Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.464 Yellow’s Help part 2

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It was night at Austin's mansion, and Yellow was sneaking around in a pink bunny jumpsuit, an unusual choice for a stealth mission. 

She was followed by her loyal Dodrio and Kitty, the alpha Beedrill, who seemed just as determined as she was.

In a coordinated move, Beedrill gently grabbed Yellow and lifted her up to the balcony, where she spotted Austin sleeping peacefully. 

Tiptoeing closer, she whispered, "Gengar, do your thing?"

Out of the shadows, Austin's Gengar appeared, mysteriously pulling out a stick of TNT and placing it into the keyhole of the balcony door, then lighting it with a flicker of ghostly energy. 

Yellow watched, initially nodding in approval, until she realized what Gengar had actually done. 

Her eyes widened in horror as she frantically tried to snuff out the fuse, but to no avail.

Bracing herself for an explosion, Yellow jumped back, covering her ears. 

But instead of a bang, there was silence. Turning around, she saw the "TNT" was actually just a candle, designed to look like dynamite. Gengar was floating nearby, silently laughing at her reaction.

Yellow glared at the mischievous ghost, who seemed to enjoy the prank a little too much. Exasperated, she pulled out her Pokéball to give to Gengar so she could slide the Pokeball into Austin's room and the could use Oddish's razor leaf to cut the lock. Gengar, however, just looked at it and tossed it away dismissively out of the balcony.

Yellow's heart sank, fearing for her Oddish's Pokéball, but sighed in relief when Kitty skillfully caught it mid-air.

Before Yellow could scold Gengar further, she noticed her hairpin was missing. 

She watched, half-annoyed, half-impressed, as Gengar used the hairpin to expertly pick the lock on the window. 

Once the window was open, Gengar turned to Yellow, giving her a triumphant thumbs up. Yellow couldn't help but glare back, though there was a reluctant appreciation in her eyes for Gengar's unconventional methods.

The sound of a snore made Yellow nearly jump out of her skin. 

"I didn't know Austin snored," she thought, a bit startled, as Kitty the Beedrill gently carried her over to Austin's desk. 

Just then, the door swung open, causing everyone to freeze in place.

Green strolled in, rolling her eyes at the sight before her. 

Without hesitation, she walked over to the sleeping Austin and sprayed something in his face. 

"What are you doing?" Yellow whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

"Chloroform," Green replied nonchalantly, holding up the can for Yellow to see.

Yellow stared at her with a deadpan expression, slightly horrified. 

"Now, find the PokéNav," Green instructed, casually rifling through Austin's wallet, which was stuffed with an assortment of debit and credit cards.

Glancing at Austin, who remained blissfully unaware of the intrusion, Green commented, "Looks like you're getting better at this."

"Shssh," Yellow hissed, even though Green pointed out, "He's been knocked out by chloroform; we can talk normally," as they, along with the Pokémon, quietly exited the room.

"Was all of this necessary?" Green finally asked once they were clear.

"Yes," Yellow stated firmly, removing her pink cap.

"May I ask why?" Green probed, genuinely curious.

"If I have to steal, I'm going to do it the right way," Yellow declared with an odd sense of conviction.

"By wearing a pink jumpsuit with bunny ears?" Green asked, her tone dry and filled with disbelief.

"I like pink," Yellow simply replied, holding onto her style choice as if it were a vital part of the heist's success.

"So?" Lucario asked, standing with the rest of the Pokémon in front of the room, curious about what had transpired inside.

"Wait, why are all standing here?" 

"We were waiting for you to succeed," Lucario explained, making it clear they had been there to support her, albeit from a distance.

"And you didn't help me?" Yellow couldn't help but feel a bit let down, her eyes scanning the group for an answer.

In response, everyone just scratched the back of their heads, mimicking a gesture they had probably picked up from Austin, making Yellow sigh in mild frustration.

"Okay, who knows how to use this thing?" Yellow asked, holding up the PokéNav, unsure of what to do next. 

Before anyone could volunteer, Kadabra swiftly snatched it from her hands, expertly dialed Cynthia's number, and tossed the PokéNav back to Yellow as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"You can continue this sitcom special; I'm going back to dreaming about Lopunny hookers," Kadabra declared nonchalantly before teleporting out of sight, leaving everyone in a stunned silence.

"He must really likes hooks," Yellow commented, misunderstanding Kadabra's words with an innocence that was almost palpable.

"I didn't know Lopunnies had hooks," she added, genuinely puzzled by Kadabra's interest.

At Yellow's remark, everyone just sweat-dropped.

A minute later, the PokéNav's screen flickered to life. "Oh, Austin, finally you called. I thought something happened when you weren't calling. Look, I don't like being just text friends, okay? You have to call me too. Can we talk about your confession?" the voice rang out from the device, with no video feed yet.

"What?!" Yellow couldn't help but scream, her voice filled with shock and a touch of jealousy.

"Hello, who is this?" Cynthia's voice came through, confused by the outburst. Green, quick on her feet, pressed the camera button, revealing Cynthia in her nightgown, midway through her nightly skincare routine.

"What do you mean, confession?!" Yellow couldn't contain her emotions, tears starting to form as everyone around took a collective step back, sensing the tension.

"Yellow, why do you have Austin's PokéNav?" Cynthia asked, trying to piece together the situation.

"Answer the question!" Yellow demanded, her eyes glowing with a mix of anger and curiosity.

The room was thick with anticipation until suddenly, a hand reached out and took the PokéNav from Yellow. Cynthia was now face-to-face with Austin.

"Hey, there, Cynthia. Sorry for not calling; I've been super busy and just couldn't find the time. As for the confession... I don't know what you're talking about," Austin said, trying to play it cool.

Yellow and Green relaxed a bit, their shoulders dropping as the tension eased.

"I was drunk at last month's party, so I might not remember everything... Did I confess to something silly like... I used to wet my bed?" Austin said, his face turning a shade of red, a mix of embarrassment and an attempt to deflect the situation.

Cynthia, however, wasn't convinced. She knew Austin too well. "Austin, call me after this is over, and I mean it. You call me, or I will hunt you down," she half-joked, half-threatened, her tone serious.

"I'll call," Austin promised, closing the PokéNav and turning to face the group.

"Let's talk."


[Omake Paragraph]

Although the word explode does in fact derive from Exploud, it is not because of any ability they have to actually explode. If that were the term's etymology, we would call exploding electroding as in the old Kanto dialect, for those pokemon are most strongly associated with the technique, or any number of other terms for other pokemon capable of learning how to detonate themselves. Instead, we call it exploding, after a pokemon which may not blow itself up, but has the remarkable ability to trigger detonations in others.

Although these pokemon are deaf and have been since birth, this works to their advantage, for Exploud can focus on the vibrations which their sonic attacks create, undisturbed by their actual sound. Unlike their earlier forms who could rely only on speakers and their voice, these pokemon use their numerous pipes to alter the volume and frequency of their calls, and one of the first things they discover is which sounds cause land mines, sticks of dynamite, bombs, or pokemon to explode at their command.

Ever since Exploud were first domesticated, explosives have been a rare weapon in Hoenn, used only for surprise, for they can be disarmed or turned against the user by an enemy pokemon's call. Yet what a surprise it is! A minefield in Hoenn is not an invisible wall, but a trap; soldiers charge across the field without a care in the world, and seconds before reaching the enemy the ground detonates beneath their feet and the whole army is lost! Although Electrode often form the mines in this sort of surprise attack, the pokemon bombs are outshined by bright light and debris and the loud call of "Exploud!" is the last thing any survivors hear before the blast.

This is why it is called exploding.

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