Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.78 The Breeder Competition part 2

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"Now while this Obstacle Course is important for winning, it's also good for setting up the matches in the final round," Edward explained to both the crowd and the breeders. "The length for both courses are the same and you will need to make it to the end to have it set up, anything goes. The first two who make it will face each other in the first round, likewise for the last two. The winner of both matches will face each other off in the finals, now are there any questions?"

None of them spoke as the Pokemon tensed.

"Alright then... GO!" Edward ordered and the Pokemon took off as soon as he finished with Pidgeotto flying right by Zubat through one of the hoops, knocking her off course before she steadied herself and used her echolocation to find the hoops and follow after the bird, attempting to overtake her.

Seel and Magikarp both made it into the water where they swam, the Seel practically dominating this part with the Swift Swim ability.

Zubat was having trouble as the Pidgeotto kept flying in front of her as she tried to pass while also attempting to not get burned, she wanted to win this race for Brock very badly.

That was when she remembered how the judge said 'Anything goes' and quickly put some more speed in before using the hooks in her wings to latch onto Pidgeotto's talon, surprising the audience while Edward laughed.

"It seems that Zubat is hitchhiking on Pidgeotto, will she turn this around?" He asked while Pidgeotto's trainer looked surprised by that.

"Hey isn't that cheating?" Brittany asked a bit hesitant as this was one of the first Breeding competitions.

"Remember? Anything goes... Within reason." Edward explained causing them to get it as Zubat climbed over the Pidgeotto right as the bird was about to reach the finish line and jumped off the head, making first. "And the winner of the first round is Zubat followed closely by Pidgeotto!"

As soon as he said that, Seel shot out of the water and landed on the finish line, splashing all the while as Magikarp came out a second later.

"That does it for the first round," Edward said overjoyed at how this was going. "In the second round, the first match will be Brock of Pewter City vs Brittany of Celadon City. Following that will be Ray of Aspertia City vs Dylan of Cinnabar Island."

"That was amazing Brock!" Austin said as they were speaking with their friend in the locker room. "Zubat handled that obstacle course like a pro."

"Thanks, Ash," Brock said smiling as Zubat was eating to get her energy back, still looking exhausted from the race. "It was a close one though."

"No kidding, that Pidgeotto was fast," Misty said to that. "Not to mention how that Magikarp was quick on the draw as well."

"Imagine when it's a Gyarados," Austin said looking back towards Ray who was calmly feeding the happy Magikarp.

"So who are you using for the next round?" Yellow asked causing Brock to grin.

"Geodude." He said holding up the Pokeball of one of his oldest friends. "The last few times I have battled it was with Onix and I want to make sure Geodude doesn't feel left out."

"Here we are with the first battling round," Edward said, excitement practically vibrating through him as Brock and Brittany were standing on the stage apart from each other. "Are the contestants ready?"

"So the Pewter Gym Leader huh?" Brittany flashed a grin and Brock looked a bit lovestruck by it. "Just because you won the Obstacle Course doesn't mean you'll win the battle."

"I may have won the obstacle course but you won the beauty contest." Brock flirted causing her eyes to widen.

Austin groaned as he did a facepalm. 'Looks like my talk didn't work at all.'

"Brock less flirting more focus!" Misty shouted at him.

"Zubat, calm down." Yellow was saying as Brock left Zubat with them and the bat was trying to fly over there to use Leech Life on Brock.

"D-Don't think flattery will get you anywhere." Brittany stammered out a bit red in the face before she sent out a purple shell that opened to show two eyes and a pink tongue sticking out.

'A Shellder.' Brock thought as Misty's shout got him to break out of his lovesickness. 'This won't be easy.'

"Geodude, go!" Brock said switching to his Gym Leader voice as Geodude came out, slamming his fists together to knock some dust in the air.

"Shellder start with Iron Defense!" Brittany ordered, the Shellfish closing up as it began to glow a silverish color. "Follow with Take Down!"

The Shellder shot forward, still glowing showing that if it hit, the move would count as a steel type.

"Counter with Flamethrower!" Brock said quickly, surprising the others as Geodude opened his mouth shooting flames out that knocked the Shellder back, causing it to cry in pain as the steel move caused the flames to stick. "Now Rock Polish!"

Geodude wasted no time in raising his speed while flames were still on the Shellder showing it was burnt, thereby decreasing the force of his physical attacks.

However, Shellder fixed that quite easily by using Aqua Ring, restoring some health while getting rid of the status effect.

"Now keep your distance, use Brine!" At Brittany's order, the Shellder shot a mouthful of seawater at Geodude who smirked and countered with a Thunder Punch, the electricity surging back right at the Shellder before he could do anything, thereby knocking the Shellder out, declaring Brock the winner.

"Geodude knows Flamethrower and Thunder Punch?!" Austin asked in shock. "That doesn't make any sense, why didn't he use any of those attacks in the Gym?!"

"Ash that was because it was your first Gym Battle, he had to hold back a lot as I did," Misty told him causing his eyes to widen. "Once you get up to seven badges though any more after that will be a Gym's full strength."

"Great," Austin muttered hanging his head as now it made a little sense with the full team against Brock.

"So wait, that means you were holding back on me as well?" Austin realized looking at Misty who just smirked. "... When I have eight badges we are having a rematch."

Yellow looked at him in surprise. "Why when you have eight badges?"

"Because I want to make sure we can keep up at her full strength." Austin deadpanned knowing that no matter how strong his team was now they still had a long way to go. "Maybe during training for the League I can rechallenge the gyms at their full strength?"


"That was pretty good." Brock turned to see Ray as they were in the break room. "Your Geodude has some nice moves."

"Thanks, when's your fight?" Brock asked with a smile.

"In a little bit, I was just going over the strategy with the Pokemon I'm using," Ray answered as Brock gave a nod before noticing the small Pokemon by his leg.

It looked like a green bipedal snake with red eyes as it gazed up at him, all while keeping a small paw on Ray's pant leg.

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