Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.81 Vermilion Training

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Austin sighed as he was in front of the Pokemon Center extremely early in the morning, it was at least six as of right now.

Yellow, Brock, and Misty were still asleep at the moment while his team was in front of him.

Pikachu, Butterfree, Scyther, Bulbasaur, Clefairy, Charmander, and Squirtle. All seven of them were looking very attentive, although tired.

"Alright, it's time for some training," Austin said, making sure that he had all of their attention. "But considering now I have more than six Pokemon I'll be changing some things up in this training. So for now I'll be training you seven but it will also be to help Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle to catch up with everyone else as they haven't received as much as the others."

The three mentioned Kanto Starters all reacted differently.

Bulbasaur pawed the ground a bit eager to get stronger and Squirtle scowled, his sunglasses glinting, at the idea of being weak at the moment, but relented considering he saw how strong the others were compared to him. Charmander however grabbed his tail that was curled in front of him in worry, no doubt remembering the Flame Burst incident.

"Once I do that, I'll have to switch to get Krabby up to speed and keep Pidgeotto and Raticate up to par with everyone," Austin said, making sure they all understood that. "Fearow's wing is still injured at the moment so he won't be able to train until it's healed but when he does heal, he'll be joining in on the training."

He didn't mention the training being more frequent with the upgrade to the Pokedex that Prof. Oak gave to them.

"Now I'm sure that all of you are wondering what I'm going to be helping you learn," Austin said pulling a notebook he was carrying under his arm out, and opening it. "Bulbasaur and Butterfree the two of you will be spending some time learning Energy Ball together, I want Bulbasaur to learn a move that will give him some range and Butterfree could do with a Grass Move to counter Rock-Types. I found a video on the Pokedex that will show you how it's done so you can get the basic idea."

Both mentioned Pokemon looked at each other before giving a nod.

"Alright, Pikachu I want you to focus on your speed during this training period, you know a good variety of moves so we'll be working on how fast you go before we work on teaching you Magnet Rise and Double Team," Austin said causing Pikachu to pout and the trainer smiled. "We could also have Bulbasaur show you how to do Grass Knot if you want, to give you an advantage against heavy-set opponents but Magnet Rise is a must-have for you to counter ground-types. I'll also help you with another combo later on."

Pikachu gave a nod, pacified by the thought of the advantage these moves would give him.

Sure his Iron Tail and Brick Break would give him an edge, but Magnet Rise would help get rid of the weakness entirely.

"Scyther, I have a combo I want you to try and learn by the end of the week if possible, but for that, you need to know Sword Dance and Air Slash, think you can learn them quick?" Austin asked as Scyther gave an affirmative nod, eager at the thought of finally having a combo of his own after seeing Pikachu, Raticate, Pidgeotto, and Fearow's combo attacks.

Butterfree looked a bit down before Pikachu walked over and patted his back reminding him that their trainer would help him make a combo for him if he wanted, making the butterfree perks right back up again.

"Now for you two," Austin turned towards Charmander and Squirtle. "Squirtle, you have some good moves already for offense so we're going to work on your defense a bit, later I can ask Brock to borrow Graveler to show you how to do Mud Sport and I'll have Scyther show you how to use Double Team so you can add that to your arsenal."

"Squirt!" Squirtle looked annoyed at not learning the offensive moves causing Austin to chuckle.

"If you master them I can have you learn Ice Beam alongside Raticate," Austin promised, causing the Tiny Turtle's eyes to widen behind his shades, clenching his small fist in anticipation of learning an attack that would give him a major advantage against Dragon and Grass types. "Good, now Charmander."

Austin looked towards the fire lizard, his face softening a bit as he got to one knee in front of the lizard. "Along with Squirtle I want you to learn Double Team, and I'll ask Graveler if he can show you how to do Thunder Punch to give you an edge against other water types, do you want to work on your Flame Burst-?"

"Der!" Charmander shook his head vehemently at the idea of that attack showing that using it last time left some mental scars.

"Alright, then we won't." Austin would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed as Flame Burst was an incredibly powerful move, more powerful than Ember, that was for sure.

But he wasn't going to force Charmander to learn the move when he didn't want to. And he did understand why Charmander was adamant about it.

" Clefairy, Let's start working on the move Gravity for now. I have a lot of interesting ideas about that move ." 

Clefairy happily jumped up and down.

"Everyone got what you want to do?" Austin asked earning cries of confirmation from all of them. "Good, now gather around so I can show you guys the videos showing the moves I want you to learn."

A good two hours later, Austin was watching how everyone trained, he could see Bulbasaur and Butterfree trying to form a ball of green energy, although they were having trouble.

Charmander and Squirtle were attempting Double Team, but they kept losing their concentration after only one afterimage appeared. Squirtle however kept pushing himself to master it with the promise of Ice Beam in the future and his determination kept Charmander up and going as he didn't want to be left behind.

Scyther kept focusing as he moved in a dance that he saw from the video on the Pokedex, attempting to learn Sword Dance, but the energy that was needed to work on the blades disappeared as soon as it appeared showing a lack of discipline with it.

Clefairy was struggling to execute the move but there was a visible improvement from the previous attempts.

Finally, Pikachu kept attempting to levitate himself using the magnetic fields on the Earth with his electricity, not having much headway as he couldn't keep it up for more than three seconds showing how much power was needed for the attack.

Austin meanwhile was attempting to write down other combinations to attempt in the future.

'Maybe something with Squirtle's Aura Sphere to surprise opponents.' Austin thought tapping his chin in thought with the end of the pen. 'And Thunder Armor with Pidgeotto and Fearow when I can train him again.'

Thunder Armor was such a cool combo and Austin felt like it was such a waste that it never happened again after Hoenn.

' Maybe thunder armor won't work since in an online article that thunder armor was just a visual representation of the activation of Swellow's ability ' Guts ' "  Austin thought 

'What about something called Chemical Warfare for Butterfree with his Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, and Poison Powder, mixed in with Confusion to control where it goes?'

Austin grinned and wrote it down before grimacing as some of these combos he would need to do the math for and he hated that subject.

But it was necessary.

Stopping as he was examining the combo he wanted Scyther to learn, naming it 'Thousand Sword Dance', Austin thought back to Squirtle knowing Aura Sphere.

That made him think of Ash being able to use Aura during one of the Movies in the Battle Frontier Arc.

' How did Ash get to access his Aura in the Tree of Life? Why didn't ash ever try to use aura? ' 

Austin went into deep thought before his eyes widened.

' Wait, the time Ash used Aura in the movie, he had Sir Aaron's gloves or he had riolu's help .'

Truthfully the thought of using Aura would've been pretty cool-then again using too much could kill him as proven by what happened to Lucario in the movie-wait.

"Lucario," Austin whispered his eyes lighting up. "What if I release Lucario early and get him to teach me? The Tree of Life wasn't in danger until the Battle Frontier right?'

' I should research the location of Cameron's castle then I'll visit it before the League,' Austin decided knowing that their team would be stronger by then. 'Besides, if I release Lucario early his Aura Reserves would build back up and he won't die due to low Aura reserves.'

"Hey, Ash!" Austin looked over to see Brock giving an amused smile as he had some blue swimming trunks and his shirt on. "You ready or what?"

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