Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.74 Vermilion City

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" You just keep down this path and you'll reach Vermillion in four hours," Bill said pointing in a direction early the next morning. "The Breeding Competition is said to start tomorrow so I'll keep an eye on the television for you Brock."

"Thanks," Brock said with a relieved smile at the thought of making it in time.

"And Ash, good luck against Surge, he's the real challenge for Trainers at this point," Bill said turning to Austin as Pikachu was on his head while Charmander was hanging off his shoulder, the fire starter was a little uncomfortable as Austin suggested keeping him out of the Pokeball would be good for him.

"I love a good challenge." Austin quipped with a smile as he held out a hand that Bill accepted.

"Thanks for letting us stay the night," Misty said earning a laugh from Bill as Austin glared at him since he had his Kadabra induce the trio into a psychic sleep to not let the secret of the giant Dragonite leak out. 

"I should be thanking you four, it's been a while since I've had such lively company and a good meal to boot," Bill said looking at the four of them. "Be sure to visit whenever you're in the area. I'll keep a room in the lighthouse open for all of you."

"We might take you up on that offer," Yellow told him as they all began to walk down the path, waving goodbye to Bill as he waved back.

"He was pretty nice," Brock said after a bit before Misty let out a small cheer.

"And we're almost to Vermillion too," Misty said now looking happy. "Civilization here we come."

"Along with the Breeding Competition and the Gym," Austin said earning a confident cry from Pikachu while Charmander kept quiet.

Yellow kept quiet as they walked down the path, the others were talking about what they wanted to do.

'Do I still want to compete in the Battle Chateau ?' Yellow thought to herself as she didn't want to cause her friends (Pokemon) to get hurt because of her incompetence 

Ash wanted to be in the Indigo Conference, Brock is doing the Breeder Competition and Misty is training to take over the Cerulean Gym. What about her? Was she still going to compete in the battle chateau after what had happened the last time?

"Hey Yellow!" Austin's voice broke Yellow out of her thoughts as she saw that she was lagging and the others were paused a bit ahead. "You coming or what?"

"Sorry," Yellow called back as she ran to catch up, not missing how the others looked a little confused about her weird behavior.

" Yellow, is there a battle chateau in Vermilion city? "

Yellow shook her head.

" The nearest Battle Chateau is in the celadon city," Brock exclaimed as Austin saw the hesitation in yellow's eyes. 

Recalling how he was hesitant in participating in the speech competition because he stuttered in the last competition before his big brother gave him a pep talk.

To Austin, it looked like she was still doubting her capabilities as a trainer.

Tapping Yellow's back as she turned to see a smiling Ash.

" You will do fine, this is what you have been training for. Just believe in yourself and your partners. Even if you lose.. so what, you have no other place to go than up right now and I know you will succeed." 

Copying his brother's pep talk, Austin saw a yellow look at her Pokeball as a look of determination flashed on her face.

Austin continued to walk forward on the path to the vermilion city, with yellow looking at his back. In her eyes, he looked so cool right now.

" Are you coming? " Austin called out as yellow ran forward towards her friends with her straw hat covering the blush on her face.


It was silent as the heroes of this story were in silent awe as they were on a path, their clothes dirty and unkempt with wide smiles on their faces as the sun was looking like it was ready to set due to some complications on the road that day with a sudden rainstorm earlier.

In front of them was a port-like city with a sign.

'Welcome to Vermillion City.'

"Hooray, we're finally here!" Misty cheered in relief as she clasped her hands together. "Bubble bath here I come."

"We'll have to hit, the laundromat," Brock said looking at the dirt on his vest. "And I need to register for the competition tomorrow."

"I want to explore the city," Yellow said in excitement barely able to keep her excitement contained.

"I'll put off my training until after the Breeding Competition," Austin said with a smile as he was curious about what it would be like before cupping his chin. "But I'm going to call Prof. Oak to see what he has for me with the Pokedex upgrade."

Besides, Brock saw his Cerulean Gym Battle, so it's only fair he cheered him on with the Breeding Competition.

"Chu." Pikachu's pitiful cry caused them to stop and look down to see him weakly laying on his stomach as a growl emanated from him.

"But first how about we get something to eat." Brock proposed with a chuckle as he could ask about registering at the Pokemon Center.

" I second that," Austin said picking Pikachu up.

As soon as they entered the Pokemon Center, Austin had to stop himself from staring.

There a few tables down was another trainer his age with purple hair, wearing a purple jacket with black sleeves and dark pants.

' We just got to Vermillion, I am not going to instigate a battle with him.' Austin thought not sure how he would stack up against this guy point in time.

As if sensing someone was talking about him, Paul casually looked over to see the new arrivals and he snorted not thinking much of them, especially with one of them carrying a Pikachu in their arms like that instead of using a Pokeball.

Although he did recognize Brock from having to battle him at one point in his journey, so about as curious about what Brock was doing in Vermillion.

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