Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.90 The power of Electric Types

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" Thunderbolt!" The surge didn't waste any time with the attack erupting from the Electivire.

"Dodge with Quick Attack," Raticate barely got out of the way with the arena being scorched and became a blur until she was right behind Electivire. "Hyper Fang-."

"Grab it with your tail." At Surge's order, Electivire's tail wrapped around Raticate's midsection and pulled her off the ground. "Now Thunder!"

Austin paled drastically at hearing that as Surge didn't seem to be holding back at all with this one and he panicked. "Quick Ice Beam!" He called out, praying that it would work.

Thankfully, the Ice Beam came faster than Thunder as the latter had to take a few seconds to charge and the close-range ice attack disrupted the Electivire's concentration causing him to let Raticate go as the tawny-colored rat made some distance.

"Heh smart." Surge had a grin on his face. "Alright, Electric Terrain."

"Electric what?!" Austin asked not knowing what that was right as Electivire slammed an electric fist into the ground.

"Not good, Ash is really at a disadvantage," Brock noted his arms crossed at seeing this. "Now all of Surge's electric attacks are extremely powerful."

"How powerful are we talking?" Misty asked a bit hesitantly.

"Enough to where a Nuzzle can take down a Gyarados."

On hearing Brock's answer, Yellow was a bit worried. "So if Surge uses Thunder again?"

"That would be it for Raticate," Misty answered this time.

"I have to say, Ash, you have made this a fun battle but this is where it all ends," Surge stated to him giving a vicious smirk. "Think you can win this one?"

Austin's mind was in overdrive, trying to think of what Electric Terrain could do and what his options were, especially when he saw that the electricity was affecting Raticate a bit.

"Electivire finish this with Discharge!" Surge ordered with the smell of ozone appearing in the air due to the enhanced field.

Eyes widening, Austin did the only thing he could think of. "Quick use Sucker Punch!"

Due to the power of the attack, Raticate's speed was increased as she shot in, slamming into the Electivire and quickly used Hyper Fang causing critical damage to the Electivire who stumbled in shock.

Austin didn't let up, no longer thinking this of a Gym Battle but wanted to do anything to ensure this next attack wouldn't hit. "Iron Tail across the face!"

Raticate spun around, slamming her tail right into the Electivire but Surge had enough. "Use Brick Break to get some room."

The fighting type move slammed into Raticate before she could even react and she was sent flying across the field, kicking up dust.

Despite only being hit once by the Electivire, Austin could see how powerful the move was with Raticate having trouble keeping awake as she pushed herself up with Electivire panting, not out but injured.

"Thunderbolt." The surge gave the Raticate a look of slight respect right as the blast hit Raticate sending her flying until she hit the wall and fell over pretty burnt from the attack.

Austin quickly returned her, wanting to rush his friend to the Pokemon Center but he had to finish this otherwise all the fighting she did would be for nothing.

"I can't use Pidgeotto," Austin whispered knowing that despite how strong the bird was, this Electivire was something else.

"Chu!" Pikachu jumped back into the field, his cheeks sparking while the Electivire raised a brow.

Austin's eyes widened, thinking about turning the Electric Terrain back at Surge before discarding the idea as no doubt the Electivire would have the ability Motor Drive.

"Flash Clone!" Austin got on the defensive making sure that Pikachu wouldn't get hit by that move and before long the field was covered with Pikachu's running around making the Electivire look around in annoyance.

"Don't underestimate that runt!" Surge ordered as he could feel his heart race from this battle. "Use Shock Wave to hit him."

"Block with Iron Tail!" Austin countered, the real Pikachu immediately knocking the electric attack away. "Now Sword Strike!"

"Chu!" Pikachu slammed into the Electivire with his speed before dodging the tail that went to wrap around him, expecting that from watching Raticate's battle. "Pika!"

Electivire stumbled a bit but rushed forward with a Brick Break with Pikachu ducking and weaving around, not wanting to get hit along with his speed improving due to how the agility part of Flash Clone was still in effect.

But Pikachu was caught off guard when Electivire used Shock Wave again, blasting him halfway across the field.

"Enough playing around," Surge decided to end this. "Thunder on the whole field!"

Electivire roared and slammed both his tails and arms into the field before charging up.

Austin quickly got an idea as he remembered Ash's battle against surge and shouted the order, praying that Pikachu heard him as the explosion that followed quickly drowned out his voice.

Coughs could be heard as the arena safety features barely managed to keep the explosion contained to the field, but the smoke seeped through as everyone looked at the field with anxiety.

Austin tried to peer through the smoke, hoping he wouldn't find an unconscious Pikachu, and was dismayed as he only saw Electivire's form standing out through the smoke, but the giant of a Pokemon looked incredibly exhausted, his age catching up with him before the smoke cleared some more and to everyone's shock along with Austin's relief, Pikachu was okay his tail still glowing from Iron Tail being embedded into the arena, although he wasn't uninjured as the sheer power of the Thunder was enormous.

"N-No way." Surge said not expecting, that while Pikachu smirked.

"Pi." Pikachu quickly got himself free and shot forward, his fist glowing with a Brick Break.

That snapped Surge out of his shock. "Electivire quick use Fire Punch!"

Electivire stumbled as he ran forward, determined not to fall over, but Pikachu used another Iron Tail to jump over the now extended fist and slammed a Brick Break right into Electivire's forehead.

Pikachu quickly jumped back and landed on all fours, looking wary as Electivire just stood there after the attack before he slowly fell over.

"Alright!" Austin laughed while Pikachu sat down with a tired sigh before he turned and ran back to the box where he made his way to Austin's shoulder and stayed there, determined not to walk anymore for the day.

Austin didn't mind that and he easily scratched Pikachu's cheek.

"That was amazing, Pikachu," Austin said with a grin on his face.

A loud laugh echoed as Surge walked forward, clapping his hands. "Well I'll be, you did it," He said not looking annoyed at all. "I haven't had a battle like that in a while."

Walking until he was directly in front of Austin while the others got out of the stands, Surge reached in his jacket and pulled something out. "You've earned this," He said placing the Thunder Badge in Austin's hand. "I haven't fought like that in a long time."

"Thank you," Austin said with Pikachu giving a small cry of agreement.

Surge then looked thoughtful as he looked at Pikachu earning a twitch of his ears from the stare. "One more thing," He snapped his fingers and one of his gym trainers gave a nod and walked forward handing Surge something. "Take this as well."

Austin's eyes widened at seeing a bluish-yellow stone with a lightning emblem on it.

"That's a Thunderstone," Brock looked surprised when it was handed to Austin. "They're pretty rare to find."

"I have no need for it but your Pikachu is pretty tough," Surge said placing it in Austin's hand. "Use that and you'll have a powerful Raichu on your team."

Austin looked at the stone, hesitating a bit.

He was one of the people who watched the anime and was dismayed when Pikachu never evolved as he thought the little guy would be extremely powerful if he did, but now being here and having the chance to do so Austin didn't know.

If he chose to evolve Pikachu here and now it would be against his will and after the bond, he made at this moment it would be like spitting on it, destroying any trust that the Pokemon gave him.

With that said, he pocketed the stone. "Thank you." He said again to Surge, not mentioning that he wasn't going to evolve Pikachu until the little guy wanted to.

Besides, it was still too early for him to evolve as he was still young and learning different attacks.

" Well, whatever you decide be sure to go far alright?" The surge gave another laugh, this one a bit more friendly. "And make sure you come back for a rematch when you get stronger alright?"

Austin gave a nod, agreeing to that before he began to run out to get his Pokemon healed, the others right behind him.

"What on earth happened to them?!" Nurse Joy asked at seeing the state of Bulbasaur and Raticate while Pidgeotto and Pikachu got off lightly.

"Surge." Austin quickly said causing her to sigh.

"I told that man too many times to take it easy," Joy muttered under her breath before smiling at Austin. "But congratulations on beating him."

Austin blinked, how did she know-oh right, otherwise Pidgeotto and Pikachu would've been in worse condition if he lost.

As she took the Pokemon away to be healed, Austin gave a tired grin and walked back over to the others who were waiting for him with what looked to be lunch waiting, some of their Pokemon out at the moment.

So he let Butterfree and Charmander out before he sat in a seat. "Bulbasaur and Raticate will be at full health in a half hour." He said sounding relieved.

"That's good to hear," Brock said thinking back to how those two went down. "They'll probably throw themselves to training more after that."

Austin let out a chuckle. "Yeah they will," He said already seeing that due to their personalities. "Although Raticate might have to take it easy after all that."

"You thinking of sending her to Prof. Oaks?" Yellow asked curiously, earning a nod from Austin.

"Just for a small rest, I'll still be training her." Austin shrugged, enjoying the conversation after that heated battle with Surge.

Looking down, he saw Charmander having a small conversation with Clefairy, Oddish, and Zubat while Butterfree ate while talking to Kitty and Graveler. Dody, Staryu, and Starmie were nearby talking to each other as well.

"So where to next?" Yellow asked a bit curiously looking at them.

Brock went to answer only to stop as someone was approaching their table.

Seeing the way Brock looked, Austin turned only to frown as Paul was looking right at him.

"Did you win?" Paul asked earning a nod from Austin as he pulled out the Thunder Badge to prove it. "I guess you're not all talk after all."

"So I take it the battle is still on?" Austin asked earning a nod from Paul who turned around to walk off.

"I'll be outside Diglett's Cave tomorrow at two," Paul told him not to pause. "Don't keep me waiting."

"That's Paul?" Misty asked in surprise, earning a nod from Austin.

"Yeah," Austin said.

Tomorrow would be quite an interesting day.

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