Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.470 Misty and Brock Part 1

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Austin watched as Alfred set down a variety of dishes in front of him.

There was a steaming bowl of miso soup with its soothing, earthy aroma; a platter of sushi, the fish fresh and the rice perfectly seasoned; and a serving of tempura, the batter light and crisp, encasing tender vegetables and shrimp.

This was one area where Austin refused to remain uninformed—the food he ate, especially during his time with Cynthia. 

He had learned that in this world, normal animals did indeed exist, though they were the evolutionary ancestors of species from which Pokémon had arisen. 

The majority of these ancient creatures had gone extinct, unable to compete with the more dominant Pokémon, but humans had domesticated the few that remained, farming them as a source of food. 

Eating Pokémon was generally viewed as wrong, although attitudes varied significantly from region to region.

In some places like Galar, Alola, and Kalos, consuming Pokémon was legal. 

However, in regions like Kanto and Johto, it was either frowned upon or outright illegal. As a result, most people chose vegetarian options or ate meat from normal animals, which was prohibitively expensive for many.

Fortunately for Austin, cost was not a concern. 

He smiled appreciatively as he took a bite of his dinner, savoring the flavors that melded so well on his tongue. 

After a few moments of enjoying his meal, he looked up at Alfred, who was still standing by.

"Alfred, can you sit down for a moment for me?" Austin asked, his tone polite yet firm.

"Yes, sir," Alfred replied.

Austin asked as he took another bite of his dinner, his gaze steady on the elderly butler standing across from him. 

"So how is your granddaughter's treatment going?" 

The old butler looked shell-shocked for a moment, as if caught off guard by the question. 

Austin snorted lightly, pointing his spoon at Alfred in a playful yet pointed manner. "Come on, Alfred, you have been by my side for about a month now. I am sure you know I am not stupid enough to hire someone without doing an extensive background check."

Alfred's features softened into a melancholic smile. 

Even if Austin's actions were wise, it was somewhat sad to see the lengths such a young man would go to ensure his peace of mind. 

But Alfred knew better than to question Austin's thoroughness—or his slight paranoia. 

Not after everything Austin had done for him.

"Alfred, can you do something for me? It's important," Austin said, leaning forward, his voice taking on a serious tone.

"Of course Sir, just say the word."

"No, I am serious. I want you to know that what I am about to ask could make your life very hard," Austin continued, his expression earnest.

"Can I say something, Master Austin?" Alfred interjected. 

Austin gestured with a nod, giving him the floor.

"I am old, I probably have a decade or more to live, and frankly, I am willing to give these last decades of my life to you," Alfred declared, his voice steady despite the heavy emotion behind his words.


"You saved my treasure, my granddaughter. During Team Rocket's attack, my granddaughter was in surgery, and if someone hadn't protected Kanto at that time, I would have lost her. Yesterday, I got a video of my granddaughter being able to walk again. That's all because I could pay for her surgeries," Alfred explained, his voice thick with emotion as he struggled to hold back tears.

Austin just smiled, touched by the confession. 

He had been fully aware of the events Alfred described, yet hearing it directly from someone so deeply affected added a new layer of significance to his actions. 

"Okay, sit down," Austin instructed gently as Alfred complied, settling into a chair across from him. 

Austin then started to unveil the more complex and darker aspects of his operations, including an explanation of what psychic contracts were. 

"This is a lot to take in."

"Don't worry, I am confident I can fling you to the nearest hospital," Austin joked, lightening the mood with a grin. 

Alfred looked surprised for a moment before breaking into a smile, relieved to see that the young man could still find humor and act his age, rather than always being the adult thrust into the world too soon.

"My back really hurts, I think maybe that would help," Alfred joked back, playing along with the lighthearted banter. 

They both giggled, easing some of the tension that the heavy conversation had built.

"What is it that you want me to do for you?" Alfred asked, his tone serious again, ready to discuss the heart of the matter.

"I am going to make a psychic contract between us, and I want you to essentially be the figurehead that deals with the smaller things for my companies. Majority of the big decisions will still be handled by me, but on the smaller scale since I am going back to my travels, I want you to handle things in my place," Austin explained. 

Alfred gulped, the weight of the responsibility sinking in, but he nodded in acceptance. 

"Thank you for agreeing. I know I ask a lot, but I'll make sure you have a team that can help you," Austin assured him.

"Thank you for trusting me with this, Master Austin."


[ Celadon City - Pokemon Centre ] 

Misty looked at the bath she had lovingly prepared for her little Pokémon, Togepi—a small, light-yellow creature with a rounded, egg-shaped body. Its arms and feet were stubby and rounded, and from its head sprouted five crown-like spikes. Its eyes were thin, black ovals, underscored by dark arcs, giving it a perpetually curious expression. 

As Togepi attempted to nibble on a bubble, Misty couldn't help but smile.

Ever since Ash had left, Misty had felt compelled to prove him wrong. 

Determined not to remain the "ugly duckling" among the Sensational Sisters, she had changed her style and attitude. Thankfully, Brock was there to help her realize that seeking approval from others, especially strangers, was futile. 

She had insisted it was all for Ash, but Brock helped her see the truth—they hadn't seen Ash for months.

Gradually, the changes she had made began to peel away, leaving behind only anger and sadness over what had gone wrong during their trip on the SS Anne. 

The group had split unexpectedly that day, leaving Misty to wonder what might have been if they had never gone on that fateful trip.

A knock at the door snapped Misty out of her reverie. 

"It's not locked, Brock, you can come in," she called.

Brock entered, holding several letters in his hand, each more opulent than the last. 

The envelopes were thick, creamy paper, and each seal was embossed with real gold—clearly, no expense had been spared.

"What's that?" Misty asked, pulling Togepi out of the bath as the little Pokémon looked grumpy.

"An invitation from the Battle Chateau," Brock replied, his tone laced with suspicion.

Misty frowned. 

They had attended every Battle Chateau event across Kanto, hoping to catch a glimpse of Ash or Yellow. 

"What do they want?" she asked, placing Togepi back into the water, where it continued to splash about.

"They've invited us as judges," Brock said, but his expression showed he didn't quite believe it. 

There was no precedent for such an invitation from the Battle Chateau.

"It's fake, so why bring it here?" Misty questioned, giving Togepi a light smack as it became too rowdy.

"The material used for this letter is real," Brock explained, holding up the letter for her to see. 

"And they also added a list of contestants." He pointed to one name in particular that caught their attention.

Yellow De Amarillo.


[ Omake Paragraph]

It is said that the four pins in every Delcatty's scarf were accidentally left there by Arceus, who moved onto creating the next pokemon and forgot that they had left Delcatty unfinished. It is for this reason that Delcatty make no nests, but like the great beasts of Johto (albeit without their speed) wander Hoenn in search of whatever Arceus left out.

The journey Delcatty take may superficially mirror that of gods, but Delcatty, unlike gods, can not simply run through any obstacle. Their cute appearance is a double-edged sword, for although it protects them from danger, they are desired as pets by humans and mates by many pokemon, neither role which is very compatible with an endless search. Although they will use their charms so other pokemon can power through obstacles, they rely on their haunting song and trickery to avoid being kept in one place for too long. Even a pokeball can fail to hold them at times; if they think their trainer will impede their search, they do not hesitate to run away. A captured Delcatty, no matter how friendly it seems, is still a wild pokemon at heart.

Yet when their search ends, there are almost as many different answers as there are Delcatty. Perhaps Arceus intended this pokemon to be a second Spinda, clad in countless adornments and purposes unique for its species, each chosen by Arceus at the moment of evolution. But more likely, there is no "true Delcatty" design which their creator had in mind; like Man, the only completeness they can find is what they create for themselves.

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