Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 897

Chapter 890: : Hello Uncle And Aunt, I’M Here To Find Your Daughter Again

The first thing after receiving Xiaolan.

Take her to dinner and then go back to Zhenxin Town.

That’s right, He Duo is such an upright person, and he will never take advantage of girls too much until the last moment.

Of course, the “warning” of the girl’s father has something to do with the girl’s own wishes.

But the proportion is not large, after all, He Duo’s character is obvious to all.

Joban City.

Inside a fine dining restaurant.

In front of Xiao Lan was a plate of messy food, sucking her green fingers and complaining to Heiduo, “It’s not as delicious as yours, it’s a loss.”

“This is what you want to come, don’t waste food, eat it all.”

Heiduo ignored Xiaolan’s coquettish behavior and said silently.

“Hey! Be stingy!”

Xiaolan couldn’t see that he was hooked, so he pouted and murmured.

Then, he stabbed a vegetable similar to broccoli with a fork in his hand, stuffed it into his mouth, his cheeks puffed up like a hamster and chewed hard, while he glared at He Duo.

A look like I’m angry.

However, since a similar situation had happened dozens of times, He Duo was naturally reluctant to go on the second time after he had been there once.

This girl likes to go to high-end restaurants to eat very much, and she doesn’t order much, but every time she can’t finish it, she makes excuses to want Heduo to eat the rest of her.

Inexplicable idea.

But Heido knew that this had something to do with her past experience.

Just watching the special episode in the late stage of the first generation may only see the shining points of Xiaolan, but after really getting along with her for a long time, He Duo thoroughly understands Xiaolan, whether it is advantages or disadvantages.

Although Xiaolan was raised by wealth when she was a child, she was taken away by Uncle Liu, or after she escaped from Uncle Liu.

She became a penniless poor man.

Why did Xiaolan blackmail He Duo when we first met?

Because that store was really a place she had been thinking about for a long time, but she was still reluctant to enter.

The money she obtained through various means was used to learn knowledge, modify various props and cultivate elves.

Like every ordinary girl, Xiaolan likes all kinds of accessories, likes beautiful shoes, wants to go to high-end restaurants, and wants to do anything ordinary girls want to do.

Aside from the halo of the book holder, in essence, Little Lan is not much different from other girls.

But can’t Xiaolan endure hardship?

how is this possible.

She is a child who has been through hardships all the way. She can eat bran and drink raw water from the water pipe. How can a child under ten years old bring another young child to survive in society without enduring hardship.

But she still yearns for a prosperous life.

It’s just not obvious.

He Duo knew through Xiaoyin that she had a handwritten list full of things she wanted to buy but was not willing to buy.

These include, but are not limited to, going to various fine dining restaurants, various styles of boots, various styles of hats and earrings.

Similar to a wish list.

Every time this little girl secretly took it out to see, her face would light up with a different kind of brilliance.

At that time, Xiaoyin was thinking that she must fulfill the wishes of Sister Xiaolan.

But in the end, he was still a poor guy.

So he handed the heavy responsibility to Hedo.

Haddor readily accepted.

Only then did He Duo take Xiaolan to various places to eat and buy her various things.

Xiaolan never asked Heido for anything, and even made some small knitted gifts for Heido from time to time, but every time he handed the gift to her, the girl’s smile was hard to dissipate for a long time.

On the one hand, they are happy because their dreams come true.

On the other hand, he was delighted that He Duo could not dislike her and dote on her.

– “Worship money”.

The term, which had only become popular recently, made her afraid that Heido would think of her that way.

But in fact, after reuniting with her parents, Xiao Lan is not short of money to spend.

After eating.

He Duo rode a motorcycle that was basically only used when looking for Xiaolan, and drove her to Zhenxin Town.

Xiao Lan hugged He Duo’s waist, her face was against his back, and her face was full of happiness.

It is more efficient to have Shanaido teleport back to True New Town.

It’s a pity that the love between men and women needs the taste, and the efficiency has to be a little later.

two hours later.

He Duo stopped at the door of Xiaolan’s house.

“Did you rub my lipstick again?”

Feeling that there was a foreign object sticking to the clothes behind him, He Duo deliberately questioned Xiaolan.

Xiaolan rolled her eyes, “How many times have I said it, lip gloss, lip gloss! And there’s no such thing! I won’t admit it!”

She stuck out her tongue at Heido, and immediately carried her bag, trotted all the way to open the door, and shouted at the entrance, “Mom! I’m back! Heido is here too!”

In the kitchen, Xiaolan’s mother’s voice came slowly.

“Got it! Have you eaten lunch?”

“Eat!” Xiao Lan quickly took off her shoes, put on slippers and walked to the kitchen, “Is Dad back?”

He Duo followed Xiao Lan, first shouted to signal his arrival, and then walked into the kitchen with her.

Inside the kitchen.

Xiao Lan’s mother, the gentle woman she had seen before, was making soup, and when she saw the two, she said, “Dad won’t be back in a while, Heiduo, long time no see.”

“Long time no see Auntie.”

He Duo said hello again, and was dragged to the living room by Xiao Lan.

Xiao Lan’s father was the president of a credit union in Vibran City, a junior version of a banker.

It sounds amazing, but in the past few years, due to the search for Xiaolan, it has been in a tepid state~www.readwn.com~ Fortunately, after finding Xiaolan, the credit union has received help from many people. A booming period.

“Drink tea.”

Xiao Lan found the tea leaves that her father treasured and was reluctant to drink, and turned her elbows out to make He Duo a cup.


Heiduo took it, drinking tea is now his habit, of course, he has not yet reached the stage of soaking wolfberry in a thermos.

And after Xiaolan finished pouring the tea, she sat next to Heiduo, her eyes turned slightly, and she said in a low voice:

“When Dad comes back, he will definitely ask you a lot of things. Then you will try to convince him to let me go to your gym.”

When Heido heard it, he didn’t know if it was because of the tea, but he was full of energy: “Are you going to spend the night in my gym?”

It’s not that Xiao Lan hasn’t been to his gym, but it’s been almost two years since the relationship was confirmed.

“Humph! If I don’t go around again, maybe you will run away with someone!” Xiaolan snorted softly, “Do you think I don’t know anything? Jinwu Zangjiao?”

She stared at Hei Duo, as if she was a little emotional, but her eyes flowed, as bright as she had been moistened with water.

Heiduo was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed and said, “Don’t go to the Millennium Forum all day long, it’s all a bunch of students making a fool of themselves.”

“I’m a student too! Female student! Am I fooling around too?” Xiao Lan heard the words, her head slightly forward, and he was close to Heiduo’s face, “There must be something wrong with the owner of the museum!”

It was like she was going to catch a rape, but the little girl’s eyes kept on He Duo’s lips, trying not to be too obvious.

Haddor decided to grant her wish.

But when he was already close.


The door opened.

He Duo’s heart began to beat fast.

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