Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.77 The Breeder Competition part 1

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The next day, everyone was in front of a stadium inside Vermillion City. "Here it is," Brock murmured as he was shaking a bit

The other three looked at each other with resigned looks as Brock has been acting like this all morning despite assurances that he would do fine.

Misty sighed and got behind Brock and began pushing him forward, surprising the breeder as he nearly fell over. "Come on before we die of old age," Misty said in exasperation.

"I was preparing myself." Brock protested as he had to walk to keep from doing a face plant.

Yellow giggled at the action as she tilted her straw hat up and followed before Austin walked behind them with a chuckle of his own.

"So wait there are only four competitors?" Austin asked in surprise as Brock was looking through the rules. "I would think there would be more."

"Well there aren't that many breeders out there and there are contests in other towns today as well," Brock explained as Austin blinked before realizing that would explain how there were a lot of coordinators at the Grand Festival with how many contests were shown in the Anime. "And this is the first year they made this, so it does make sense when you think about it."

"What do you do?" Yellow looked curious as Brock looked back at the transcript he was given.

"We have to have up to two Pokemon," Brock said with a smile as he did fit the criteria. "There are two rounds, the first one is where we brush and bathe our Pokemon in a small amount of time followed by showing some of their skills."

"You have that one in the bag., Austin said as Pikachu gave a nod of agreement.

"Right well the final round is a small battle tournament that would show the bond between the Breeder and Trainers," Brock said putting it down.

"As a former Gym Leader that last round would be easy., Misty commented but she knew that it didn't guarantee victory.

"Former Gym Leader?" A new voice asked causing the group to look over to see a twelve-year-old boy with black hair and dark brown eyes wearing dark blue jeans and a black jacket with a blue shirt showing underneath it. "Wow, the competition just got tougher."

"Uh thanks, and you are?" Brock asked as the boy smiled.

"Call me Ray." The young boy introduced himself as he held out his hand for a handshake that Brock accepted. "I'm a Breeder-In Training from Unova."

Austin blinked as he didn't remember anyone named Ray from the show that fit his description. Did he appear in a later episode after he stopped watching? Then again this world was so much different from the anime.

"That's pretty far away., Brock commented in surprise, but he had a smile at talking to a fellow breeder. "You're in this contest too?"

"Yeah, it's my first competition so I'm a little nervous," Ray said a bit sheepishly.

"Glad to see I'm not the only one," Brock remarked with relief.

Austin went to ask Ray about Unova but the intercoms came on saying that anyone participating was to get ready immediately.

"Well, that's our cue," Ray said with a wave. "See you on the stage."

"Yeah, you too," Brock said returning it.

"He seemed nice," Misty said as Brock left to get ready. "But Unova? That means he could have Pokemon that we don't normally see."

"Yeah, apparently Kanto Pokemon are just as rare in Unova as they are rare in Kanto," Austin said as despite not watching the Unova series, he did see the first episode of it. "Come on, we should find some seats to watch this."

"Welcome one and all!" A short man with a white beard and black sunglasses, wearing a black suit greeted as he teleported onto the stage with an Abra on his shoulder. "To Vermillion City's first Pokemon Breeding Competition, I am your host as well as the Chairman of the Pokemon Fan Club, Edward Prince."

Clapping could be heard as the man introduced himself while Austin was chuckling due to how this guy looked exactly like he did from the Manga.

"Now I'm sure you're all eager to see the four Breeders that we have to participate so here we are," Prince said as the curtain opened up to show the four competitors.

Brock looked ready to pass out as he felt eyes on him but he saw the encouraging grins of his friends and steeled himself before deciding to act like how he does when he hosts a Gym Battle.

Slowly he calmed down as his face was set in stone while the competition began and he watched as he saw how the other Breeders introduced their Pokemon.

The first one up was a young lady named Brittany as she sent out a Pidgeotto that looked healthy as it flew around, landing on her arm.

She was followed by an Ace Trainer named Dylan sending out a Seel that clapped excitedly as it did a flip.

Brock was third as he sent Zubat out who screeched as she flew around before landing on Brock's shoulder, rubbing against him affectionately.

Finally, Ray sent out a Magikarp that splashed everywhere as it cried with excitement, landing in Ray's arms and causing him to chuckle.

"Amazing, you can just see the quality of every Pokemon here!" Edward said in his microphone as the four Breeders to be smiled. "Now let's get started, everyone has their tools?"

'Huh, so this is like a Dog Show back home.' Austin thought with interest as he watched the four begin cleaning their Pokemon from the Pidgeotto getting its feathers preened to Magikarp getting his scales waxed. 'Makes sense in a way.'

Water splashed the stage as the Seel was happy at getting cleaned up.

"Just look at the feathers on that Pidgeotto, the color of them shows how healthy it is., Edward explained to the crowd as the Pidgeotto raised a wing to allow for his trainer to get underneath there. "And that Seel, its playfulness is proof of how much stamina it has."

The Seel clapped at hearing that as it wanted to play.

"The exuberant scales of that Magikarp show a lot of beauty in the Pokemon and just look at the fur on that Zubat!" Edward said to the crowd. "Astonishing, pun not intended of course."

Pretty soon, the four trainers were ready to go through the planned obstacle course as the stage shifted to show up to two different paths one could take.

There were hoops on fire for those who fly and the water with nets making them go in a certain direction rather than swimming all over the place.

"Now while this Obstacle Course is important for winning, it's also good for setting up the matches in the final round., Edward explained to both the crowd and the breeders. "The length for both courses are the same and you will need to make it to the end to have it set up, anything goes. The first two who make it will face each other in the first round, likewise for the last two. The winner of both matches will face each other off in the finals, now are there any questions?"

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