President Stark

Chapter 11. The Big Tech Boom

"Princess Fiona?!" Tony exclaimed. 

But he knew better than that and could easily see the similarity with the Hulk. A height almost reaching seven feet, a body that was muscular and toned but in a more feminine way. 

But, by far, the part that made Tony's cock, still inside Sue, twitch, was the torn white t-shirt of the green woman. Her green breasts were bare to a degree, and one of the two dark green nipples was peeking out. 

Meanwhile, below, her pants were in tatters, but her panties seemed to hold enough elasticity to hide the good stuff. Being a man of science and a great fascination with aliens, he couldn't help but feel aroused by the tall beauty. 

"Aaah!" Sue moaned all of a sudden and pushed on his chest. She could feel his length throb, still jammed inside her soreness. "Oh! Pull it out, dammit!"

"W-What…" Tony looked back down and noticed Sue's naked form still there, her heaving breasts taut and ready to be nibbled. The hot, watery warmth of her inside still had him hard as iron. "I-I don't think…"

For one last time, Tony glanced at the tall, green woman and then poured all his focus, weight, and cock into the stunning blonde below him. 

"Where is Bruce!" 

Tony groaned and perked up his head once again, peeking over the side of the car. "He's downstairs!"

The green woman roared and ran back through the same door she broke into.

Boom! Boom!

Tony and Sue could hear her wreak havoc on her path to the lower floors.

“To–Tony… A-are you…”

“I’m about to...” Tony continued to thrust, “Ju–ust a little more..” he groaned.

Tony continued to fuck Sue, quickly plowing into her hot, wet sheath. Not wanting to waste his night as he hadn’t had his fill in that position yet. 

“She… She’ll come back…. Ahhh!” Sue muttered incoherently, a mix of arousal and thrill. Her pussy tightened at the thought of getting caught outright. 

Even when her sweltering heat almost cooled down, the subtle friction of Tony’s scraping cock veins ignited her once more. She clawed his back as he almost placed all his weight onto her body and rammed into her hard. Her legs shook, dangling up in the air as Tony held both her knees from below.

“Ahhhh… Tony… You crazy… fucking man!” So could feel him deep into her passion-moistened depths, stroking her last barrier with thumps of passion. 

Tony leaned in even more, almost folding her slender legs onto her bouncing hills and palming the bottom of her smooth thighs. He went in without mercy, slamming his pelvis onto her curving bottom. 

“Gk..” Tony grimaced, feeling the soul sucked right out of him. His balm of masculinity finally burst out, emptying his knees to buckle. He weakly kept going as he came, thrusting with his hips, riding the waves of pleasure, squelching her pussy into a frothy mess.

Like a fountain of life, his cream filled Sue up as her toes curled up in her own pulsating waves of pleasure. Her long erotic release shattered at the same time, allowing his molten juices to intermingle with hers.

As Sue plunged into bliss, she almost thought that would be the end. But to her surprise, Tony kept going slowly. One of his hands slid down her lifted thigh, reaching her swollen pearl of passion. He continued to tease her blushing petals with his cock, in and out, while his thumb diddled the nub of flesh, hurling her back into cloud nine.

“Ah? Ahhhh! Tony.. Tony.. Nu–ooooo…” Sue cried out to the heavens as her pussy clenched tighter than ever before.

With a larger-than-normal orgasm, Sue gushed out even more. The watery spray launched into the air as Tony pulled out and rubbed her pussy to help her reach that glorious feeling of satisfaction.

“Hahh… haaa…” Sue tried to catch her breath, but suddenly her eyes focused on Tony.

The larger-than-life, green woman, was already coming back through the shattered door. She looked angry. Sue quickly covered up her breasts with her arms and bent her legs together to cover up her dripping flushed core. 

Seeing that, Jennifer was also suddenly very aware of her own revealing, torn clothes. She clasped her arms around her chest, trying to look intimidating while covering up.

"Show's over," Tony mumbled unashamedly and jumped out of the vintage car. His dripping, cum coated cock dangled still, slowly returning to its flaccid length. But he quickly picked up his pants and put them on. 

Fuck, she's so tall. I bet she can lift me in her arms—Ah, stop thinking that, Tony. No, no… I don't wanna be dominated. Although… He tilted his head in thought but then shook the thought off again.

"Should I dial nine-one-one?" Sue asked.

Tony finally put on a shirt and looked at the giant woman. "How are you related to Hulk?"

"You lied! Where is he?" Jennifer growled, turning hostile again. "Where is Bruce?"

Tony scoffed and summoned his mobile armor suit. It walked on its own towards him and opened up for him to enter. Then finally, he raised his arm at her. "You waltz into my place unannounced, and I'm supposed to be the one who says 'hello'? Where’s the ‘hi, I’m so-and-so’ part?"


The green woman smashed her fist on her palm, creating a subtle shockwave. "I'm Jennifer Walters. Is that enough for you? Now, where is—"

She was interrupted by a mechanical sound coming from the roof. Right there, multiple energy guns came out and aimed at her. 

Tony frowned. "Seriously, Jarvis? Now you decide to react? After she’s already inside."

"Sir, I anticipated that you'd be more interested in getting to see her first," Jarvis answered. 

What the hell, Jarvis? You can read minds now? Tony failed to find any fault in Jarvis anymore. He did appreciate the view in front of him. 

"Fine, I heard you. Hulk—sorry, Banner—is underground. He asked me to keep it hush-hush. He's trying to find a cure for his mood swings himself," Tony revealed and began walking. "Follow me, I'll take you to him."

"Wait for me!" Sue chased behind after wearing her dress again, tying the torn straps around her shoulders. As embarrassing as it was, she couldn't deny it was hot, maybe even addictive.

"Leaving?" Tony inquired. 

"Not without seeing that green monster."

Jennifer didn't like that. "He's not a monster. Bruce is… suffering."

"When did you get affected?" Tony asked her.

"When he saved my life by giving me his blood."

Tony silently noted down that the angry green man's power could be spread. It reminded him very much of the Super Soldier Serum. But of course, something went wrong in this case. But he kept his doubts to himself. The Hulk's existence was proof that the government was still working on it, or something similar to it at the very least.

"Down here." Tony led the two women toward his private elevator. However, before they entered, an Iron Guardian provided an extra large bathrobe for Jennifer. The long bathrobe, even on the wider size for adults, only reached her knees in length.

Finally, Tony scanned his palm on a panel in the elevator, and they soon started making their way down. They reached the ground level and continued to go further down. 

"How deep does this go?" Jennifer frowned at the time taking them. Even at the speed they were going, it took them a while.


"Till here." Tony walked out. A short tunnel-like passage lit up in front of them on its own. 

Leading them into his private “dungeon”, he eventually brought them to a massive steel door of thickness unknown. On a side panel, he first activated the cameras to look inside if Hulk was there or Banner. Once he confirmed everything, he scanned his eyes and waited for the unlocking sequence to finish. 

Sue was gawking at it all. "How rich are you, Tony?" 

"Don't know. Stopped counting after two hundred." 

"Billion?" Jennifer Walters exclaimed in shock. It had to be billion because million was too small for THE Tony Stark. 


"Here we go." Tony ignored them and walked into the small gap formed between the two massive steel doors. "Banner! You got visitors."

Right away, a slim, smart-looking Bruce Banner walked into the light. Although his face didn't look much better, he was in a far better condition than before. Nobody in their right mind would think of invading Stark Tower, so the sense of safety went a long way for him.


"Bruce!" Jennifer ran into the hidden lair and grabbed Bruce by his throat, lifting him up with ease using her monstrous strength. "What have you done to me? Why didn't you tell me I'd turn into this… green… thing too!"

"H-How?" Bruce was more shocked by the fact that she was in control of her green form. "How are you still sane?"

"No, I'm not sane, Bruce. Anytime I get angry with one of my clients I feel my blood boiling. I almost turned into this green thing in the courtroom today!" she growled and pressed her cousin on a wall. "How do I fix this?!" 

"Y-You can't. I-I've tried everything. But yo–you're still in control of this form." Bruce didn't even mind being choked at that point and started patting all over his cousin's shoulders. "How are you doing this?" 

"Doing what?"

"Staying under control. Why aren't you destroying things?"

"Because I don't want to?" Jennifer let her cousin down. "I know this is different from yours."

"Jennifer, this isn’t just different—this is actually pretty amazing," Bruce said, his eyes softening. "I know you might be angry with me for passing on this… condition, but honestly, I'm relieved. You’re not struggling like I did. You’ve got control. You can harness that strength on your own terms."

"I don't want this!" 

"You're stuck with it," Bruce replied, "This is your life now, Jen. Learn to control it."

"What about you?" she asked.

Tony chimed in just then. "He’s not going anywhere until he gets a handle on that temper. I mean, I barely managed to keep the Jolly Green Giant in check with ten Iron Guardians. Seriously, the guy’s a walking liability."

Bruce nodded, his eyes reflecting a deep weariness. "I’ve tried everything. Every possible cure, every remedy... even attempted to… end it all. But nothing works. The bullets I shoot at myself—he just spits them out. Poison doesn’t touch him. I’m trapped in this nightmare. There’s no escape, no cure."


All heads turned to look at Susan.

The pretty blonde, in her party dress, embarrassingly hid behind Tony. "I mean, that's so sad."

"You want his blood sample?" Tony asked nonchalantly. "I've got bottles full of them."

"I'd love some!" Sue chirped.

Jennifer glared at Tony. "Is that all he is to you? A research subject?"

"No, don't say that," Bruce stopped her. "Tony's been helping me all this time. He's done more for me than anyone else. I'm safe down here, for others and… from myself."

"So you're going to stay here?" Jennifer asked. 

"Until I can control this beast inside me, yes." 

Jennifer sighed and looked down at her own body. Taking long, deep breaths, she slowly started to change back into her human form. A regular-sized, five-foot-ten woman. Brown hair, green eyes, curvacious, and exactly the particular nerd's type. 

The bathrobe slumped around her, the hem now almost reaching the ground as the tight collar around her neck now plunged into a deep valley that threatened to expose her soft peaks once more.

"At least inform me when you come out," Jennifer requested, unconcerned about her clothes at this moment.

"I will." Bruce then looked towards Tony. "Can you help her, Tony? I know you’ve already done more than enough, but I can’t just walk away and leave Jen like this."

I'd be happy to help her, Tony though, but kept it to himself. His eyes almost strained to not look at the peek-a-book game Jen’s nipples were playing.

"Help with what?"

"Yeah, help with what?" Jen asked seriously. 

"Being a hero," Bruce said, trying to ease Jen’s confusion. "Look, Jen, your powers are going to come out sooner or later. Before the public gets wind of it, you need to control the narrative. Just be what Tony is—a hero in people’s eyes. You don’t fully grasp how strong you are with these Hulk powers. There’s a lot of good you can do with them."

"But I'm just a lawyer," Jennifer said, her feet backing up a little.

"I used to be a normal genius playboy billionaire philanthropist," Tony chimed in, "Now I'm a superhero genius playboy billionaire philanthropist."


"What?" Tony shrugged as eyes focused on him. "What I mean is that she can be a Superhero Lawyer." 

"Sounds exciting," Sue chirped and enviously looked at Jennifer. "I'd do it if I was in your shoes."

"Me too, if I could control the Hulk," Bruce said, stepping closer to his cousin and giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "You’re a really good lawyer, Jen. You’ve always been about helping people through the law, and now you’ve got a chance to do it in even more impactful ways."

"I-I'll think about it," she replied and chose to leave for now. "Take care of yourself, Bruce."

"You too, Jen."

With that, they all left Bruce back in the locked room and returned to the ground floor of the skyscraper. None of them joined Tony back up, however. As Sue prepared to leave, Jennifer hitched a ride with her. 

Tony chuckled in silence. It was clearly visible that Sue was interested in Jennifer's strange condition. 

A little tired, but highly refreshed after the fantastic hours with Sue, he chose to return to doing his research and work on various projects. There was so much to do anyway, and with the election coming closer, he felt a greater pressure to increase his positive digital and physical footprint amongst the people. 

"Jarvis, what's the status?"

"Sir, the signal from space has been confirmed. It is not a secret military satellite. For reasons yet unclear, I was unable to detect it until employing Stark Industries' latest space observatory, which utilizes Arc Reactors."

"So the Arc Reactor had something to do with it?" Tony asked back and threw his shirt away before reaching for the screen in his lab. "Do we have fixed coordinates?"

"Indeed, Sir. It is related to the Arc Reactor. The coordinates have also been duly recorded."

Tony nodded for a long time, considering something. There was so much to do that he had to first ponder if it was worth prioritizing. 

"Jarvis, how fast can we slap some space-faring upgrades on the Destroyer Armor?" He asked. 

Jarvis made some quick calculations. "Sir, based on my initial assessments, the integrity of the new Destroyer Armor is already robust enough to endure the harsh conditions of space. However, the internal systems, including life support, sealing, and propulsion mechanisms, will necessitate a minimum of two months for complete design, testing, and integration."

"Two? I can do two." Tony lit up excitedly at that. "Punch it, Jarvis. Project name… Starman."

"Projected Starman created, Sir."

"And turn up the music."


You never realize how quickly time passes when you do something you enjoy. 

Two months went by and Tony rocketed from the East Coast to the West Coast. It was time to show his face to the world again and give an interview to his favorite journalist at the same time. On top of that, blasting off into space from California without being noticed was easier thanks to the Pacific. 

"Sir, you have an incoming call from Ms. Potts." 

"Boss?" Tony quickly picked up the call, unbothered by his flight. "What can I do for you?"

"Help me, Tony," Pepper responded, her voice unsure for some reason, "Things are falling apart."

"What happened?" 

"It seems the government is hitting back at Stark Industries. They’re clearly upset about your involvement in Sokovia and the way you called out the Department of Defense. Nearly all of our government contracts are being canceled, and the reasons they’re giving us are just ridiculous," Pepper revealed, and further sent him image files. "Look at them. They're claiming that our bulletproof glass is defective. That our engines are subpar."

"Subpar?" Tony frowned. "Did they find some new suppliers?"

"None of the guys they're now hiring are better than us. They’re just trying to push us out of the picture." 

Soon enough Tony found some hints about who was spearheading the entire thing. He noticed rare mentions of General Ross and Senator Stern. Even the Secretary of Defense was mentioned in a few places. 

"How many times do I have to knock some sense into them before they get the memo? Don’t worry, Pepper. I’m off to give an interview and trust me, this one’s gonna be spicy," Tony replied and sorted out all the files that Pepper sent. Then, he looked up the new bids that were made, followed by a comparison of all the new companies with Stark Industries. 

Pepper yelped at that. "Tony! Don't! Don't do something crazy this time."

"Crazy? They're the crazy ones. Pepper, let's be honest; they need me way more than I need them. You've got 100 senators, 435 representatives, and a President who changes every four to eight years like a wardrobe. But there is and always will be, only one Tony Stark!" Tony proudly and somewhat narcissistically replied. 

“Tony, you know it’s not the Congress or the President who really runs things. It’s the bureaucrats, the ones who stay in their departments for decades. They’re the think tanks, the ones who shape policies and drive diplomacy. And right now, they’re not exactly on your side.” Pepper sternly tried to talk him out of it. "We need to be cautious and strategic this time. They already hate you."

“Oh, they’re gonna hate me even more once I reveal what I’ve got in store for this interview,” Tony smirked.

"They'll kill you, Tony!" 

"They can try."

Beep! Beep!

He ended the call and went full speed to California. What he initially thought was going to be a boring interview was suddenly too damn exciting. Sure, Tony was a part of the whole 'lobbying' and 'buying your way in' system that all the others were. But he also believed that these systems shouldn't hinder societal and technological advancements. His Arc Reactor was already seen as a threat by energy companies. 

"Hah! They're going to despise me after this."

There was no greater fun than fucking over a multi-billion dollar industry. And this time, it was all fair game, as he had the alternative ready to be rolled out. 


Just an hour later, Tony was sitting in the newsroom studio of WHiH World News with Christine Everhart right beside him, very close. On her other side, separated by a small gap in the long, semi-circular table, were some so-called experts from the financial as well as defense sectors. There was no live audience this time, but the show was live. 

"Ten minutes!" The show's director announced. 

Christine quickly fixed her hair, checked her makeup in a small compact mirror, and finally turned towards Tony, rotating her seat. "How have you been, Mr. Stark?"

"The usual…" 

Tony drifted off into a daze as he noticed Christine spreading her knees slowly, facing him on the chair. She wore a tight blouse but a loose, fluttering skirt that went to her thighs. With her calculative, sultry movements, Tony could almost feel the hem of her soft skirt crawling up her smooth, pale skin, almost beckoning for his hand to feel it up himself.

As she spread her knees more and more, the skirt revealed all of her gorgeous toned legs and thighs; all of her clean, hairless, soft petals peeked out in all its glory. Scorching pale red, as if calling for him. He almost lost his composure, seeing no covering between her legs.

"Ehm!" he cleared his throat theatrically, sliding his chair closer with exaggerated care. "Alright, let me drop some spoilers about how 'deeply' impactful today’s interview is going to be."

Tony placed his palm on Christine's exposed thigh, caressing her warm skin first. He could feel her goosebumps as he slid his hand up the supple flesh, shivering in subtle delight as it crawled up even further. His hand reached the folded lower belly as she sat there, smiling at him even more seductively. 

He knew she was taunting him to do more. Since the large table was hiding their little, naughty play, the thrill aroused him. How could he say no?

His thumb abruptly dipped between the junction of her thigh, reaching her sodden entrance. He rubbed his thumb up and down the slit between her petals, taunting her with the excitement of being able to sink in anytime he wanted to. With the wet thumb from her leaking juices, he slipped and slid his thumb over her little nub of swollen, sensitive nerves.

"Um-hum… How deep, Mr. Stark?" 

Tony smirked and slid his thumb down, straight into her hot, scorching pussy lips. He felt her pussy clenching on his thumb, quivering as he curled his thumb inside her, and brushed against her most sensitive spot. As the tip of his thumb wiggled, the base of his thumb grazed left and right, pressing down on her hardening clit.

Christine shifted a little on her seat, her ass wiggling left and right as if she found a better position to sit. She did it on purpose; her enticing smile, the evidence of her arousal. 

As she moved, Tony pulled out his thumb, switching to his middle finger to go even deeper into her moist and desperate love hole.

"Something like… destroying the oil and coal-based energy sector." 

"Oooh! I'd love that!" Christine cooed, hiding her moan with masterful acting and choice of words. "What else?"

"Five minutes!" 

Tony ignored the producer and continued to fingerfuck this blonde, adding a second finger to the quest. The squeezing, silken sensation of her insides made him hard as always, but he knew she couldn't reciprocate, nor could he go too far. 

Christine leaned forward on the table, resting her elbow there, and placed her chin on her fist. She stared at Tony with heated, lustful eyes. Never having had a man excite her like this before. Rich, super smart, crazy fun, and one fine lover. 

To others, she looked like she was trying to seduce him, becoming the billionaire’s spoiled girlfriend, or maybe even the future Mrs. Stark. The whole world knew a lot of women were into Tony Stark. But only she and Tony knew that she didn’t need to try, they had done it once, and now she only needed to spread her slender legs—Of course, no strings attached.

“Umph.. ehm…” Christine hid her gasping moan with a delicate cough, feeling the hot touch of Tony’s finger on her G-spot. Her legs instinctively closed, squeezing together around Tony’s wrist. 

Tony could feel the tight contraction on her soaked walls. He smirked and continued to fuck her, his fingers sliding in and out with ease as her nectar started to flow. He placed his other hand on her knee, making her spread her thighs apart which were now soaked with her own juices.

"Revolutionize the car, trains, and jets industry," Tony revealed and felt her walls throb at an insane pace. She was close, no doubt. "Maybe go after the IRS too."

Christine bit her lower lips and narrowed her eyes, her complexion a little flushed. She loved the way Tony subtly forced her legs open, feeling the excitement of a little dominance from him. It almost made her imagine how it would feel like if he dominated her thoroughly. She wanted him to shove more fingers in, and stretch her wide for him before shoving in his lengthy cock.

She shivered in delight, her breasts subtly heaving, her arousal at its peak. Her pussy suckling on Tony’s two fingers, throbbing in craving for him. Her knees spread wider and her pussy thrust forward into his fucking finger as she orgasmed on his naughty digits. 

With one long, tight squeeze of her walls, Tony finally felt it. The sudden gush of sticky, sweet warmth enveloped his fingers. Christine closed her eyes, drowning in sweet oblivion while trying to keep her composure.

"Mh… IRS? Oh, you're crazy," she muttered with closed eyes and lifted brows, acting as if she disapproved.

"You're realizing that now?"

She let out a long act of exasperated breath at his words, giggling a little as if they were being playful. Her flushed face and panting breath calmed down as the cool studio air filled her heated body.

Having soaked herself, she knowingly slid her arm on the table, “accidentally” dropping her pen, and got off the chair to pick it up. 

She knelt down quickly and took Tony's two fingers that were inside her core before, still coated with her juices. Hidden under the table, she parted her red lipstick-covered lips and sucked them clean with a few fine strokes of her tongue. 

Finally, she grabbed the pen and got back up, fixing her skirt and making herself look professional. 

"I like crazy," she replied cheerfully and focused back on her job. If Tony wanted to fuck her, she was willing, but that was a delight for later. "But are you serious about going after the IRS?"

"More like an improvement in their system rather than trying to dismantle it. Look, I’m all for Americans knowing exactly where their tax dollars are going. And guess what? I've now got the tech to make that happen—Miss Journalist of the Year," Tony revealed and took a sip of water. 

Christine smiled ear to ear hearing him call her 'Journalist of the Year'. "Is it really that big?"

"I thought you've already measured it."

"I didn't mean that—"

"Five! Four! Three!... One!"

The green lights of the 'On-Air' sign came up and Christine started with a quick welcome and introduction. 

"Mr. Stark, what a bountiful year it's been. Stark Industries is nearing a staggering four hundred billion in valuation. Yet, despite the impressive figures, there's a swirling cloud of skepticism. Many argue that this surge could merely be a bubble fueled by speculation. What do you have to say to that?"

"I'd tell them to open their eyes," Tony replied with his usual swagger. "Look, kids, I'm not just another IT company scraping by on your data. I deal in pure, unadulterated tech! The kind of machines that keep the world spinning. As long as this planet is still rotating, Stark Industries is gonna keep soaring. By the end of this year, we'll be around eight hundred billion by my calculations."

No matter how confident and collected one might be, listening to those numbers was shocking. For Christine, it was more shocking because currently, ExxonMobil was the biggest company by valuation, sitting at four hundred billion. And Tony had just told her that he was about to destroy the industry ExxonMobil was based on.

"And you have some plans to achieve that?" She asked, giving him the stage. 

"I do." Tony looked straight at the camera this time and let Jarvis take the wheel for providing all the needed diagrams, videos, and data. "Now, what's the most important thing in the world right now, besides, you know, pizza? Oil, gas, and coal! They fuel our cars, cook our meals, and keep the lights on. But what if we didn’t need any of these three?"



All of a sudden, multiple mobile phones amongst the production crew started to ring with calls or text messages. Multiple frowns formed on their faces as they looked back at Tony and then back at their screens. 

Already? But I'm just starting. 

So, Tony continued, "What you see on the screen is a car with an engine I created which runs not on gas, nor batteries. It runs on a micro-Arc Reactor. The same thing that's fitted in my chest, but much smaller and secure. How fast does it go? Well, I took it for a spin and hit two hundred miles per hour. And the range? Five thousand miles in one go with no stops. After that, you might need to top off the proprietary coolant—don't worry, it’s only gonna cost you five bucks."



At that point, there was madness in the studio as more and more staff entered the live studio to watch Tony. 

"Alright, folks, here's the scoop; the base model’s going for a cool twenty-six grand, topping out at eighty grand if you want all the bells and whistles. It’s a sedan, but we’ve got an SUV and pickup truck in the lineup too. These babies are production-ready and will be flaunting their stuff at the Stark Expo this year. By next year, January at best, you'll see them on the road." Tony dropped the biggest bomb. The price was actually affordable! 

"But wait, there’s more! We took the same engine, but supersized it and threw it in a trailer truck. Guess what? It performed just as well. We even put a mega version on a 737 and—hold onto your hats—Boeing's impressed. Not only will these planes fly nine thousand miles without needing a pit stop, but they only need the coolant. Yes, folks, this is the future of energy! And soon enough, your homes will be powered by this marvel at a price that’s just too good to be true. How’s that for a bit of futuristic flair?"




Even my phone now? But I'm not done yet. 

All the videos of the cars, trucks, and planes were shown to the viewers on TV and the internet. But like the studio, many of the viewers had fallen into a dumbfounded silence. What the heck was this sudden superfast pace of technological advancements? Fuck, they were still fighting in the Middle East for oil. And here, just like that, one single man destroyed the whole industry. 

Instead of awe and excitement, the internet started trending It_wasn't_a_suicide and Save_Tony_Stark tags. It was really bizarre. 

Back in the studio, Christine gathered herself and continued with the interview. "Wow, that was a lot to take in."

"I bet." He smirked at her face.

She almost blushed there. "The future feels awesome all of a sudden, Mr. Stark. Mr. Eron? What do you have to say about this new rollout?"

Mr. Eron was a typical trust fund kid who grew old in wealth and still thought he was smart enough to understand the market. But, as the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day; he was too. "I-If Mr. Stark's invention is genuine and works as great as he claims, and at that price then… I don't think crossing a trillion in valuation is that far… five trillion? I can see that happening in the future."

Just five? Tony internally scoffed. The world energy market was huge, and his plan wasn’t just to take over the transportation industry. 

"General Aron?" Christine looked at the defense expert, a retired General. "Can you see this tech being useful in defense?"

"If those reactors can be made big enough to power ships and jets, I see a bright future ahead," General Aron replied but soon sighed. "But Stark Industry has no interest in manufacturing for the military anymore."

“On that note!” Tony said with a characteristic smirk. “General, I’ve got a question for you. When the Department of Defense makes a purchase, who gets the tender?”

"Whoever can provide the best quality at the best price." Answered the General. 

Tony frowned this time and looked back at the camera. "So, why exactly is the Department of Defense—and a bunch of other agencies—breaking up with Stark Industries? I mean, look at the data—our competitors are floundering worse than a fish out of water, and some of them are even charging more! I’ve got signed letters from Generals and even the Secretary of Defense himself. Guess they’re really into the whole ‘breakup drama’ thing."

On the screen, multiple pages of letters, tender slips, and more information flashed. Names, pictures, and even a few audios were played.

"Why is the US government suddenly all about buying junk at premium prices? Sounds like a great way to turn taxpayer dollars into confetti. What could be the reason? Did I anger someone in a high place? Wait, is this because of the Sokovia thing?"

The number of people in the US who cursed Tony from their offices numbered tens of thousands as they watched the interview. Acting like a clueless kid, Tony rambled out all the clues and pointed fingers. 

"I guess I have no option left but to file some lawsuits for corruption."


There was true silence for a while. Fucking over the energy industry, and then smearing the US government for supposed corruption. 

The man was on a highway to ruins, they all thought. 

"Ehm… That was the exclusive interview with Mr. Tony Stark. Thank you for watching WHiH World News with Christine Everhart!"

The ‘On-Air’ light was turned off. Finally, everyone heaved a long, calming breath. 

Tony frowned, however. "I wasn't done yet. The IRS part… Ugh, leave it."

I should mention it some other time. Tony wasn't blind to the implications. Having just declared a fight with two of the most powerful entities in the world was already pushing it. But he also knew how important a very powerful, and hidden side of the government considered him—SHIELD included.

Time to go to space. 

"I'll be on my way then." He got up and removed the microphone attached to his suit. 

Christine followed him in a rush. "Wait, Mr. Stark. I thought you wanted to 'discuss' something after the interview."

He chuckled and continued to walk. "I got somewhere to be, Christine. But, if everything goes well, how about I crash at your place?"

"YES!" She cheered a little too loud, only to look down in embarrassment. "I mean, yes of course."

"See you later then."

With that, Tony got back into his suit and flew off the building's roof. He made his way to his California mansion where the rest of his armor attachments were waiting for him. 

"Sir," Jarvis said, “The deployment of Iron Guardian in Washington state has been completed. That marks the twelfth state.”

"Sweet! But let’s hit pause on the research for now. I’m gonna need all your computational mojo for this mission."

In no time, Tony landed on the terrace of his mansion. There, he stepped on top of a huge, rocket booster-like cone that attached itself to his legs, and all the way to his waist for stability. Then, two spare Iron Guardians lifted a twin-wing-like booster and attached it to Tony's back. 

Facing the speed of Mach 25 wasn't going to be a walk in the park, so even Tony took it seriously. Like a good pilot, he did all the safety checks by the book and then checked the backup systems. 

"Sir, the coordinates are locked."

Let's not die tonight. 

"Jarvis, countdown."

"Ten… Nine… Eight…" Jarvis initiated the launch sequence. The boosters were made of clusters of powerful Arc Reactors, the real ones, unlike the ones Tony was using in cars. "Three… Two… One…"


"Fuck!" Tony felt the roof of his beautiful house get destroyed under the insane booster powers. The beam-like blue energy came out below him and in no time his body suffered the forces of nature. Blasting off into the sky, course-corrected by Jarvis, he just stared upward without stopping. 

This is fucking awesome!

"Music!" Tony ordered, and soon enough AC/DC blasted into his ears.

He saw ice form on his visor, then it melted away, followed by more ice which eventually got removed by the suit's systems. Weightlessness was an element he greatly enjoyed, but it felt amazing to be in control of his movements thanks to his propulsion system. 

Eight minutes later, Tony found himself in orbit. 

"The structure is right before you, Sir. It seems to be under some camouflage," Jarvis reported. "Turning on Radiation Vision."

"Sweet Jesus!" Tony gawked at the thing in front of him. A massive ship like nothing he had seen in his life. It was mostly invisible, however, and only the parts where the energy from his Arc Reactor was bouncing off were visible. "Oh, we didn't make this one… this ain't fucking human!"

Tony flew around the whole structure and helped Jarvis scan a model of it. Soon enough, they guessed where the entrance was. 

Eventually, Tony flew closer to it and placed his metal palm on the wall that was theorized to be the hangar area. "Ready, Jarvis."



A blue wave of energy left Tony's palm and did something to the ship. Its hangar area slowly opened up on its own. 

"I feel like a child again," Tony chirped excitedly. This felt so much different from meeting Thor. "Let's explore this thing."


As soon as he entered an invisible threshold in the hanger area, the hatch behind him closed. Once completely closed, he fell down on the metallic floor. 

"Gravity!" Tony barked, a nerd in his heaven. "How fucking advanced are the creators?"

At that point, Tony couldn't stop himself. He stepped out of the booster attachments and walked deeper into the ship in just his Iron Man suit. Jarvis scanned everything in the way, making a map and finding a place to enter into the ship's systems.

"Looks like living quarters," Tony mumbled and changed his direction. "This looks like a cafeteria."

Eventually, he ended up in a massive hall-like area with a huge, wide panel at the end. Multiple buttons, screens, and so much more flashed there. The entire place was illuminated by some long panels of lights on the floor. 

As adrenaline waned, Tony started to feel the depth of the situation. Who left it here? Who were the travelers? Where are they now? 

"This looks like a weird, round USB port," Tony mumbled and approached the panel. He put his finger over the round port, and his suit quickly changed shape at the finger, a tool he made to pick locks. This time Jarvis used it to access the ship. "Make sure you localize yourself first."

"Already done, Sir," Jarvis responded and finally connected itself to the ship's panel. 



As if an engine suddenly started, the entire ship started making a vibrating rumble. The lights became brighter and some hovering screens formed over the control panel of the ship. 

"Jarvis? You did that?" 

"Sir! Look at this!" Jarvis mimicked human excitement that time and put something up on the alien screen. "Look at the title! It's written in English!"

Tony just stood there in an absolute daze. Merely reading the heading had done that to him. 



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