Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.80 Brock’s Rival

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"The two finalists of our competition, who will win the Breeder Medal from this?"

"Hey Brock," Ray called out causing Brock to look at him. "No matter who wins this, no grudges, alright?"

"Deal," Brock said agreeing with those terms as they both got ready, sending Geodude and Ninjask out respectively.

Edward gave the all-clear and ran off the stage. "Sunny Day!" Ray ordered as Ninjask shot an orb of light to the roof, to create a makeshift sun.

"Quick use Rock Polish and then Flamethrower!" Brock said taking advantage of that development while raising the speed considering how fast the Ninjask was.

Ray grinned as the Geodude finished glowing to show that Rock Polish was complete and breathed in, an orange glow in his mouth. "Counter with Solarbeam."

Ninjask shot a green orb of pure energy at the Geodude right as it unleashed a torrent of flames, both moves slamming into each other, creating a huge explosion that Ninjask used as cover to fly through, creating Double Team duplicates as one of them used X-Scissor, slamming into Geodude and sending him flying.

The Rock Pokemon used his two arms to dig into the arena, slowing himself down before pulling chunks of it out to perform a Rock Throw that Ninjask flew around.

"Ninjask let's finish this up," Ray said as the Ninjask appeared behind the Geodude, using Fury Cutter to send the Rock Pokemon into the air. "Solarbeam!"

The Ninjask reacted faster than Brock as the powerful Grass move was shot towards Geodude creating an explosion.

"Geodude!" Brock called in in concern before a cry could be heard from the smoke as a blinding light emitted from it.

"Is that?" Yellow asked seeing the light as she recognized it.

"It is," Misty said looking relieved as a new shape landed on the field with a huge thud.

"Grave!" Graveler roared as he was a huge bulky rock with four arms and two legs, his injuries are still apparent but not as bad as before.

"Alright!" Austin cheered as Zubat gave a screech to show her relief.

"Geo-No Graveler," Brock said in awe as in his time as Gym Leader none of his Pokemon evolved.

Graveler turned towards him and gave a thumbs-up with one of his four limbs before getting ready for Ninjask.

"That was unexpected," Ray muttered although he looked happy that the match was still going on. "Ninjask, use Double Team to make more duplicates."

Ninjask gave a buzz of agreement and got to work, but Graveler wouldn't have that as he showed off a new move by slamming his four arms into the ground causing the stone to shoot upwards, knocking the duplicates out of existence while Ninjask was having a hard time dodging before one nailed him.

'That was Stone Edge.' Brock realized before he saw the Ninjask hurtling towards the ground, still able to fly as he was trying to keep upwards. "Finish this with Flamethrower!"

Ninjask was only able to pull himself up, but he took a point-blank Flamethrower blasting him back to where he landed on the ground it.

"There you have it, folks, just like that we have a winner!" Edward jumped on that as Ray sighed, returning Ninjask with a grin.

"All of you were astounding in our first Breeder Competition, but alas only one of you won," Edward said as all four Breeders were on the stage, all of them having the two Pokemon used to compete out. "We saw the bonds of friendship between every one of you with how your Pokemon were willing to go to all lengths to win for you. Brock, step forward."

Brock did so looking both nervous and trying not to cry from joy as Zubat was on his shoulder and Graveler was standing next to him.

"Your Pokemon were the ones to show the most friendship with you with both their willpower and trust in you," Edward said with a smile behind his beard. "One of them even evolved for you to win this, so it is with great honor that I award you with the Vermillion Breeding Medal."

He handed Brock a gold medal one side having the docks while the other had the engraving of the Vermillion Stadium where the contest took place.

"You just need two more before you are qualified to compete in the National Breeding Competition," Edward said with a smile. "Good luck."

"Well, I guess I better go," Ray said already packed up as Snivy was on his shoulder and Ninjask was on his head, nestled in his hair.

"It was great competing with you," Brock said shaking Ray's hand as Austin, Misty, and Yellow were off to the side, letting the two talk. "I hope to see you in the Nationals."

"Oh you will be warned though I will be a lot better by then," Ray said with a grin at the Former Gym Leader. "Don't think you'll be able to beat me just as easily."

"Same here," Brock said giving a nod of respect.

"Alright, rival," Ray said surprising Brock as the Unova Breeder gave a wave, walking away.

"Rival?" Brock asked before feeling someone elbow him as Misty had a smirk.

"Well, of course, you're both aiming to be the best Breeder," Misty reminded him. "You need someone to keep you on your toes."

"So how does it feel to be another step closer to your dream?" Austin asked having a smile of his own.

It was nice to see that there was something for Brock in this version of the Pokemon world.

"It feels great," Brock said holding out the medal as he gazed at it. "All of my time as a Gym Leader I was always giving out the Boulder Badge, but to receive something like this, I truly thought I would never accomplish my dream when I was stuck as the Gym Leader."

"Accomplish? You're going to surpass your dream." Austin told Brock firmly. "Just never give up on it."

"Pika!" Pikachu jumped on Austin's shoulder as he voiced his agreement with that.

"Thanks, Ash." Brock put the Medal in his bag, making a plan to buy a case for it later. "But right now let's focus on the Vermillion Gym for you."

"After the beach." Misty inputted as that was another reason they came to Vermillion, causing Austin to chuckle.

Sure he wanted to go and win the badge so they can continue, but the idea of a beach?

That just reminds him of when he was raised in Honolulu.

"Why not?" Austin asked as it was getting dark.

He could get up early to do some training before they spend the rest of the day at the beach.

There was still a week before they do plan on challenging Surge.

"So what is there to do at the Beach?" Yellow asked Misty curiously as this would be her first time at one.

Austin didn't listen to Misty begin speaking to Yellow as they made their way back to the Pokemon Center.

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