Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.75 Upgrades

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"Welcome to the Pokemon Center, how may I help you?" The Vermillion Nurse Joy asked as Austin felt his eye twitch.

'Okay this is ridiculous, how can so many people look alike?!' Austin thought as this one was a 'cousin' yet all of them could pass as freaking twins. 'Are they robots? Clones?!'

This was beginning to bother him.

Brock looked ready to swoon before he felt a familiar weight on his shoulder and saw Zubat giving him a look despite having no eyes and he coughed before getting serious. "Nurse Joy, uh do you know where I could register for the Breeding Competition?"

"You can register here, you're just in time to." Nurse Joy said with a kind smile that made it harder for him not to swoon, typing on the computer at the desk. "Another hour and you wouldn't be able to enter."

Brock looked relieved at how they made it just in time as he gave the Nurse the information needed to enter.

"Good for you Brock," Austin said with a smile before placing his Pokeballs on the counter along with Pikachu after she was done. "Can you also heal up our Pokemon?"

"They will be at their full health in no time." Nurse Joy promised as the others did the same thing, Brock having to return his Zubat.

Eventually, they were sitting at a table which was near Paul as it was the only table available due to how many trainers were in the Center.

"So Ash, what's your plan against Surge?" Brock asked curiously to take his mind off the upcoming competition.

"Well I have three Pokemon planned but I don't know how many Pokemon I will be able to use at all," Austin said cupping his chin in thought. "Pikachu is a definite, despite being an electric type he has a good chance, especially with Dig. Bulbasaur has an advantage due to how electric types don't affect him too much and I did promise Raticate that she will fight in this gym as well."

"You sure about using Bulbasaur, you haven't been able to train him as much as the others." Misty reminded him as Austin gave a nod agreeing with that.

"Yeah, but I'll be doing the usual train for a week before challenging Surge," Austin told her causing Misty to look surprised while Yellow and Brock kind of expected that due to how Austin did that in Pewter and Cerulean. "I'm not going to use Charmander because I want to give him some extra time before a Gym Battle."

"And the others are weak to electric moves with four of them being part flying while the other two are water types." Austin finished up with a nod. "But if I would have to choose the last three for this battle just in case it's a six-on-six I would have to pick Pidgeotto, Butterfree, and Scyther considering they've been with me longer and Fearow is out of commission with his wing for a while."

There was no way he was going to use Squirtle or Krabby considering he did just catch them.

"You put a lot of thought into this one." Yellow sounded surprised because while he made the plans and strategies for the first two, he sounded extremely serious in this one.

"That's because I've heard about how brutal Surge was at times with his opponents," Austin said with a small frown. "Winning the first two gyms is fine and all, but Surge is on a whole different level… And I mean no offense to you guys by saying that."

That last part came out quickly as he remembered that while what he said was true, it would sound like he was saying the first two were weak when they weren't.

"It's fine," Brock said knowing that Austin didn't mean it like that Misty looked a little annoyed but she didn't yell at him. "And you're right, every Gym from Surgeon is a bigger challenge than the Pewter or Cerulean Gym's."

Austin gave a nod looking relieved.

"But enough about that, what do you have planned for the Breeding Competition?" Austin said to Brock who had his arms crossed.

"Truthfully I don't know what they'll be doing, it's going to be a bit of a surprise," Brock said looking up.

"You'll do fine," Yellow said with a smile as she knew how Brock cared for his three Pokemon causing the former Gym Leader to chuckle in appreciation.

"Thanks, Yellow," Brock said to the young girl as Austin chuckled before he looked towards the videophone.

"Well, I'm going to call Prof. Oak now," Austin said to them. "That way I can figure out what this upgrade is."

"I was wondering when you would call." Prof. Oak answered with a smile as he knew that Vermillion City wasn't that far from Bill's Lighthouse.

"Sorry Professor, I got a little sidetracked," Austin said rubbing the back of his head before shaking his head. "Anyways, how do we do this upgrade?"

"Just plug your Pokedex into the computer, it has a cord on the side." Prof. Oak said as he had it set up to work on from a distance.

Austin looked surprised as he pulled the Pokedex out and finally saw the small cover on the side.

Pulling it off, there was a cable that he pulled out and plugged into the machine like how someone would hook an MP3 player to a laptop as Prof. Oak got to work.

"This shouldn't take too long, just need to make a few slight adjustments." Prof. Oak said as he began to work on the system that made the Pokeball itself teleport to his lab.

This system was usually on the Trainer ID cards that were given to them, but Prof. Oak had the ID Cards inputted inside of Gary and Ash's Pokedex to have it work like that.

While he worked, he casually checked the Pokemon that Austin has seen or caught. Yes, he could've done that without hooking up to the Pokedex, but he wouldn't get the information that the Pokedex itself would give him and he had to say he was impressed.

The Pokedex showed the moves and even the videos showing the first two gym battles, again they're usually sent to the Trainer's ID Card so that was how he could see this, he copied the videos to watch later.

His Win/Loss Ratio was on there as well showing only two losses out of all of his battles, which impressed him because Gary has lost up to four battles total and he hasn't had as many as Ash has spent more time just training them in spars.

Although Gary has more badges and Pokemon than Ash does, so they're both in the lead in certain aspects.

"And there you go." Prof. Oak said with a smile as Austin unplugged his Pokedex. "I made up to two different upgrades."

That caught Austin's attention. "Two?"

"Yes, the first one is something I'd like to call the National Pokedex." Prof. Oak said as Austin's eyes widened from recognition of the games. "The old system only showed the Pokemon of the Kanto Region, now you can get the information from Pokemon to the Alola Region."

'Alola?' Austin hasn't heard of that one, so he filed it in the back of his mind for now as Prof. Oak continued.

"The second one has something to do with the transportation, first do you have a Pokemon you want to send back?"

"Well, they're with Nurse Joy right now," Austin said as Prof. Oak gave a nod.

"Well, when you want to send a Pokemon back and trade it out with the others you have here, just press the white button on the Pokedex." Prof. Oak said as Austin opened it in surprise.

"This one?" Austin asked vaguely recognizing this from the Anime.

It was mentioned when Ash first caught Krabby before being dropped entirely.

"That one." Prof. Oak confirmed with a nod. "Now you can transfer your Pokemon on the road to keep up with all of their training."

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