Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.49 Traps in the Forest

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" Brock, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't have killed you," Austin said as he quickly wiped his eyes. "You just seem to be one of the types to be too stubborn to die."

"Pika Pi!" Pikachu gave a nod in agreement.

On hearing that, Brock gave a short chuckle. "Thanks." He said before pausing. "You know, you talk like you're older than you should be sometimes."

Austin felt his eyes widen as Brock was lost in thought. "Well, I-."

A scream cut them off as they looked ahead to see both Misty and Yellow disappear into the ground.

Both of them ran forward, Pikachu jumping off of his shoulder as they made it to the hole. "Are you two alright?" Brock called into the hole as they saw both girls with pained expressions.

"I'm fine," Yellow said pushing herself up as she righted her straw hat.

Misty however was annoyed. "What's a trap doing here?!"

"This is not our day is it?" Austin asked Pikachu who gave a nod.

"Just get us out," Misty said with both of them reaching in to grab the two.

' We must be getting close to the village.' Austin thought as he could remember the traps.

'Okay… What happened after the pitfall?' Austin asked trying to remember as they continued through the forest.

There was a cracking noise as Misty's foot caught a tree root before a net sprung from underneath them and all four of them were tied together in the net.

"Wha, how did we get in a tree?!" Yellow asked in shock from the speed they were pulled up.

"It's another trap, do something," Misty said as Austin was feeling like a sardine right now.

"Hang on, I'm going to try to get this untied," Austin said as he was refusing to look down again and went to move his hands, but they brushed up against something soft.

"Eep." Yellow's face was crimson red right now as she felt something grab her butt.

"Sorry!" Austin said embarrassed as he wasn't trying to do that, but his hands were stuck there with how everyone was.

"Hang on, I'm going to see if wiggling will get it open," Brock said as he tried to move around in the net, but his foot kicked Austin's chest. "Sorry, Ash!"

"Ow, watch it!"

"Pika Pi!" Pikachu was trying to be peacekeeper as he somehow ended up on Misty's head before they heard a soft growl causing them to look down, Austin paling a bit as he saw how high they were.

Thankfully it was more manageable than when they were on the bridge.

The Bulbasaur from earlier was looking up at them with a satisfied smirk before he walked backward and turned away, disappearing into the woods.

"Man if I could just reach Scyther's Pokeball we would have no trouble," Austin muttered as his hands were stuck. "Pikachu can you get to it?"

"Pika." Pikachu shook his head as he was too far away and the Pokeballs were out of sight, underneath Austin.

"None of us can reach our Pokeballs," Misty said as Yellow was attempting to move to free Austin's hands, trying to get her face to return to the normal color, but her foot went through one part of the net and she landed right on Austin's back, their faces next to each other.

Needless to say, Yellow was too embarrassed to speak as she was now stuck.

"Pikachu, what about using Iron Tail-?" Austin began only for Brock to intervene.

"Bad idea, with all of us, bunched up together, someone would get injured by that," Brock told him as they all sighed.

"Looks like we're stuck up here until whoever put this trap here comes along," Austin said wondering how long it took for the girl in the Village to find them.

"I hope it isn't Team Rocket," Yellow muttered.

It was a bit as they waited, Austin felt his arm go numb from the lack of movement as everyone was uncomfortable and was getting impatient, especially when they saw the sun beginning to set.

"Gah, how long do we have to wait?!" Misty finally yelled before they heard a voice.

"Hello?" They looked down to see a blue-haired young woman wearing a pink shirt and red overalls, her hair was tied into a ponytail with a yellow bow.

Brock's eyes went wide as he began to speak. "Hello, gorgeous-." He was cut off by Misty kicking him in the face.

"Don't even think about it!" She snapped, not wanting him to scare off what could be their only chance to get down.

The girl looked confused, but she was wary as she looked at them. "What is your business here?"

"We're just passing through," Austin spoke up quickly, wanting to get out of the tree. "We're trying to head to Vermillion City."

"Vermillion City is that way a few days away." The girl said pointing in a different direction from where they were going.

"I knew you didn't know where you were going!" Misty shouted at Austin who wanted to glare at her.

"I didn't see you knowing where we were." He muttered before shaking his head. "Thank you, uh… Can you please cut us down, we've been up here for a while."

The girl still looked wary before she gave a nod and undid the rope, causing them to fall to the ground with a surprised yelp.

"Talk about a letdown," Brock muttered in pain as Misty jumped up and began to stretch, happy to be out of the net.

Austin blinked as Yellow wasn't getting off of him. "Yellow?" He began only to see that she fell asleep.

'When did she fall asleep?' Austin asked in confusion as he gave a sigh and shifted a bit to where he didn't wake her as he was able to pull himself up.

"Thank you," Misty said, feeling a lot calmer now that they were free.

"Chu Pika!" Pikachu agreed to jump off of Misty's head and land back on Austin's shoulder as he grinned and rubbed his head.

"It was no problem." The girl said before giving a nod. "I'm Melanie."

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