Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.51 Bulbasaur

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Fearow just stared at the night sky before hearing footsteps and he didn't need to turn to see who it was.

"Hey, Fearow." Austin greeted as Fearow didn't look at him.

But he didn't attack him, so he must be making some progress.

"Row." Fearow finally mumbled as he was annoyed at the silence.

"It's a beautiful night isn't it?" Austin spoke up and this caused Fearow to glare at him. "What? It is?"

"Row Fear!" Fearow said in annoyance, wanting him to leave.

"Fearow… Remember when you used to land on my shoulder as a Spearow?" Austin asked and Fearow was quiet as he was confused about why he brought that up. "I was so happy whenever I let you out because you were the first one to join the team."

Fearow glanced at him as Austin sighed.

"But I was… I'm still inexperienced with Pokemon." Austin said looking down. "I thought you were happy when you weren't because I was so caught up in the adventures we've had and the people we met."

Austin stood back up and looked at Fearow.

"I want to make things right, but I don't know how." He said looking Fearow in the eyes. "Fearow, I just want another chance."

Fearow was silent as he looked at Austin before turning his head away stubbornly causing Austin's face to fall.

"Okay," Austin said looking down. "Can I at least watch the stars with you?"

When Fearow didn't answer, Austin was about to leave before he gave a small caw, as if saying that he didn't care if Austin stayed or not.

Pikachu was watching the whole thing from the bushes before sensing someone behind him and he turned to see Bulbasaur who also saw the whole thing.

"Bulb," Bulbasaur growled a bit, glaring distrustfully at Austin before Pikachu glared back at him.

"Chu! Pika Pi!" Pikachu said reprimanding him for thinking the worst of his trainer causing Bulbasaur to scoff.

True, it was hypocritical considering that Pikachu himself thought that too, but he now knew that Austin wasn't one of those humans who abuse Pokemon.

"Saur Bulba Bulb," Bulbasaur said looking at Pikachu curiously wondering how this human caused a Pokemon to be so deluded.

Pikachu's glare intensified on hearing that as his cheeks began to spark. "Chu Pikachu Pika Pi!" Pikachu said at him telling him that Austin would never hurt a Pokemon like that, not even if the Pokemon attacked him.

THAT caught Bulbasaur's attention. "Saur?"

"Pi." Pikachu gave a nod, admitting that he electrocuted his trainer when they first met and he did it more than once, but Austin didn't shout at him in anger or tried to hit him in retaliation.

Instead, he risked his life for Pikachu and not just for him, but for many of the Pokemon and Humans that they met on their journey.

Bulbasaur listened with a row and said that it was all Tauros Crap, no human could be that good.

That caused Pikachu to give him a look. "Chu." He said bringing up Melanie, causing Bulbasaur to recoil as if he was just slapped her.

"Saur," Bulbasaur said averting his eyes, trying to say it was different but Pikachu just shook his head.

"Chu Pika." Pikachu pointed out that if there were humans like Melanie who cared for all of the injured Pokemon here then there were good humans out there.

Bulbasaur was silent before he turned to go back to watching Melanie as Pikachu gave him a look.


"Ash has been gone for a while," Misty said now looking worried.

 "Should we look for him," Yellow asked 

"He has Pikachu with him." Brock pointed out causing her to nod. "He'll be fine."

A sound of rustling caused them to look to see an Oddish coming out causing Yellow to blink. "Yellow that's the same Oddish from earlier."

Yellow looked at Melanie. "Will Oddish run if I try to apologize?"

"No, he won't," Melanie promised before looking at Oddish. "Do you want to join us?"

Oddish looked hesitant, especially when he saw Yellow and Kitty.

Yellow kneeled at more eye level with it. Oddish seemed to back away slowly as if it was afraid of her. Yellow then realized that this must be the Oddish she had tried to capture. No wonder it didn't appear to want to battle. It was trying to recover in the village.

"Hi, Oddish," Yellow said to it.

The Oddish didn't say anything and continued to watch yellow closely, wondering if she was going to do anything.

"I just wanted to say I was sorry for hurting you earlier. It must have frightened you quite a bit. If I had known the situation I would not have attacked you like that," Yellow apologized.

Oddish lost its curious glance and moved a little closer to her.

"It sure is a great place here. I can see why all of the Pokemon seem so relaxed," Yellow said as she gestured to all the Pokemon in the village, to which the Weed Pokemon nodded.

"Anyway, that's all I wanted to say so I hope there are no hard feelings between us," Yellow told it.

Oddish shook its head and happily jumped into her arms.

"Aw, you're sweet Oddish," Yellow smiled as she rubbed its head.

"You two sure seem to be hitting it off," Misty commented as she approached Yellow from behind.

"Mmm hmm," Yellow answered while smiling.

It was then that she and Misty heard a growl in front of them. Yellow looked up just in time to see a Bulbasaur charging straight at her. She was unable to get out of the way and was knocked over painfully onto her behind, where she dropped Oddish. The Bulbasaur then stood protectively in front of Oddish.

"Owww," Yellow muttered in pain while Brock and Melanie ran outside the cabin to see what the commotion was about.

" Hey! You're that Bulbasaur from earlier! Why do keep antagonizing us?! It sounds like you are asking for a battle!" Misty yelled as she pulled out a Pokeball.

Melanie then ran in between Misty and Bulbasaur and spread her arms out while Brock helped yellow to her feet.

"Please wait!" Melanie cried. "Bulbasaur was only trying to protect Oddish!"

"What do you mean?" Brock asked.

"This Bulbasaur has been here a while. It's volunteered to be the protector of this village," Melanie explained. "This is a very reliable Bulbasaur. It is always willing to help out any Pokemon in need. Unfortunately, it seems Bulbasaur does too good of a job sometimes. Pokemon feel so safe here because of it that some of them don't go back into the wild."

"I see," Misty said. She then felt pushing and looked down to see Bulbasaur pushing against her leg trying to nudge her out of the village.

"Despite all of Bulbasaur's great strengths, it is very distrustful of Pokemon trainers," Melanie continued sadly.

Brock told her. "I'm sure when Bulbasaur sees that we mean no harm, it will warm up to us."

" I hope so. In the meantime, would you like to learn some healing techniques ?" Melanie asked.

"Yeah," Misty and Yellow nodded.

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