Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: : The Martial Arts Of This World

qualification exam!

Hei Duo suddenly remembered that Chi Ye had applied for the Gym Master in Vibrant City, but he resigned on his own due to physical reasons, and was picked by Lu Ye, namely Xiao Mao.

Mr. Qianli, the master of the Gym in Chenghua City, also passed the qualification examination and took office, and received the Ruby family.

Counting the time… well, I don’t know when, it’s very likely that he has already passed the test by now.

“Congratulations, congratulations.” He Duo bowed his hands very perfunctorily, thinking hard.

Yu Jian almost didn’t laugh out loud, He Duo’s thinking was stupid and a little funny, maybe he didn’t think so.

He coughed lightly, recalled He Duo’s sanity, and continued: “As for the King of Heaven… I am quite far from them, not to the extent that I can catch up in a day or two, and I am not determined to do so.”

Yu Jian didn’t say much, as if he didn’t want to talk about similar topics.

He Duo couldn’t help guessing in his heart whether he had a prejudice against one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Well, it’s all speculation without any basis, but it’s not illegal to guess.

“Any questions?” Yu Jian touched the moon Ibrahimovic, who was rubbing against his elbow. This blood-red creature stared at Ibrahimovic, his eyes flashing strangely.

Heido shook his head.

Yu Jian stood up, “Okay, let’s talk about something serious. I have Yuzhiliu swordsmanship, Yuzhiliu fighting skills, Yuzhiliu movement method, what do you want to learn?”

what? What? fencing? Fighting skills? Body law?

It is obviously a trainer skill professor, how did it become a martial arts novel?

He Duo’s eyes were full of confusion, and he couldn’t help thinking of Master Lu in the special chapter, the gym trainer Ah Si, who worshipped at the Azure Gym when he was a child.

At the beginning, Ah Si was the same. He told Master Lu that he was 4th dan in judo, 3rd dan in kendo, 5th dan in Aikido, and also had some experience in stick martial arts, and let him choose tools at will.

When Master Lu asked, “This is not the training of an elf trainer”, Ah Si just yelled: “Learn! Or not!”

Are you welcoming this day yourself?

“I’m so sorry…” He Duo felt that if he had a question, he should ask it out, but he couldn’t get an answer in his heart.

Yu Jian waved his hand and said, “Don’t ask, you just need to choose or not.”

Same answer as Ah Si.

These capable people really have a temper, don’t ask, ask is to choose!

He Duo was silent for a while, then said: “…Then, which one of these three things did you achieve the most?”

It is necessary to learn Yujian’s most powerful skills, not to mention whether it is suitable for Heiduo, but where a person is the strongest, there must be a uniqueness that ordinary people can’t understand!

Yu Jian seemed to be talking about what Heiduo would say, smiled slightly, walked to the edge of the dojo without saying a word, and pulled out the wooden knife placed on the sword stand.


The sound of the blade unsheathed suddenly echoed in Hedor’s ear!

Hei Duo’s expression changed, and he couldn’t help standing up. He confirmed that his ears had heard correctly, Yu Jian could actually use the wooden sword to make the sound of a real metal sword!

Although the Japanese swords are one and the swords are not separated, with this one hand, Yu Jian can prove it from the theoretical school of Kan Dashan to a powerful faction!

At the same time, the aura of Yu Jian, who pulled out the wooden knife, has undergone earth-shaking changes!

If the previous Yujian was a handsome and gentle man, then the current Yujian is an unsheathed blade! The dazzling invisible cold light kept pressing He Duo’s nerves! Create psychological pressure on him!

“Yu Zhiliu swordsmanship – 7th dan of kendo! Please advise!” Yu Jian lowered the tip of the wooden knife, holding the handle in both hands with a serious expression, the eyes under the glasses were as plain as water, but it gave a deadly sharpness.

Seventh Dan of Kendo!

In Japan and the Pokémon world, Kendo is divided into eight stages!

A paragraph, is a very solid novice.

In the second stage, I began to understand a little kendo.

Three paragraphs, the basic level, can guide the novice to practice.

Four paragraphs, primary guidance, ten not one.

Five paragraphs, intermediate guidance, one in a thousand.

Sixth stage, high-level guidance, more than 10,000 people.

Seventh dan, special guide, the best in the world.

Eight paragraphs, “Sword God”.

Of course, this “Sword God” is not as powerful as the giants in the fantasy novels, but it is just a title similar to the “Dragon King” in Japanese chess… But even so, it is not comparable to any small fish or shrimp. .

Heiduo didn’t understand the earth in the previous life, but in an unscientific world like Pokémon, even if the “Sword God” couldn’t divide the river with one sword, cracking gold and gravel should not be a problem.

Under such circumstances, it is unbelievable that Yu Jian can have the level of 7th dan at such a young age!

Could it be that he is also a son of heaven? No wonder he’s so strong and handsome!

But why did this kind of person fail to occupy a single box in the special chapter?


The wooden knife tapped on He Duo’s forehead, and he was so frightened that he immediately returned to his senses.

In front of Yu Jian’s expression with a slightly odd smile, he said: “You have to change this mind-wandering problem. When facing people you don’t know, you must not let your guard down and keep your head down and think for yourself. I don’t know how he died.”

It was the first time he saw his sharp-edged talents, who could be distracted even in front of his eyes.

Hei Duo sneered twice, not daring to speak.

“Among the three of me, swordsmanship is the best skill in the eyes of outsiders, and the other two are unknown.” When Yu Jian said this, he lowered the hilt, “But I can show it to you, you can consider for yourself. .”

Saying that, Yu Jian put the knife back.

On the side, the dragon king scorpion, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and the electric shock monster that had been staring at it was like a formidable enemy.

It sat down gloomily, not seeing the dragon king scorpion’s eyes like an ant, otherwise it would definitely explode on the spot.

The Dragon King Scorpion stood up straight and crossed his hands facing Yu Jian.

An emerald green round shield appeared in front of the Dragon King Scorpion.

is to hold!

Hei Duo looked at the Dragon King Scorpion solemnly. Among the six elves in the imperial establishment, the Dragon King Scorpion had the second highest level, which was level 68, second only to He Lujia, who was level 69.

Why open the shield…

A figure flashed in front of Heiduo like a white thunderbolt, and kicked the Dragon King Scorpion’s guard!


The heavy muffled sound made Heduo’s eyelids jump.

What’s even more exaggerated is that the Dragon King Scorpion’s hold has a layer of ripples on the water, as if it is on the verge of breaking the limit!


Is this something people can do?

Yu Jian retracted his whip leg and let out a slight sigh.

Suit thugs! Suit thugs!

The matter did not end because of this, the Dragon King Scorpion dispersed to defend it, and placed its claws on the chest, condensing three large rocks wrapped in khaki light.

isn’t it? Rock fall?

Heduo took two steps back, afraid of being splashed by the gravel.

But fortunately, the dragon king scorpion threw the stone made by the rockfall out of the door. There was a piece of grass connected to the central lake. The turf was sparse. It should be the place where the imperial elves usually trained.

Yu Jian turned into a white shadow and rushed over again, with a ghostly figure, and caught up with three rocks in different directions without much effort.

That’s right, just like teleportation and shadow clones, one punch explodes! Then suddenly appeared next to the other one, and it exploded with another punch! Then he came to the top of the last one, and his bare feet slashed down against the rock! Like a battle axe!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Royal Flow Fighting Technique Plus Movement Technique…

Ibrahimovic whispered to Heiduo: “I think you can have all of them, so you don’t have to train the elves, you can do it yourself!”

He Duo said: “If the alliance can let me participate in person instead of the elves, I will consider what you say.”

The elf league competition doesn’t allow people to play well with the elf at all! Do you think you meet a bad guy in the wild, just hammer it if you want?

If you dare to fight the elf in person, you will be directly disqualified from the competition!

What are you here for? Trouble? Here is the Pixie Conference! If you want to fight so much, go to the fighting competition next door!

Isn’t He Duo stunned?

However, Yu Zhiliu’s terrifying skills made He Duo understand that humans can really beat elves with their bodies!

It’s not the same as Nazi’s superpower!

Yu Jian walked back to the dojo, it seemed that he had put a lot of effort into showing He Duo the best side, so he was a little out of breath.

“How? What is your choice?” Yu Jian asked slowly.

This option is a bit difficult to choose. At first glance, Yu Zhiliu’s swordsmanship is powerful, fighting skills are powerful, and his movement speed is ghostly. In fact, Yujian did not reveal any skills related to swordsmanship~www.readwn.com~ He Duo did not believe that swordsmanship could not produce similar power as fighting skills.

Furthermore, He Duo felt that he didn’t need much about the movement technique. Of course, there were skills in dodging, but He Duo had the golden fingers to improve the six-dimensional, and after enhancing his spirit and agility, skills were not necessary for him.

After all, even if your skills are outstanding, you don’t have Heiduo’s quick response and fast muscles, so what do you use to hide from Heiduo?

By skill?

Can you dodge the first sword of He Duo and can you dodge the second sword in the same second? Can your physical fitness keep up?

Well, in fact, a thousand words can’t match the handsome swordsmanship.

Strong what? Handsome is over!

Although Japanese knives are brittle and can only be cut and chopped, they are beautiful in appearance and pleasing to the eye.

This is not a black duo who forgets his ancestors. After all, the world of Pokémon is a world based on Japan, and Nintendo has not developed it in regions based on China.

If life doesn’t have one or two opportunities to pretend to be a big Israeli wolf, it will be boring. It’s meaningless to live like an old man every day.

“Mr. Yujian, please teach me the swordsmanship of the Royal Style!” He Duo didn’t know what the ritual of a disciple in this world was like, so he just put his hand on his chest and leaned forward to show his sincerity.

Yuzhiliu Yuzhiliu, as soon as I heard it, I knew that it was the family secret technique of the Yujian family. They taught you free of charge, but you didn’t know the good or the bad.

When Yu Jian saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he put down a burden that had been hidden for a long time in his heart.

This heavy favor can be considered as a return, I hope this child can live up to his expectations, and the name of the royal family cannot be ruined by me!

dad! mom! little sister!

I will definitely live up to expectations and revitalize the Royal Family! I will never get involved with those people again!

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