Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.50 Village Hidden in the Woods

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" Chu Pika!" Pikachu agreed to jump off of Misty's head and land back on Austin's shoulder as he grinned and rubbed his head.

"It was no problem." The girl said before giving a nod. "I'm Melanie."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ash," Austin said holding out a hand as Melanie cautiously took it. 'Wow, she's a lot more cautious than I remember.' "This is Misty, Brock and Yellow."

Melanie looked at each person who gave a wave as the names were said, her lips twitched at the sight of Yellow sleeping before she looked at them.

"Did any of you… Attempt to catch any Pokemon here?" She asked looking at them.

"There was an Oddish down that way that yellow tried," Misty said in confusion. "But a Bulbasaur knocked her Kakuna out."

"I would like to ask that you don't catch any Pokemon here, this forest is a sanctuary for injured Pokemon," Melanie said causing Brock to blink.

"Wait so that Bulbasaur was yours?"

"No, Bulbasaur was a Pokemon I found and nursed to health, since then he took it upon himself to defend the Pokemon in this place," Melanie said causing what happened to sink in with the group as Misty looked guilty about what happened. "So please don't catch any Pokemon while you're in these woods."

"We won't," Austin said with a nod.


Yellow woke up a bit after that and after explaining it to her, the group set up camp in the woods as the Melanie Girl was with them.

Austin knew that the 'sanctuary' that she had should be nearby but it made more sense that Melanie didn't trust them enough to show them the sanctuary.

"So you're like a doctor?" Yellow asked yawning as she stretched her arms.

"Oh no, I'm not qualified to be a Doctor," Melanie said looking bashful, but she had a small smile. "I just try to do my best to take care of injured Pokemon here."

"Wow, you must have learned a lot doing so," Brock said as he gazed at Melanie in a mixture of admiration and curiosity.

"I have but I still have so much more to learn," Melanie said to that.

"I hear ya, I'm travelling to be a Pokemon Breeder," Brock said catching her attention.

"Have you learned much?" Melanie asked curiously.

"A lot in this past month than I have in years," Brock said chuckling before Zubat let herself out with a yawning shriek. "I take it you're hungry?"

Zubat shrieked in confirmation as she latched onto his pant leg with her small hooks and climbed up to his shoulder.

Austin gave a smile as he saw that Brock is a lot closer to his Zubat than he was in the Anime.

Melanie took note of that. "How long has that Zubat been with you?"

"For a month," Brock said rubbing Zubat's head as he pulled some Pokemon food out of his bag and began feeding her as she nibbled on it.

"And you're already that close?" Melanie asked in surprise.

"Brock has a way of befriending Pokemon," Austin said with some laughter as Pikachu gave a cry and jumped off of his shoulder. "Should we let the others out to eat?"

"Just give me a moment to prepare the Pokemon food," Brock said as he reached into his bag.

As Brock said that, everyone began doing some small chores to help Brock as Melanie watched them talk to each other while doing so.

These four were a lot different from the trainers she's seen when she set the traps.

Those trainers tried to do anything to get the Pokemon, but these four haven't even attempted after she told them what the place was.

Unknown to all of them, Bulbasaur was watching the group warily, ready to spring out if Melanie needed it.

"Okay come on out!" Austin said sending all of his Pokemon out, the others following his example.

The area was even big enough to allow Onix to come out as they all gave cries of greeting or in Fearow's case glare.

"Wow, all of them look amazing," Melanie said as she saw some Pokemon she had Dawson before with them. "You must take really good care of them."

Yellow gave a smile. "We always do." She said as Dody ran up to her while she held Kitty.

"Melanie, didn't you say that you collect plants in this forest to use as medicine?" Brock asked as the girl gave a nod.

"We don't have the best theatre can get," Melanie said giving a soft smile.

"You love taking care of Pokemon don't you?" Yellow asked curiously.

"She does," Brock said with a smile, one that Misty noticed.

"Well, it looks like Brock may have something else on his mind." She teased causing his face to go red and he quickly reached out and covered her mouth.

"Be quiet, she might hear you!" Brock hissed in embarrassment causing Austin to chuckle while Zubat looked a bit irked.

Melanie looked at the spectacle curiously as she didn't exactly hear what Misty said before they saw Fearow leave the group, heading into the woods.

"Fearow," Austin said as the bird ignored him.

"Did something happen to your Fearow?" Melanie asked curiously.

"Fearow was the first Pokemon to join my journey after Pikachu, but I haven't bonded with him as much when he was a Spearow as I did with everyone else," Austin explained to her. "I've been trying to correct that."

With that said, Austin stood up.

"I'll be right back." He said as Pikachu looked worried and attempted to follow him. "Pikachu, please stay with the group."

"Chu," Pikachu said as Austin walked into the woods, after Fearow before looking determined and running after him.

Seeing that, Bulbasaur made to follow, to make sure that Austin wouldn't attempt to catch any Pokemon out here.

"Is he alright leaving by himself?" Melanie asked seeing that.

"Ash is pretty stubborn when he wants to be," Brock said with a nod. "And Pikachu takes after him in that, so he should be okay."

"Yeah, and his Pokemon seem fine with it," Misty said as the rest of Austin's team were conversing with the others, although occasionally they would take a glance towards where Austin, Pikachu and Fearow disappeared through.

Scyther had his bladed arms crossed as he stood next to Onix and Geodude, Pidgeotto, Clefairy and Butterfree were next to Yellow as she held Kitty along with Dody nearby.

Raticate was yawning as she was next to Staryu and Starmie.

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