Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.87 Lightning showdown part 1

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" Are we ever going to go inside?" Brock asked a bit amused by this.

Taking a deep breath, Austin pushed the doors open to complete darkness the only light being the sunlight coming in behind the group and the windows.

Austin took a few steps in before two people walked out.

These two, a man and a woman were dressed as if they were a part of a gang and they had unimpressed looks on their faces.

Austin matched their unimpressed looks with an amused grin. "Hi there, I'm here to battle for a Thunder Badge."

The man smirked a little amused by Austin's 'bravado' and turned. "Hey boss, there's another victim for the Emergency Room."

A second later, a large shadow stood up behind the other two and slowly walked into the sunlight.

It was revealed to be a giant of a man, easily dwarfing everyone in the room with spiky, dirty blond hair and brown eyes, wearing an unbuttoned green shirt that showed his muscles and brown cargo pants along with a silver dog tag necklace.

Even Austin was shocked. Sure he knew that Surge was easily the biggest human character shown in the series but to see how dwarfed he was compared to the giant of a man?

'Good lord and I have to fight him?!'

"Which one?" Lieutenant Surge asked with a smirk despite knowing already.

He just wanted to mess with his future victim a bit.

"Welcome to Vermillion Gym," Surge boomed, his arms crossed not pulling what he did in the show by hugging Misty. "Now I recognize Brock, Lance did mention that you left the Gym, did your father finally have the balls to go back?"

Brock twitched at the mention of his father, apparently still a sore point. "Yes."

"And Misty, I take it that your sisters are finally acting as they should?" Surge asked in a bit of a mocking tone, showing he had no respect for the Cerulean Gym at all. "Or are they still worried about breaking a nail?"

Misty wanted to say something but couldn't due to how he was right about that part.

Surge just smirked before setting his eyes on Yellow. "Aren't you a little young to be a trainer?" He asked with a raised brow, easily seeing that she was nine almost ten.

Yellow fidgeted a bit under his gaze. "I'm old enough." She muttered under her breath a little intimidated by his hulking figure.

Austin openly glared at Surge for messing with his friends and he felt a familiar rush of anger that he felt while fighting Giselle, something that Surge noticed and laughed in amusement.

"Ooh, we have a tough guy here, so what's your name baby?" Surge asked patting Austin on the head.

That was when something weird happened.

Austin felt everything around him as he slapped Surge's hand back while his eyes were glowing red a bit.

The surge didn't look too put off considering he had a big grin now, although he did see the glow in Austin's eyes and was curious about it. "I call everyone who loses to me baby, baby." He said pushing his buttons.

" My name is Ash Ketchum-," That was when he noticed that his eyes stung a bit. "Wha?"

Austin looked down at his hands in confusion while Surge finally noticed Pikachu who was worried about how his trainer was acting.

"A Pikachu? Hey look at this, baby brought along a baby Pokemon." Surge said to his trainee's causing them to laugh a bit arrogantly.

Now Austin glared again before he calmed himself down.

"Nothing to say, baby?" Surge asked with a chuckle. "Alright let's do this. This will be a Four-On-Four battle, how does that sound?"

Austin gave a nod, agreeing with those terms, not as surprised as he could've been considering the different rules that the Pewter and Cerulean Gym had.

"Alright, the rest of you runts go up to the stands." Surge said jabbing his thumb towards the stands.

Yellow, Brock, and Misty gave Austin a worried look as they noticed how he seemed to be acting differently.

Not only in his annoyance with Surge, but with how he was standing and even the look on his face.

"Don't worry I have this," Austin said attempting to smile before looking at Surge. "Pikachu you ready?"

Pikachu gave a nod, wanting to fight this guy for making fun of him, and ran out causing Surge to chuckle.

"So you're starting with a Baby Pokemon?" Surge asked walking to his side of the field, with a vicious smirk. "Pokemon saved my life in the war, what chance have you got?"

' Oh yeah, he's an Army Lieutenant in the games so he's fought in a war " Austin thought as he was relieved.

It seems he's a mixture of all three versions, just not a part of Team Rocket from what they've seen.

Seeing that Austin and Pikachu were ready, Surge unclipped a Pokeball with a smirk. "Go Pokeball!"

The Pokeball landed on the field and exploded in a white light that formed into a Raichu, surprising everyone but Austin and Pikachu.

"Oh, you knew I had a Raichu?" Surge asked seeing no reaction from Austin.

Austin just got ready, already remembering how Ash beat Surge the last time.

"Begin." The Referee raised the flags with Austin quickly reacting, ignoring the impulse to turn his hat around.


Pikachu glowed, running as a blur around the Raichu, dirt kicking up but Raichu didn't look too impressed.

"Fast runt, I'll give you that." Surge said the same look on his face. "Shock Wave."

"Rai!" An orb of pure electricity shot forward, closing in on Pikachu despite the speed he was doing.

"Not good," Austin said remembering how Shock Wave never missed before thinking over a counter strategy.

"Quick use Dig!" Pikachu listened, making it underground right as the orb hit the hole, the earth making it disappear.

Surge however grinned. "Mega Punch!"

"Chu!" Raichu slammed a powered-up fist straight to the ground causing shockwaves that sent Pikachu flying out of the ground, before rushing in with another Mega Punch, sending Pikachu flying.

"Pikachu!" Austin called out in shock.

"You think I'm not prepared for anyone using a ground-type move, Baby?" Surge asked mockingly.

Austin quickly kept his cool instead of wasting time worrying about what just happened and decided to use a combo move that he was practicing with Pikachu.

 "Alright Flash Clone!"

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