Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.471 Misty and Brock part 2

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In the afternoon, Misty and Brock reached the Celadon City Game Corner. Just a month ago, it had been exposed as a Team Rocket scam, designed to trap trainers into losing all their money, with Team Rocket's so-called loan sharks offering deceitful help. Today, however, the place had transformed astonishingly, resembling a grand mansion with luxurious decor.

As they entered, a voice greeted them warmly. "Ah, the guests of honor are here."

Turning around, Misty and Brock found themselves facing an elderly man with a neatly trimmed goatee, dressed in an elegant butler's uniform.

"Hennessy?" Misty asked in surprise.

Recognizing the man, Brock stepped forward. "Thank you for inviting us, Mr. Hennessy. We almost thought the invitation was fake, since there are no judges at the battle chateau."

Hennessy chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "Ah, Monsieur Brock and Madame Misty, this is quite a unique occasion. We have orchestrated something très spécial for trainers who couldn't reach the other battle chateaus," he explained in a gentle voice.

With a graceful gesture, he invited them further inside. 

"Please, follow the line of servants. This way, s'il vous plaît," Hennessy continued, maintaining his refined demeanor. "I am quite occupied at the moment, but our maids will elucidate everything."

Without waiting for a response, Hennessy turned and walked away. Brock and Misty exchanged a quick glance before following the maids deeper into the luxurious game corner, curious about what awaited them.

Meanwhile, backstage at the top of the game corner, Hennessy's form suddenly shifted, dissolving into a pinkish goo. Moments later, the goo reshaped into Green as she returned her Ditto to its Pokéball.

"You bought out the game corner, invited those who lost at the battle chateau, and put up all this just to talk to Misty and Brock?" she questioned, eyeing the bustling crowd below.

"I have my reasons," Austin replied, his gaze fixed on the assembling audience.

"And what might those be?" Green asked, settling into a chair and pulling out some cookies she'd pilfered from the dining hall.

"I told them a few things so Misty and Brock wouldn't follow me," Austin explained. "Meeting them by accident seems better than just showing up to apologize."

"Doesn't it all lead to the same outcome? You getting smacked?" Green quipped, a smirk playing on her lips as Austin paused.

"I probably deserve it."

"Well, unless Misty and Brock use their Pokémon, I doubt they'll make you flinch," Green remarked casually, biting into a cookie.

"Green, do you want to travel with us?"

Green quietly continued to eat, seemingly lost in thought. Finally, she set down her cookie and turned to face him.

"Austin, when I was a kid, I was taken from my home to a facility in Johto called the orphanage. There, we were trained relentlessly in the art of battle. My little brother and I managed to escape, but the man who ran that place... he's still out there. I'm sorry, but I can't travel in peace knowing that monster is free."

The room fell into a heavy silence as Austin nodded slowly, his expression solemn.

"The day you decide to confront that man, remember, I'm just a call away."

Green offered a melancholic smile, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. 

"I'm leaving."

"I know," Austin replied, his voice low.

"Of course you do," Green said, her voice barely audible. She walked up to him and leaned her forehead against his back, treating it like a pillar of strength she could always rely on.

"Did you tell Yellow?" 

"No, I'm leaving that to you," Green answered, her voice steady despite the emotion she felt.

"See Alfred when you go. I've made a neo Team Rocket gang in the underworld," Austin revealed, turning to look at her.

"To fill in Team Rocket's vacuum?" Green guessed.

"Yes, and I want you to be the leader. It's a position that would help you oppose the masked man," Austin explained, his eyes searching hers for a reaction.

Green froze, overwhelmed by the gravity of his request and the sincerity in his gaze. "Awe, do you want me to leave so badly?" she teased.

Green was profoundly grateful for everything Austin had done for her. Deep down, she yearned for him to hold her back, to demand that she stay by his side.

"I'll ... No, We'll miss you," Austin said simply, his voice thick with emotion.

Taking a deep breath, Green stepped closer, lifted her hands to his face, and tenderly kissed his cheek. 

Her lips lingered for a moment.

"Goodbye," she whispered, her voice breaking with the weight of her departure.

Those were the last words she uttered before she walked away, her departure silent and swift like a ghost fading into the mist. Austin stood there, stunned, his hand automatically rising to touch the spot on his cheek where her lips had been, the warmth of her goodbye still lingering on his skin.

Misty sat elegantly in her opulent dress, Togepi cheerfully playing with the bow on his head, its chirps filling the air with a joyful melody. 

"This is nice," she commented, her voice carrying a contented hum.

"Yeah," Brock replied, his gaze wandering through the crowd, particularly noting the women present.

Misty shot him a deadpan look, causing Brock to visibly pale as he felt a certain bat Pokémon's Pokéball begin to shake, signaling her displeasure.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our first round will begin!" announced the host, cutting through the bustling chatter of the audience.

Two contestants stepped into the battle hall, and Brock couldn't suppress a chuckle. He recognized one of them as Joshua, the first trainer Yellow had ever battled. Turning to see Misty taking a deep breath, he followed her gaze to the other contestant. 

It was Yellow herself.

Despite her appearance remaining that of the same innocent girl they knew, there was a new air of confidence about her. It was the kind of self-assuredness typically seen in the most formidable of Pokémon League competitors.

"What did you do for all these months?" Brock and Misty wondered in unison, their curiosity piqued as they watched the battle unfold with keen interest.


"Looks like we meet again," Joshua announced, a confident grin spreading across his face.

"Nice to meet you," Yellow responded with a polite smile, though she had absolutely no recollection of who this guy was.

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to give you a swift defeat again," Joshua declared, his tone suggesting a repeat of past events.

"Okay," Yellow replied, giving him a charming eye smile that seemed to unsettle him momentarily.

Joshua blinked in confusion, just as the referee signaled the start of the match. "Hitmonlee, to the battlefield!" he called out.

Hitmonlee, a humanoid Pokémon, took the stage with its ovoid body. It lacked a distinct neck and head, its upper torso only featuring almond-shaped eyes surrounded by black, and it appeared to lack both a nose and mouth. Its primarily brown body was complemented by cream-colored, segmented arms and legs, with three-fingered hands and three-toed, clawed feet. The distinctive circular, yellow pads on its ankles and soles stood out vividly.

"I call on you, Doddy!" Yellow cheered, summoning her Dodrio to the battlefield with enthusiasm.

"Low sweep!" Joshua commanded. Hitmonlee, standing 20 feet away, performed a sweeping motion. To the audience's amazement, the circular yellow pads on its legs stretched out, stretching it across the distance in a flash.

"Go Doddy! Use Falcon's Drop!" Yellow encouraged. At her command, Dodrio vanished in a blur, utilizing Aerial Ace to disappear from sight.

Joshua and Hitmonlee scanned the battlefield, trying to pinpoint where the tri-headed bird might reappear. The crowd began to cheer, their eyes turned upwards. Following their gaze, Joshua spotted Dodrio high above. The bird Pokémon had its wings spread wide, its body enveloped in a blue aura as it hurtled downwards like a meteor.

The impact was thunderous. 

Dodrio slammed into Hitmonlee with such force that the fighting Pokémon was knocked out cold in a single, devastating hit.

Misty and Brock, along with the rest of the audience, watched in stunned silence, their jaws dropping at the unexpected turn of events.

"Yay, you did it, Doddy!" 


[Omake Paragraph]

Pokemon battles are dangerous things, especially in the era before modern medicine. Today, serious injuries are kept to a minimum and deaths are extraordinarily rare, but the very term "pokemon battle" belies its origins as a blood sport. Some of these pokemon accepted their deaths as the inevitable result of facing a much stronger opponent or learned to hate the very concept of battles. But whenever a pokemon goes to the grave believing it would have lived if not for a particular weakness, a Sableye is born.

Sableye are a difficult pokemon to fight against, for not only is there no way to gain a type advantage on them, but their strange, impish form does not offer a single weak spot. Sableye make the first move of every match, because even the fastest pokemon instinctively look for either an opening or an elemental weakness before attacking, yet neither can be found on a Sableye. Therefore, the baffled, indecisive opposing pokemon inevitably freezes in place until either a Sableye's attack or its trainer's tactics begin the match, at which point their retaliatory mechanism takes over.

Once the fight actually starts, however, Sableye lose far more matches than they win. They have devoted their dying wish and their training alike to minimizing weaknesses, but in seeking to cover every weakness, they have forgotten the importance of strength. Although they are not weak against any attack, neither can they shrug them all off; they are merely damaged equally, unlike victorious pokemon and trainers who understand that they can not possibly cover every weakness, merely maximize their own skill and hope for favorable match-ups. Yet Sableye are still prized by trainers, not because they lack weaknesses, but because for an expert tactician, making the first move is the difference between victory and defeat.

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