President Stark

Chapter 10. Discoveries, Abductions & Promise Fulfilled

Tony got to his feet, albeit wobbly. He quickly shoved his exposed length back into his pants and gave his 'guest' a good, intense look from head to toe. She had a strange, noble aura to her, a sense of pride rising from her being. 

But he shrugged and looked at the sink. He turned on the faucet and started splashing water on his face. He tidied up his look and then looked back at Darcy still sitting on the closed toilet seat, already fallen asleep. 

"Ugh… We drank too much,” He groaned, rubbing his head. But with some sanity left, he went ahead and got Darcy up, giving her his shoulder to rely on. The young intern kept mumbling about how much she was a big fan of Iron Man. 

Tony took her out of the bar and brought her to the small single-story motel they were staying in. He first settled her in her room, tucked her in her bed, wrote down a small note for her, and left it beside her bed. 

It was an invitation for her to join Stark Industries as an intern if she was interested. Other than her well-endowed body and beauty, he was also interested in her brain. And in Stark Industries, such brains were always in demand. 


Tony locked Darcy's room, ensuring she'd be safe inside. Noticing the white-haired mutant still tailing him, he turned and waved her along. "You guys don't know when to give up, do you?"

"A lot is at stake."

"Oh, I love steaks. Jarvis, find me a good place for steaks in Texas," Tony quipped casually, catching Ororo off guard. She had dealt with her fair share of problem kids in school, but handling a grown man with the enthusiasm of a teenager was a whole new ballgame.

He led her to the terrace of the motel and walked over to the edge. From there he could see the Iron Guardians still at work repairing the small town. Most of the work was already done and the news channels had already gotten their interviews from the great Tony Stark.

"I wish I had a cigar," Tony muttered and turned around to look at his guest. "So, what can I do for…"

"Ororo Munroe. Or you can call me Storm."

"Any relation with Maril—"

"None," she cut him off. "My plan was to find you and try to clear up the misunderstanding with Jea—"

"Misunderstanding? Hold on a second," Tony interrupted her, his playful smirk morphing into a look of seriousness. "First off, I'm not a fan of that 'holier-than-thou' tone of yours. Look, I am who I am, and there are three things I absolutely adore—science, women, and freedom. The good deeds I pull off? That's all thanks to the money I make exercising freedom over the science I tinker with. Without that freedom, there is no Tony Stark.

“Nobody messes with my head, nobody messes with Tony Stark. I'll let your school know when I'm ready to deal with that fiery redhead you’ve got running wild."

Ororo wanted to snap back right away but found herself swallowing the words back. She froze for a moment, thinking about how to deal with Tony. He wasn't happy with what Jean did, and from the looks of it, he wasn't willing to forget it either. 

Eventually, she calmed herself down and stared at Tony's face. Looking back at her own life, she somewhat understood what Tony was feeling. Indirectly, Charles and they were trying to put the future of mutants on this man's back. It would have been more suspicious if there were no setbacks and moments like this. 

"Mr. Stark, I was born in Manhattan, yet the greater part of my life was spent in Africa. My parents perished when a plane crashed into our home in Cairo, leaving me, a young girl, alone and vulnerable. In the face of such despair, I turned to theft, becoming quite adept at it. As I grew older, my life became a whirlwind of danger and adventure. I faced many trials, nearly lost myself to violence, and in one pivotal moment, I...

“Anyway, I swore then never to take another life. I trekked across the Sahara, discovered my ability to control the weather with my mind, fell in love and lost it, and was worshiped as a goddess—"

Tony was feeling drowsy from her long story. "You have a story like everyone else. Welcome to the club."

"I’m not some villain, Mr. Stark. Nor is Charles, nor Jean." Ororo added and stepped modestly closer to Tony. "There are countless mutants who have endured or are still enduring far greater suffering than I have known. I ask only that you do not close your heart to their cries of desperation. Charles truly believes you’ll win the election—but I must ask you. Are you ready for it? Will you wield your authority with integrity? If you believe you can, then…"

Ororo took out something from her leather jacket pocket and grabbed Tony's hand. Without revealing what it was, she placed it in his hand and curved his fingers to cover it. 

Tony looked at it right away. It was just a small piece of metal. "What's this?"

"Analyze it with your tools later," Ororo said, stepping back to create some distance. "There is much you do not know about the world, Mr. Stark. Perhaps together, we can bridge the gap to something greater."

Tony playfully tried to bite the piece of metal but found it no different than common iron. But he still pocketed and looked back at the tall woman. Her hair shined fairly brighter that night. Charming, he thought. 

"Ororo… Storm—mind if I call you Stormy? I want to help you guys, I really do. But I can't step into this half-heartedly. Because once word gets out, everything your people do—good, bad, or anything in between—I'll be held responsible for it. Your lifestyle, what you eat, and how you interact with everyone—I’ll be on the hook for all of it. Being President is a political position, and politics can be a very messy swamp. I need to think about possible setbacks and plans for damage control. What if one of you loses control of your powers like that redhead? What if one of you accidentally offs a powerless guy? And I hear you have an opposing team—some Brotherhood. I need to talk with those people too."

"Magneto will kill you," Ororo warned him. "He believes in mutant supremacy and wants the mutants to rule the world. His powers create and control magnetic fields. He'll crush your armor like a can, while you're still in it." 

Fuck! There goes my weekend. Superpower supremacists weren't the headache he wanted right now.

A serious frown crept across Tony's face, but he couldn't help but spread his arms wide as if to say, 'Told you so.' "So let me get this straight—despite a faction like his running around, you want me to be the one holding the bag for your future actions? How do you expect me to help you all unite with the non-mutant populace when the mutants aren't united themselves?"

That was it. Ororo was out of words. Everything Tony said made every bit of sense. She remembered hearing her students and her colleagues calling humans war-hungry brutes. What does that make them? Superpowered brutes? 


Tony gave her a friendly tap on the shoulder as he strolled past. "Hey, I'm not giving up on you guys just yet. As promised, I'll hit up baldie when I've got a brilliant plan. But until then, do me a favor—try to fix this Brotherhood issue without making a loud mess."

"I’ll pass on your words." Ororo agreed as she saw the resolve in his eyes. But she almost summoned thunder when his face looked downward at her chest. 

"Night night, Stormy." Tony left before facing the consequences of his appreciation of her beauty, waving a hand before shutting the terrace door. 

Ororo just sighed alone, shaking her head. 

This man was going to be the next President, and she hated not even being able to doubt that he could do it. 


♫I don't want to set the world on f…♫

Blasting music to his ears, Tony chose to fly back to New York the same night after two hours of sleep. Although spending more time with Darcy and exploring more of her was enticing, he chose to head home and give his 'loot' a look. 

"Sir." Jarvis interrupted his music. "I have compiled the data you requested on the Senators and Representatives. Would you like to be briefed right now?"

"Sure, shoot." 

"Sir, the current congressional approval rating stands at eighteen percent. However, the re-election rate remains remarkably high at ninety-five percent. Furthermore, ninety percent of Congressional districts are deemed secure, as the residents therein are already aligned with the party that they feel best represents their interests. Consequently, the outcome of an election hinges on the decisions of merely ten percent of the electorate, as the remainder has made their choice well before Election Day." Jarvis briefed.

Tony lost himself to calculations and thoughts. "So you're telling me I'm gonna lose?"

Jarvis quickly answered, giving him more analyzed data. “Should you establish a third political party at this moment and enter the general elections for both Representatives and Senators, the prospects of success would be markedly slim. However, for the Presidential election, the situation is considerably more favorable; you would be on track for a victory with electoral votes marginally exceeding the requisite two hundred seventy—provided the election were to occur at this very instant.”

"Fuck, this is bad. Even if I win, I'd be a king without a crown if I don't have any support base in Congress." Tony cursed and tried to find ways to solve the problem. 

"Should I just start buying and luring the members of Congress before making a third party?"

"Sir, the outcome remains unfavorable. The electorate is firmly accustomed to the binary choice of red or blue. However, there exists a potential path forward if all fifty states were to implement Ranked Choice Voting across both state and federal elections." Jarvis gave the solution too. Sadly, it wasn't enough. 

"Unfortunately, achieving this would require the endorsement of Congress in each state, which presents a considerable challenge."

Tony grunted loudly in annoyance. “Great, just great. At this point, only George Washington rising from his grave and rallying for us can fix this mess."

"Statistically speaking, Sir, the likelihood is that people would dismiss him as a fraud and disregard his words."

"Hah!" Tony laughed at that. "You're right about that, buddy." 

No more talking about politics, he just flew the next hours in silence. Eventually, he landed on the top floor of the Stark Tower which had been expedited for him and built first. Complete with a working lift, all the glass walls, floors, drinks, cars, and everything in between. The rest of the building still looked like a skeleton, however. 

"Where is it?" Tony asked without even taking off his armor. 

"In your temporary workshop, Sir." 

Tony bolted to the place in his massive top-floor house. Keying in the codes, he soon stood before the glorious, shining silver pieces of metal. It made his palms itch, wanting to start working on it immediately. 

"Oh, it's gonna be a great weekend." Tony quickly got out of his armor, rubbing his hands together. "Let's see what the 'gods' make."

In front of Tony was the broken but still recognizable Destroyer armor that had come from Asgard. He had planned to take it the moment he saw it, and in that tornado that Thor made, he snagged it secretly. 

"Fire up the machines. We'll start analyzing it right away. Ah, that scrap Stormy gave us too." Tony got into work mode and put on his safety goggles. Right away, he began checking out the piece of armor. It was clearly disabled, but he could still see tens of thousands of unknown written scripts on the inner side of the armor. "Asgardian language? Runes?"

"Jarvis, make a scan of all the characters," Tony ordered and walked back to the computers to analyze the data on the structure. "Wait, what's this report?"

“Sir, the data from the aliens’ teleportation phenomenon has been thoroughly analyzed. A significant trace of gravitational waves was detected, arranged in a pattern that defies theoretical replication." Jarvis explained, also multitasking in doing other things. Every week and every month, Jarvis only grew stronger and faster with more upgrades. 

“Oh, that… Did we just discover how to harness gravitational fucking waves?!” Tony roared, his excitement booming like an over-caffeinated lion. He scanned the reports on the screen with the fervor of a kid on a sugar high. “This is insane, Jarvis. We’re talking about something that was just a theory yesterday and now, voila! It’s real! This is the holy grail of space travel and, who knows, maybe even teleportation! Holy shit!"


"Sir, the report on the metal shard Ms. Munroe gave has been prepared. You should read this." Jarvis put the pages on the screen on its own. "My database does not contain information on this material, aside from the element you recently discovered which exhibits similar properties. The shard is… indestructible. It can absorb and store various forms of energy, including kinetic impacts, which it can subsequently release. Additionally, it is extraordinarily lightweight and resilient to extreme temperatures and corrosive substances. A suit constructed from this material could—"

"Be a game changer!" Tony gawked, completing his AI son's words. First the gravitational waves and now this. It was a day of madness and surprises. "Where did she find it? What even is it?"

This changes everything. I don't have to fear an alien invasion as long as I can find more of this metal. Tony made plans mentally. But when his eyes fell on the Destroyer Armor of the Asgardians he felt even more interested. Stormy was right. There's so much I don't know about this world.

"Jarvis, make two new projects. Name the first one—Iron Destroyer Armor." Tony ordered and finally looked at the computer screen. "Name the second one Gravity Armor."

"What of the new metal, Sir?"

"We'll do that once we have more of it."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Just as he was about to jump back to disassemble the Asgardian armor, the red lights in his workshop started blinking. It meant something major had happened outside. 

"What is it now?" He cursed. 

Jarvis was calm, however. "Sir, the ten Iron Guardians deployed to New York had to come together. They have caught two aliens fighting in Harlem."

A screen instantly appeared in front of Tony, showing the fight. 

“Whoa, hold up! That’s the jolly green giant Raven showed me,” Tony recognized the monster. "But there's another this time. Good job, Jarvis. Order the Iron Guardians to fetch the green one, bring it to me."

"Sir, the Iron Guardians are currently being restricted. Lieutenant General Ross of the Army has assumed control of the situation and is adamant about taking the green one with him. They’ve already apprehended the other." Jarvis also revealed a file on General Ross. The man's entire life was laid open to Tony's eyes. 


Tony slapped his forehead and rubbed his eyes tiredly. Silently, he walked back to his Iron Man suit and stepped into it. “There’s no damn peace in this city. Guess I’ll have to handle the General myself. Keep the research going, Jarvis, and if you find any spare sanity lying around, send it my way.”

"I'll order your favorite shawarma takeout, Sir." 

"You know me best, buddy." Tony jetted off right away. 


Tony surveyed from the night sky, flying in circles around the mess that the two monstrous creatures had caused. There was even a military helicopter that looked damaged but safely landed in the middle of the street. 

"What a mess." He soon landed in the cordoned-off area by the police. There were six Iron Guardians holding down the green monster in its place using metal restraints on its arms and legs. The big guy was almost out cold, thanks to a hefty dose of sleeping gas. "Where's the other one?"

Jarvis immediately pointed him to a massive truck trailer close by. 


Tony annoyedly looked at the army soldiers pointing their rifles at him. Soon enough, an old man walked out of the truck trailer, his hair white, a small mustache, and the uniform of a General. 

"You must be Floss."

"General Ross." The old man growled back, his voice like gravel. "This isn't your playground, Stark. Go back to your parties and whatever else it is you waste your time on."

Ah, one of those sort of guys? Tony had vast experience in dealing with military officers. In his career, he had seen three types of officers—asslickers, enthusiastic honest nerds, and then there were the arrogant ones with inflated egos. 

"I'm taking the green one."

Ross looked at the monster and sneered. "You will do no such thing. He's the property of the Department of Defense."

Tony removed his faceplate and revealed his annoyed expression. "Think of it as me borrowing."

"I will say it for the last time, Stark. Go bac—"

"Shush." Tony stepped closer to the old General, towering over him in his armor. He looked down at him, making him feel small. "How'd you like to be called Private Ross? Years of hard work, all your career, poof! Gone with the wind—I actually liked that movie, by the way. Quite the classic."

Ross knew where Tony was going. There wasn't much doubt that he'd win the election. "I-I'm doing this for the country, Stark. This isn't your playground."

"Who stopped them from destroying the city? That would be yours truly," Tony reminded him, his voice rising with each word. "I used to sell weapons for our great country, thought I was doing my patriotic duty. Turns out, I wasn't! My weapons are still in the hands of extremists and terrorists in Afghanistan. You guys still owe me an explanation for that, consider this leverage.”

Pat! Pat!

Tony Stark leaned in, his metallic gauntlet gleaming in the light. He tapped General Ross in the face with exaggerated patience. "Hey, don't go playing professor on me. Know your limits before you end up in over your head. Just a friendly heads-up… Private Ross."

Furious, yet suppressing his rage, Ross silently watched Tony take Hulk away with his Iron Guardians. 

“If you still don't like it, tell your boss to give me a call,” Tony added as he caught a glimpse of Ross’ ugly expression.


Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Ororo returned to the school and reported everything to Charles just as it had transpired. Of course, she omitted the part where she caught him in that bathroom. 

"I should have gone to talk to him," Jean voiced, feeling deeply guilty for what had happened. "We need to tell him that it wasn't me who did it."

"It doesn’t alter the fact that what he said holds weight. His concerns are justified; Magneto’s threat remains very real," Hank chimed in and looked at Charles. "Coming out in the open now would only jeopardize us further if Magneto decides to strike on a grand scale."

Ororo continued from there. "He said he will contact us again, once he has a solid plan."

"He's become deeply mistrustful of us now," Charles remarked, a hint of melancholy in his tone. "I've sent Raven to reach out to Magneto, hoping to bring him to the negotiating table. For us to achieve acceptance, the mutants must present a united front."

"What if he refuses? What then? Are we just going to roll over?" Hank asked, his voice tinged with urgency. "We can’t let him manipulate us and jeopardize the future of all mutants. This is our one shot, Charles. Tony's not bound by religious constraints, impervious to lobbyists, and he’s indifferent to bipartisan nonsense."

Charles looked at his old friend, already aware of what he wanted. But he still asked. "What do you suggest? We kill Erik?"

"We should if he continues on this path!" Hank replied in a split second. "You know his ideology is flawed. You know mutants can never defeat humanity. You know there are monstrous beings out there comparable to what's inside Jean."

Charles looked down silently at that mention. Back in his younger days when he was more adventurous, he had on many occasions swept his psionic senses across great distances. On many occasions, he had to retreat with haste or face guaranteed death. 

"I’ll… make a decision soon. Let's wait for Raven's response first."

Hank didn't push him further and left the room. 

Charles then looked back at Ororo. "Stay in touch with Mr. Stark until Raven is back."

This time Ororo didn't feel as repulsed by that idea. She silently nodded and left the room. 



Tony flew over the skies of the small, troubled nation of Sokovia. His boosters made less sound than usual, and his armor had a great many upgrades including the outer shell which was taken from the Destroyer Armor of Asgard. Turns out, it was incredibly strong against energy impacts and blunt force. Only using the metal shard that Ororo gifted him was he able to cut the Asgardian armor. 

It had been three months since the Thor incident and he hadn't left his top-floor apartment in Stark Tower for even a day. Working non-stop on a dozen projects, he fully indulged himself in his dopamine-inducing creations. 

"Alright, Jarvis. We’re not here to level the country—just testing. Keep the power at twenty percent, alright?" Tony reminded his AI child. Along with the new armor shell, he had also innovated on the Arc Reactor and made it slightly more efficient. On top of that, he created smaller, less powerful Arc Reactors and placed them strategically all over the new suit as it could handle an intense surge of energy. 

Heck, even Tony felt afraid of going full power this time. 

"Sergeant Mary Alice Walker is right below you, Sir," Jarvis informed Tony, having hacked into the military prison system. After the run-in with General Ross, Tony had ordered Jarvis to sweep into the entire Department of Defense on every level and report him on every suspicious expense and military operation. This time, he was in Sokovia to save a squad of US soldiers from the Sokovian prison. 


Like a rocket going down, Tony dived straight downward toward the roof of one of the buildings in the prison complex. He didn't stop, nor did he plan to. Testing the durability of his new suit, he slammed into the concrete roof. 


The metallic clank resounded, and the roof caved in, leaving a massive hole in it. He fell down right into one of the holding areas of the prison—not even a scratch on his suit. 

Sweet Asgardians! I gotta pay them a visit someday. Tony marveled at the suit's integrity. Heck, not even the shine was lost. Let's test the weapons system then. 




Instantly the soldiers nearby unloaded their AKs on Tony. Every single bullet struck Tony, and yet none of the bullets were able to scratch him. He remained in place like an unmoving boulder, staring amusedly at the soldiers. 

I don't wanna pulverize them. 

So, Tony walked towards them like a behemoth. In the new Iron Man suit his height was almost seven feet tall. 


He knocked a metal fist on their faces and sent them flying. Sure, it broke their noses and teeth, but they were still alive at least. 


Soon enough many more soldiers found him. The alarms also started to blare, red beacons illuminating the doors and ceilings. He didn't worry one bit and slapped, smacked, or kicked his way through the prison complex, trying to find the American soldiers. 

Leaving a long trail of broken, swollen, and unconscious bodies, he soon reached a control room with a lot of screens. Using Jarvis, he analyzed all the cameras and quickly found the American soldiers. 



Slapping and kicking, he went all the way to the most guarded part of the prison and broke through the walls with a minor blaster beam. 

"Holy smokes! That's efficient and powerful!" He loved the upgrades. "Alright soldiers! Time to go—"

Tony swallowed back his words as soon as he flashed some light into the dark, guarded room. There was a lot of blood on the floor and a mess that he reckoned was someone's organs. At the end of the room, there were two figures tied to the walls with chains. A man, without his right arm and left leg, then on the right was a woman—Mary Walker—completely nude, bruised in places best left unspoken. 

It's hard to love humanity. Tony sighed and walked closer to the two victims. Slightly angry, and more enraged by the lack of retaliation from the US government. The file said the squad had been captured a few months ago. Out of many, only these two were left it seemed—not in a good condition. 

"Jarvis, set the output to fifty percent," Tony ordered and moved to free the two prisoners. They were barely conscious, mumbling nonsense. So he had no way but to put the man on his shoulder and hold the woman in his arms. 

During his retreat, he faced retaliation from all sides as the Sokovian army mobilized itself. Tony stopped being gracious and used his blaster like a strobing spotlight in a rave. Bodies pulverized alongside their weapons and walls behind them. 

On his way, he covered the two soldiers he carried with a piece of cloth and walked out of the prison. Facing a blockade ahead, he simply sent out a conventional but extremely powerful rocket. 


The fire and smoke formed massive clouds visible for miles. By the time the dust settled, Tony was gone and arriving at the nearest NATO base. 

It wasn’t easy to fly with two unconscious bodies, but he managed and landed in the middle of a training ground. After handing the bodies to the medics, he waited for the commander of the base to show up just so he could record his face in case the two he saved were to 'disappear'. 

Without having any exchange, he flew away to return home. It wasn't that he felt shocked by what he saw since he already knew what goes on in wars and war-torn nations. What made him annoyed was how little was done to make the wrongs right. 

"Jarvis, let's crank it up to eleven. Full power!" Tony blasted the boosters at full speed, breaking his own record. "Also, I need you to compile this whole mission—oh, and don't forget the military files you stumbled upon. And make sure to gather all those ignored SOS requests sent to the Pentagon. Tag the names of the officers who thought sweeping this under the rug was a brilliant idea. Finally, send it all to the media outlets I've been feeding."

The game of politics was simple. If you want to rise up, you gotta pull others down first. 

"Done, Sir."

"Now play me some jazz while I fly."


It took an hour before the report made the rounds on various news websites and then eventually on television screens. One of the main conditions for receiving Stark money was to not shove a scandal under the rug for any one party if there was enough evidence. In this case, there was more than enough evidence. 

Of course, since Iron Man was involved, the praises landing on Tony's shoulders were a dime a dozen. He didn't even know since he was still flying, but he was already preparing speeches meant to denounce the current administration for treating the US soldiers like cannon fodder. 

"Christine Everhart from WHiH World News." The blonde, tall, and primed Christine stood in front of the White House fence doing her segment. She was pro-Tony and she didn't even hide it at times. Being fed not just Stark money but also Stark meat, she rode the Tony ride with the dream of seeing the man in the White House someday and herself being a world-renowned journalist. 

"...Many requests have been made to get a response from the White House but there remains only silence. The squad had ten members, and only two survived. Why were they forsaken for months? Why did Tony Stark have to take action to save them himself? Where is the massive military budget being used? We need these answers because clearly, it's not being used to win wars…"

Similar scenes appeared on most of the channels. Thanks to the internet, Jarvis didn't even have to fan the flames. Tony's YouTube channel's latest video—his mission in Sokovia—was enough to stroke emotions. 

Yet again, Tony's approval rating soared despite him not even being in the office. His face was constantly plastered alongside the current President and compared. 


Tired out of his mind, Tony landed back at the Stark Tower and jumped out of the armor to splash into his pool. He floated in the water for a while, ears submerged and giving him some much-needed silence. 

"Sir." Jarvis was still loud. "One of your latest satellites has detected unknown signals originating from a location within Earth's orbit."

"What?!" Tony swam out of the pool quickly and looked at his phone to see the data. "Is it some asteroid?"

"It is geostationary, Sir." 

Tony rubbed his chin. "Interesting… But let's put a pin in that for now. I've got dinner reservations to keep. Did you order the food?"

"It is in the kitchen," Jarvis answered. 

"Good. Command the reserve Iron Guardians to be good waiters." Tony stretched his arms and back for a moment before heading to his room. 

He fixed his hair and wore a white shirt and black pants. Finally, as he returned to the massive living room of his top-floor house, he was greeted with the sight of a beautiful blonde who had come to keep her promise. 

He smirked cheekily. "The view is great from here, Sue."

Sue Storm nodded and looked at the huge glass panels overlooking the night skyline of Manhattan. "It's amazing, Tony."

"It is indeed," Tony responded, dragging his words while his eyes stared at her supple, exposed cleavage in that beautiful dress. 

Sue noticed it and embarrassingly turned away. She was wearing a black velvet bodycon dress, sleeveless, figure-hugging, curving around her fine hips and leaving a long cut on her right leg, making her thigh's creamy paleness vividly visible. 

High-heeled, the taps of her feet as she walked were entrancing. Her swaying rear made Tony follow closely, wanting to catch her and just drag her to the bed. But he wanted to have a fine evening, not just a savage night of pleasure. 

"All but the top floor of the tower is made, I was scared of taking that elevator," Sue said and landed her purse on the dining table for two. "It was like walking into a secret sex dungeon."

"Well, it is for tonight," Tony responded, grinning and pulling the chair for her to sit. Then, he walked around the small square table to his own seat and drank in the view. With little makeup done, red lipstick, faint mascara, and her long blonde hair loose like a curling waterfall, he questioned why any man would deny this beauty’s love. "I'm alive."

"I can see that." Sue smiled softly and received the glass of champagne from an Iron Guardian acting like a waiter. "The world would go crazy if they knew how you use these Iron Guardians."

"Hah, what's the point if they can't even do this?" Tony clinked his glass against hers with a smirk. 

"Anyway, how's life treating you? Any progress with Reed's project."

"Ugh, it's just dreadful, Tony. At least, for me. He's so close to finishing his rocket, and I haven't seen him in a month. I can't help but wonder if following him was the right choice. Maybe I should consider taking a teaching position at a university. It might be more fulfilling."

Tony sympathized with her. He'd have stayed away from her if there was anything between Reed and her. But from the looks of it, it was doubtful if it could even be called a relationship. 

"Looking at you, I say he lacks testosterone," Tony joked and poured himself another drink. "Because I'm already hard."

"Hehe… When are you not, Tony?" Sue chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she teased him. Relaxing back in her chair, she let her dainty feet playfully brush between Tony's legs. 

With a charming smirk, she lifted her glass in a toast. "I'm a woman of my word. A promise is a promise—tonight belongs to Tony Stark."

Fuck! Tony groaned inside. Oh, how much he loved beautiful women who were also playful and straightforward. I'm so glad I'm alive.

"Hmm…" He felt hard as iron. Her foot was a work of art on his hardness, rubbing and pressing all over. But he didn't react to it just now since he was actually hungry for food. "I know you're into physics, bio-engineering, and tech. But if you've got a hankering to deep dive into genetics again, I might just have a job for you."

"Oh really?" She seductively asked, thrusting out her chest that revealed more of what he wanted to hold. Her foot got more intense. "One that requires me to come here often?"

"I won’t mind if you did." Tony was all for that teasing. "But just so you know, I’ve got a big, green, angry monster chained up in the basement. And if that’s not enough, I recently stumbled upon a gene that turns ordinary folks into walking, talking superpowers."

A charming frown formed on her face, and her foot stopped moving. Initially thinking he was merely flirting, she now realized he was entirely serious. "Is that a joke, Tony?"

Tony rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone with a dramatic flair. He tapped the screen and flashed her the same video Raven had once shown him. "Look, Sue, there are secrets out there worth exploring."

Sue snatched the phone from him and looked at the video closely. She replayed it too many times to ensure it wasn't edited. "W-Who are these people?"

"Can't tell… Maybe after dinner." Tony winked as the Iron Guardian brought the plates out. 

Sue straightened up in her seat and agreed, leading the conversations into something more casual. About Tony's recent stunts, or something else random. They drank plenty and ate slowly, letting the night gradually reach its climax. 

Before they knew it, both had finished their food and walked around the massive house with glasses in their hands. Tony showed her around, even a few of his new inventions for the masses. His wealth was absurd at this point and even he knew it. 

Eventually, they returned to the living room. Tipsy and laughing at each other's jokes, Sue soon sat back on the antique jaguar e-type car placed there as a showpiece. "It's never boring with you."

Tony eased closer to her, looking down as she sat on the long hood of the car. His hands caressed her soft face, raising it by the chin. "I can make it even more exciting."

Sue smiled seductively and abruptly gripped the bulge in his pants. She squeezed it and looked up at his face. "So can I."

He saw her hand caressing him before cupping his erection. He clenched his teeth as she slowly stroked him through his pants, teasing him. Tony leaned down and landed a kiss on her lips first, tasting the flavor of her lipstick. All the while Sue continued to fondle his cock.

Amidst their coiling tongues, she unbuttoned his pants, pulled down his zipper, and shoved it all down to his feet.

Their wild exchange of saliva continued, but Sue was already holding his naked cock in her hand, gently stroking and teasing him with her fingers. Tony could feel every slender digit sending shivers up his spine, the erotic need within him starting to build up into lustful hunger.

"A whole night, wasn't that the promise?" Tony asked as he stood back straight, staring into her lustful blue eyes. 

"Um-hum…" Sue gulped and lowered her face closer to Tony's shaft. She reached up and ran a hand under Tony’s shirt. Under her hand, she could feel the tension in Tony’s stomach, the muscles pulling tight and ready.

Her face tilted upward, her eyes never left Tony's. Then, her tongue came out and slurped the underside of his length from balls to tip. "That is if you can last that long."

"Is that a challenge?" Tony gently combed his fingers through her hair, feeling his cock twitch at her slippery tongue's touch. 

Sue squeezed his cock with her fist around the base. Her mouth kept kissing his cockhead, her tongue circling the rim, giving it a hard suck. "Maybe it is."

"Accepted." Tony pushed his hips and slid into her mouth this time, groaning and loving it. The sweltering heat, the squishy walls of her throat, it all felt so heavenly.

She savored him, rolling swirls on the underside of his cock with her tongue and then circling around the tip. His cockhead was sizable enough that it almost filled her entire mouth, so she used her hands to take care of the rest of his length as her head started bobbing on him.

“Fuck.” He groaned, tugging at her hair a bit, “That feels so good.”

“Umm… I can make it better.”

Sue suddenly had an idea and turned around on the hood of the car, and laid down on her back. That way, her dainty feet were spread against the car's windshield, and her face dangling from the edge of the hood onto the bumper. A position that gave Tony an amazing view of her sensual legs, her skirt rolling down toward her curving waist. 

Her idea excited Tony even more, and pushed deep into her throat, his balls landing on her nose. He buried himself all the way in and relished in the sensations. The way her tongue wiggled around him, the way her mouth sucked him dry, it all made him want to go deeper.

Sue moaned and gagged at times. Whenever she'd tap on his thighs Tony would pull back, keeping their game fun and safe. But her pleasurable mouth only made him want to do more and more, her supple thighs spreading apart, inviting him to do as he pleased.

How could Tony say no? 

He tore her dress from the thin shoulder straps and claimed her breasts by removing her black bra. He kneaded them, molding the paleness all over, pinching her nipples until they blushed red. Letting her tender flesh spill between his fingers. Oh how perfectly she was made.

His hands kept moving, tasting the softness of her skin as his hand moved up towards her belly pushing what was left of her dress up to her legs. Sue shivered a bit as she felt Tony pull everything off of her body, excited and eager to feel his touch fill her up. She kicked off her dress, letting him see her naked, soaked petals.

To his surprise, she wasn’t wearing any panties that night. 

“Never knew you–uu… were this eager.” Tony teased, swallowing a grunt as he felt her teeth scraping against his tender, sensitive skin with a gentle tease.

Sue's hands slowly moved up his legs, grabbing his ass as if in silent protest. His fingers were already rubbing against her slick petals, flicking her sensitive nub of flesh. However, only his hips were moving in search of pleasure, fucking her face, while her throbbing pussy was left begging.

“You want this?”

“Ummmhh…” Sue moaned onto his thrusting cock, the purring clearly one of pleading. Her pussy drooling for attention.

“Are you sure?” Tony teased.

Sue suckled even harder, forming a vacuum seal around Tony’s cock. 

Tony could feel his straining, hot distended flesh throbbing, as if his juices were already knocking on his last wall of control. He could hear Sue’s slobbering gulps as the residue of his pre-cum and her drool pooled up around his cock, filling her mouth. 

Tony grinned and pressed Sue’s thighs farther apart, leaning down and burying his tongue and lips in the slick flesh between them; Sue moaned, relaxing her back against the car bumper as she gave herself over to pleasure. Tony alternated between tugging at Sue's clit with his lips and flicking at it with his tongue as his fingers dipped in and out, the rough skin of his knuckles dragging against her slick walls.

“Oohhh… Ummm…” Sue muttered in delight, the vibrations of her throat tickling Tony’s cock.

Suddenly, Tony curled his fingers and pressed against that one, sensational spot inside, as he gave Sue's clit a long, hard suck. Sue shivered in delight, her knees buckling uncontrollably.

Midway, Tony decided to try something new. He gathered her thighs on both his shoulders, circled his arms around, and clamped his lips on her pussy before pulling her entire body up. Sue tensed up in a moment of shock, but the wonderful sensations claimed her mind, letting him take full control of herself.

Soon enough, Sue was dangling in front of Tony, her legs tightly clenched around his head, her feet crossed behind his head, and his arms holding her safely. His tongue explored her pussy while her dangling face kept sucking on his cock, making a mess everywhere, the sticky drool claiming her swaying blonde hair. 

His hands found her plump ass automatically and fingers splayed across her flesh as she held on to his thrusting hips. Without anything to support her but his arms, all she could do was drown in the feeling of his tongue around her clit, and the choking sensation of his sizable cock in her mouth.

Tony thrust in faster and faster, his cock craving for that wonderful release. He felt a little bit like he might hyperventilate, but she made such sweet noises beneath him, grinding her face against his cock. He couldn’t care about anything anymore.

“Fuck… you’re going to suck me dry,” Tony groaned with his face smothered between her soft thighs. His body started to shudder, he slowly leaned her back down on the car hood as they kept pleasuring each other.

The flat of his tongue curled up in her core, and when he pulled the rounded edges along the exposed head of her clit, she made a broken sound that felt like a punch to the gut, sending them both over the edge.

Tony lapped up every bit of nectar that came out of Sue as she struggled to gulp down every last drop of his cream. Both heavily panted in ecstasy, making a mess to both of their liking.

Eventually, Tony rolled off of Sue’s body and laid down beside her. Taking deep puffs, trying to calm his breathing. Sue used Tony's discarded shirt to clean her face, still gulping down the last traces of his sticky batter in her throat.

"Hah! That was crazy!" Tony panted, chuckling. 

Sue giggled too, intensely searching for breath. "But so hot! God!"

“It’s not even midnight yet… We still have a long way to go.” Tony laughed and pulled Sue off of the hood of the car. Still eager for more, Tony got into the back of the roofless car, patting the seat next to him to invite her in.

Right away, Sue straddled Tony's lap, albeit his cock was still sleeping between her legs. “You were in control before. My turn,” she said with a snort, but she also spread her knees a little wider, scooting closer to the edge of his knees and putting his cock on an even more prominent display between their bodies. 

She held each one of Tony's hands and placed them on her brazenly exposed breasts. She didn’t go quite so far as to help him squeeze his fingers, but she didn’t need to. Tony could feel her cloud-like flesh, more than enough to send another pulse of heat straight to his growing need. His squeezing and fondling drew moans from Sue’s lips and he began circling her nipples with his thumbs. 

“Good boy,” she mewled, gently stroking Tony’s almost fully erect cock with her hand.

Tony's gaze fixed between her legs, heated and thirsty. He couldn’t wait to pull her hips closer and make her ride him till the cows come home. Her sensual sweating body was a sight to behold, her gentle bosom under his fingers whetting his appetite a second time.

Sue took Tony's cock back in her hands, giving it a nice, slow stroke from bottom to tip before lining it up with her hot, wet sheath. She waited for Tony, until she saw his face light up in excitement, and then tilted her hips just a little, letting the swollen cockhead slide between her pink petals instead of sinking into her. 

His shaft didn’t plunge in, scraping her lower lips with his bumpy veins.

Sue could see the slight squeeze of his muscles, and she knew Tony was struggling to stop himself from thrusting upward. She took advantage of the moment of weakness, rolling her hips in a slow, steady grind, making sure to coat every inch of Tony’s cock with slippery warmth. She wanted it to throb, to ache until Tony couldn’t help but grasp her hips and guide her pleasure.

"Come on, Sue," he groaned, letting his lips skim the skin of Sue’s neck. "I know you wan—"

“You want this?” Sue chuckled, teasing him the same way he did before.

That's it! Tony's hands gripped the marshmallowy flesh of her ass and his cock slammed inside.

Before she could even adjust to the abrupt fullness, she was lifted off his lap, his hands driving her hips up and down with a fury. Sue yelped and cried out in bliss as Tony drilled inside of her. The jolting motion threw her into cloud nine.

Tony thrust into her and held onto her small waist. Sue eventually started bucking her hips and grinded on his thrusting hardness while he struck her deepest walls. She moaned at how deep he was reaching into her cave of wonders and her breasts freely heaved about. 

Sue placed her hands on his shoulders to balance herself while thrusting her pussy down onto his stirring manhood. She wanted him deeper, harder, as strong as he could take her. He also raged his iron-hard length into her fiery furnace and drew her moans as her ass smacked against his lap.

Tony speared himself into Sue and squeezed her breasts together. He felt her pussy growing tighter around his cock as it throbbed with that last bit of delightful struggle. Their eyes never left each other, a challenging gaze that made Tony even more wild.

His muscles tensed up, sending that last powerful thrust deep within her to kiss the entrance to her womb. Sue’s toes curled up in bliss, her nails almost digging into Tony’s bare shoulders. They both shattered at the same time, climaxing together, riding the wonderful waves of pleasure.

“Ummm… Oh, Tony!”

She continued to ride him, shuddering on his cock with her convulsions oozing out the heat of her climax. Feeling the fullness of his creamy batter inside made her almost go limp, her eyes rolling in utter bliss. It felt like an eternity to come down from that high, her body now just fallen over Tony’s chest, hugging him skin to skin.

"You lost," Sue whispered into Tony's ears, feeling his cock going limp inside her as she hugged him in the backseat and rested her chin on his shoulder. 


Tony suddenly spanked her ass with both palms, fondling her bubble-like pale butt. "Oh, I'm just getting started, Susan Storm." 

Without pulling out of her scorching, squelching pussy, he pulled her down to lay on the seat as he stayed on top of her. Kissing her neck over and over as he ground his semi-erect shaft in her soaking depts, teasing it back awake. “I can do this all night…”



Just as Tony gave a hard thrust into her depth, he looked towards the main steel door entrance to his house. Sue raised her head and looked towards it too, both freezing half-aroused aroused state.



"Fuck!" Tony cursed as right before his eyes the steel door broke apart like a piece of styrofoam. 

But his heart skipped a beat once he saw the intruder.

"WHERE IS MY COUSIN?! What have you done to hi—"


Sue was vulnerably speechless, leaking fresh batter to the leather seats while still spreading her legs under Tony.

Despite being inside Sue's warm walls, Tony was… more aroused seeing the giant green woman? 

"Princess Fiona?!"


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