Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.76 Talks between Companions

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" Now you can transfer your Pokemon on the road to keep up with all of their training."

Austin felt his jaw drop from the potential of this upgrade.

"Amazing, I know." Prof. Oak said amused by the young trainer's reaction before he gained a serious expression. "But with that said remember only you and Gary have this feature so you have to use it wisely, I'm trusting you both."

"G-Got it, Prof. Oak," Austin promised as he knew how much potential this could have.

"Good." Prof. Oak said now smiling again. "Now good luck in your next Gym Battle."

That night, Austin was laying on one of the two beds in the room all cleaned up while Brock was in the shower.

There were a lot of trainers at the Pokemon Center lately, so no one could get a room to themselves.

So they compromised with Austin and Brock sharing one room while Misty and Yellow shared the other.

Pikachu yawned as he was curled up next to Austin his fur cleaned and brushed while Bulbasaur was nearby his bulb smoothed out.

Charmander was next to Bulbasaur the fire on his tail curled up in a way to prevent a fire as it was burning brightly his skin looked shiny from some care given to him.

Squirtle was by himself his sunglasses on while his shell was shining from being scrubbed.

Butterfree was on the back of a chair his body looking shiny as his wings were smooth and Scyther was leaning against the wall his blades sharpened.

Geodude and Zubat were nearby in Brock's bed as well, both waiting for their trainers as they looked cleaned up and healthy.

Hearing the door open, Austin looked forward to seeing Brock in his pajamas. "Feel better?" He asked causing the young breeder to chuckle.

"Much better," Brock said to him as he sat on his bed before sighing. "But I'm also a little nervous."

"About the competition tomorrow?" Austin guessed earning a nod from Brock. "Don't be, you'll do fine, if anything I would be worried about the competition."

Brock snorted, his lips twitching a bit. "Thanks for the vote of confidence." He said genuinely.

"No problem Brock," Austin said yawning. "Just know that Yellow, Misty, and I will be in the crowd cheering for you."

Brock looked a little better before he looked at Austin. "So what do you think the girls are doing right now?"

Austin blinked, not expecting that question before he thought about it. "Probably talking like we are." He said sounding unsure. "Or they went to sleep because it's been a long day."

"I guess," Brock said tilting his head to the side.

"Why did you ask?" Austin asked curiously sitting up as Pikachu grumbled before changing his position to fall back asleep.

"Just trying to keep the conversation going I guess," Brock said with a shrug before he gained a dopey grin. "And maybe I can ask Nurse Joy out to dinner after the competition."

Austin looked a bit creeped out at seeing the grin. "Uh Brock, don't you think you're being a bit too forward with girls?"

That snapped Brock out of whatever daydream he had as he gave Austin a quizzical expression. "What do you mean, Ash?"

"Well, you've been pretty forward with almost every girl who caught your eye these last few weeks," Austin said rubbing the back of his head, not sure how to explain this and he didn't want to say how it was a bit creepy to said girls. "Don't you think it would be better to slow it down a bit?"

Brock raised a brow as he thought about it a bit. "Ash, I'll admit that maybe I could act a bit better but I just don't want to be alone in my life." He said with a sad smile. "I want to find someone to spend my life with and be in a relationship with."

"I suppose I can understand that," Austin said as he thought about how he tried asking Jane out in middle school. "It would be nice to find that one person."

His statement however caught Brock's attention as he looked at Austin with another quizzical expression.

That was a mature sentence coming from a ten-year-old.

But Brock shook his head. It was how Ash was.

Then he grinned. "Well, I think that one person for you is closer than you think." He said chuckling as now Austin looked confused. "Got to say I'm a little jealous."

"What are you-?" Austin stopped as he remembered how he knew Yellow had a crush on him.

If anyone could see it, it would be Brock.

Austin took a deep breath before exhaling. "I'm not that all interested in dating though." He said surprising Brock. "There are other things on my mind."

'Like getting back to my world for starters.' Austin thought as he looked up at the ceiling. 'Add to the fact that this is Ash's body, not mine, it would be awkward to date someone in this body… Let alone someone who is five years younger than me in my real body .'


Yellow yawned as she was getting ready for bed as her hair wasn't in a ponytail at the moment as she was in her pajamas now, Dody and dish were on the floor fast asleep with Kitty between them.

There was a big tank in their room where Misty had Goldeen, Staryu, and Starmie relaxing in.

As Yellow sat down in her bed, Misty who was in the other bed turned around and propped herself up with her elbow on the pillow. "So Yellow I've been meaning to ask you something." She said gaining the young girl's attention. "When did you join the group?"

She knew that Brock was the Gym Leader of Pewter so it was obvious that he joined Ash on his journey after the Gym Battle for some reason, Misty hasn't asked because the one time she did he gained a displeased look on his face as if the answer made him angry.

"Same time as Brock," Yellow said with a smile as she thought about the memory. "But I met Ash in Viridian Forest about a week before."

"Was that where you got… Kitty?" Misty asked with a bit of hesitation as while she was getting used to the Kakuna, the Bug Type still creeped her out.

Arceus forbid when it evolves into Beedrill.

Yellow didn't say anything to Misty's phobia as she shook her head. "No, Ash caught Kitty as the sixth member of his team." She said surprising the Cerulean Water Trainer. "I didn't have any Pokemon when I was in there, so I was hoping to catch one, but it didn't work out the way I'd hoped."

"So Ash just gave you Kitty?" Misty wasn't expecting that, sure he was nice and all, but to give someone he just met a Pokemon just like that?

"Yeah," Yellow said remembering the memory with a big smile.

That was when Misty gained a mischievous look on her face. "So do you like him?"

Yellow's eyes widened at the sudden question as her face turned a deep shade of red. "W-What?" She asked her now nervous.

Misty chuckled at how obvious Yellow was being in her reaction.

"I-I mean I-uh." Yellow looked ready to pass out before Misty took pity and stopped her small teasing.

"It's not that hard to see why," Misty said remembering how Ash saved her from the Scyther and how he acted when Charmander and Squirtle were in trouble during her short time traveling with this group.

Yellow gave a small nod, her face still scarlet.


Austin sighed as he couldn't sleep. His mind was so preoccupied with thoughts.

This world was different from the anime so much more different. Was the mess with Cyrus responsible for this in his attempt to create the perfect world?

… This was just giving him a headache.

" Char! " 

Hearing Charmander's call, Austin turned to see a restless Charmander standing beside the window looking at the night sky.

Austin walked toward Charmander and picked him up.

While a little surprised, the small Pokemon quickly calmed down when he saw his trainer who lovingly rubbed the fire lizard's scalp.

" Can't sleep."

" Char! "

" haha me neither. "

Charmander yawned as he looked at the night sky as Austin said," Let's just try to get some sleep buddy, tomorrow is going to be a big day."

" Char! "

" Buddy! I have something serious to talk to you about."

" Char !" Confused the small Charmander looked at his trainer who smiled reassuringly and said," You're different from a normal Charmander."

Charmander's head dropped as he heard his trainer's words. He knew from the time of his birth that he was different but he tried to fit in with everyone else so he never embraced his difference, he only acted like he was like everyone else but deep down he knew that he was different from everyone around him.

" Charmander! Can you look at me ?"

Charmander looked up to see his trainer with a wide smile as his trainer hugged him.

" Being different doesn't have to be something bad, it just means that you are special, always remember that Charmander you are special and you are my Charmander."

" Char ! " 

Charmander teared up a little as he heard his trainer's words who stood up and took out the Pokedex.

Showing Charmander, Bill's report Austin slowly explained to his little friend how he was different from any normal Charmander.

" So buddy, how do you want to approach this ?"

" Char !" 

Charmander looked at the floor and then at his claws.

He didn't know what to do.

He was just lost.

Feeling his trainer's palm on his head, Charmander heard his trainer say," Don't worry, we will figure this out together."

" Char !"

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