary, Missingno stayed by the door, its strange and glitchy form acting as a guard for the secrets hidden behind "Project Eve."


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Pelipper have traversed the North Pole, conquered the tip of Mount Coronet, reached the heart of Orre's desert, and found countless treasures and explored countless inaccessible lands in between. This is not because of any inherent drive these pokemon possess for exploration, but because their unique combination of skills make them the perfect friend of any human explorer who does dream of seeking out the dangerous and unknown.

Like most water-type pokemon, Pelipper generate water within their own bodies, and their large bills allow them to store a much greater volume of it than most of their counterparts. The bill can also be used for scavenging a wide variety of other supplies from timber to iron, a task at which they often continue long beyond when their human companions are exhausted from the effort. They are skilled at preventing exhaustion, for they can learn ice attacks and their large wings make surprisingly good fans. And perhaps most importantly, Pelipper are extremely useful in traversing terrain, for they can both swim and fly and know few obstacles in air or sea, and are large and strong enough to pull equipment and comfortably carry a rider while doing both. And although they can not heal their comrades, their endurance is excellent and like most flying pokemon, they know how to tend to their wounds while roosting.

Explorers are rarely content with a simple race and often attempt to sabotage their rivals. And at both carrying out and preventing sabotage, Pelipper are often dead weight, for a single bolt of thunder from most electric pokemon can leave them unable to battle. Yet even when they seem unconscious to observers, Pelipper can continue to swim and fly, relying on the directions of their trainer to carry them wherever they wish to go.

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