Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 42

Chapter 42: : A New Event Is Happening

Juniper Town.

The sun is shining and the air is full of birdsong and flowers.

He Duo walked out of a small two-story building, and beside him was the comfortable Abo monster.

“Hey!” Arbo monster used its big head to arch Hedor’s back, as if begging for something.

He Duo impatiently pushed Aboguai’s head away and said, “Okay! It’s too late. Teacher Tuo Nan said that the massage time should not exceed two hours!”

It has been a week since he came to Hinoki Town.

Don’t question why time flies so fast, you feel the same way when you spend money to learn.

The tuition fee that was taught just last week, how could it be finished in such a short period of time?

He Duo’s heart collapsed when he saw his purse that had shrunk considerably.

When he was in the special training camp of the Rockets, He Duo cashed out 3,000 yuan in cash, plus the 2,000 yuan he originally had, a total of 5,000 yuan.

In the past two weeks, the four little dogs and his food costs nearly 1500, buying books 400, fruit 500, snacks 200, clothes and other sundries 600.

Here it adds up to 3200 yuan, and then the first badge gave him 1000 yuan, adding up to the remaining 2800 yuan. But the Elf massage class cost him five hundred dollars, fifty dollars a class, two hours a class.

With the remaining 2,300 yuan in the pocket, if there is no income, most of them will not survive the next month.

“Money, money!” He Duo turned his head and looked at the small two-story villa behind him, feeling very envious.

The owner of the house is a respectable lady.

Her name is Tuo Nan, a senior breeder who works in the elf school in Hinoki Town. She has 25 years of experience in cultivating elf. At 36 years old this year, she is not well-known, but Teach a great number of breeders.

Had a very good impression of her, this very responsible and beautiful female husband is a carpenter, while teaching him pixie massage, he also taught him a lot of knowledge about breeders.

Her annual income of up to 300,000 yuan is even more envious of Heiduo.

Not only that, but her Nido queen also gave Heiduo a deep impression. The ground-type elf with an average height of 80 centimeters more than Nido queen, although the energy level is not high, is first-class healthy and strong, sapphire blue. The **** skin of the color is smooth and smooth, with a loud cry and full of vitality.

This is the strength of breeders. Their elf may not be strong, but they are absolutely healthy. Compared with some high-level elves, their bodies are full of hidden dangers. This healthy and extraordinary development is exactly what Hedor wanted.

He longed to have a giant aberdeen comparable to the python in the scourge of the anaconda.

Because of spending money, He Duo was very keen on the content of his studies. He was like a sponge absorbing water tirelessly absorbing the knowledge from Tuo Nan.

Tuo Nan couldn’t help but praise and appreciate He Duo’s serious attitude and efficient learning ability. And when Tuo Nan asked him if he would like to study at the Elf School in Hippi Town, He Duo chose to refuse, he knew that Tuo Nan might have taken a fancy to him and wanted to teach him personally. However, according to the current progress, after Anxin studied in school and then went to get a badge to participate in the conference, the hope of winning the championship was very slim.

In order to win the league championship, and to compete in the Champions League to beat Kona, the average elf level must be at least level 70. Not only that, but his own quality must also be improved.

He has seen a lot of academic elf trainers here in Tuo Nan. The highest grade of a elf school: a sixth-grade girl, one year younger than him, and the most powerful elf in his hands is only in the fiftieth grade.

At this level, she can’t be considered stable in taking the senior trainer certificate, let alone winning the first prize at the Alliance Conference, unless her commanding skills are particularly superb.

When it comes to the classification of trainers, the Elf League generally divides trainers into four levels.

Novice Trainer – Elite Trainer – Senior Trainer – Top Trainer.

The test threshold for the Elite Trainer Certificate is three Pokémon of level 40 and above, the threshold for the Senior Trainer Certificate is three Pokémon of Level 50 and above, and the top trainer is three Pokémon of Level 65 and above elf.

The three enjoy different subsidies by virtue of their certificates. If they are engaged in official work, they can win a lot of benefits for themselves.

The subsidy is 5000, 10000 and 20000 respectively.

Why is the subsidy so high? Generally speaking, most trainers can get the second subsidy at most, and the third subsidy is less than one hundred. Often the trainers who are eligible to participate in the alliance conference may not be able to get the top trainer subsidy.

“So, hurry up and raise your rank! We won’t even be able to afford food if we go on like this!” He Duo grabbed Abo Monster’s wildly flapping tail. This unsatisfactory guy has only risen for a week. Level five! And in the case of fighting with people, He Duo was really angry.

The situation of the other three is similar. After they reached level 20, the speed of level improvement dropped greatly.

Abowei turned around and bound Heiduo. The originally thick snake letter became slender and licked Heduo’s face. This was a weakness that Abowei recently discovered about Heido.

This guy hates people leaving wet marks on his face. Every time Abowei does this, he will be beaten.

Of course, after the fight is more comfortable, what to do.

Although it hurts a bit, after the pain is over, happiness will come.

Sure enough, He Duo used his twenty-point strength to break free from the shackles of Abo, and pressed it to the ground and beat it.

You are your skin, and you are the skin of a melon!

“Senior Heido!”

A figure accompanied by a light and soft female voice came to He Duo.

He Duo put down the Abo monster who opened his mouth wide and pretended to be dead, and looked around.

“Sari? Don’t you have class this afternoon?” He Duo looked at the girl in front of him with some doubts.

Sari, a cute little girl with lead-grey double ponytails, is an exchange student from Hezhong, and is the trainer of the Centipede King that Hedo and Abi met last time.

This girl got acquainted with Hei Duo because of Abi, and because of Hei Duo and Shuangye.

Now her relationship with Frostleaf is in a strange place.

Sari stuck out her tongue and said with a cute face: “Today is the weekend! How can there be classes on weekends!”

So this is the difference between the academic trainer and the orthodox trainer. Unless the orthodox trainer is willing to rest, he will not rest for three hundred and sixty-five days.

He Duo is not criticizing and despising academics. Combining work and rest is a very common thing. In reality, he is still resisting long-term work, and he himself is not nervous every day.

It’s just that compared to him who is pressed for time, the relaxed and relaxed academic style is not very suitable for him.

“Where’s Frost Leaf Sauce?” Sari looked around, but found no figure of Frost Leaf.

He Duo twitched the corner of his mouth and said, “Her? She’s sitting in the cafe.”

As the time between the two became longer, Shuangye became less and less professional. Every time Heido went to class, she would sit in the cafe and wait for Heido to finish class, like a stalker.

The good policeman who used to be inseparable from Heido and had to wait outside to go to the toilet was gone.


A pink creature resembling a cat and a fox came to He Duo and rubbed against He Duo’s trouser legs.

Sari screamed in surprise, squatted down and touched Taiyang Ibrahimovic’s head, but Taiyang Ibrahimovic was obviously more willing to let Heduo touch it than Sari.

Nonsense, for so many days, the three elves of Frostleaf have been “poisoned” by Heiduo many times, and they have been looking forward to the massage of Heiduo more than the elves of Heiduo.

Heiduo looked sideways, Frostleaf was sitting on a bench, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, the straw in the cherry mouth, and sucking gently.

Picking up Sun Ibrahimovic, this cat-like elf is as soft as a cotton candy, and the short fluff is warm and comfortable to the touch.

It made Heiduo want to capture an Eevee.

Remember that there seems to be an Ibrahimovic that can be exchanged for game currency in the full gold game hall in Manjin City?

“Hey—” Abo’s neigh let out a dissatisfied neigh, coming first, then arriving! First come first served!

Taiyang Ibrahimovic gave Aboguai a disdainful look, “Mi~”

I’m sorry, but if she looks cute, she can really do whatever she wants~www.readwn.com~ Abo is furious.

He Duo, who noticed that the two guys were acting like they were acting like actors, let out a chuckle. Similar things happened from time to time, and it was considered a remedy in He Duo’s life.

Sari, who found Frostleaf, left Heduo and ran over.

As soon as the two girls from fellow villagers met, it was as if there were endless things to say. He Duo found that only at this time, Shuangye’s expressions and actions were like that of a young girl.

He went straight back to the Pixie Center.

Compared with the Elf Center in Kikyo City, the Elf Center in Hinoki Town is extremely sparsely populated.

Of course, this has something to do with the small population of Hinoki Town itself.

Sitting on the sofa in the hall of the Elf Center, a program reported on a wall-mounted LCD TV not far away caught Heido’s attention.

“…According to rumors, the Mole Poaching Group, a transcontinental criminal organization, has landed in the Chengdu area and left traces in the natural park.

“The Mole Poaching Group is a large-scale criminal group that illegally sells rare elves by poaching. Its leader, Kazhila, was born out of the self-organized plasma group in the Hezhong area…”

A subtle clack caught Heduo’s attention.

Heiduo turned his head and found that Shuangye was clenching her fists tightly with a gnashing expression.

Her eyes were slightly red, obviously thinking of some bad memory.

“Shuangye Jiang, what’s wrong?” Sari looked at Shuangye with concern, her expression was really terrifying.

Shuangye stared coldly at the image of Kazhila that was shown on the TV, and said, “Do you remember the big release event?”

The mass release event in the United States refers to a major event that shocked the world when a large number of elves were released by trainers during a large-scale lobbying rally.

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