Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.73 Giant Dragonite

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[ Bill's Lighthouse ] 

Austin was in two minds. One, on the one hand, he certainly wanted to see this mythical King Dragonite for himself, a pseudo-legendary dragon who had once been the ruler of the region, and had made sure that civilization thrived and did not get… erased by this uncertain… apocalyptic phenomenon. On the other hand, he was terrified of meeting a Pokemon that supposedly had power above a legendary Pokemon and through the anime, games, and movies he knew very well how strong they were.

"Are you ready, Ash? To be entrusted with the opportunity to behold the greatness of a King dragon? I admit this would be one of those times when I should yell, 'eureka' or 'excelsior'… I'm, uncommitted."

" What about my friends? " Austin exclaimed in worry.

" Don't worry I have my Kadabra keeping them safe." 

Austin sighed in relief as he heard that.

Another ever-distant voice loomed into the heavens, past the darkened clouds, past the ever-deepening mist that had manifested itself all around the lighthouse, and possibly even further.

"Do you think it would be a good idea, Bill? I mean… what if it attacks us?" Austin asked, keeping his tone as skeptical as possible.

Bill gave him an awkward look. "Why would you say that? Have you perchance… had the sheer luck to stand in front of a Legendary?"


"No." Austin lied. "I'm just… asking, you know."

Bill chortled. "Your paranoia is admirable, Ash, but there is a time for that, and," his face shifted into a grin, one that was too much like his older brother -Austin realized, "—and there is a time for unbridled hope, like this."

I can only hope that your hope saves you from getting killed, Bill. Austin didn't say. Despite Bill's technologically advanced fortress that was the lighthouse, Bill didn't have some stupidly powerful metagross to save him, nor another Alakazam to teleport him out. On second thought, he should start looking into capturing a psychic pokémon, specifically of the Abra line, given their innate talent for teleportation. Staying alive was so much better, the after-effects of psychic travel are damned.

"He's coming, Ash. The King's approaching closer." Bill began excitedly, his shaking limb pointing towards the humongous shadow due west, approaching them with exaggerated slowness.

Austin turned in the direction, and froze…. In awe. The shape, still engulfed in darkness, was easily over a hundred feet in height, almost as tall as the lighthouse itself. The behemoth slowly traversed past the silent waters as it pushed its way towards the lighthouse, towards an overly excited Bill and a stupefied Austin who was staring at it in wonder. Austin could make out the two wings on either end, easily spanning over thirty feet in length by the minimum, and the two tentacle-like protrusions on either side of his head, though they looked more like horns from the distance, and his body was more… sharp, instead of the slightly globular shape that Lance's Dragonite was.

"King… Dragonite!" Bill muttered. "An-sah-lohn!"

In hindsight, that was probably a mistake. The moment Bill muttered his name, his true name, the pseudo-legendary king turned his attention towards the researcher and by extension, the kid standing beside him. The king's eyes narrowed as he detected a possible… emptiness within the kid, standing aside from the man who had, in possible arrogance, dared to call upon his name.

"You dare…." The loud, powerful, menacing voice shattered both Bill's and Austin's minds, as the king communicated his thoughts. "You dare… command me with my name…"

Bill took a step back in fear. "But I never—forgive me, King Dragonite. I just, it has been my dream to behold your presence. I have been researching-"

But the King's attention had shifted from the stupidly arrogant man to his companion "You…" He addressed Austin directly… "-shouldn't have existed."

Me? …. I shouldn't have existed. But why? For some reason, Austin knew instinctively that the King Dragon was speaking to him, and that Bill couldn't hear it.

But the King had already spoken, and now, it was time for his judgment. In a motion bizarrely fast for someone of his age, the mighty dragon spun around, his tail came lashing past the waters, splashing waves on either side, as it slammed onto the lighthouse, shattering the psychic defenses in place, breaking past the powerful walls as it destroyed the upper part of the terrace. By some stroke of luck, both Bill and Ash, who were standing on the terrace, were not dead and had escaped with minor scratches and bruises at best.

Austin had the sneaky suspicion that he had survived not because the King missed its mark, rather, he had survived because he hadn't. He looked back, trembling as he did, towards the expansive sea, but the King had already vanished from sight.

"I guess…." Bill stood up, completely shaken by the events, "I guess this is what happens when you overstep the boundaries." He gave a half-hearted grin. "You're right, once again, Ash. It was a mistake trying to send signals, trying to spot the sleeping King, It was an even worse mistake to call out his true name."

"True name?" Austin asked, completely shaken by the experience he had just had. "You mean the An-sah-something you spoke?"

"Forget that I ever mentioned it, Ash. Never mention to anyone what you saw and experienced here. This is a classified event and must remain as such."

Right. Classified events. I seem to encounter them plenty.

"And forget that you ever heard the King's name."

Forget that something like An-sah-lohn exists. Yep, cool.

"Once again, Ash. I feel like I owe you, considering that it was my actions that almost caused our premature deaths."

I'm quite sure he doesn't understand both how true and yet inadequate the statement is.

"It is okay, Bill. You couldn't have known that the King would get enraged and everything." And you didn't listen to me.

"Either way, I'd like to make things up for you." Bill paused. "Let's go downstairs."

"Wait, what's going to happen to the terrace?"

"Oh, that?" Bill waved it away. "I'll just get it fortified back ASAP." He paused. "Damn, that… King, was over a hundred feet. Looks like my estimations were wrong."

' Does the job of a researcher pay that well?' Austin thought. "I hope everything gets back in form as quickly as possible."

"It will, no doubt." Bill grinned. "Besides, this isn't the worst thing I've been in."

I'll believe that when I see it.


( A.N: So looks like I am dumping in titbits of mysteries that would be solved in the future. Just like before, I ask you the readers Why did King Dragonite go out of his way to proclaim that Austin shouldn't have existed ."

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