Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.463 Yellow’s Help part 1

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Yellow was wrapped in a cloak of confusion and worry. 

They had beaten Team Rocket, saved Kanto, and even gotten justice for Raticate, but a heavy thought weighed on her heart—why was Austin stuck in the same place? 

Why wasn't he trying to reconnect with Misty and Brock?

The answer was as quiet as it was heartbreaking—Austin was still hurting.

Every day, Yellow could sense, with her powers, that the shadows of his pain growing darker, a silent storm waiting to burst inside him. 

She tried talking to him, trying to close the distance with words, but he'd dodge with a "Let's wait" or "Now's not the right time," all the while smiling a smile that never quite touched his eyes. 

Yellow saw through it; Austin wasn't just avoiding going back to the past—he was running from it.

Beating Team Rocket didn't heal him like he hoped. 

The victory only cooled his anger and sadness for a bit, but those feelings were always there, ready to flare up again. 

The fight was over, but inside Austin, there was still a war going on, his heart scarred from battles unseen.

Austin dealt with his inner chaos by diving into work. 

He lost himself in new projects, business deals, and cutting-edge tech. 

But his drive wasn't about wanting to achieve more; it was a way to hide his pain. Even though he had more money than he could ever need, it wasn't a lack of wealth that bothered him—it was a lack of peace.

Yellow wished more than anything to bring Austin peace. 

But her powers could only heal the body. The wounds Austin had were in his mind and soul, hidden far too deep for her to reach.

Night after night, Yellow cried quietly, her tears a silent sign of how powerless she felt. How could she help Austin heal when he was fighting against shadows that only he could see?


[ Afternoon ]

Austin stepped outside with a heavy sigh, muttering to himself, "I can't believe I'm actually doing this." 

Around him, his Pokémon were busy with their own activities. 

Primeape was showing off, doing pushups with Wartortle, Ninjask, and Musharna piling on his back for extra weight. 

Nearby, Lucario snoozed peacefully, with Dragonair coiled around him in front of the window, both enjoying a lazy afternoon nap.

Above, Pidgeot and Fearow soared through the air, narrowly dodging the Draco Meteors that Chameleon lobbed at them in a playful training exercise. 

Amidst this lively scene, Austin turned as his partner, Pikachu, leaped onto his shoulder, giving him a friendly nuzzle that came with a slight electric buzz. 

"Pika!" Pikachu greeted, electricity crackling softly.

Gathering his courage, Austin amplified his voice with aura, calling out to his Pokémon team. 

"Guys and Gals, I need your help?" He caught everyone's attention, all eyes turning towards him with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

Austin took a moment, feeling the weight of their gazes before announcing, "I'm thinking of creating an entertainment industry, and I want our logo to be based on a Pokémon. So, let's have a meeting. Yay!" 

He attempted to inject enthusiasm into his voice, but it fell flat. 

The Pokémon, accustomed to battles and adventure, seemed uninterested in settling down for a calm discussion about logos and entertainment ventures.

"Count me out," Lucario stated bluntly, already turning away to resume his nap.

Not one to give up easily, Austin played his trump card, waving a bag of chocolates in the air. "

Count me in," Lucario changed his tune immediately, his previous disinterest forgotten at the promise of a sweet treat.

"Come on, just relax a little. I got snacks," Austin tried to coax his Pokémon with a hint of desperation in his voice. The Pokémon exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them. They all sensed something off about their trainer. Just a month earlier, Austin was the kind of trainer who pushed them to their limits in training, often until they were too exhausted to stand. Yet now, it seemed like he'd rather do anything but train.

It was a bit sad, really, that Austin felt he needed to resort to snacks just to get his team to listen. 

The sight of their once fearless leader trying to bribe them with treats was both amusing and a little disheartening.

Despite the change in their trainer's demeanor, there was an unspoken agreement among the Pokémon. 

This wasn't the leader they knew—the one they'd follow into any battle without hesitation. 

Yet, deep down, they harbored hope. 

Surely, the old Austin, the one who trained fiercely and led with conviction, would make a comeback... right?


Yellow woke up feeling cozy, surrounded by Pokémon plushies, her own Pokémon sleeping quietly nearby. She stretched and went downstairs for some water, expecting a quiet morning. Instead, she found Austin and his Pokémon in the middle of a loud debate around a whiteboard that read "Pikachu Logo." The Pokémon were making all sorts of noises, each one seeming to argue why they should be the logo for Austin's new project.

Alfred, the ever-helpful butler, gave Yellow a glass of water just as she liked. "Miss Yellow, here you go," he said with a gentle smile.

"What's happening?" Yellow asked, puzzled by the noisy scene.

"Master Austin is trying to pick a logo for his new company," Alfred explained, pointing towards the commotion. "It's proving to be quite a challenge. Everyone has their own strong opinions."

"Hmm," Yellow hummed, watching Austin with a thoughtful look as she drank her water. After she finished, Alfred took the glass, trying to stay positive. "At least Master Austin seems to be enjoying himself," he said, hoping to lighten the mood.

Yellow, however, wasn't convinced. "He's not really happy, just distracted," she said quietly, her concern growing. She could sense it, the hidden sadness in Austin's heart that no amount of busy planning could hide.


Charmeleon stamped his foot down with a dramatic flair, declaring himself the strongest and therefore the rightful choice for the logo. The room erupted with snorts of disbelief.

"Pipe down, you overgrown freak of nature," Lucario retorted, unimpressed by the fiery display.

"Fear! Fearow," Fearow chimed in, confident in his own strength, only to be met with laughter from Scizor, who playfully jabbed Fearow to emphasize his point.

Pikachu, not to be outdone, prepared a Thunderbolt, his cheeks glowing ominously with stored electricity, ready to prove his might.

"Seriously, I asked you all for help, not for a fight," Austin interjected, trying to calm the storm of competitive energy.

Then Gengar stood up, causing an immediate drop in temperature. 


"Explain," Austin commanded, his eyes glowing red with curiosity.

Gengar gestured for Musharna to assist, and through Musharna's telepathic abilities, proposed, "Let's make Raticate the logo. Entertainment means joy; let her memory be joy."

The suggestion caught everyone off guard. Gengar, known for his pranks and not-so-sweet nature, was advocating for something genuinely heartfelt. Austin was torn, unsure whether this was the right way to honor Raticate's memory.

Amidst this heartfelt moment, a glass smashed, snapping everyone's attention to Yellow, who stood with swirling eyes before suddenly dashing towards the bathroom.

"I think Yellow has explosive diarrhea," Kadabra announced.

"Very explosive diarrhea."


Yellow rushed to the bathroom, overwhelmed by the wave of emotions she sensed from Austin. 

Her abilities allowed her to feel others' emotions, but she was still learning to understand them fully. 

She believed Austin was masking his true feelings, but what she didn't realize was that emotions could be complex and fleeting. Austin had been dealing with anger and despair for months, yet it wasn't as simple as hiding behind a facade of normalcy. And while Yellow's intuition about Austin needing help was accurate, deciphering the depth of his struggles was another matter entirely.

Inside the bathroom, Yellow found herself alone, her reflection in the mirror a testament to her inner conflict. She splashed water on her face, but it did little to quell the turmoil inside her. Staring back at her was someone filled with turmoil and a feeling of helplessness.

"Austin always has a plan, he's the leader," she whispered to herself, the words echoing off the walls. "What can I do to help him?" She pondered deeply. Austin had always been the one to rescue others, the beacon of strength in times of trouble. The thought that he might need saving was a realization that shook her to her core as she didn't know if she could save him.

"I—I—I can't save him," she admitted, feeling overwhelmed by her inability to help the one person who had always seemed unshakeable. The realization that even the strongest among us can be vulnerable, that heroes too need saving, was a heavy burden to bear.

Yellow was caught in a vortex of doubt and fear, her own sense of powerlessness threatening to engulf her. Austin, her rock, was showing cracks in his armor, revealing that he too was human, capable of pain and in need of support.

"He's always been the hero, but even heroes need saving," she reflected, her heart heavy with the wish to be the one who could offer him solace.

Just as despair threatened to take hold, a familiar presence filled the room, pulling Yellow back from the brink. She looked up sharply, her eyes widening in recognition and relief.

Green was back.


Yellow was lost in her thoughts, her gaze distant as Austin and Green engaged in conversation. The sounds around her faded into a blur until her name pierced the fog.


Jolted back to reality, she noticed everyone's eyes on her, filled with concern. "Something wrong?" Austin's voice carried a note of worry, pulling at her heartstrings.

"Worry about yourself for once," she thought bitterly but couldn't bring herself to voice the words. Instead, she diverted her attention to her food, aimlessly pushing it around on her plate.

"Can I get dessert early?" she asked, seeking any excuse to break the tension.

Austin's face lit up with a gentle smile. "Of course, Al—" he began but was quickly interrupted.

"Can you bring it?" Yellow interjected, her request halting Austin in his tracks.

"Of course."

With Austin gone, Yellow turned to Green and the others, the weight of her concern heavy in her voice. 

"Austin isn't fine," she declared.

Pikachu, busy with his ketchup-covered mashed potatoes, paused to nod in agreement.

"He's just a kid inside, not knowing how to deal with his pain," Lucario added thoughtfully. "He saved everyone, but that didn't heal the wound. Maybe time will heal him."

Kadabra, ever the source of unconventional ideas, suggested, "I say we hire a hooker." The room fell silent, Green's death glare silencing Kadabra before confusion ensued.

"What's a hooker?" Yellow asked innocently.

Musharna, sensing the need to preserve Yellow's innocence, telepathically replied, "It's someone who plays with hooks."

"Is that right?" Yellow pressed, still unsure.

"Yes," Green quickly confirmed, steering the conversation away from dangerous waters.

"How are hooks going to help him?" Yellow's frustration bubbled over, her fork slamming down as she took everyone by surprise. The usually gentle and sleepy girl was now taking charge, her concern for Austin morphing into action.

"Do you have a plan?" Green asked, sensing the shift in Yellow's demeanor.

Yellow paused, her expression clearly showing her discomfort with the idea. With a heavy sigh, as if the words were being pulled from her against her will, she finally said, "Cynthia."


[ Omake Paragraph]

A Loudred's earsplitting cry is so loud that even the sturdiest of poke balls can do little to block the noise. Most Loudred trainers wear earplugs when in the presence of their pokemon to avoid going deaf, but this does nothing to reduce their impact on others. Even towns which give wide tolerance for loud noises often ban Loudred from entering the municipal limits, and those which allow them to enter typically have strict restriction of how long they can stay. Although large cities, more accustomed to loud noises, typically allow passing trainers to seek medical attention or a gym match, Loudred are still usually forbidden for residents and their trainers only allowed to stay for a few days.

Taken together, these restrictions mean that the most difficult thing about training Loudred is finding somewhere to put them. Trainers currently on a League challenge face less difficulty than most, especially if they travel without human companions who would complain about the noise. This is why many Loudred trainers become perpetual wanderers, calling nowhere home and challenging region after region with their pokemon. A few leave their Loudred in forests or tall grass far from civilization, often with some identifying mark to show it is a domestic pokemon. But most refuse this option, fearing both predators and that their Loudred would be mistaken for wild and caught by another trainer; either a well-meaning one making a genuine mistake, or an unscrupulous thief searching for a powerful pokemon.

Others try more inventive solutions. Many of the greats in the field of architectural acoustics were known to have trained Loudred, and they learned and discovered much about how sound worked in buildings in order to soften their pokemon's call and let their neighbors sleep in peace!

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