Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.72 Red Ketchum

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For eons, the last of the seven kings had passed his time, his mind trapped in enchanted slumber by the all-knowing-aberration sealed on land, until he-who-burns-the-earth shattered the fallen's graveyard, and now, the humans would slowly move in. Was this the oncoming of the storm they had foretold? The spirit-of-the-forests had still to travel, and thus, it wasn't time enough for the last king to rise in defiance.

Therefore, it must wait. Amidst the swirl of the ocean, it must wait.

Deep beneath the ocean's floors, cohabiting beside the guardians of the sea, the King waited, and waited, waiting for a sign, a totem, anything that could be a symbol that the time had finally arrived. There would be, of course, more events in a time before the cataclysm came burning down from the heavens again, but at least this time, the aberrations sealed on land wouldn't be able to betray their kind.

Time will tell.

Time, and the spirit-of-the-forests, will tell.

( A.N: Let's see if you can figure out what the above cryptic message means because it is important for the events in the story )

Meanwhile in Pallet Town.

"Professor, what could have caused this?" Daisy Oak asked while looking at the unfolding anomaly from the laboratory's terrace. It had been completely normal around… fifteen minutes ago, and suddenly, the entire Kanto region seemed to be… engulfed in some kind of swirling fumes, and dense fog.

Anyone else would have perhaps called it a weather anomaly and left it at that. The more superstitious ones would have proclaimed it as the judgment of the Legendaries on humankind, and that Armageddon was near. Samuel Oak, however, knew better.

"The concentration of draconic energies in the atmosphere has suddenly crossed the Marilyn Benchmark," Oak muttered ominously, as he rushed back to his lab, and began typing commands into one of the mainframes in the lab, gathering information about a possible epicenter for this… anomaly. Most anomalies had to have a certain epicenter, and if not, at least a radius which they were generated from. Unless of course, it was….

Samuel Oak stopped himself before entertaining that thought.

Daisy palmed her mouth in excitement. "The Marilyn benchmark? But that's impossible. The sheer presence required for that would be too high that the resultant positive interference of a-"

"It has happened before," Samuel paused.

Twice. He thought. "Once. It has happened once before, some… forty years ago."

'It… did?" Daisy was blank. "But… how?"

"The sky-high dragon had come down to the earth because an alien… pokémon had dared to pass through her dominion without her permission."

"The sky-high dragon, you mean Ray-"

"Do not speak of her name so lightly." Samuel chided her. "Names have power, Daisy. Please do not use them lightly."

"But the name in question is not exactly her true name, is it, professor?" Daisy challenged. For a man so well-traveled and a genius, Samuel Oak certainly was a man of contradictions. More so, when it came to legendaries. For someone who had been unchallenged as an Elite for over twenty years, Samuel Oak held unfathomable terror when it came to legendary Pokémon.

"That may be so," Samuel snapped, "but I forbid you from using it. Not even in my absence."

"Whatever you say, Professor." Daisy frowned. "But you never completed that. What exactly happened back then?"

Samuel looked nostalgic. "The sky-high dragon came down roaring at the extra-terrestrial abomination, and the two of them had a battle, one that had engulfed the entirety of the North Pole for over a year."

"An entire year?' Daisy was shocked. "How is it that I haven't read anything about it?"

"Classified information. You need specific levels of clearance for that. As it is, only me, Professor Sycamore of Kalos, and a certain someone know about it. Not even the Indigo League or Lance has any knowledge of those events since it was declared on a need-to-know basis."

"Then how did you-?"

"I was there," Oak admitted. "We were researching the existence of fossils of a certain… pokémon that could be called the precursor to the modern-day mega-evolved Gyarados."

Daisy was stumped. "And?"

"As I said, the information is classified. I cannot share any further details than that, forgive me."

Daisy swallowed. "Do you think that something like that is happening once again?"

"I believe so." Samuel sighed in frustration. "Though it seems centered around the Kanto region, specifically in the regions surrounding the Cerulean Sea."

The Cerulean Sea was the expansive water body that surrounded the regions of Pallet, Cerulean, Viridian, and Vermillion, before meeting up with the Pacific Ocean further east.

"That's…. a small region, considering everything."

"It is, indeed." Samuel felt his left eye twitch, as he read the results of his simulated program, one that had tracked down the location of the epicenter. " Daisy! Don't tell Delia, you should know that Ash called in on me some hours ago."

"He did?" Daisy asked, "That's surprising."

" Why is that surprising? He is her son, why wouldn't he call her when he's out as a trainer?" Oak asked in surprise.

"Well, Ash's always… been so very much like his father, suffering from wanderer's lust and, truth be told, I was half-expecting to not see him for at least until he had attained all the badges and given a try at winning the Indigo Conference," Daisy admitted, rubbing a lone tear that threatened to fall from her right eye as she thought about what that would do to a sweating woman like Delia.

"Daisy! " Oak chided. "You know that there is more to Ash than being his father's son."

"I know." Daisy had an indecipherable expression on her face. "Red Ketchum certainly did make sure of it that he removed a significant part of himself from Ash."

"You know why he did it." Oak tried.

"Yes, and I understand it damn well. Doesn't mean I've to like it, do I?"

Oak looked away. "Daisy… you should know that when Ash called me this afternoon, he was… in Bill Montgomery's lighthouse, the one located at the Route 24 ferry junction."

"It must be the same there as well then, considering-" Daisy rattled off before it hit her. "Professor, Don't tell me ."

Oak took a deep breath. "The exact epicenter of this anomaly is… eight hundred and seventy meters away from Bill's lighthouse." Oak paused, unsure of how to continue. "And it is moving closer to it by the minute."

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