Power Trump’s All

Into the arrowverse

Just noticed that I didn't post the whole chapter sorry about that.

Pain is what I woke up to. Groaning, I brought my hand to my face and blinked my eyes open. I didn't have any recollection of what had happened last night after drinking myself half to death. Remember kids, alcohol does not make anything better but it sure does help you in forgetting your cheating bitch of a girlfriend. Even if it's just for the night.

I sat up and leaned my back on a dumpster. Wait, what? Looking around, I found myself in an alleyway teeming with trash and puddles of what I wasn't sure was dirty water. 

"Where the fuck I'm I?"

I said, confusion evident in my tone. I had never been good with holding my liquor but this was crazy. Patting myself down, my hand landed on a bulge inside my trouser pocket. I withdrew the phone and turned it on. The model was something I had never seen before but luckily it wasn't locked.

There was only one message on the screen.

'The particle accelerator is tonight. Get to a high vantage point and await further instructions.'

"What in the hell? Is this some kind of prank?"

I wasn't in the mood for jokes or pranks so whoever was behind this was in for some pain. 


Another message appeared on the smartphone screen.

"All your questions will soon be answered. For now get to a high point before the particle accelerator activation and brace for impact."

"This is dumb."

I switched off the phone and started walking away. First, I needed to get back to my apartment, shower and change my clothes before having a much needed coffee. I would deal with this shit later. Just as as I started walking away, I stumbled as the world seemed to spin around me. I caught myself before I fell but incidentally looked at the puddle of dirty water on the road and gaped. The face looking back at me was most definitely not mine!

I used to be black but now I was Asian. The sharp chin, soft nose, pale skin, black eyes and long black hair had me horrified. It's bad enough that I lost my rugged good looks but I was now a pretty boy? I rubbed my head again to ease the migraine before realizing I needed to check something. Pronto. I scrambled for my trouser belt, loosened the buttons and looked at my package… 

"Not bad at least."

I breathed out a sigh of relief.


After a brief body inspection, I calmed myself down to gather my thoughts. My real body had been 6'2 and fit from my basketball years back in highschool. The one I was currently in however was shorter at 5'9 and skinny. Looking at the wallet I'd found in the back pocket, my new name was Jin Anderson, a half Asian half American, 22 year old computer science expert. 

Unfortunately for me, I didn't get a rush of information from his memories or anything like that. And judging by the fact that I was in a fictional city in a fictional world, those memories would have been pretty useful. 

Oh yeah, I was in the Arrowverse by the way. I had gotten a little curious and searched google for central city, after the message that had mentioned the particle accelerator. Suffice to say that this just further proved that a godly being was responsible for my current predicament. Looking down at the phone in my hand, I clenched my jaw in a little bit of anger. My life hadn't been perfect but it was still mine and even though it was pretty shitty right now, I still had people I cared about. 

'Maybe I should just throw this thing away…' I thought. 

A second later, a message appeared on the screen with only one word.

'In case you're thinking of throwing this phone away, Dont.'

'Oh, it can also read my mind. Why am I not surprised.'

" I don't know what you want from me but trust me, I'm not your guy. Whether you want me save the world or destroy it, I've just gone through some shit and I need to figure things out before dealing with anything. So… please,take me back to my world."

I shouted at the phone trying to reason with the mysterious being. Not once had I thought I was dreaming or even mad. Everything was just too realistic. It reminded me of all those Isekai novels I had once been a fan of. 

Not getting an answer for my efforts, I straightened out my polo T-shirt and jeans in a bid to look presentable.

" It's your fault if I fuck this place up."

I claimed softly, fully intent on screwing canon just for the heck of it. But first, priorities. I needed to get cleaned up because I stank. Drinking all night and passing out in a dumpster does that to you. I had ditched the leather jacket this body had been wearing after vomiting violently a while before. I had kept the phone as well as the keys and wallet I'd found on myself. I honestly didn't have a choice but to follow the messages displayed on the phone.

So first things first, make it back to the apartment, wash up, rest then find a high vantage point. The particle accelerator activation being tonight, I speculated that the mysterious being, wanted me to soak in the dark matter as well as other esoteric energy released from it's activation. Things tended to go wrong in the Flash canon, where dark matter was concerned. Just look at at Farooq gibran or otherwise known as Blackout. He awakened the ability to siphon and control electrical energy but in return got a manic hunger for it. Although I had trepidation, I was in a foreign land and my only way out was to follow the instructions.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I saw a taxi and stopped it. Jin's apartment was luckily near and when I got there, I cleaned up, had breakfast that consisted of bacon and eggs then promptly fell asleep on the bed.

I woke up feeling much better than I had in the morning. I looked at Jin's…my phone and found one unread message. 

'The Stiller and Son building is near your current residence. Due to undergoing some renovations, access to the top floor will be easy. Get there before 10.00 pm.'

A quick search on Google maps and I had the directions to the building down. It was 6 in the evening, more than enough time to prepare myself. After another shower, I was looking at my new face in the huge mirror. This body, was skinny as fuck. The long hair falling down my neck made my face look even more effeminate than it already was. So it had to go. 

Cleaning up allowed me to finally think about my situation without the headache that had assaulted me in the morning. I had a ton of questions that needed answers. For instance, what happened to the original Jin's soul after jacking it? Had i absorbed him or was his soul just supressed by my consciousness waiting to spring out at any time. 

There was also the fact that I was taking instructions from a mysterious being through a stranger's phone. Last night, the only thing I had had to worry about was how to get my things out of my apartment without seeing my ex-girlfriend's face and flipping out now I was in the Arrowverse. Fate has always been a bitch to me but this is taking it too far.

Emotionally I was strong, the type to tough it out, when faced with a hurtful situation. My current situation made it even easier, so the thought of my girlfriend's betrayal was a muted sting, as far from my mind as I was from my real apartment. So fuck the bitch, I'm aiming to survive now.

It was with a new determination, that I cracked my fingers and went information digging in the web. The arrow was already active, so that was a plus, Henry Allen, Barry's father was still in prison and Tess Morgan had died some years back which prompted Dr. Harrison Wells to open up Star labs. Of course, I knew that it was actually Eobard Thawne but I'm aiming to stay as far away from him as possible before I got strong.

Everything was more or less the same as the start of the Flash. But I knew the shit that was coming, Reverse flash, zoom, Savitar and the rest of the villains who almost ended the lives of team flash on a daily basis.

But as much as it was terrifying to find myself in the same town as someone who could easily kill me without my noticing, I was still excited. I had always been an adrenaline junkie and the thought of living near these superhumans was enough to get my heart pumping and a smile to grace my face. 

So my new priority was, get a lot of power. Like immense power. Fuck love and all that friendship shit. It ain't gonna help me when the reverse flash decides to stab me through the chest. Whether, it's super speed, super strength, super durability, super intelligence, everything. I WANT IT ALL!

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