Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: : Yu Jian-Sang

The door opened, and what appeared in front of Heiduo was a handsome young man wearing a shirt and trousers, with white hair reaching to a shawl and half covering his face and eyes hanging from the tip of his nose.

“Yeah!!!” Ibrahimovic’s eyes lit up like searchlights for a moment, and his claws held He Duo’s shoulders tightly. If it wasn’t for He Duo’s repeated statement that he would not let him speak casually, it would have shouted out long ago.

Peerless beauty, peerless beauty!

Although Heiduo was equally shocked by the appearance of the person in front of him, he would not be different from the others. He respectfully said: “Hello, I’m looking for Mr. Yujian, may I ask…”

“I am.” The white-haired young man smiled gently, and this smile was much more dazzling than the previous Yunsheng.

He said, “Come in, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

Yu Jian didn’t talk to He Duo much, and wanted to lead He Duo to the reception room in the mansion.

This suit is very incompatible with the interior decoration of tatami and screen, like two worlds, the contrast is extremely strong.

He Duo thought that Yu Jianhui was a middle-aged man wearing a kimono yukata with a stubble face, with a strong personality and extraordinary ability.

I didn’t expect that he would actually be the second generation of Michaelis, and he was more beautiful than women.

Yu Jian made He Duo a cup of tea, and He Duo quickly thanked him.

“Miss Tuo Nan should have told you about the relevant matter, right?” Yu Jian took a sip of his tea. Hei Duo didn’t dare to look at it like that, for fear that there would be problems with his three views.

He Duo nodded and said, “Yes, Mr. Tuo Nan told me that you are willing to take the time to teach me, thank you very much.”

Yu Jian smiled slightly and said: “I don’t need to say more if you are polite, I have heard about you too… Although I have the favor of Miss Tuo Nan this time, when I heard your deeds, I really fell in love. heart of.”

The heart of love? As expected of a top trainer, his bearing is like that of a famous headmaster in martial arts novels.

“Originally, you have to study under my hands for a year – this is the shortest time, I think you can almost integrate the knowledge I handed down.” Yu Jian expressed his psychological expectations, ” But Miss Tuo Nan told me you only have two months to spare…”

This time limit was set by Tuo Nan. He Duo didn’t tell Tuo Nan about his bet with Kona, but He Duo expressed that he must get eight badges in the middle and late next year, and then participate in the current silver conference.

Then catch up with the Champions League half a year after the closing of the Silver Conference.

Barely it should be two and a half years, not as many as the three years that Kona said.

The Alliance Conference won’t wait until three full years to hold it.

Time was much tighter than Hadd imagined.

“I’m very sorry, I have to win the championship at the next silver conference… Although it sounds a little over-the-top, Mr. Yujian, I am serious.” He Duo briefly explained the reason for his lack of time, and believed that Yujian should Know your general information.

When hearing that Heido was going to win the championship, Yu Jian did not express contempt, but said more seriously: “So that’s the case, must it be the next one?”

“Yes, it must be the next term. I have reasons I can’t say, and I’m very sorry.” He Duo replied affirmatively.

At this time, Yu Jian smiled and said, “Is it an agreement with Kona?”


He Duo stood up suddenly, his expression uncertain.

“What’s the matter?” Ibrahimovic screamed, ready to open the shield at any time.

Yu Jian’s expression remained unchanged, he filled Hei Duo with tea with a smile, and said, “Hei Duo, in fact, I know you better than you think, and what you think I don’t know, I actually know, otherwise I won’t. will choose you.”

At this time, Yu Jian, in Heiduo’s eyes, completely did not match the image of a gentle and beautiful man before, and gradually resembled a poisonous snake with a core spit and fangs.

“Don’t be nervous, I won’t hurt you, take it easy.” Yu Jian knocked on the table and motioned Heiduo to sit down.

He Duo hesitated for two seconds, then sat down obediently.

Yu Jiandao: “I know your parents, they don’t know me but I owe them a favor. I hate to owe favors to others, so I will teach you well.”

Another person related to his parents!

Hei Duo quietly took a deep breath, his energy-raising skills were not yet at home. Maybe it has something to do with this young body. In short, it is difficult for him to control his expression and psychological fluctuations.

“You don’t need to react so much. In fact, the members of the entire Elf Association know about you, more or less.” Mr. Yu Jian put down a thunderbolt again, “But the bet with Kona, please Don’t worry, I also took the initiative to ask Cona to find out, she is not so rude to make everyone known.”

That’s not enough of a mouthful!

The fact that he almost went to prison is completely the black history of Heiduo. No one wants to have their scars opened. It is very humiliating and difficult to talk about.

And the whole elf association mentioned earlier knows him…

Why? He is just a nobody, how can he get the attention of the “leader”, most of which have something to do with his parents.

What are those two doing…

But it seems that he should not be able to get the protection of his parents, at most he is regarded as a family member, which may or may not be important…

“…Can you tell me why?” Instead of struggling, it’s better to ask the insider in front of him.

When Yu Jian heard the words, he seemed to be stunned, and then smiled: “Why? There are not so many reasons, you should be lucky that you have a pair of parents who are great enough, they can protect you from prison – this kind of thing throughout the history of the alliance never showed up.”

Fortunately, Ibrahimovic couldn’t understand Yu Jian’s words, otherwise Heiduo would have died of shame on the spot.

Seeing He Duo’s embarrassment, Yu Jian smiled and apologized: “I’m sorry, I haven’t seen such an interesting young man like you for a long time, I can’t help it. Don’t be ashamed of this, who didn’t do it when I was young A stupid thing or two? It’s just that you were unlucky enough to be caught.”

Speaking of this topic, Yu Jian’s face was full of reminiscence.

He Duo didn’t speak, and silently drank tea to ease the embarrassment.

“Let’s not talk about this, let’s talk about serious topics. In the past two months, I will try my best to teach you what I know. I hope you can study it seriously. I think what I know is pretty good.” Duo had such a big air in his imagination, and he was very approachable. Except for the accidental black belly, he liked to sneer at others.

Overall not a difficult person to deal with.

“Okay.” He Duo was aggrieved, like an autistic child, he felt a little stingy and couldn’t stand the criticism of others.

But there are so many people in the world, it is impossible for all of them to have a good impression of you.

Yu Jian laughed silently, He Duo was equivalent to a little brother to him, he was young and vigorous, and he was almost the same back then.

But boys eventually grow up and become mature.

“Come with me and arrange a room for you first – don’t rush to refuse, in order to improve efficiency, you must stay here 24 hours a day, otherwise…” Yu Jian narrowed his eyes, like a cunning fox.

Heiduo was speechless and followed Yujian obediently.

Yujian’s mansion is not small, but only employs an elderly old woman and her fearless boy (Ballang) to do the cleaning work every Saturday, which is equivalent to the hourly cleaners of the earth.

Inside the dojo.

The traditional dojos in the Chengdu area are generally the same as the Japanese dojos. The ground is dry-resistant wooden boards, and the surrounding area is very empty.

Black Duo sat cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by all his elves.

On the opposite side of him are all the elves of Yujian.

Bone hyperplasia, demon horns on top of his head, silent but arrogant expression, he looks like a Doberman Pinscher.

With sharp eyes, a black crow wearing a gentleman’s hat and a white feather scarf on his chest – Crow Toutou (Gentleman’s Crow).

With a playful face, a little monkey with fangs and claws with red fan leaves on its head – Majula.

Huge, like a tank and like a scorpion, a purple sleeping monster that can stretch out several meters – the Dragon King Scorpion.

Petite and cute, with insidious cunning flashing in his eyes, the combination of rabbit and hound – Moon Ibrahimovic.

The main body is a stone, but from time to time, a flower pot with a rotating purple grimace appears – a flower rock monster (ghost plant).

To sum up, these are the elves that Yujian showed to Heido.

And basically the level hovers between the sixty-fifth and the seventieth level, which is even worse than that of Abi.

Had a question about this.

You have such good conditions, why don’t you become the Four Heavenly Kings of evil attributes?

It’s enough to be picked by that little girl from Lihua~www.readwn.com~. Could it be that you just want to be the champion and are not interested in the Four Heavenly Kings?

So ambitious!

“These are the six elves that I use most often. The others are kept in the breeding house of my acquaintances. How do you feel?” Yu Jian smiled slightly, exuding a compliment of me, compliment me illusion. Although he has white hair, he is surrounded by black or dark elves.

Generally speaking, a trainer will have 12 to 16 elves in his life, but there will only be fewer but not more. If there are too many, they will not be cultivated, and if they are too few, they will most likely be targeted.

Of course, the protagonists are different. The protagonists usually have six gangsters, such as Chi, Ah Jin, Ah Yin, etc. Of course, there are also comics that do not have so much space to depict other elves, forcibly compressing the members in their hands to about six.

But Heiduo is now in the real world, so he has to talk about something practical.

No one can be unbeaten all the time, and no one can be so reckless with six little elves, at least He Duo can’t do it.

The time when Chi Ye was wiped out by a Deoxys!

Life is so long, why stick to six elves? He takes care of it, don’t think too much.

Otherwise, wouldn’t he read so many breeders’ books in vain?

“Your elf is very powerful, but I am curious why you are not the gym owner or the king.” He Duo wondered.

Yu Jian’s expression remained unchanged, his back was leaning on Heluga’s body, and the fire-type elf was warm. Even in the hot summer, Yu Jian would not dislike this warm feeling.

He said: “If you are talking about the master of the gym, I am indeed taking the gym trainer qualification test recently. I just passed the written test two days ago, and I will take the actual combat test in about a month and a half.”

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