Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.450 Miyamoto’s Past: Team Cipher

[Author's Note: Alright, the next few chapters, like 2 or 3, will be flashbacks. They're about Jessie's mom, Giovanni, Red, and the world war. By the way, Orre is a real region from the games Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, so it's not a fan-made region.]


Miyamoto felt suffering like a relentless storm, constantly battering her fragile world. In her mind, the question lingered: who knew suffering more than children trapped in the ruthless grip of poverty? Unlike adults, armed with choices and strength, children like her were helpless, mere leaves in a tempest of destitution.

The streets of Orre, under the distant rule of the Weimar Republic, were her home - a stark contrast to the grandeur that history books claimed. The adults spoke of a time when Orre was a powerful haven, but Miyamoto's hungry stomach knew better. Her parents were enigmas, their faces and voices long lost to time, leaving her alone at four. Now, at fourteen, while others her age embarked on adventures, she fought a daily battle for survival.

The depression had choked the life out of the region, and the people felt its deathly grip. The economy collapsed, unemployment was rampant, and despair was the daily bread. Even as a child, Miyamoto saw the hopelessness in the eyes of those around her. 

The only time Miyamoto ever felt the satisfaction of a full stomach was during the days of political speeches. She often wondered whether the adults attended these events to listen or merely to eat. But for her, the motivation was clear: the rare chance for a full meal.

On one such day, the atmosphere changed as the crowd around her rose to their feet. They were welcoming the leader of the right-wing extremist party, Team Cipher. The leader, a young man with long sideburns, confidently took the stage. 

His presence commanded attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Orre, thank you for gathering here today. We are at a pivotal moment in our history, a moment that demands our attention and action. For too long, our beloved region has suffered under the ineffective rule of the Weimar Government. This government, which promised prosperity and stability, has led us into an abyss of economic despair and national humiliation.

Consider the Treaty of Versailles, a symbol of our nation's disgrace. This treaty was not just a diplomatic failure; it was a betrayal of every citizen of Orre. It has shackled our economy, crushed our spirit, and tarnished our pride. And who do we have to thank for this? The Weimar Government, whose incompetence and corruption have brought us to our knees.

But it's not just the treaty. Look around you. Look at the state of our streets, our homes, and our people. The once-thriving heart of Orre now barely pulses under the weight of unemployment, poverty, and despair. The government promised change, but what have they delivered? Nothing but empty promises and endless suffering!

And let us not forget the humiliation we have endured on the international stage. Orre, once a proud and respected region, is now a shadow of its former self, a laughingstock in the eyes of the world. The blame lies squarely at the feet of those in power, those who have turned a blind eye to our suffering while lining their pockets with our hard-earned money.

It is time for change! We can no longer sit idly by while our region crumbles and our people suffer. The time for complacency is over! The time for action is now! We must rise up and reclaim our dignity, our pride, and our destiny. We will not be victims of our circumstances; we will be architects of our future!

So I say to you, enough! Enough of the lies, the corruption, and the incompetence! We, the people of Orre, will take back our region from those who have betrayed us. We will build a future where prosperity and dignity are not just dreams, but realities. A future where every citizen of Orre can stand tall and proud. Join me in this fight for our future, for our survival, for Orre!"

Miyamoto, amidst the crowd, felt something she hadn't experienced before. His words, though laced with anger, seemed to offer a glimmer of hope, a promise of change. She pondered over his message, understanding the depth of his criticism of the current government. For the first time, she felt a spark of hope, a belief that perhaps things could be different.

Miyamoto became a steadfast follower of Team Cipher, her attendance at their rallies as constant as a Fearow's flight. The draw was twofold: the promise of food and the allure of their speeches. In the recent months, Team Cipher's influence had surged, buoyed by a platform that preached national revival, a strong stance against outsiders, and a vehement opposition to Communism. Their propaganda, both aggressive and charismatic, magnetized many Orrens, including Miyamoto.

She, along with others, turned a deaf ear to the criticisms lobbed at Team Cipher. Accusations of disillusionment and claims of the party's malevolent nature were met with scorn and disbelief. To Miyamoto, and many like her, Team Cipher embodied a hope for a better future, a stark contrast to the bleakness that had long colored their lives. Despite the growing concerns and warnings from various quarters, their message resonated deeply with her, echoing her own frustrations and desires for change.


"Citizens of Orre, compatriots, and loyal followers, tonight marks the dawn of a new era in our proud and storied land. For too long, we have languished under the yoke of the ineffective and corrupt Weimar Republic, a regime that has betrayed the trust and aspirations of its people. But no longer shall we suffer under this tyranny of incompetence and indecision. Tonight, we take the first decisive step towards our rightful destiny.

We gather here in Munich, not just as an assembly of discontented souls, but as the vanguard of a national revolution. Our movement, led by the indomitable spirit of Team Cipher and supported by esteemed leaders like General Erich Ludendorff, is a beacon of hope and determination. From the heart of Munich, we will march to Berlin, and there we will usher in the downfall of the Weimar Republic.

Our goal is clear and just. We aim to seize control, to dismantle the shackles of a failed democratic system, and to erect in its place a government of strength, unity, and resolve. A government that embodies the true spirit and will of the Orren people. A government that does not cower before foreign powers or bend to the whims of international interests.

Tonight, we reject the chaos and weakness of the past. We reject the humiliation inflicted upon us by the Treaty of Versailles. We reject the economic despair and the social disintegration that have plagued our nation. In their place, we will establish an authoritative regime, one that guarantees order, prosperity, and respect for our great nation.

This is not merely a coup; it is a revolution—a national awakening. We call upon every true son and daughter of Orre to join us in this historic endeavor. Let your voices be heard, let your actions speak of your courage and your commitment to our cause. Together, we will reclaim our dignity, our sovereignty, and our destiny.

Let this night be remembered as the moment when Orre rose from the ashes of despair to grasp its rightful place in the annals of history. We march forward, not just as a party or a movement, but as a united people, ready to build a future that reflects our values, our strength, and our vision.

"Long live Orre! Long live our revolution!"


Miyamoto sat in her prison cell, a faint chuckle escaping her lips. The words of Grand Master Greevil's speech still resonated in her mind, a stark contrast to her current reality. It was ironic, she thought, that her first real involvement with a Pokémon, a Growlithe, had been during a failed coup. She had never imagined such an end to their grand plans.

The coup had been a disaster. 

Team Cipher's leader, Grand Master Greevil, and many of their followers, including herself, were now behind bars. The cost had been high: four of their own lost, along with sixteen policemen. In the quiet of her cell, Miyamoto couldn't help but ponder the gravity of what had transpired.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice. It was one of Team Cipher's higher members, known to all simply as Madame Boss. The recognition in the woman's voice brought a small sense of pride to Miyamoto. "You did good, kid," Madame Boss said. Miyamoto looked up, meeting her gaze. Despite the situation, Madame Boss's smile was reassuring.

"Thank you, Madame Boss," Miyamoto responded, her voice a mix of gratitude and respect. There was something about Madame Boss that inspired confidence, even in a place like this.

Madame Boss's next words were a promise, a beacon of hope in the bleakness of the prison. "Kid, wait a few months before we get out. I promise you, you'll get a life worthy of the loyalty you showed our party." Her words were a lifeline, a future Miyamoto could hold on to.

"Thank you," Miyamoto replied, her voice steadier. 

Miyamoto gazed out of her jail cell, reflecting on the unfolding events outside. Madame Boss's words rang true in her mind. Their leader, Grand Master Greevil, had used his time in jail wisely, penning "Mein Kampf." This book, outlining his ideology and political plans, had become a catalyst, further spreading his ideas.

Outside, the world seemed to be echoing with their cause. Crowds gathered daily around the prison, their chants demanding release of Team Cipher's members. This unwavering support bolstered Miyamoto's belief in their righteous path. She was convinced more than ever that under their leader's guidance, the nation would indeed rise again.

Her faith wasn't misplaced. Soon, both she and Madame Boss were released from prison on the grounds of good behavior. They immediately dove back into spreading Team Cipher's ideology. The economic turmoil of the Great Depression only served to amplify their message, drawing increasing support from a population desperate for change.

Then came the elections. Team Cipher's success was undeniable, sweeping through with a significant margin. Yet, despite their electoral victory, they lacked a majority. Miyamoto watched as conservative politicians, underestimating Greevil's influence, believed they could control him and use his popularity for their own ends. In a twist of political maneuvering, Greevil was appointed Chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg in January, a move orchestrated by the political elites.


[ Reichstag Building ] 

The grand hall was filled with the murmurs and clinks of the political elite, gathered under crystal chandeliers that cast a soft glow over their confident faces. At the heart of the room, a group of influential politicians huddled, their expressions a blend of arrogance and anticipation.

"Have you heard? Greevil's been appointed Chancellor," one of them, a tall man with a hawkish nose, remarked, swirling his wine. "It's like placing a pawn in the hands of a king."

Another, his jowls quivering with suppressed laughter, added, "Indeed. They think they've won, but really, we'll be pulling the strings. Greevil and his Team Cipher are mere tools in our grand design."

A third, with eyes as sharp as his suit, leaned in. "We'll use their popularity to stabilize the country. And when the time is right, we'll discard them, like an old glove."

Their laughter echoed through the hall, a sound as chilling as it was dismissive. Inside, they were convinced of their superiority, seeing the political turmoil as a game they were destined to win. The idea that Greevil or his followers could outmaneuver them seemed ludicrous. In their world, power was a chessboard, and they were the masters, moving each piece with precision and cunning.

"Let them have their moment," the first politician concluded, a smug smile playing on his lips. "In the end, it's we who will shape the future of this nation." Their toast was a silent agreement, a pact among those who believed they controlled the fate of a nation.


Outside the grand hall, under the cover of darkness, Miyamoto and Madame Boss stood with a sense of resolve. The night air was cool, and the distant sounds of laughter from inside the building served as a stark contrast to the gravity of their mission.

"Are you ready?" Madame Boss's voice was firm, yet there was an undercurrent of anticipation.

Miyamoto hesitated, her thoughts a whirlwind of doubt and determination. "Do we have to do this?" she found herself asking, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes, it's for the greater good. With the elites gone, our nation can finally succeed," Madame Boss explained, her tone steady.

Understanding the weight of their actions, Miyamoto nodded. 

She reached for her Poké Ball and released her Arcanine, a magnificent creature that stood by her side. Beside her, Madame Boss released her Magmortar.

Together, Miyamoto and Madame Boss looked towards the building. 

In unison, as if their voices were one, they commanded, "Blast Burn."

The Reichstag Building, once a symbol of political power and prestige, was now engulfed in a raging inferno. The blast burn unleashed by Arcanine and Magmortar transformed the area into a scene reminiscent of a volcanic eruption. Flames, fierce and unrelenting, consumed the structure, their intense heat causing the ground to crack and buckle as if the very earth itself was protesting the violence unleashed upon it.

Miyamoto, standing at a distance, could do nothing but watch in horror as the grand building was devoured by fire. The screams of the political elite trapped inside pierced the night, adding a chilling human element to the fiery spectacle. Their cries for help were swallowed by the roaring flames.

In the midst of the chaos, Miyamoto found herself enveloped in a haunting silence. The screams, the crackling of the fire, the collapsing of the structure, all seemed distant as she grappled with the enormity of their actions. Doubt crept into her mind, casting a shadow over her resolve. 

"Was this really right?" she wondered, her heart heavy with the weight of the decision.

Closing her eyes, she sought to reassure herself, to find solace in the belief that had driven her this far. 

"It's all for the greater good," she repeated to herself, like a mantra. 

"It's all for the greater good." But even as she said it, the screams and the fire continued unabated.


Miyamoto's life took a turn into shadowy realms she never could have foreseen. In the aftermath of the Reichstag Building's burning, Greevil adeptly manipulated the situation, pinning the blame on the communist party. This act of deception marked the beginning of a darker chapter in Miyamoto's life, where she, alongside Madame Boss, operated from the shadows, eliminating any opposition to Team Cipher.

Greevil, seizing the moment, swiftly enacted the Enabling Act, a decree that effectively demolished the democratic framework of the Weimar Republic. This act granted him the power to legislate without the parliament's consent, marking a significant leap towards authoritarian rule. The vestiges of democracy were systematically dismantled, opposition parties were either banned outright or crippled through strategic assassinations.

The establishment of the Gestapo and the expansion of the SS marked a new era of fear and repression. These organizations, notorious for their ruthlessness, became the enforcers of Cipher's policies. Despite the atmosphere of terror they cultivated, Greevil's regime also ushered in reforms that stabilized and empowered the nation. This duality of fear and stability led to a populace that, either out of support or intimidation, largely turned a blind eye to the regime's more draconian measures.

Greevil's ambitions, however, were not confined to internal consolidation of power. He embarked on a path of aggressive territorial expansion. The remilitarization of the Rhineland, the annexation of Austria, and the seizure of Czechoslovakia were precursors to an even more audacious move - the invasion of Johto. 

This act of aggression was the spark that ignited the flames of World War II.


In the dim light of the office building, Miyamoto's gaze fell upon the soldiers below, their faces alight with a mix of excitement and naivety. 

A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she contemplated the grim reality awaiting them – a reality far removed from the glorified image of war they carried in their hearts. "They will all soon experience hell," she whispered to herself.

Miyamoto's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. 

Madame Boss entered, her presence as commanding as ever. 

"Miyamoto, my dear, I have a new assassination mission for you from the Führer," she announced, her voice carrying an unsettling mix of zeal and authority.

Miyamoto turned to face her partner, whose eyes held a gleam of fanaticism. 

"What is it?" she asked, her voice tinged with a weariness born of countless missions and unspoken burdens.

Madame Boss's next words piqued Miyamoto's interest. 

"There is a young trainer on the battlefield in Kanto causing great devastation to our troops."

"One?" Miyamoto questioned, her brow furrowing in intrigue.

"Exactly, some kind of genius trainer," Madame Boss replied.

"And his name?" Miyamoto pressed, sensing the gravity of this new assignment.

"Red... Red Ketchum."


[ Omake Paragraph]

Gardevoir are often called the embrace pokemon, and many are known to be affectionate towards their trainers. This is not the sort of embrace which gives them this title. The embrace which gives Gardevoir their title is a stellar yet terrifying thing, an embrace so tight not even light can escape, an embrace not used on their trainer, but on their trainer's enemies in dire situations: a miniature black hole.

When truly lightless areas were discovered in distant space, they were properly likened to this attack, and humanity wondered how Gardevoir were capable of creating something so similar to a cosmic phenomenon. Some theorized that Ralts themselves were made from the same material as the stars, and that they are somehow able to channel their final phase, a black hole, into an attack once they evolve to their most powerful form. This theory was rejected on the grounds that the Ralts line is psychic-type, not fire-type, but this led to further questions on what precisely is meant by a "psychic" pokemon.

The currently accepted theory of Gardevoir's black hole redefines the psychic type itself, suggesting that "psychic" attacks rely not on control of the enemy's mind, but on the manipulation of light and gravity to confuse and wound the defending pokemon. They no more perform psychic techniques than a street illusionist performs magic, but like them use a variety of expert skills to make people think they can bend the laws of reality. If this is the case, Gardevoir's black hole technique is the ultimate psychic attack, for it relies on command of both gravity and light to create a power so strong it needs no trickery to work, for it can devour all.

Or perhaps there is no black hole to begin with, just one remarkable illusion.

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