Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.88 Lightning Showdown part 2

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Austin quickly kept his cool instead of wasting time worrying about what just happened and decided to use one of that combo that he had been working on with Pikachu

"Alright Flash Clone!"

"Flash wh-." The surge was caught off guard when multiple Pikachu began running around Raichu extremely fast and recognized the move as a Double Team and Agility combo. "Cheap trick."

In the stands, Yellow looked surprised. "Isn't that what Ray used in the Breeding Competition?" She asked remembering that.

"I thought it looked familiar, I never took Ash for someone to use someone else's technique," Misty said not expecting this.

Brock gave a nod. "I remember seeing Ash speak with Ray before he left but I didn't think it was about this." He said a bit intrigued.

This 'Flash Clone' attack had a lot of advantages and with how fast Pikachu was going it would take a miracle to guess the real one so it wasn't that hard to see why Austin would want to learn it.

Austin sighed in relief that it was working so far, he and Ray both traded a technique to each other. In return for learning the mechanics of Flash Clone, Austin gave Ray the rundown of how Ion Tail worked considering he heard Ray mention something about getting an electric type eventually.

"Ra-." Raichu was cut off when Pikachu slammed into him with a Quick Attack before disappearing back into the clones.

Giving a slight snarl, Raichu used his tail, managing to swipe the real one, sending him flying and shot after the yellow mouse with a Body Slam, but Pikachu quickly regained his footing and dodged, using Iron Tail against Raichu's head to make him dizzy before disappearing back into the Flash Clones.

"Raichu doesn't let that pipsqueak do that to you!" Surge looked annoyed when it happened a few more times. "Blast them all away with Thunder!"

Austin felt his eyes widen when Raichu unleashed the huge blast of electricity only for there to be no sign of Pikachu as all of the ones running around were clones.

"Where did-," Surge's eyes widened. "The Pipsqueak is underground!"

He knew that with using that much power in Thunder his main Pokemon wouldn't have enough strength to use Mega Punch, especially considering how Raichu hasn't been to the Center in a while.

Raichu quickly made it to the wall to have his back against it and keep an eye out for Pikachu, but unknown to them, that was exactly what Austin wanted already discussing this tactic with Pikachu the night before.

"Brick Break!" Austin called out with an excited grin as the wall behind Raichu cracked, surprising everyone, none more than Raichu who was turning as fast as he could.

"Get away from the wall-!" Surge tried to say but it was too late when Pikachu broke through the wall, his paw glowing as it slammed into Raichu right in the middle of his forehead, sending Raichu flying back.

"Rai." Raichu snarled, pushing himself up while Pikachu landed on all fours, ready to continue, the difference in health was evident with how Raichu was panting from exertion and his injuries and Pikachu has barely broken a sweat. "Chu-."

Raichu took a step forward to do a Mega Punch but stumbled and fell to the ground knocked out.

The surge was in shock when the referee called it. "Raichu is unable to battle, Pikachu is the winner."

"Chu." Pikachu looked extremely happy at beating his evolution while Surge quickly returned Raichu.

Austin had a grin on his face, happy to have battled like this again. "Great job Pikachu!" He called out before making a decision. "Return."

"Pi?" Pikachu looked towards him before remembering that he promised everyone else to fight and quickly ran back.

"Heh so I underestimated you," Surge said with a smirk as he looked at Austin with a hint of respect in his eyes. "Alright, Ash let's do this."

Austin gave a grin at hearing Surge use his name rather than calling him 'baby' even though it was not his name and readied his next Pokeball.

The surge didn't call out his Pokemon as he sent it out showing a metallic Pokemon that had three magnet-like heads stuck together.

"Bulbasaur it's your turn!" Austin called out sending the bulb Pokemon out who shook his head in preparation for his first Gym Battle.

"Bulba!" The grass Pokemon called out, pawing the ground in eagerness.

Surge frowned at this.

At this point, neither of them had the advantage as Electric attacks won't work well on Grass-Types but in return, Grass attacks won't work well on Steel-Types.

Thankfully just in case, this Bulbasaur had any Poison attacks his Magneton would be immune to them.

Austin didn't waste any time. "Razor Leaf!" He called out with Bulbasaur shooting the extremely sharp leaves from his bulb.

"Block with Metal Sound." Surge returned with a big grin, causing everyone's eyes to widen right as the Magneton spun around, unleashing a horrible noise of metal clashing together, the sound was strong enough to physically block the leaves, knocking them to the floor while Bulbasaur was attempting to unsuccessfully cover his ears. "Now Mirror Shot!"

An orb of steel energy slammed into Bulbasaur, sending him flying back but the plant Pokemon used the momentum to land back on his feet and began to run around the Magneton who calmly used Lock-On.

"Flash Cannon." Surge ordered confidently.

"Quick use Energy Ball!" Austin had a panicked look on his face despite keeping his composure.

Bulbasaur finished the Energy Ball just in the nick of time but he was too close to the explosion and was sent rolling back, a bit burnt but still able to fight.

"Heh you might use baby Pokemon but they sure can fight," Surge stated a little intrigued by how this battle was going.

"Energy Ball again," Austin ordered with Bulbasaur quickly reacting.

"Get ready to counter." Surge told his Pokemon but Austin then did something that not only shocked him but the others in the audience.

"Now eat it."

"Did he just say for Bulbasaur to eat it?!" Yellow looked shocked by the sheer danger of that move.

"That's a risky move," Brock said despite hearing the idea before, from Ash, he didn't expect it to be implemented this soon in a Gym Battle. "Ash hasn't even practiced the move as far as I'm aware."

Sure it was possible that he did it when the others weren't around but Brock couldn't help but worry. Especially with how Ash seemed to be acting in this battle.

"Take him down Ash!" Misty called out enjoying seeing Surge knocked down a few pegs so far.

"What are you giving up?" Surge asked warily never having this happen to him before while Bulbasaur followed the order with no hesitation, showing that it was planned.

An explosion of energy surrounded Bulbasaur, his bulb now growing a bright green color, not unlike the ability to Overgrow.

Deciding not to take any chances, Surge quickly ordered his next move. "Signal Beam!"

The bug-type move blasted towards Bulbasaur only for him to disappear into thin air, a huge gust of wind erupting in a path told Surge what happened as the plant Pokemon was now behind Magneton.

Austin whistled in shock, the effects were different from how Grotle used it, maybe it would've been the same if Grotle was still a Turtwig in the series?

"Vine Whip!" Austin ordered, the adrenaline pumping through him.

Seeing that Magneton was about to be knocked out and he didn't want to leave that Bulbasaur into play, Surge gave the final order. "Explosion."

Austin's eyes widened as Magneton began to glow. "Bulbasaur get out of-." He stopped feeling dizzy, his eyes giving a soft glow that was barely noticeable.

Austin stumbled when the explosion went off blowing dust everywhere as some of the lights shattered.

When the dust and smoke cleared, both Pokemon were on the floor knocked out, and Bulbasaur was badly burnt.

"Both Pokemon are unable to battle." The Referee called as Austin glared.

In truth, he hated Self-Destruct and Explosion thinking it was a horrible move that hurts the Pokemon using it more. Yes, he could see the brilliant strategy in using it but he still hated it.

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