Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: : Mole Poaching Group

But the crux of the matter is that the whereabouts of the released elves are unknown, and there is evidence that they had appeared in the underground black market and were trafficked by people who looked a lot like the organizers of the lobbying rally.

This incident was called the biggest scandal in recent years by the people of the United States. The public dissatisfaction about the public almost drowned the official of the Elf Alliance. The chairman of the Elven Association of the United States directly resigned, and two of the four kings were dismissed. The champion was punished and volunteered for three years.

Despite this, the alliance officials still failed to recover the released elves.

“Remember… what’s the matter?” Sari blinked. When the big release incident happened, she was still young, so she didn’t have any impressions or feelings.

Frostleaf pointed at Kazhila’s face and said, “Among the people who were exposed to sell elves, he was the leader!”


He Duo glanced at Kazhila, and he couldn’t help but guess that this guy is still connected with the sanctimonious guys in the plasma group.

Or rather, the plasmoids support them behind their backs.

Natural park ah… The town of juniper is not close, but the possibility of them coming here is not ruled out.

After all, there is a mountain of circle bears and a forest of hazelnut balls. The former has always been a best-seller in the black market. The circle bears with perseverance characteristics have a lot of meat and a particularly fierce appearance while outputting explosions.

Favored by some trainers.

The latter is a “consumable” used to escape, and they always passively accept the ending of being in a near-death state after learning to self-destruct early.

And once it is near death, the trainer is not necessarily willing to take it back. At that time, they have no ability to resist and can only passively wait to die.

Nothing is more cruel than this.

“Sooner or later, I will bring them to justice!” Shuangye looked away bitterly. What she didn’t tell Sari was that her sister was forcibly caught by the elf during the big release incident, and she was forced to release.

When her sister went to retrieve the released elf, she found that it had been captured by others.

If it wasn’t for a big brother they knew later caught the guy and forced him to return the elf, maybe they’d only be able to see it on the black market.

This incident at that time left a deep psychological shadow on her, which was one of the reasons why she would become an Interpol police officer.

He Duo glanced at Shuangye, and this little girl set up one without knowing it. Generally speaking, the person who sets this up will meet someone within a week.

But that is in anime and novels, reality is generally not so nonsensical, because reality has no logic and no sequence, and there may be unfortunate things that are enough to knock you down before you have the courage to face the suffering.

It was four o’clock in the afternoon, and the summer nights were shorter, so the sun was still high in the sky.

Juniper Town is peaceful. There have not been too many celebrities and great people in this town that relies on the well of dumb beasts to survive, but the breeders from the Well of Juniper Town have always been the mainstay of the alliance.

When it comes to celebrities, the most prestigious in Hinoki Town is Mr. Steel.

Today, when pixies are basically made in an assembly line, it is hard to imagine that a person can create a variety of pokeballs with one hand.

If Mr. Steel had not experienced the coercion and coercion of the masked man, he handed over the planting technology of cone trees and the production method of special Poké Balls to the Alliance, most of the trainers in the world may not be able to use those for life. Amazing Poké Ball.

However, the current Mr. Steel is still an old-fashioned person. If he doesn’t get his approval, he has no chance to get the Poké Ball he made.

unless you spend money.

A piece of 1000 yuan, the old man is not deceived, don’t buy it if you think it is expensive.

If it weren’t for his granddaughter Qianhui, who is only three years old now, He Duo really wanted to give her a baby bear in exchange for a chance to get a free Poké Ball.

Isn’t that what Ah Jin did, although he was not utilitarian.

“Mi~” Taiyang Yibu rubbed Heiduo’s belly, he felt so comfortable, as expected of someone who has studied massage, super cool~

He Duo laughed. He didn’t expect that his subconscious stroking would also have such power, and the cat purred.

But Sun Eevee is really cute.

He Duo wiped away his saliva. He had a previous record of cat slavery. He had no resistance to such small cats or dogs.

“Hey!” The jealous Aboguai put his big head directly on Heiduo’s lap and pressed it on Ibrahimovic’s body mercilessly.

The sun Ibrahimovic was almost crushed by Abo’s body. Think about it, where can a little elf who can learn [Tarzan pressing the top] lighten up?

“Mi!” Sun Ibrahimovic released blue light from his eyes and moved the Abo monster away, it was angry!

Then he was touched by He Duo.

“Mimi Mimi Mimi~” Taiyang Ibrahimovic, whose sensitive point was attacked, made a shameful voice.

Beside her, Shuangye showed a look of disgust, this is not her Sun Ibrahimovic!

Abo Monster burst into tears in grievance, bullying the snake too much! Are you my trainer!

He Duo had no choice but to let go of the paralyzed Sun Ibrahimovic and massage the Abo monster.

Tuo Nan taught him that with He Duo’s current massage skills, the optimal massage time is between one hour and two hours. If it exceeds this time period, it will not benefit the elves themselves, but is just refreshing.

After He Duo has truly mastered it, he will be able to achieve the effect he wants in ten minutes.

It would be nice if this skill could also be improved by plug-ins.

He Duo sighed and felt ashamed of his shamelessness, Goldfinger was already perverted enough.

Strength gave him solid muscles and a high degree of physical control.

Agility gives him nimble movements and quick reflexes.

The physique gave him a strong body and healthy internal organs.

The spirit gave him sharp thinking and terrifying comprehension and memory.

Even perception, the least useful attribute in Heido’s view, gave him a powerful power of observation.

Sometimes Heido doesn’t need to rely on eyes, but can tell people by smell and footsteps.

The six values gave Heduo far too many benefits to describe in words.

Deep in the dark forest.

A large truck was parked between the mountains and forests, with thick yellow leaves and soft soil under the tires.

The peaceful and peaceful forest has become less beautiful because of the presence of some people.


A number of off-road motorcycles shuttled through the forest, crushing the plants on the ground, and they were followed by a number of Doberman-like little fairies whose heads were covered with bone plates or a pair of goat horns.

In mid-air, flying like cicadas, very fast, with a pair of gray sharp forelimbs, little elves.

Together with the people on the off-road motorcycles, they chased several lap bears and bear cubs who were fleeing in a hurry.

These pixies, who would have driven out intruders mercilessly, looked like bereaved dogs when faced with a large number of pursuers.

“Catch it! Catch it! That strange-colored baby bear is our third division!” A shabby man in a hood roared, driving the elf beside him to catch up with the circle bears.

And the alien bear baby in his mouth is lying quietly in the arms of a circle bear, soundly asleep.

Hearing the shouting of the hooded man, the three people behind him let out excited shouts.

Next to them, a coolly dressed and curvaceous woman shouted unto be outdone, “Don’t let the rookies of the third division succeed! The alien bear baby belongs to our second division!”

Behind the woman, several minions from the second division shouted like gorillas in order to boost their momentum.

“Team 1! Give it to me!” A voice with a tender tone came out, accompanied by many echoes.

The captain of the second division and the third division looked around and said with a smile, “Young master! I didn’t expect you to come here too!”

The person they called Shaodong’s family was a young man with a mask and a bohemian hairstyle.

He rode a four-wheeled off-road motorcycle with an axe blade on his shoulders, covered with blades, like an armored elf.

“How can there be so little of me for such an exciting thing!” The masked man’s exposed eyes were full of excitement, and he enjoyed the feeling of this kind of prey fleeing in front of his eyes, but it was always difficult to escape.

“Hahahaha, then let’s see who catches them first!” The captain of the third division laughed, stepped up the accelerator, and caught up. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Heluga beside him quickly moved his four legs and accelerated to keep up.

Not to be outdone, the captain of the second division shouted and pulled the accelerator.

A mighty group of people shuttled through the forest.

At the foot of a mountain dozens of kilometers away from these people, a man in a green outdoor adventure outfit turned on the communication device with a solemn expression.


“Hello! What happened?”

A majestic female voice came from the opposite side of the communication device.

The man calmly said, “Zero 16668, 5353 found the traces of the mole poaching group. It is estimated that there are more than 20 people. They are hunting bears in circles, asking for support!”

“…Restate the location! We will rush to support as soon as possible! Please delay their evacuation!”

The most difficult part of the poaching group is that their mobility is too flexible, and they are also willing to give up their goals. If the situation is not right, they will run away. Sometimes not to mention the captured elf, even their elf will give up!

The man recounted it in detail, and beside him stood a blue elf who stood up and was extremely sticky.

“Hey—” Marsh King looked worried, and he could hear feelings of unease and panic from his trainer’s tone.

The man put down the phone and smiled reluctantly at King Swamp: “I’m fine, come on, King Swamp! Those poached elves depend on us!”

Poaching groups are the second thing a ranger fears after wildfires. Because poaching groups are often large in number, the elves cooperate well.

As the saying goes, the more ants kill the elephant, the more people beat the disabled god. A lone ranger can never beat an entire poaching group.

Unless it’s a monster like red and green who can turn over an organization by one person.

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