Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.451 In those Murky Eyes: Red part 1

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War, a constant in Red Ketchum's life, shaped his world from the start. 

Born during the Great War, a conflict ignited by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Unova, Red's earliest memories were tinted with its chaos. 

This single event spiraled into a larger conflict, pulling in nations like a whirlpool. Unova declared war on Paldea, drawing Orre and Kalos into the fray as allies of the opposing sides. 

The war's reach expanded unpredictably, engulfing neighboring regions. Kanto, situated between the clashing powers, became an unintended battlefield. Despite its neutrality, Kanto couldn't escape the war's grasp as Orre's forces pushed through on their way to Kalos. 


Red Ketchum, a confident six-year-old, stood among his friends in Pallet Town's old army warehouse, their laughter echoing off the walls. 

They were a small band of boys, each with their own Pokemon, gathered in their secret playground.

"Ice Punch, Polwhirl!" Red commanded, his voice filled with the excitement of the battle. His poliwhril obeyed, launching a rapid series of ice punches that froze the opposing raticate.

"That's not fair," complained Jimmy, the owner of the Raticate, as his Pokemon slumped to the ground.

"Not my problem your rat is weak, Jimmy," Red retorted, a hint of cockiness in his tone.

"But it's a top-grade Raticate," Jimmy protested, near tears.

The boys, sitting on crates scattered around the warehouse, couldn't help but laugh. They were young, living in the shadow of the war, but here in their hideout, they found a momentary escape.

"Hey, do you think the adults will scold us if they found out about our Pokemon?" Red asked, his curiosity piqued as he affectionately scratched poliwhril's head.

"Obviously," Jimmy replied, tending to his Raticate with some herbs.

"I have to go. Dad should be back by now!" Red announced, a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Bye, Red! But remember, one of us will dethrone you as the strongest in Pallet Town," the boys called out as Red said his goodbyes.

Leaving the warehouse, Red strolled through the quiet streets of Pallet Town, his mind wandering. The town was simple, a stark contrast to the tales of war and conflict he grew up hearing. Houses with flowered front yards lined the streets, their colors vibrant in the afternoon sun. People greeted each other with smiles, a sense of community strong despite the troubles beyond their borders.

As he walked, Red thought about his father, a soldier who was due to return home. He wondered about the stories his father would share, the tales of distant lands and battles. 

Passing by the local market, the smells of fresh bread and fruits filled the air. Shopkeepers chatted with customers, their conversations light and full of laughter. Red felt a sense of peace here.

Children ran past him, their laughter infectious.

Red burst into his house, excitement bubbling within him. His father, a man weathered by war and now reliant on crutches, welcomed him with a warm, embracing hug.

"Here's my little champion! So, when will you show me your little Pokemon?" his father asked with a teasing smile.

Red flinched, caught off guard. "I-I don't know what you're talking about," he stammered, his cheeks flushing with a mix of guilt and surprise.

"Honey, look at this, our little man has grown up enough to lie to us," his father called out, amusement in his voice.

"Is that so?" his mother chimed in from the kitchen, her tone playful yet curious.

Red, feeling a little embarrassed, mumbled, "It's a Poliwhirl."

"Oh! That's a strong Pokemon," his father remarked, his eyes lighting up. "Why don't we meet it?"

Red, surprised and relieved, asked, "You aren't mad?"

"Why would I be mad?" his father replied gently. "Because the adults say Pokemon are dangerous?" Red added, his voice small.

"Son, anything can be dangerous if used wrongly. Now, why don't you go get your little friend for us to meet?" his father encouraged.

Red's face lit up with a smile. "You're going to love Poli!" he exclaimed. "And you'll see, me and Poli are going to grow up and destroy the Orre's army!"

His father's smile faded at these words, replaced by a serious expression. He placed a firm hand on Red's shoulder. "Boy, remember this: war is only the place where fools go to die. Are you a fool?" he asked sternly.

Red shook his head quickly, a little scared by his father's sudden seriousness.

"So, don't aim for war, son. Always strive for peace. Don't let the battlefield be your grave. Aim for a life surrounded by peace and friends," his father advised, his voice filled with a mix of wisdom and concern.

Red nodded, understanding his father's words. He then ran off to his hideout to fetch his partner, Poliwhirl, his mind racing with thoughts. 


Red returned to the warehouse, expecting to find his friends, but they were gone, leaving only their Pokemon behind. 

"Hey, guys! Just came to grab Poli," he called out to the Pokemon, who greeted him with enthusiasm. Poliwhirl leaped into his arms, and together they headed back to Pallet Town.

As they ran, Red's gaze was drawn upwards by a strange noise. A plane soared overhead, a rare sight. 

"What's that?" he wondered aloud. Suddenly, the plane dropped something, and in a terrifying instant, an explosion rocked Pallet Town. Fear gripped Red's heart; his mind raced with worry and confusion.

Panic-stricken, he sprinted towards his home, Poliwhirl following close behind. The explosion's echo still thundered in his ears as he ran, his heart pounding. 

"Mom! Dad!" he thought frantically, hoping against hope they were safe.

As he neared his home, the sight that met his eyes was devastating. Where once stood the familiar, cozy houses of Pallet Town, now lay only destruction. Buildings were reduced to rubble, smoke billowed into the sky, and the air was filled with the smell of burning and the cries of the injured and distraught.

Red's feet slowed as he approached the remains of what used to be his home. All that was left was a heap of broken bricks and charred wood. 

"Mom! Dad!" he screamed, his voice choked with tears. 

He tried to move the rubble with his small hands, but he lacked the strength. Poliwhirl stood beside him, equally helpless, sharing in his trainer's shock and despair.

Pallet Town, once a haven of peace and simplicity, was now a scene of chaos and sorrow, destroyed by bombings from the Orre region. 


Night fell over the remains of Pallet Town, now a landscape of destruction and despair. Samuel Oak, accompanied by his Alakazam, navigated through the ruins, helping those in need. Amidst the rubble, he paused, his gaze landing on a heart-wrenching sight.

A young boy, only six, sat amidst the chaos. Red's eyes, once full of life and mischief, were now clouded with shock and stained with tears.

 Clutched in his hands was a burnt trainer's cap, which belonged to his father. Beside him, his loyal Poliwhirl stood, sharing in his sorrow.

Oak noticed the boy's hands, burned and tender, and approached with a gentle concern. "What do I do now?" Red asked, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with a profound sense of loss.

"What do you want to do?" Oak replied, his voice steady, offering a beacon of hope in the darkness.

"I want peace. I want to end this war," Red answered, his words echoing his late father's wisdom, a resolve forming in his young heart.

Oak smiled, a mix of sadness and admiration in his expression. "Come with me, then!" he offered, extending a hand to the young boy.


The war's tide turned when Orre invaded Kalos. Galar allied with Kalos, and together with Kanto's entry into the war, they fought back against Orre. The Western Front was locked in a deadly stalemate, with trench warfare causing many deaths but little change in territory. Then, Paldea's government fell, and its new leaders made peace with Orre, leaving the war. Kanto's involvement brought more soldiers and resources to their side, tipping the balance. Finally, after a series of defeats, Orre and its allies, Unova and other eastern empires, collapsed. The war ended with a truce signed at Compiègne and the Treaty of Versailles, which punished Orre with heavy costs and land losses. This war changed the world, redrawing country borders and setting up the League of Nations, but also laid the groundwork for another war due to the tough conditions imposed on Orre.


[Omake Paragraph]

Unlike the overwhelming majority of water pokemon, Surskit are incapable of swimming; instead, they walk along the water's surface. Although a single Surskit can not carry a passenger, two can be strapped to human feet like skates and ridden atop the surface of the water. Learning to ride successfully requires intense training on the part of both Surskit and their rider, for it depends upon all three reading one another perfectly and learning perfect balance; the rider on their small, round, swiftly-moving Surskit, the Surskit on the water despite the heavy, slowly shifting weight of a trainer.

We know this fact not because of some elaborate research, but because a sport played on Surskit is often known as Hoenn's national pastime, although in this age pokemon battles and contests are far more popular. The sport originated as a religious ritual where certain neutral communities would decide who to support in the continual war by inviting a champion from each side who would attempt to guide a live Seedot into the mouth of either a Pelipper or a Gligar, representing Kyogre and Groudon respectively. Both targets would move around a cube of air high in the sky ringed by tree branches and try to catch the Seedot like a goalkeeper in reverse. Holding the ball was illegal, but everything else was fair game, even jumping, although this was only used for scoring opportunities, as landing would usually throw the rider off their pokemon.

In later years, as the game lost its military-religious significance, any pokemon capable of flight could become the goal. Often, trainers would continue to use their champion Surskit in this manner when they evolved into Masquerain. Live Seedot have been replaced with rounded poffins as the people lost their appetite for bloodlust, but the game continues on.

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