Power Trump’s All

A man from the future

I opened up the door to the roof of the building. Due to the Stiller and Son building being near the town center, police cars conducted their patrols around the area a lot adding to it's security. The owners hadn't contributed a lot to it's security personnel, evident by the sleeping watchman at the gate.

It had been a breeze getting to the roof and as I stood there marveling at the night sky, the clock struck 10.00. Suddenly, from the huge bowl shaped building on my right, the famous Star labs, a huge shockwave blasted out, spreading at a fast rate. The particle accelerator, a scientific marvel, designed to provide Central City with clean energy, had exploded.

I could see the lights go off everywhere the shockwave passed through, growing ever closer to where I was. It would be a lie to say, I wasn't nervous of the dark matter about to hit me, or the dark clouds gathering up above my head in the sky, or even what would happen afterwards. The text messages hadn't said anything about it. So I clenched my jaw and held on to the edge of the wall, bracing for impact.


A lightning strike hit the lightning rod on the building and in an impossible feat, a streak of the lightning jumped out and struck me on the back right when the dark matter shockwave hit me at the front. My vision grew dark and for a few seconds, I saw nothing, as I felt my body suspended in the air.

A flash of white light painfully assaulted my vision and my body slammed painfully down on the ground of a white marble space.

I had a dumbfounded look on my face as I quickly got up and looked around.


"We don't have a lot of time."

I turned around instantly. Surprise was coated on my visage as I looked at the one who had said that. His form was huge, easily 7 feet tall, his muscles had muscles and he was wearing a black vest akin to Archer's from Fate stay/night. He also had on black pants and a dark blue gauntlet on his left hand.

"Eyes up here Fuck face."

I blinked my eyes and craned my eyes to look at him. His face… realization dawned on me when I saw the smug smile on him. He looked like Jin? No. He looked like me.


"You? Yeah just all around…better"

I chuckled nervously.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

I asked in suspicion.

His form started shifting and I took a step back in shock at seeing my old body staring back at me.


"No. Any shapeshifter can do that after reading my mind."

He huffed in frustration.

"I don't have time for this. 7th grade middle school, you and Angela Freeman kissed, you said you liked it but you actually hated it."

"Ok that's a bit convincing but its still something that a telepath can do."

I've always had a knack for annoying people. So I wasn't surprised when a look of anger crossed his face.

"Listen here, you little shit. I've got important people relying on me and I didn't come all this way for your bullshit."

He stopped suddenly and breathed out, calming down and looked at me with a grave face with two haunted eyes.

"You just got pulled away from your reality. Your life. So I understand that you need time to process shit and you do that the only way you know how. By hiding your fear underneath a bunch of quips and an annoying attitude. Time to grow up Logan. You never find your way back. You never get to see your family, your friends or anyone from back home."

My heart broke and it took all I had to force the tears back. Hearing that I was virtually all alone was almost more than I could take. But I was the kind of guy to thrive in adversity, so I composed myself and stared at the giant infront of me. He nodded briefly and continued.

"Good. So we've already established that I am from the future. What you don't know is that I'm from a different timeline altogether. The moment I contacted you through the phone was the moment this timeline branched out."

"So wait, you were the one sending me the texts?"

He nodded.

"Yes, I knew that over-explaining things in such a way wouldn't have convinced you so I had to keep it interesting enough to get you to come up here."

I frowned.

"Why? I mean, why did you ask me to come up here? As far as meeting places go, a rooftop is pretty shitty."

"The shockwave triggered by the explosion of the particle accelerator, was enough for me to momentarily pull your consciousness into this place, due to the small rifts in space."

Okay. That was not something introduced in canon but the moment I found myself in a fictional world was the moment I accepted that anything could happen.

"Who brought me here to the Arrowverse, I mean? Was it a ROB or a God?"

He shook his head.

"What happened to you was something that had a 0.000000000000000000001% probability of happening. Your soul was pulled from the original world through unknown means. Even after all this time, I have never found out the one responsible."

He stopped in thought before shaking his head and continuing.

"That however is not why I'm here. Listen to me Logan."

At this he grew serious.

"When your soul was pulled away from our original world, it passed through the void. Don't ask me, what that place is because I don't know. Anyway, while you were there, something attached itself to your soul and protected it before a rift in space brought your here to this layer of the multiverse. That thing, seeking to understand me better read my mind and fashioned itself after a system."

He paused when he saw the incredulous look on my face. I scoffed in disbelief.

"A system? Like the ones in webnovels and fanfics?"

He nodded.

"I know you won't believe me right away but the x-elements released from the explosion of the particle accelerator is the trigger to it's activation."


"Don't trust it!"

I was now confused.

"You mean the alien? How? Any suspicion I have of it will be laid bare. What if it reads my mind?"

The white space I was in started fading around me.

"Our time here is ending. Don't worry, I have given you something to shield your mind from it. This thing causes untold suffering in the future. I can't tell you everything. The only thing I can tell you is to trust in your own strength."

Cracks started appearing around us and I moved to stop him from fading away.

"Wait! How do I stop it?!"

With another bang everything around me exploded once more and I found myself falling from the tall Stiller and Son building. I won't lie and say, I didn't scream in fear as I saw the ground quickly closing in on me. Before I could impact the ground, I had a ding and water quickly started forming around me in a bubble from the atmosphere. It grew viscous and hit the ground, bouncing.

The shock was minimized with my being in the middle of the bubble but I still passed out.

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