Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.89 Unexpected Powerhouse

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" Both Pokemon are unable to battle." The Referee called as Austin glared.

In truth, he hated Self-Destruct and Explosion thinking it was a horrible move that hurts the Pokemon using it more. Yes, he could see the brilliant strategy in using it but he still hated it.

"If it's any consolation you were about to beat Magneton," Surge spoke up, returning his Pokemon as Austin quickly returned Bulbasaur. "Now I might be confident that I can still win, but I didn't want to leave that Bulbasaur on the field with the speed it was going."

Austin sighed at that.

It made sense.

 Austin took out his next Pokemon and sent her out at the same time as Surge. "Pidgeotto take the field!"

Pidgeotto gave a cry when a yellow canine-like Pokemon with a white mane appeared, electricity sparking off around him.

"A Flying-Type?" Surge smirked a bit. "Bad idea. Jolteon use Thunderbolt!"

But he was on edge just in case.

"Steel Wing to disperse it into the ground!" Austin quickly gave the order.

Pidgeotto did it immediately, both of his wings glowing as one took the thunderbolt while the other one lodged itself to the ground.

"Wha?!" Surge looked surprised by that move as it shouldn't be possible.

' While the plan for thunder armor was a failure since I am pretty sure that was just swallow activating guts, training her resistance to electricity up, Pidgeotto would've been injured from that. ' Austin thought as he had been practicing Winona's strategy of using steel wing to conduct electricity through the ground with Pidgeotto.

"Now Sand Twister!"

Pidgeotto took to the air, creating the twister that she used in the Cerulean Gym, only this time she aimed it at the field causing the sand to disperse into the air, getting into Jolteon's eyes.

Jolteon snarled while sliding back as he fired a Shock Wave but the Sand Twister negated the electric attacks, giving Pidgeotto a slight advantage.

Surge saw this and growled.

He can respect the technique but it doesn't mean it's not pissing him off.

"Spam Quick Attack!" Austin called out over the sounds of the Sand Twister and Pidgeotto gave a cry showing her understanding before she flew through the sand, ignoring it as she slammed into the Jolteon, disappearing into the dust before repeating it with the Jolteon getting hit over and over again.

Surge quickly went through all of the moves in his mind for Jolteon, cursing that the best ones were all electric types as Shadow Ball, Pin Missile and Double Kick wouldn't have much of an effect on the bird-.

That's it.

"Shadow Ball on the ground," Surge boomed with the Jolteon quickly launching the ghost move to disperse the Sand Twister, blasting it back so everyone had to protect their eyes. "Now Thunderbolt!"

Pidgeotto barely had time to dodge when the bolt of electricity slammed into her and sent her flying back before she righted herself, winded but not out while Jolteon was panting from the exertion and injuries.

It was time to finish this.

Surge had the same idea. "Shock Wave with all of your power!" He ordered hoping that this would knock the surprisingly tough Pidgeotto out.

"Aerial Wing."

Pidgeotto shot forward right as Jolteon shot a huge Shock Wave, the steel typing of the move being used to block the electricity to where it surged onto the wing before she slammed into the Jolteon, sending him flying right into Surge who caught the canine with one arm.

"Alright," Austin said with a grin as there was just one Pokemon left, but he was wary.

After all, many people save their best for last and a single Pokemon could turn the tide of a battle like Ash's battle with Gary in the Silver Conference using Charizard to take down his rival's last three Pokemon.

"Pidgeotto return," Austin called out making the birds fly to him and this time land on his head, nearly bowling him over from her weight.

She was starting to feel heavier.

Now looking at Pidgeotto, he saw how her plumage was a bit more evident-.

'She's close to evolving.' Austin thought with a grin as Raticate showed a few signs before she evolved along with Butterfree, Fearow, and Kitty.

"Alright, time to step this up a notch." Surge said returning Jolteon before his hand went up to the dog tag, moving it to show a battered Pokeball that was shrunk. "You'll be facing the Pokemon that got me through the war."

With that, he unclipped the Pokeball and enlarged it while Austin returned Pidgeotto and pulled Raticate's Pokeball out, and sent the tawny-colored rat out.

"Alright, Raticate is ready," Austin said as she hissed excitement, ready to fight.

"Heh, that Raticate's got spunk I'll give you that." Surge said feeling his partner's energy build up inside of the Pokeball from this. "Alright, Electivire go!"

Austin's eyes widened at hearing that while the large yellow and black Pokemon landed on the field the two tails twitching as he gave the Raticate a mocking glare with his red eyes.

'An Electivire?!' Austin tensed not expecting that.'Oh boy.'

' It's tough.' Austin thought as he saw how this one could give some of Ash's best Pokemon from his timeline a run. ' But it's also old, a lot older than Surge is.' 

With their age, Electivire wouldn't be as strong as he was years ago and would get tired rather easily.

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