Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 898

Chapter 891: : The Little Padded Jacket Wants To Be Worn By Others, What Should The Old Father Do?

“Hoo! Did it blow off?”

He Duo calmly opened Xiaolan’s eyelids with his fingers, and asked solemnly.

Behind him, wearing a straight dark black suit with golden-rimmed eyes on his nose, with a big back, little blue dad opened the door and walked in.

When the old father saw this scene, he frowned at first, and then stretched his brows after hearing He Duo’s voice.

No matter how men think when they are young, 80% of them will become very traditional when their daughters grow up.

Xiaolan’s father is one of them.

“Hey! Coward!”

Xiaolan pushed He Duo’s hand away, and lowered his voice to mock him deliberately.

Then, without waiting for him to reply, he undressed his father with a smile on his face.

He Duo’s expression is calm, and only a fool will kiss and kiss his underage daughter in front of his father-in-law.

“Long time no see, Heido.”

Little Lan’s father loosened his tie, looked back and took the tea cup that Little Lan handed over, “Thank you.”

“Yes, long time no see, Uncle.” He Duo nodded lightly. He wanted to say something, but suddenly he couldn’t find a topic. Social networking was his weakness.

Fortunately, Xiaolan’s father is more professional than him.

After a few chats, Xiao Lan’s father got up and left to wash up.

Neon people like to take a hot bath after returning home from get off work, and this fine tradition has been successfully passed on to the world.

Living room door closed.

He Duo slightly relaxed his body.

He wasn’t afraid of Xiaolan’s father, he just felt a little uncomfortable.

“The owner of the pavilion is nervous?”

After Dad arrived, Xiao Lan, like a good girl, sat beside He Duo with a smile on his face.

This girl looks like a little fox who touches a tiger’s beard. She will tease him if anything happens.

Even if it doesn’t happen a few times.

“Go help your mother, how hard it is for aunt to cook alone, don’t make a fuss here.” He Duo pushed Xiaolan up, not wanting to talk to her about the problem between his son-in-law and his father-in-law.

Xiaolan snorted lightly, but didn’t say anything, and opened the door and went out.


The four of them gathered around a round table, chatting and eating under the bright yellow light.

It’s fun, very warm.

In the courtyard outside, a large number of elves were playing together.

In the special chapter, it was shown that Xiaolan has conquered many elves, but in fact, most of her elves have been researched by Dr. Damu, and a small part of them have been collected and released in situ, and there are only a handful of elves that she actually holds.

In short, no more than ten.

Take the elite route.

Therefore, her elf’s actual combat ability is not bad, mainly because the water arrow turtle and the little turtle are relatively top, and Pikexi Xiaopi has also beaten the Trinity’s Three God Birds, and the rest have not shown much strength.

But it should be strong.

Pokédex holders have few things they can’t beat.


Three crisp sounds recalled He Duo’s sanity.

He turned his head and saw Xiao Lan beside him with a dissatisfied expression.

“Dad asked you something!”

It turned out that this girl took the initiative to tell her father about going to the Heiduo Gym for the summer vacation when she saw that Heiduo did not start a group for a long time.

It is naturally impossible for Little Lan to agree. Confirming the relationship is the confirmation of the relationship. Before getting a marriage license, who knows what will happen?

Not necessarily secure even after marriage.

Even if the black duo has a good character.

But some things can’t be stopped by character, as long as the atmosphere is in place, the character of saving his daughter, which is almost actively posted…

After losing Xiaolan once, the old father only wanted her to be happy and not to be sad.

Little Lan’s mother herself has no opinion. Generally speaking, she is closer to her husband, but she can’t help the offensive of her daughter’s watery eyes, and she is very satisfied with He Duo.

So, she took the initiative to go up to Little Lan’s father A.

Little Lan Daddy, this big meat shield with armor, almost couldn’t resist.

He Duo thought for a while, and when he saw the three people in the family looked at him, he said, “I will take good care of her, don’t worry, there are many women working in the gym, and I will ask them for some inconvenience.”

The implication is that he will be disciplined and will not overstep.

Magic attack!

Still wearing it!

Little Lan’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and he looked around. Although he had a lot of armor and a lot of damage, he couldn’t do it with one hit and three, especially when there was someone sitting next to him who could wear armor at any time.

He glanced at Xiaolan’s mother, Xiaolan’s mother was serving Heiduo with a smile and didn’t care about him at all.

“Um… stay safe.”

With a sigh in his heart, Little Lan said so.

Xiao Lan, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly showed a big smile, walked over and kissed her father’s face.

“Thank you Dad! Dad is the best!”

It’s hard to imagine that this kind of silly and sweet behavior of a little girl will appear on the weather-beaten little blue, but the fact is in front of him, He Duo has long been used to it.

The little blue father smiled helplessly.

In normal times, this old father has a refined appearance, always has a three-pointed smile on his face, and looks very talkative, quite the temperament of those high-level intellectuals in the previous life.

But once Xiaolan is involved, I’m sorry, the majesty of my father is displayed.

Like a changed person.

If He Duo didn’t know that this is human nature~www.readwn.com~ I really thought he had any opinion on him.

the next day.

He Duo took Xiao Lan through the cruise ship, planning to play all the way back to the gym.

Of course, it was the high-speed ship Shui Liu.

Mainly because Little Blue doesn’t like to spend the night on the boat.

According to her idea, she planned to stay in the Heiduo Gym for half a month, and for the remaining half month she was going to play with her two girlfriends.

It seems that she has a strong friendship at school, right?

Head to the country road at the Millennium Gym.

The left and right sides are full of regular farmland, and the breeze blows a piece of green crop seedlings, taking away bursts of fresh aroma.

In the farmland, Dairubi rested on the loess, his ears moved slightly, and he seemed to be lazy, but he was always vigilant about his surroundings, so as not to let the little elves who like to steal such as Bobo, Lieque, and Little Lada take advantage of it.

Farther away, on the lush green lawn, large groups of kentellos, big milk jugs and bleat sheep lowered their heads, chewing on the luscious green grass, occasionally making sounds that seemed to be trembling.

Beside them, there are often Katie dogs around, looking majestic, and whenever anyone leaves the big group, it will be driven back with a roar.

It looks like a farmhouse.

But soon, a motorcycle that made a sudden noise destroyed the peace here.

It also attracted the attention of many elves.

However, they did not make a fuss because of this, but watched the motorcycle go away.

Until the other party’s voice was almost inaudible, they continued to do their own things.

And a plain a few kilometers away from here.

Many buildings with a little Western European style are located here, connected with a huge square-like landmark building, and the glass door in the center is open, as if to welcome outsiders.

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