President Stark

Chapter 12 . Aliens, Doctors, A Vixen & An Old Men

"Light-Speed-Engine!" Tony blurted in surprise and ate up the entire report like the most succulent meal of his life. His body froze and he read the entire research report from top to bottom. He hoped that it was real, and he wanted to make sure of it.


Tony dropped to the floor with a metallic thud, rubbing his tired eyes. He glanced around at the ship's massive structure, taking it all in with a mix of fascination and fatigue. "Alright, Jarvis, cancel all my plans for the week. We're not going anywhere until we've taken this thing apart, studied it, and recorded everything."

Jarvis instantly obliged. "Your schedule has been cleared, Sir."

"Great, time to live a nerd's dream." Tony stood up again and started reading all the data that was available in the ship's system. Surprisingly, it was written in two languages. One was English and the other was some alien language. Thankfully, Jarvis was there to compare the two formats and quickly learn the new alien language.

Slowly, Tony started to notice mentions of what was likely an alien species. Skrulls, Kree, and many more. However, when he found the word Empire added to the Kree name, he felt a little shaken. There were space empires out there!—Earth stood no chance if they decided to invade.

Or worse.

"They're already among us." He murmured as he stopped reading. "Whoever ran this joint, that creature was researching the Light Speed Engine on Earth. But this makes no sense—the schematics demand an energy source that's cosmically impossible."

Following that, Tony started to inspect the entire ship. Trying to make sense of all the intricate technologies, and especially the artificial gravity, and the engine room that housed a peculiar device.

"It's called Universal Neural Teleportation Network, Sir," Jarvis voiced. "I found an engineering manual. It's written in the Kree Language only."

"Water to a thirsty man! Pour it onto me, Jarvis. Guide me through this." Tony started to play around with the engine, or whatever the thing was. The entire ship was definitely centuries ahead of Earth's technology, but that didn't stop him. Born with inhuman intellect, most problems took an hour at best.

With the manual and the very thing right in front of him, it became even easier. One after another, he went through checklist after checklist. One room at a time, he slowly studied everything—from anti-gravity to navigation, air circulation, food processing, life support, emergency pods, and even some weapons systems that were more defensive than offensive. Slowly, days passed, eating nothing but the emergency rations he had brought with him.

The best part was that he felt no fatigue. So excited about everything that he only stopped when there was no other option but to take a small nap. Even in those moments, he'd hand Jarvis some work.

Eventually, he found a part of the ship that showed signs of damage. Not natural, but rather, evidence of a battle.

"The marks point towards an energy attack. The scratches on the floor are matching a feline."

"Cat?!" Tony exclaimed and checked the marks all around the area. He could imagine signs of an intense battle. Surprisingly, he found no dead bodies. "Too bad. I'd have gotten an idea what alien ladies look like."

"Sir, there is something ahead of you, in a vent." Jarvis alerted him.

Tony carefully walked to the said vent and looked inside it. It was a small, pipe-like thing hidden by a mesh-like screen.

He burned the mesh and looked inside. He noticed the pipe went long and far, and had turns going upward as well.

Reckoning it fell through and got blown that far, he shoved his metallic arm in and pulled out the stuck thing. It felt tiny, rectangular, and very thin, like a sheet of plastic. He looked at it as soon as it was out.

"What the—" He froze, eyebrows hitting the ceiling. "Is that Fury? With hair? No way. He knew about this place? Hold on… Is this how they made that Quinjet?"

It was a SHIELD identity card with Level 3 clearance. He chuckled at the pitifully low level. But then again, he remembered he didn't even have Level 1.

I can't wait to get elected to know all these things. If I had this treasure trove before, the Iron Guardians could have been so much stronger. Tony didn't know what to feel about this. And real aliens are walking on Earth.

Despite having met with Hulk and the mutants, he felt more threatened by the existence of aliens.

Earth needs protection.

"Jarvis, how long have I been here?"

"Ten days, eight hours, nineteen minutes, and four seconds."

Ten?! I thought it was only a week, or at best eight days. He disappointedly sighed. Can't be gone for this long.

"Alright, let's hit the pause button for now. Start plotting the Iron Guardian upgrades. I want this whole ship in pieces, and they'll do it." Tony ordered and walked back towards the hanger. "How's the secret base coming up?"

"Nearly complete, Sir. The satellites are in position, and the Iron Guardians have constructed fifteen underground levels as instructed."

"Great!" Tony stepped back into the attachments of his Destroyer Armor that had brought him to space. "So, did anything blow up while I was out? How was the public reaction towards my interview?"

"Sir, the automotive lobby is exerting significant pressure on Ms. Potts to delay the launch of Stark Industries' automotive division. Although the government has retracted its direct opposition following your recent interview, the general sentiment among the bureaucrats remains unfavorable. On a brighter note, public interest is surging—we've received over half a million emails and nearly a million phone calls regarding bookings for the showcased vehicles. Additionally, both Boeing and Airbus have expressed interest in the proposed engines and are requesting a demonstration."

Tony smirked with pride and jumped out of the alien ship, taking a straight dive down to the magnificent planet he called home. "And the stock?"

"It has fallen."


"Your absence over the last ten days has sparked quite the conspiracy theories, Sir. Some believe the government has done away with you, while others speculate more imaginative fates. The stock, unfortunately, has taken a five percent hit—I bought the dip, Sir."

"Hah! MY BOY!" Tony bellowed in true pride for his AI son. "Now crank up the tunes. It's time to make some noise!"


From ice to burning flames. Tony re-entered Earth's atmosphere like a champ. The new Destroyer suit's integrity was out of the world. In fact, Tony accelerated and went as fast as he could, pushing his suit to the limit. Rarely did he ever get the chance to go 100% output. This was one of those times.

On top of that, he was hoping to wake up the residents of Manhattan by making some loud sonic booms while high. The clouds over the city even shined bright orange as his thruster's flames slowed his reentry.



He came down from the clouds with an intense wave of rocket rumble. But he was sure not to overdo it, lest the glass buildings shatter and kill those walking below. However, he did enough that thousands of mobile phone cameras tried to capture his flying figure.

He went lower, between high skyscrapers, waving at the pretty ladies in various offices. All the while he spoke with Happy on the call.

"Where were you, Tony? We almost booked a funeral for you."

"Calm your tits, Happy. I was out in space. Now, did you pass the message to Professor Bill Foster?"

"I did it ten days ago. The guy's been calling me a dozen times a day, asking about you. Even Ms. Potts got in on it and hired him right away. He still insists on meeting you," Happy replied.

Tony frowned, confused as to why the man wanted to meet him. He only invited the man because he needed a hand in nanotech research.

"Tell him I'll visit his college tomorrow," Tony replied and cut the call abruptly. "Jarvis, what's happening to me?"

"Nothing, Sir. All your vitals are normal."

"No!" Tony groaned all of a sudden. "No! Not again! It's that same crap—what's-her-name with the red hair did! My head… It feels fucking heavy! Activate the electromagnetic field, Jarvis!"

"It's been active since we entered the atmosphere, Sir."

"What? Then…" Tony clutched his forehead, feeling something interfering with his thoughts. But this wasn't like the time at Charles' school. No, this time it felt as if his body had gone numb and he was no longer alive. "H-Hospital! Take me to the Hospital!"

Jarvis ran all the medical diagnostics but found nothing wrong with Tony. So Jarvis took over the controls and jetted straight downward towards the nearest hospital. At the same time, it sent an emergency call to the same hospital, along with texts to all the needed doctors to be ready to report.


Soon enough, Jarvis landed in front of the emergency room of the Metro-General Hospital. Nurses were already present there with a stretcher, but they failed to move, too much in shock.

"Mr. Stark needs medical attention!" Jarvis announced in a robotic voice and made the suit open up to let Tony out.

"Ugh!" Tony grunted and stepped out of the suit, still in his formal suit. He groaned with each step, staring at the nurses dumbly standing there in shock. "H-Head!"

"All of you should be fired?!" A masculine voice rang from behind the nurses and a tall doctor stormed out. Behind him, a female doctor took the stretcher and pushed it closer to Tony.

"What are you waiting for?!" The female doctor shouted.

As if the entire hospital woke up from a daze suddenly, chaos broke out. The nurses rushed over and helped Tony lie down on the stretcher. He was quickly pushed in after that while the two doctors tried to talk to him.

"Mr. Stark, what happened?"

Am I even alive? Tony wondered all of a sudden. He could hear everything and see very clearly, yet he felt separated from reality. The pain in the head was there, and so was the heavy sensation, and also suffocation.

He looked at the nametag of the Doctor. Stephen Strange? Weird name.

Then his eyes fell on the female doctor. Christine Palmer? That's one pretty doc–ugh.

"Head! My head feels heavy, and it's painful." Tony felt out of breath. "Suffocating…"

"Vitals normal!" Someone shouted as they all started running around and wheeling Tony into a room.

Is this another poisoning? He feared for the worse.

"Did you get injured recently? Or eat something unknown?" Asked Christine Palmer, constantly moving her hands to attach the vitals monitor to him.


"Where does it hurt in the head?" Doctor Strange asked.

Tony groaned and clutched his head again. It felt as if something was trying to rip him out of his mind. "E-Everywhere… Shit… Do an MRI! Quick! I was in space for the past ten days… could be radiation!"

Was the suit faulty? He wondered.

"Space? What do—"

"Prepare for an MRI quickly!" Doctor Strange interrupted his fellow doctor. "Come on, Doctor Palmer. Be more professional."



Jarvis continued to follow into the building to protect Tony from any dangers. He had too many enemies at that point. Jarvis had even sent out orders to five of the ten Iron Guardians across New York to come over and keep an eye on the entire hospital and the surroundings.

Besides, nobody had the guts to stop a seven-foot-tall metal robot.

Trrrr~ Beep~ Beep~

In no time, Tony found himself headfirst into the MRI machine.

While lying there, he almost felt dead. He failed to feel his body. No control over any of his limbs. It scared him infinitely, but then he suddenly sat up.

"What the!" He noticed his body simply phased through the MRI machine's frame. He looked towards the glass window and the doctors were still there, almost six of them by now. Jarvis was also there but only looked inside instead of the computer screens.

He got down from the machine's bed and looked back. The machine was still running.

I'm dead? He asked himself. How could he not when his own body was still inside the same machine?

He looked down at himself and realized his body was almost transparent.

"I'm dead-dead?"


"What now?!" He felt a pull on his astral form all of a sudden. Before he could realize it, he found himself sucked back into his own body.

"Gah!" He jolted with a gasp. But he failed to move his head since the frame around his head kept him stable. "I'm alive!"

What the hell was that?

Right then, he noticed the machine's sounds diminishing. The bed slid out right after, and he got up as if nothing was wrong with him. The pain, heaviness, and suffocation were gone. He quickly put on the cotton slippers, walked out of the room, and entered the doctor's observation chamber where all the monitors showed charts.

"Any clue?" He asked. But deep down he knew they wouldn't be able to help.

"Some." Doctor Strange took the initiative. "I can't fully explain it, but your brain activity was significantly elevated. More than normal."

"How much more than normal?"

"By ninety percent."

Tony frowned. "But that's—"

"Impossible," Doctor Strange declared, his gaze fixed on one of the monitors. "The elevated activity abruptly stopped mere moments before the MRI concluded. I'll need to keep you under observation and perform additional tests."

"Tough luck." Tony shrugged and sauntered out of the room. He stepped into the tiny changing area, rummaging for his clothes. "Sometimes, even science has to throw its hands up and say, 'I don't know, man.' Yeah, I'm actually saying that."

Unbothered by the pairs of eyes on him, Tony started putting on his regular pants and removed his hospital-issued gown. Plenty of them marveled at the piece of tech stuck to his chest. But Doctor Strange didn't.

"Mr. Stark, the gravity of your situation can't be overstated. If this happens again, the outcome is uncertain—your survival is anything but guaranteed. A brain hemorrhage is a dire threat that can turn fatal at any moment."

Tony ignored the man and instead winked at the pretty doctor. He read her name again and passed a smile. It usually did the job. "If that happens, I'll come looking for Doctor Palmer. ER, right?"

"ER." Doctor Palmer responded with a smile, ogling at the shirtless billionaire.

That infuriated Doctor Strange. "Out! All of you!"

"Ugh, not her," Tony murmured but took the opportunity to wear his shirt.

Doctor Strange took long breaths to calm himself. It wasn't every day that he met men with an ego as big as his own, and narcissism on a different level.

"If you continue to ignore my medical advice, I can guarantee no other neurologist or neurosurgeon will examine your head."

"Haha!" Tony laughed at that, reaching out to Stephen's shoulder. "You can try, buddy."


Oh, how much he felt like punching Tony. The cocky face and that arrogant smile made Stephen lose his calm. But he also knew that this man was the richest human in the world. Buying a hospital was like spending pocket money for him.

"Well, I'll come find you if that happens again." Tony finished wearing his shoes and walked out of the room.

Just outside, he found the other doctors. But he only walked over to Doctor Christine Palmer. Being a man of science and pure lust, how could he not appreciate when a beauty with a brain presented herself?

He took out his business card and waved it to her. "Just in case you want to get away from that snob and find a better job. I'm in dire need of a personal doctor these days. Think of it as an upgrade—less red tape, more red carpet."

Doctor Palmer chuckled and pocketed his business card. Even if she had no interest she would have. Having Tony Stark's number could never be a bad thing. "I'll remember that, Mr. Stark."

"Great." He winked and left, putting on his glasses.

In no time, he walked out of the hospital and stepped into his suit once again. After giving a few waves to the admirers, he jetted off into the sky.

In the sky, he talked with Jarvis. "Did you notice anything on the sensors?"

"Sir, your heart stopped for precisely three seconds," Jarvis reported calmly. "The machine didn't register this anomaly. However, the suit detected a significant distortion in space and gravity—brief, yet intensely pronounced."

Tony felt humbled yet again. Mutants, Hulk, aliens, and now this. What else was out there he had no clue about?

"It's like the closer I get to being elected, the more I discover the universe's twisted sense of humor."

For the first time in a long time. Tony flew in silence, without music, or much thought. He simply landed at Stark Tower and jumped right into his bed to take a small nap.

Too much had happened.

And he feared how much was yet to happen.


Somewhere off the coast of Greece.

On a small, uninhabited island, a meeting took place. In complete secrecy and silence, the two sides arrived discreetly and sat around a small table. There were three of them, however—one mediator and two friends turned enemies.

"Erik, for how long do you plan on living in hiding? Our future is in coexistence. Give me this one chance to prove that together, we can create something truly extraordinary." Charles tried to convince his old friend to give him a chance.

Erik's voice dripped with disdain as he kept his helmet firmly on his head. "How many times must we go over this, Charles? Will you ever grasp the truth? They will never accept us! This world will never be enough for their insatiable hunger. Nothing will ever be enough!"

"But we never had a chance like this," Raven chimed in. "Mr. Stark understands that we're all humans with slight differences. He will be the President, Erik."

"We've tread this path before, haven't we, Charles? What did it ever bring us but chaos and ruin?"

"Stark is not a career politician," Charles replied.

"So even you praise him now?"

"He deserves it, Erik."

Erik noticed the utter seriousness on both their faces. He sighed and looked around at the sea and the uninhabited island. "You place such unwavering faith in him?"

"I trust him," Raven declared.

Eric mused at that. It was rare for Raven to be so openly supportive of someone. "What if we fail again?"

"What's on your mind?" Charles asked bluntly.

"Should you falter once more, I want all your allegiance—without hesitation or doubt," Erik revealed the terms. "And I want to speak with Stark first."

Smooth breeze, the sound of the sea, and verbal silence. The three remained seated, unmoving, knowing such a decision couldn't be made too easily.

But Charles spoke soon enough. "Raven, please go and inform Mr. Stark of this meeting. He wanted to meet Erik, didn't he?"


"Ugh… Did the aliens invade us or what?" Tony grumpily woke up from his deep slumber. It was a rare thing when he drooled in his sleep, and this was one of them. "What's the time?"

"It's eight in the evening, Sir," Jarvis answered. "Ms. Darcy Lewis is calling you."

"So it was her." Tony felt his phone under his pillow, vibrating. He tapped on the accept button and got out of the bed to go and take a leak. "How did the interview go?"

"You're a liar, Mr. Stark! They didn't even let me into the company! I showed them your fancy business card but they still refused!"

Tony annoyedly grunted. It was probably Pepper stopping him from hiring pretty girls ever since the Natalie-Natasha incident.

I can use some relaxing.

"Where are you right now?"

"Central Harlem. I rented a small place."

Tony looked at the time and hummed. "It's close. Send me the address and I'll come over and take the interview myself. Oh, and order some pizza."

"Oh? So is this going to be a real interview or one of those 'interviews'?" she teased, her voice a sultry whisper that lingered like a promise.

"Depends on your score."

"Hehe, I'm prepared for it," Darcy replied. "Pizza it is then."


"At this rate, I'll forget how to drive cars." Tony looked at the ant-like cars down below as he flew towards Darcy's apartment building.

Using the stealth mode, he gently landed on the rooftop and from there made his way downstairs to her floor. The door was already open, the well-endowed woman waiting for him to get inside, leaning to one side of the doorframe.

This vixen. He chuckled at her attire.

With large framed glasses on her eyes and hair left untied, and below was a lone, oversized white t-shirt hanging off one shoulder exposing a bra strap. Just long enough that it settled right above her thighs. And those were some fine legs covered in thigh-high black stockings, so tight that some of her soft flesh was spilling out at the top edge.


Darcy locked the door once Tony entered. She circled him, eyes full of excitement and interest, staring at his unlocking metal suit. A true Iron Man fanatic through and through.

"I'll never get bored of watching this." She muttered but hissed the very next moment. "Tsk… You're overdressed."

Her bubbly personality and smart brain were what he liked about her. He didn't mind her little jokes. But he was indeed overdressed, jeans and a hoodie. Well, overdressed for the rest of the night's activities.

"I'm hungry."

"For?" She smirked.


Darcy pouted and sauntered into her kitchen. On the way, she put some music on and started playfully, or perhaps teasingly swaying her fantastic, fleshy hips. Her thigh-high stockings left little to the imagination, tightly hugging her shapely hips.

Tony took a seat on the couch in the small living room. It felt crowded since the couch was a little too big, a three-seater sofa, with cushions taking up much of the space. But it was comfy, so he sat right in the middle of it, placing his feet on the coffee table.

Darcy teasingly danced the entire time while he couldn't take his eyes off of her sultry wiggles. He couldn't help but feel hard, having to adjust his pants to give the little buddy some room to breathe.

"Umm, 'cheese-stuffed', still hot and gooey," Darcy mumbled from the kitchen as she opened the two pizza boxes.

Tony amusedly stared at her pretty face. He was damn sure every single word from her mouth had double meanings. So, he decided to play along. "Yeah, I'll need that. Been hungry for the last ten days."

"Really?" Darcy said, bringing the two boxes into the living room and setting them down on the coffee table. She plopped down right next to Tony, snuggling close enough to feel the warmth of his side. "Don't worry, Tony. I've got enough here to satisfy that hunger of yours—and maybe even a little more."

"Um-hm." He was genuinely hungry. So, he grabbed a slice and started devouring it.

"Where were you?" Darcy asked, also eating, sometimes letting the string of melting cheese tangle around her twirling tongue.

"This is good," he mumbled. "It's a long story. But I was in space, doing some research."


The slice of pizza fell from Darcy's hand back onto the box. "S-Space? Really?"


Stars lit up in her eyes. Like a puppy teased with the most delicious treat imaginable. But she didn't say what she wanted, knowing her boundaries.

"I'm planning a small space flight capable jet. I'll take you for a ride once finished." Tony entertained her.

Darcy suddenly squeezed closer to him and patted her thighs. "Well then, you better rest up, cuz I'll be expecting that long ride… Say ahh…" she said as she lifted the slice, letting the strings of cheese drip into Tony's open mouth.

Tony took a bite and smiled mischievously as he chewed.

"Anything I can do to help you relax, Mr. Stark ?" She asked.

"Sure," Tony took that offer and went a step further. He laid down on his own, relaxing his head on her squishy, featherlike thighs. "Better now."

She'll giggle and continue to feed him, leaning in even closer. Darcy's free hand playfully landed on his chest, her fingers slowly caressing him, tickling down.

At the same time, Tony's hand started to feel her calf, trailing up and down. Her smooth skin felt warm, but the best part was right under his head, hot and pulpy, better than any cushion he knew.

Darcy's hand went lower and lower, reaching down to his waist, her finger crept down towards his belt. She could already feel the heat from his loins, the small hill growing.

The lower Darcy's hand went the more she leaned forward, giving Tony a whiff of the sweet scent of her hidden valley.

Soon, with one hand caressing his dark hair, the other got busy unbuckling his belt. She quickly slid through the gap and got hold of his fully erect manhood. By then, Tony was pushing up her t-shirt and bra, liberating her heavy set of assets.

So fantastic, he cupped them with one hand, but they still drooped over his face. Surprisingly, he loved it since they were just too hot and soft. He kneaded them and popped the pink, button-like tip into his mouth.

"Ummh…" Darcy gasped a little at the sensation of his lips on her nipples. But she gave tenfold back as her hand had already freed his erection out of his pants. Her thumb pressed on his cockhead while the rest of the fingers squeezed him hard.

Tony felt revitalized and used both hands to play with her large breasts. It was rare to find women with such busty and curvy bodies while still looking fit and gorgeous. The plan was to thoroughly explore this one.

Though, he felt a little awkward while suckling her sizable teats. Sure, he loved the sensation of their weight on his face. He loved every stroke on his length from her light hand. But at the same time, remembering that he was THE Iron Man, and THE richest man in the world, it felt embarrassing.

Am I too easy to seduce?

"Aah! God, you're great with that tongue!" Darcy moaned harder and squeezed his balls to tease him.

Tony realized it right then. No, it wasn't being sexual that made it awkward. It was the position he was in. On her lap, suckling her breasts. Wait a sec, I don't have a mommy complex.

He stopped quickly and shifted away from her lap. He sat back up and looked at Darcy, her face flustered and eyes needy. So, he grabbed her hand and stood up.

"Oooh, someone's rushing." Darcy licked her lips and took the initiative faster. She pulled on Tony's hand and led him into her bedroom.


She pushed him onto the queen size bed, leaving him splayed with his iron-hard cock still dangling bare. But instead of jumping right on, she quickly removed her long t-shirt, and then her panties, leaving only her thigh-high stockings and her bra on.

"Oh, I'm gonna eat you up." She crawled onto the bed and roughly pulled down his pants and underwear.

Tony didn't mind that at all. Her personality was pretty arousing and he loved it. "Bon appétit."

"Hehe." Darcy grinned and sat down on his waist, rubbing her hungry, drenched long slit across his virile length. "I won't be eating alone—Iron Man."


Before Tony could ask, he saw Darcy turning one-eighty on his lap, leaving her bubbly ass all for his view. Then with a quick move, she leaned down, supported by her knees, and glided backward towards his face.

Tony knew what she was doing and he was all for it. The primal position—the position where both sides give and take. The legendary sixty-nine.

"Bon appétit," Darcy repeated his own words and lowered her sopping pussy onto his face. At the same time, she claimed his cock with her mouth.

Tony first gripped both her asscheeks with his spread palms and squeezed them hard. Then he admired the work of art that Darcy had between her legs. She was clearly prepared for this since not a single thread of pubes was there. The long, rosy, drooling slit was waiting for his attention. The pussy lips themselves looked pretty soft and plump, and that was the cue.

His tongue came out and thrust into her, sliding between the tightness and giving a long sloppy lick till he tickled her clitoris. He felt Darcy squirm over his chest, so he went rougher.

Ugh… She's sucking hard. Tony grunted a little as he felt Darcy's lips lock around the base of his shaft, and both her hands massaged his balls.

He repeated the favor by gripping her asscheeks harder and spreading them until she could feel the air on both her entrances. But Tony only focused on her slippery pussy, lapping her up good and deep. Using his years' worth of experience, he made her twitch on his lips.

"Mmmh… Fuck, you're too good at this!" Darcy moaned a cry, panting from all the self-choking and throating she was doing.

As expected. He responded in his thoughts. His mouth was too busy. He ate her up well and prepared her for the drilling he was about to give her. Having spent ten days without any 'pleasuring' interaction had him pent up.

After giving her a few good, deep tongue fucking sessions, he stopped and tried to move her. "Let's get to the main interview now."

"Oooh! Discussing salary?" Darcy giggled and stopped deepthroating him. Quickly, rolling off of him, she turned around and laid down beside Tony. "Where do we start?"

"That's for me to decide." Tony played the game and sat up. As he shifted on his knees to get between her soft legs, he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it away.

Watching her on the bed, he admired the view for a short moment. Then he leaned over her and pulled down her bra first to free the magnificent breasts. He gave them a few kisses first, a scary bite, and slowly kissed downwards towards her petals.

But then he sat back and squeezed her knees together instead of spreading them wide. Then, he raised her knees high, straightened her legs, and then pushed them a little to the side so he could still enjoy the view.

With everything prepared, he pushed himself forward and probed with his bulging, spit-coated cockhead. This was the first time he was entering her, so he went slow, feeling every inch of her insides. With her legs pushed together, she was even tighter than he expected.

"Oh, so you like it tight?" Darcy muttered and grinned. "Let me help."

"Gah!" Tony grunted. Darcy suddenly started to wriggle her legs tighter, almost as if grounding her tight walls around his cock.

He swallowed and picked up the pace, drilling her good and deep. Surprisingly, despite being so tight, she easily took all of his length in. That gave him more reasons to get more rough so he pressed her thighs with his hand and leaned over a little to ram himself harder.

"Aaah, yes, yes… That's it! Iron Man's cock!"

She only cares about Iron Man.

Tony didn't know if he should be happy or not. But he certainly relished in the tight throbbings of her pussy walls. Just a glance down at her slit and it was a work of art. The way her tight, velvet lips swallowed him, stretched apart and revealing her clitoris was enough to shake his knees.

He could hear the friction of his cock sliding inside her, and matching that with her musical moans, he couldn't help but lean down onto her body and press her harder. He took her breasts into his mouth and started his double attack.

"Mh… Fuck, you're so deep! It's stretching me and… ah I fucking love your cock!" Darcy cooed, hugging his head and pressing it harder on her breasts.

Tony pounded rougher the more unhinged stuff she spewed from her lips. There was just something about her that made him so aroused and excited.

"Ummm… harder! Yes, like that!"

As she demanded him to get rougher, Tony decided to use his weight. He moved her legs and landed each one of her calves on his shoulders. He leaned down over her breasts, both hands supporting on the sides, and then finally, he spread straight both his legs as if doing push-ups on her body.

Once he continued the intense fucking, the claps of their flesh grew harder, and the wet, sticky sounds of their sex followed after. He still stretched her body to the limit, making her knees press against her voluptuous breasts. He folded her in ways that she likely never was before, and for that, Darcy only had more moans to cry.

Tony soon felt his climax reaching close. So, he tried to use one hand to tap on the frame that had already fallen on her breasts. "J-Jah… Jarvis! Order the pills!"

"Fuck yeah~!" Darcy moaned louder than ever before. Her insides stirred and became hotter, more tight and watery. "Let's gooo-oh… all the fucking way! Pump it all in me, Iron Man! I want it… Give me that hot fat load!"

Tony chuckled, panting. This was a lot of exercise, and it was worth it. He raised himself higher with each plunge, pressing her pussy and her entire body down so hard that the entire bed creaked and the mattress would cave in.

Their bodies almost jumped on the bed, the sounds of their sex continuously intensifying. Darcy came for the second time not long after, moaning her lungs out and loving every grounding of his cock.

Tony was at his limit and pressed her harder. His toes started to curl with an intense wave of convulsing spasms taking over. He drove balls deep into her, ignoring the sticky mess that covered all his cock, balls, and thighs.

"Ugh… You're tight!" Tony grunted, feeling her willful clenches. That milked him of all his ten days worth of thick load. He filled her up good with multiple thrusts and flexes of balls. He panted profusely, enjoying the fiery culmination to the last drop.

A few minutes later, he tiredly fell over her body, face over her natural cushions. He still fondled them, they were just too good.

"Um… That was crazy, Tony." Darcy muttered, caressing his hair while still feeling his pulsating, and calming rod inside. "So, did I pass the interview?"

Tony chuckled and pulled out of her to finally lie down beside her body. On his own, he slid his arm under her head and pulled her tighter against himself. Like hell, he was going to let go of a girl with not only brains but a freakish personality to match.

"Alright, let's ditch the whole 'interview' thing. It's making me feel like I'm pulling a fast one. You were already hired the moment I handed you that card back in New Mexico."

"Hold up, does this mean I'm already on the clock? Wait, am I actually working right now?"

"Ugh, I might have a reputation for being a playboy, but I'm not a total fiend. I've got a strict 'only if it's mutual' policy. I'll put a break on it if that's wh—"

"Fuck No! I mean, fuck yes! Do me all you want!" Darcy yelped all of a sudden. There was no shame in her. "But, uh... if you could, you know, do it while wearing that suit, I wouldn't complain."


Tony sighed. She was too into Iron Man. "Alright, I'll consider it as your year-end bonus."

"Yesss~" Darcy hugged him tight and nestled her face beside his ear. She gave a little teasing lick and whispered. "We can try the other hole too."

That's it! Her bonus is decided.

But no matter how hot Tony felt, he decided to go to sleep for now. "I'll remember that."

"Hehe~ Good night, then." She teased, slipping away with a mischievous grin before dashing into the bathroom for a shower.


"Ummm… Five more minutes."

Tony heard her moaning words and got off the bed. It was sunny, and what a fine morning it was. Waking up beside a hot-bodied girl like Darcy was a delight on its own. But since he felt refreshed now, it was time to get back to work and earn some votes.

However, he felt no rush. He strolled into the kitchen and started cooking some breakfast. So what if he was a billionaire, he knew how to make some damn fine ramen dishes.

He did just that. Eggs, bacon, some cheese, mix it all, and there you have it.

"Sounds yummy." Darcy strolled into the living room like a bee attracted to honey. Thankfully, she had the decency to wear her long shirt again, or else Tony would have had to spend more than a morning there.

She was fully naked underneath. Although not in the mood to do anything, he still felt it stir him up. Who wouldn't be at that great view?

"It's enough for two." Tony gave her some space and slurped the steaming hot noodles. "Oh, and I shot Happy a text. You're all clear—no more bouncer routine at the company's front door.

"So, what will be my job?" Darcy asked, staring at the statue-like Iron Man armor in one corner of the room. "Do I get to tinker with these cool suits or am I just the designated coffee fetcher?"

"You still have that shiny college degree to finish, right? Keep working on your Astrophysics gig, and when I've got a project that needs your brainpower, I'll be sure to toss it your way. Meanwhile, get ready for an upgrade—I'm assigning you to the new Nanotech lab I'm putting together."

"Nano fricking what?!" Darcy jumped up, standing on her knees on the couch. That made her long t-shirt stretch up and reveal all of her glorious pink lower lips. "That's awesome!"

Tony took deep breaths to calm down the wolf in him. "I should go now."

"When do I report?" Darcy jumped closer and hugged his neck, pressing her softest flesh over his shoulder.

She's doing this on purpose. This crazy succubus. Honestly, he loved it. But he didn't want to accept it.

"Next week. The lab's not set up yet." Tony slid away from her and walked over to his suit. "But go collect your ID badge from the headquarters first."

Darcy saluted with a playful flick of her wrist, her chest proudly puffed out. She flashed a wide grin, her pearly white teeth gleaming against her lush red lips. Her morning-tousled hair only added to her charm. "Understood, boss! Your secret sexy sidekick will not disappoint you!"

"You…" Tony laughed and wore his metal suit. "See you later."

Using enhanced hearing and cellular signals, Tony carefully got to the roof without being seen and flew away in the same stealth mode. Already fresh and fed, mentally, physically, and sexually, he made his way towards SHIELD headquarters.

He was angry at Fury and wanted to gloat over his bald head while shoving the old identity card in his face.

"Sir, Director Fury of Shield is calling."

"Speak of the devil!" Tony quickly picked up the call. "I'm on my way to you, cyclop—"

"Stark, we need you in the Arctic! Captain Rogers has been found!"

"Captain who?"

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