President Stark

Chapter 13. Sleeping Grandpa, Mutual Satisfaction & Hidden Evils

"Captain who?"

"Captain America, Steven Grant Rogers," Fury replied. "I’m sending you the coordinates now. They need your help to pull him out of the ice—normal tools aren’t cutting it."

Tony jolted up his memories and remembered the old World War II hero. He had heard the stories; his father had worked with the man. "He's still alive?"

"We don't know yet."

"Alright, I'll go play gravedigger today, but you better glue yourself to that chair, Fury, 'cause I've got questions for you, the ‘out of this world’ kind,” Tony quipped, ending the call, and leaving the bald man scratching his head. 

He flew straight to Stark Tower. Leaving his suit to go and grab some attachments for a more concentrated energy beam, he jumped into the shower to freshen up and start the day. The previous night's 'interview' with Darcy had been a little too steamy. 

Finishing up, wearing a comfy sweatshirt and pants, he entered his lab to check the status of his various projects. "Anything big, Jarvis?"

"Sir, just now an earthquake of 9.1 hit the north-east coast of Japan."

"Tsunami?" Tony asked seriously. Being a man of science, he understood how rare such intense Earthquakes were. 

"Analysis indicates a Megathrust tsunami is imminent. Impact on the coast of Japan will occur within ten to thirty minutes, contingent upon geographic positioning. The waves are projected to exceed a hundred feet in height, with an inland reach estimated at up to six miles." 

Tony only took five seconds to make a decision. "How many Iron Guardians do we have in reserve?"


"Arizona and Tennessee can wait. Deploy all the spare Iron Guardians with the space boosters.  First things first: save lives. Damage control comes next. Let’s livestream the whole show—especially the hero moments with kids, cats, and dogs—Iron Guardians are gonna be my core tools in foreign policy. Let’s make a teaser trailer for the main game." Tony bombarded orders. 

"Deploying Iron Guardians." Jarvis followed through instantly. From various parts of America, the humanoid armors jetted off into the sky. Some were in the view of all, while others were from places unknown. 

By then, Tony had returned to his suit and prepared himself for the journey to the Arctic. The coordinates were set, and the anti-cold support system ran its checks. 

At last, he stepped onto the protruding platform of the building and lifted off from there, music blasting in his ears.


War! Huh, yeah… Absolutely nothing, uhh…

Not just to himself but also to the rest of the folks around, Tony landed at the drilling site in the Arctic blaring music through his suit. He was Tony Stark, it was impossible to be sneaky. 

"Oh, pretty cold out here." Tony landed nearby a large truck, a Quinjet, and a bunch of snowmobiles with a massive tent nearby. There were almost a dozen men there, each staring at him with a sense of relief. 

However, the tent's flap moved just then and a woman walked out in thick layers of white clothing. She removed the balaclava off her head, revealing her red hair and pretty face. "Mr. Stark."

"And the day is officially ruined," Tony snarled at the mere sight of Natasha. "Should I call my lawyer? Gonna be extracting more intel from me again, Ms. Natalie Rushman?"

Yes, Tony was petty. It wasn't her lying that annoyed him. It was her spying using extreme means. 

Natasha, seemingly expecting that reaction, wore the balaclava again and pointed at the tent. "I’m sure the Director already briefed you on the situation. We've drilled as far as we can, but the ice is proving too thick, and something’s blocking our way."

"Ignoring the elephant in the… Arctic now?" Tony scoffed and walked past her, entering the tent. "Tell your men to empty the hole."

Natasha spoke into the radio. Soon enough, two men came out of the hole with laser cutters in their hands. 

"Jarvis, scan the ground." Tony got to work. 

Moments passed and he jumped down into the hole. He kept one palm focused below him and initiated the energy beam. But it was more concentrated, like a small finger-sized laser. It burned hotter than anything else and started to melt away the ice as if nothing. 

Almost a minute passed, and he finally felt something metallic. He continued until he was sure and made a large circle with the beam. All the while, the melting snow was pumped out since it turned to water. 


The ground under his feet sank into the structure. He fell for a foot before his boosters balanced him in the air. It was all dark below him, but the scanners were showing he had reached the destination. 

"Let's see." He lowered himself into the hole slowly. He made his palms act like flashlights and illuminate everything. It looked like an old aircraft from the first look. "Jarvis, look for him."

"On your right, Sir."

Tony looked and flashed some light. Right there he saw the round shield with the colors of the American flag. "Yep, that's it."

Just then, Natasha roped down into the aircraft with a few more men. They quickly got to work, using various machines to melt the ice and free the shield first. Just beyond the shield was the frozen body of the old man. 

"Bring down the pod." Natasha radioed. 

In no time, the frozen body was shoved into a metal box small enough to pass through the hole vertically. 

Though Tony was more in shock that the old man still looked so young. How was that possible? Was that the magic of the Super Soldier Serum? 

In silence, he followed them around and soon came out of the hole. More curious about the frozen soldier, he walked into the Quinjet as the box was loaded in. 

"You're coming along?" 

Tony looked up from the box. Natasha had taken the pilot seat and was busy pushing some buttons. He shrugged and knelt beside the box. "Yeah."

He made Jarvis use every scanner and medical remote testing tool that he had in his suit. Other than any fluids, he got all the scans of the bones, tissues, veins, and all in between. 

Jesus, he's still in his prime! Tony realized. No wonder they're going nuts over the serum.

Yet another shocking revelation; Yet another secret was unveiled. Tony sighed and walked out of his suit before taking a seat on the side, unbothered by the flying jet. He rubbed his face and squeezed the bridge of his nose. 

He stared at Captain America's coffin and knew it meant more trouble. SHIELD would definitely get samples of his blood and resume their research. SHIELD being a semi-government organization, he did not doubt that the samples would soon reach other organizations around the world. 

Each day feels darker than the last. 

"Mr. Stark."

Tony looked up towards the cockpit. Natasha had stepped out of her seat and stood nearby only in her leather, figure-hugging Black Widow suit. 

"I have nothing to discuss with you, Ms. Rushman," Tony replied. 

Natasha rolled her eyes, taking a harsh inhale. "At least listen to me once."

"What else is there to listen to? You're a spy working for SHIELD. End of the story, right?”

"No." Natasha walked right in front of Tony, close enough that she towered over his sitting form. "I spied for Shield, but everything else I did was for personal reasons." 

Tony scoffed. "Sure, you have plenty of excuse—"


Natasha suddenly sat down on his lap, knees spread on the long bench. Her leather-covered loins grounded atop his calm shaft. 

Tony was a little surprised and confused, but certainly not hating it.

She grabbed his face with both her hands, palms spread alongside his cheekbones. She looked straight into his eyes, faces so close they could feel each other's breath. 

Tony could not figure out if she was being sincere, or just acting. Her lush bottom plastered right on his thighs wasn’t helping him decide either.

The charging sound of Tony's armor resounded all of a sudden. The armor had moved on its own and aimed its palm at Natasha's back. 

But Tony waved at it once and gripped the flexible woman by her supple rear, keeping her in place over his lap. He didn't look away and stared back into her eyes as if challenging her to do anything. 

"Tony Stark." Natasha started, every word of her coming out with a scentful breath of her lips. "My real name is Natalia Alianovna Romanoff. I was born in Volgograd in the Soviet Union. As an infant, my parents sold me to an organization called Red Room that saw genetic potential in me. My mother, who didn't want to sell me, was killed for her rejection."

Tony frowned, confused and unsure if she was lying or not. He had no glasses on, and the suit was standing behind her. Other than her heartbeat, he could feel nothing.

"From a young age to my preteens, I was molded by their education, their training, and their experiments. They turned us into something beyond human… and sterilized us as part of the process. No attachments, no future."

That's why she didn't mind finishing inside. 

"And?" He asked back. "What does that have to do with anything?" 

“In '92, they sent me here. Undercover. Three years of playing house, pretending it was real. But… it felt like family." Natasha’s hands eased their grip, moving to his shoulders, a softness in her eyes that belied her words. "My sister, Yelena—she’s alive. Still trapped in the Red Room's grasp. I thought I ended it all; thought I took down its leader. But I was wrong. You’re going to be the President. And all I’m asking is for your help… to save her.” Natasha's body turned soft on his lap as if surrendering herself to him. "I'll… I'll do anything for that."

"That's it?" Tony blurted out. His hands slid up from her hips to her waist, wrapping snugly around her. No longer in a lustful mood despite the hard-on, he leaned his head back to make some space. "It never once crossed your mind to just ask me?"

Natasha scoffed. "You don't even do charity unless it's for PR. You'd have helped me for no reason?"

"Of course!" Tony declared with a grin that could outshine an Arc Reactor. But really, who was he kidding? 

"I mean, yeah, sure. After seeing you, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn’t hope for some… sweet rewards. But I would've helped anyway. The real issue here? You didn’t even ask—you went straight for the honeytrap. Not cool, girl. Not cool."

Natasha blinked silently. She didn't expect his annoyed, tough stance to suddenly change into the usual joking one. She couldn't decide if he actually forgave her or not. "So… You’ll help?"

Tony scoffed, playfully returning his spread palms to her curving ass. "How about you take me to a nice dinner first? Maybe then I'll consider forgiving you. Maybe."

Natasha’s gaze turned sultry and her body pushed forward, squeezing her breasts on his chest. Her lips came closer to his suddenly. 

“A dinner?”

Then, she kissed the side of his lips. But once she tried to back away, Tony took his chance to take her lips for good. 

It turned into a heated kiss with his whole tongue at play. She parted her lips, letting him explore her taste with his extended flesh, massaging it with her own. With bated breaths and passionate whispering mewls, they kept going. All the while, Tony’s hand fondled her soft, curving bottom.

After a long moment of heated exchange, Natasha finally pulled back from him.

"Deal." Natasha shifted back and stood up. "Just help me and… you can have all the dinner you want."

"You mean 'dinner' dinner?" 

She gave him a smirk and returned to the pilot seat without saying a word. Quickly, she strapped herself in the seat and took back the control. 

Tony followed her and took the co-pilot seat. "If you're right about that Red Room, then a lot more is at stake than just your sister."

Natasha smiled genuinely and looked at Tony. She remembered her own report about Tony, and what she had written. The man often hid his genuine feelings under the guise of humor which made him seem cocky and repulsive to some. A ruse to maintain distance from people. 

"Thank you, Mr. Stark."

"Tony is enough," he replied nonchalantly, already tapping on his phone. "The place better have some good burgers."

"Umm… You'll love the buns, that I know."

This woman. Tony sighed and calmed his thoughts along with his rampaging shlong.


Tony fiddled with the jet's console to find the music system. It annoyed him to find out that there was none. Thankfully, his Iron Man suit was enough to blast the entire jet with its fine sound systems. 

Thankfully, the jet wasn't slow. It didn't take them long before they returned to New York, and landed on a skyscraper in the middle of Manhattan. It was a surprise to him that SHIELD owned the whole building. But at the same time, he scoffed since his tower was bigger. 

A team of doctors came to take Captain America's body in and fiddled with this and that before finally declaring there was a possibility of him waking up. Tony wasn’t surprised since he had already scanned the man’s body, now all he needed to do was watch and wait, and let them do all the work.

He followed behind Natasha and eventually entered a strange room that was most certainly a recreation of a typical hospital room in the 1940s. 

"VA is gonna have to give him a fat paycheck for his decades-long pension. Wait, he was missing in action, that means he never retired," Tony muttered, watching the doctors tuck Steve into bed like he was some super-buffed, blond, Sleeping Beauty. "Sixty-six years of back pay? Cap-sicle's gonna wake up richer than Stark Industries stock after an alien invasion."

"Sir." Jarvis suddenly spoke into Tony's ears inside his suit's helmet. "Given Captain Rogers' current popularity and unwavering credibility, it would be strategically advantageous to cultivate a strong rapport with him, particularly with next year’s election in mind."

Oh! Tony liked the idea of that. 

Having Captain America as his mascot could help a lot. So he took out his phone and looked for details on the man. In no time, he found out where Steven Grant Rogers had lived in his childhood. 

He found the Brooklyn address where Steve lived his life before the Army. So, Tony ordered Jarvis to just buy that place to be later gifted. 

Soon enough, it was just Tony and Natasha left in the room, staring at the sleeping man. 

"He might not like being bossed around by Fury," Tony suggested with a voice bordering on ridicule. 


He shrugged. "Because he’s from 1945. Things were different back then."

"Oh." Natasha frowned at that, seriously considering that possibility. She had no clue what kind of man Captain America was before being frozen. The War-Time reports couldn’t be trusted since most things written back in those days were propaganda. Besides, reports didn’t disclose nuance and personal feelings.

"So, do you kiss him or what?" 

Natasha chuckled and just shook her head. She turned around to leave. "He's not a frog."

"Me neither, but I got it." Tony strolled behind her into the elevator. 

Just as they walked, a red-haired, very attractive woman walked into Captain America's room. Her dress resembled a World War II female officer. 

Tony sighed, already seeing SHIELD’s next epic fail on the horizon. “So, picture this: you wake up in a room that looks like it's straight out of your heyday. You’re pumped, thinking about all the cool stuff you’ve done and still gonna do. Then—plot twist!—you find out it’s been sixty years and you’ve been duped. Who thought this was a good idea? Fury’s shaving his brain along with that head of his?”

Natasha frowned but didn't stop. "It wasn't Director Fury's idea."

"Someone's getting fired then." Tony paced faster and walked ahead of Natasha, exiting to the building's roof. 

"Hit me up when the old man wakes up." He rocketed up into the air, pausing mid-hover with a smirk aimed squarely at Natasha. "Or, you know, whenever you finally choose a spot."

With that, Tony flew away. Now, his anger was directed at Fury since Natasha's infiltration was a SHIELD mission. It was an annoying thought before knowing that she went as far as to get physical with him just to spy. But, if it was done for her selfish desire and hope to win him over to save her sister, he couldn't find an issue there. 

Where's that professor now? 

He flew directly to Columbia University to meet with Doctor Bill Foster and get him working on his nanotech lab. 

"Jarvis, what's the status on my new book?" 

"Nearly completed, Sir. The schedule aligns perfectly with the opening of the library you so generously donated."

Tony chuckled at Jarvis' emphasis on the word 'generous'. He knew what the AI was doing. "It's PR, buddy. Oh, and get May Parker on the line—she's the real deal with these feel-good projects."

Though Tony chuckled at his own words. 

Feel-good indeed. 


At that same time, at 177A Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, a mystical green locket let out a surge of energy. 


"It's changed!" 

Bald, tall, and lithe, covered in loose yellow robes, Yao, more commonly known as the Ancient One, opened her eyes and looked at her palm. Hovering midair in a lotus position not long ago, she had landed on the floor with a sound. 

"The future has changed." Ancient One mumbled to herself, blankly staring at the Eye of Agamotto. "Everything has changed. All because of one man."

She let out a sigh and remembered every single moment she had seen. Every possibility, and yet nothing made sense to her. Why did Tony Stark make a different choice in that Senate hearing? Why did Tony Stark decide to run in the election? 

Why did everything she knew of the future diverge from there?

"More mysterious forces are at work here." 


Japan, Fukushima

Terrifying sirens rang throughout the area. People ran on foot or in their vehicles to high grounds. Yet, unaware, the tsunami wasn’t the only danger looming over their lives. Inside the Fukushima power plant, the earthquake and then a 15-meter tsunami disabled the power supply to the cooling systems of three reactors. 

With power lost, the three reactors started to overheat. The workers had to save their lives while also ensuring the disaster wouldn't endanger the entire prefecture and beyond. Some ran away, some tried to stay indoors, and most were scared of the manmade and natural disaster that had struck them all together. 

But the tsunami wave passed and ravaged the inland. An hour passed and the water receded, yet the nuclear reactor continued to run. 

While the people of Japan remained unaware for some time, the wider world saw the live scenes from the Iron Guardian that had taken control of the situation on its own. Using its own Arc Reactor's energy to keep the cooling systems running and stop the meltdown from ever happening. 

Soon enough, the plant workers found their metallic angel keeping the plant running. Wasting no time, they all rushed to start the repair, going as far as taking orders from the Iron Guardian in handling technical challenges. 

At the same time, in Miyagi prefecture, the area worst hit by the tsunami, the Iron Guardians flew nonstop saving the people. Most people had seen Iron Man on their televisions before, but that day, to them it was nothing less than a kami. 

The day the great disaster struck was the day the world saw the true miracles that tech could bring if used for good, firsthand. 

Stark Industries couldn't have had a better PR event. 

Tony Stark couldn't have had a better campaign boost. 

While some losses still occurred, all sides gained something that day. 


A month passed since the discovery of Captain America and the Japan Earthquake. Tony poured himself into work once again, constantly upgrading his Iron Guardians. He deployed more Iron Guardians to Japan to help with the cleanup and other humanitarian needs. At the same time, he began working on an international natural disaster aid program that would act as Stark Industries' PR as well as Iron Guardians' showcase to the world. 

But for now, he was busy with his new book launch. A book he had written himself with the help of Jarvis. With his face plastered on it, and the colors of the American Flag vividly teased all over it, the title was—Aiming For The Stars—A book about his opinions, his dreams, and plans for the country and the planet that were possible within the next 50 years. 

For the book release, he chose to do a ribbon-cutting event for a newly constructed public library in New York, one of the biggest in the country. All sponsored by him, right in the middle of Manhattan.

"This is just wild, Mr. Stark! I can already picture Peter spending all his time here."

Tony led his event manager, May Parker, on a tour of the fiction floor of the multi-story library. The crowd was still gathering outside and the place wasn't open yet, so it was pretty much just them on the entire floor. 

"I get it. Nothing beats the charm of a real book. The internet’s great and all, but you can’t exactly dog-ear a webpage," Tony muttered, finally coming to a stop beside a massive bookshelf. He looked at her mature, oval face with a mischievous smirk. He liked teasing her, looking at her almost innocent eyes beyond those large metal-framed glasses. "I bet you'd love this section too."

"Hm? Why thi…" May turned to look at the bookshelf and froze instantly. It was the titles of the books that did a number on her.

"Don't you just love these?" Tony quipped as he slid in beside her, casually shouldering up. He pulled one of the books from the shelf with a grin. "Ah, 'Billionaire CEO's Secret'—what a page-turner. I think I saw this one on your coffee table."

He put the book back and skimmed through some more names. “The Priest? Interesting name. Oh, and ‘Slow Corruption’—I’ve seen this one before. Isn’t it about a rich guy charming a newbie recruit?"

Kinda cute. He chuckled at her flushed face. 

May didn't say anything. Too embarrassed at her fantasies and choice of books. 

"I…" She tried to say something but felt too ashamed. "It's just…"

"I like them." Tony flashed a smirk and leaned in a bit, breaking the ice. "Kinda exciting, you know? I mean, I'm a billionaire and I'd kill to have lives as spicy as some of these bastards."

"Oh, come on. You HAVE a life far more exciting than these fictional men." She looked dead into his eyes. "You're THE Iron Man."

"But not in the ways they have." He responded in a heartbeat. 

May moved her face as if wanting to say something but stopped midway. She looked at him in a little confusion. "What do you… mean?"

“Seriously? You’ve read those books and you still want me to say it?"

May blushed and touched her face, hiding her big smile under her palm. It was too embarrassing, and a little exciting at the same time. For so long she had thought about that night in her apartment. To this day she still had dreams of it since it felt like a scene straight out of fantasy. 

Tony Stark, the Iron Man, who likely had access to every Miss World and Miss Universe in the world, somehow felt interested in her. 

"Tony, my life’s as plain as a cup of tea—just your everyday working gal with a teenager in tow. The books. They’re the zest that spices up my dull days. And, well…” She gathered some courage to say it. "That night was the most thrilling thing that's happened to me in ages."

What's happened to you, Tony? Why are you attracted to middle-aged women? He asked himself. But looking at May's face, and the body that he remembered from that night, he lost. 

Does that even matter? She's… fascinating.

"It was fun indeed," Tony said and suddenly made a move. He stepped closer to May and placed one hand on her waist, pushing her unbuttoned blazer into the flesh of her slender curve. He peered at her face, and then at her chest making out a significant bulge on her orange tank top. “‘He suddenly stepped closer and grabbed her waist before pushing her against the wall.'"


Leaving May utterly confused, Tony did just as he had said and pushed her against the large bookshelf. He pressed onto her body, one knee already splitting her feet and pressing between her legs. His face slowly lowered to hers utterly shocked one. 

"'Their eyes locked as if eons worth of desire was in control. His hand held tighter around her waist and the other one pinched below her chin, lifting her face to ready her for what was to come—a deep, sensual kiss.'"

Tony kissed May at that moment. He hadn't really planned to do this to her on such a day. But once he saw her again he just made up his mind. He wanted her, and he wanted her close. Pulling her flesh against him so that she could fully feel the hot pressure of his restrained erection pressing into her belly. 

His lips were on hers, insistent and hot, slanting over her mouth and forcing it open. His tongue swept through the heated interior, dragging over the roof. He kissed her with a gentle passion, something he rarely felt like doing. But he knew she was the kind of woman who wanted it that way; Going slow and steady before releasing her inner, fiery desires. He wondered if teasing her with her spicy dreams would be a good thing or a bad thing.

But May responded in kind, holding on by his shoulders as her knees weakened. With a slight smile on his lips as they kissed he moved the kiss to her neck, making her breath fill with muffled hums of enjoyment and her head clogged with his taste.

Tony's hands pulled down her blazer from her shoulder, letting it land on the side. Then, his fingers opened the button of her jeans and then the zipper, dancing lightly along the pale skin of her lower stomach.

He pushed one hand inside her pants, and then panties, and curved his finger to her warm, damp entrance. 

Tony broke the kiss and stared at her face in pure lust. "'He was overbearing, his hand already between her most sensitive walls. His hungry gaze screamed of desire, and she knew she was being drawn into it. His rough fingers, his warm body against hers, he wanted her whole.'"

"The book!" May exclaimed all of a sudden. The passage was from the book she had been reading that night. "You…"

"Good. You know the plot." Tony lowered his face to the side of her neck again. "You know what happens next."

May moaned as he bit her neck gently. At that moment, she lost herself and truly desired Tony's lips. She willingly shifted her hips forward and leaned her back on the bookshelf, laying herself open for his fingers to plunder. His breath was hot against her neck, tickling the tender skin, and she closed her eyes.

"’You want me’," he teased again with the dialog from the book as he noticed her posture.

“‘Maybe’,” May answered with the same dialog she remembered.

Inside her pants, his thumb moved in slow circles over her hip bone as his middle finger slid up and down her slit, letting the watery nectar leak bit by bit, coating the tip of his finger. His lips were on her neck once again, suckling on her smooth skin. 

It wasn't a conscious choice when she leaned her neck for him, all she could feel was the naughty teases her core felt. Her pussy throbbed, wanting him to go deeper as soon as possible. And he finally did, gently pushing in one finger, just an inch deeper.

His index finger gave a quick flicker over her clitoris and she gasped noisily. Her head fell back as she whimpered. May couldn't tell if it was his fingertips rubbing against the sensitive bundle of nerves at her core, or her needs crying out for more.

“That’s a nice sound,” Tony said as he continued to play with her flushed nub of love.

Tony’s thumb circled her clit, rubbing in circles and alternating the pressure as his finger pumped into her. She was so hot, so tight, everything he craved for. He moved back to look at her blushing sultry expression, taking it all in.

He met her eyes, and stopped his movements, for a moment forgetting that he had his finger inside her. He could see it in her eyes. She wasn't just going along with it now, she was completely filled with lust. Her gaze lingered on him as her thigh moved between his legs, back and forth, teasing his rock-hard erection.

He was about to resume his movements when her fingers wrapped around his wrist, pulling his hand out from between her thighs.

As if a bonfire had been ignited in his loins, Tony was taken aback when he saw her lifting his fingers to her mouth. She suckled his finger, all the way down to his knuckle; her tongue bathing it, cleaning his digit of her juices. 

“Fuck… May…” Tony couldn’t help but mutter with widened eyes.

“We got to keep up with the book lore, Tony…” She smiled playfully as she started to unbutton his black shirt. Her hands trailed down to his belt, unbuckling it and unzipped pants.

Tony couldn’t care less and allowed his pants to dangle around his hip. He couldn’t wait anymore and completely pushed down her pants too, allowing her to step out of them easily.

Before May could take a breath, Tony’s hands already dove under her top and bra, pushing her clothes up to reveal her sensitive swells. His thumbs brushed over her nipples, skimming his nails gently over the peaks. Then he lowered his head, closing his lips around one of the hardened pink crests.

“Ooh… Tony,” May moaned melodiously, feeling the suction and bites. Tony’s cock twitched at the sultry sound.

He grabbed her right leg, wrapped it on his hip, and aimed his girthy cock between her thighs, rubbing its head over her dripping core. He dipped into her, just an inch, and then pulled back out, hearing her whimper at the loss.


He dragged the length of his shaft over her wet folds to show her how much he wanted her at that moment, letting her delicate petals feel the bump and grooves of his straining flesh. 

Her hips couldn’t help but tremble from the feeling, wanting to feel every bit of it inside her pussy.

"Oh God," May clenched her eyes as she pleaded, "Come on, Tony~."

Tony smirked, he didn't hesitate, thrusting all the way into her in one fluid motion. When he was firmly planted inside her, he stopped, letting her adjust to his size as he savored the feeling. Her massaging-like throbs, her hot, tight clenches, and the way her hips wiggled in delight; it was all so blissful.

His hips moved back, slowly pulling out and then pushed back into her, their skin slapping gently together. He picked up the pace, spearing up into her with a gradual increase in speed that jolted her body with small jumps.

The bookcase trembled from their movements. His fingertips dug into her magnificent breasts, leaving red marks as he molded them with reckless craving. 

“Oh, oh, oh... God.. yes, Tony... Ooh..” May moaned in pleasure.

The noises she was making spurred him on, wanting to go deeper and faster. He thrust into her so deeply, almost causing her to stand on tiptoe on one foot, her ass slamming onto the books behind her. 

His cock reached deep into her cave of wonders, clashing with her soft flesh. She cried out his name, losing her sense as she drowned in pleasure. He could tell from the way she was clenching warningly around him that she was close. 

Tony quickened his movements, and when she came, shuddering, she gushed onto his relentless cock. She rode the wild and wonderful waves of sheer ecstasy, stiffening up as she leaned back, stretching her neck as far as cloud nine.

Tony pulled out his stiff cock, and May straightened her legs, panting as she tried to calm her thumping heart.

Initially planned as a quick one, he felt nowhere close to being done. Tony suddenly sat down on the floor, patting his lap with a playful smile.

 "But you're…”

"Not done," he interrupted. "You're not done, I'm not done."


Tony rolled his eyes and reached out to grab her hand, pulling her down to sit on his lap, facing away from him. His cock, already eager for the job, aimed right toward her drenched core. 

May’s smooth ass slowly lowered, her lips parted in a whispering gasp as she felt Tony’s large shaft part her petals once again. As she fully sat down she could feel him filling her up entirely, almost dangerously.


He sat behind her, her back to his chest. His hands went forward, massaging her pink pointed peaks in each palm. Her nipples were already taut; his mouth was against her shoulder, and he could see what he was doing to her.

May slowly moved her ass, her waist gyrated in circles, causing Tony to feel every inch of her walls tighten around his cock. With her hands on his knees, she took him in deep with a single smooth thrust of her hips. Her ass rose, trembling, then she let gravity drive her hard against his cock. 

She gasped and did it again and again, fucking herself on his stretching girth. 

"Ghk!" he groaned. 


May frowned as a phone suddenly rang. Curious but not wanting to stop, she pulled the high-tech phone out of Tony’s pants pocket that was loosely hanging on around his calf. She couldn’t stop now, but she knew important people couldn’t ignore some calls.

Amidst her continuous slide over his magnificent length, May pulled the phone up and showed the screen to Tony behind her. “T-Toh-ney… Call.”

"Pepper? Ignore it… I’m busy." 

He grasped her waist, forcing her down into a harder thrust. His hips rose off the floor, clapping with her soft flesh. Every single plunge inside her brought a continuous reigniting thirst for pleasure. But he felt close.

She allowed the phone to fall to the floor beside them, moving her ass in rhythm, too lost. She pounded down harder and grabbed his hand, leading his fingers to her clit. 

“Ahhhh!” She screamed. She felt his fingers press harshly against her clit, and her final glorious moment peaked, leaving her trembling around him as he followed.

"God…" he growled into her ear. 

He abandoned himself to pleasure and bucked within her as glorious waves of splendor washed over him. Every twitch, every throb, he felt it all inside her and just couldn’t bring himself to pull out in time. With her own climaxing walls clamped around tight, he surrendered himself to the gushing batter that spilled inside May.


He growled into her ear and lost his bodily strength for a short moment. The pleasure flushed his mind like nothing else. Doing it with May was an experience he liked a lot.

“T-Tony… Let me catch my…” May fell back against his chest, panting. “Breath.”

He needed it too, so he didn’t move an inch and let his length on its own slip out eventually. The warmth of her hot body was still present, and he couldn’t help but feel more hungry for her. 

After a few moments of gulping to catch her breath, May finally stood up. A little wobbly since her knees almost lost all their strength. Tony gave her his handkerchief to clean up, still acting gentlemanly.

"Was that spicy enough?" He asked her playfully while not looking at her wiping herself, giving her some space while cleaning himself up too.

"Level ten spicy," she muttered in the same frisky mood. "I… Thanks, fo—"

“Thanks?” Tony asked, suddenly spinning on his heel and striding over to her. She’d just finished slipping into her jeans and was fidgeting with the button. With a smirk, he took over, his fingers deftly securing it while never breaking eye contact. "It was a two-way street, May. The joyride was mutual."

"Hmm…" May adjusted her glasses and smoothed out her blazer, looking every bit professional. Then, she lifted herself on her toes to meet his gaze, letting a quick, gentle kiss land on his bearded cheek. “You know, they’re way off calling you an asshole.”

Tony's frown creased in an instant. "What?"

"It's time to cut the ribbon, Mr. Stark." May walked away in rushed steps. 

Tony looked at her highly enticing hips that were definitely sore from his recent deep massage. He really wanted to slide between them again, but sadly, it was time for charity. 

Should I cancel the event? The idea was real, but he knew it was dumb. Let's not be an asshole now. 


Tony just wanted to get on with the event at that point and fly back to Stark Tower with May in his arms. He was nowhere near done with her. So, he cut the ribbon and stood behind the podium to address the crowd that had gathered and the cameras aimed at him. 

He liked seeing so many posters of him in the crowd. But he noticed that there was no uniformity. He knew he needed a campaign slogan and a logo quickly to start imprinting people's memories.

"...Our forefathers didn’t exactly throw a tea party just to sip on Earl Grey and complain about bad service. They took a stand when trust in the British Empire went kaput. This country's roots are based on people's trust in the constitution and the government. Honestly, it's dwindling, and it's dwindling fast. Our boys are still in Iraq, and they’re still in Afghanistan—Why? Sadly, as a nation built on trust, the government itself doesn't trust us to even share their reasons for waging wars. We can only speculate and fuel conspiracy theories."

Tony let his words simmer a little before continuing. However, when he looked at the crowd, his glasses showed him some suspicious things. Jarvis also spoke into his ears. He did his best to hide his frown and continue.

"Transparency! That's my crusade. That's what I'm fighting for, and I will start with the IRS. I get it, shelling out thousands in taxes only to see a government department blow ten million on office chairs is a bit of a joke. It's a scam, we all know it, but we can't do anything about it. 

"So let me introduce you to IRS reforms—think of it as my core promise to you, and I plan to knock it out in my first year in the office. Using the latest tech, I’ll create a system that tracks every single dollar of your money. Picture this: logging onto the IRS website and seeing exactly where your tax dollars are going. Yes, you’ll even see which government department spent a billion on computer hardware that never actually showed up. And you’ll get to know how much of your money went into that High-Speed Railway that’s been under construction since the Stone Age—"





Out of nowhere, a massive fiery explosion appeared in the sky above the crowd. 


Right then, in front of the cameras and all the eyes, a projectile that seemed like an RPG came flying down from a nearby building's rooftop. However, New York's Iron Guardians had already arrived and blasted the explosives into the air itself. 

"Calm down!" Tony shouted into the mic. "I got this!"



Out of nowhere, an opaque dome formed above the crowd and Tony himself. It was large, accommodating all the people that were there. It looked like straight out of sci-fi, a blue, protective energy field. It was exactly that. 

The crowd realized they had nothing to fear even when more rockets came towards them. The whole ordeal lasted for an entire minute before the explosions stopped. The people looked back at Tony then, who was still standing as if nothing had happened. 

But he wasn’t smiling anymore 

“Seems like someone’s really got it out for me."

Tony looked straight into the cameras, glaring. 

“I must be doing something right.”



Senator Stern walked fast through the tiresomely long corridors. Men in uniform stepped aside from his path with one look, while others stopped to greet him. But he ignored all and tried to walk as fast as he could, pushing himself out of breath. 

Knock! Knock!

He soon knocked on the door of the Secretary of Defense. 


He heard an electric sound and proceeded to turn the doorknob. He opened the door and stepped inside, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his suit's sleeve. It was all air-conditioned, but he didn't feel good. 

"And?" Asked the man behind the large wooden table, twisting a small paperweight under his fingers while staring forward. 

Senator Stern gulped and stepped closer to the table. He placed the file he had brought. "W-We failed. No deaths."


The man slammed his palm down and stopped the paperweight from turning, revealing its engraved artistry, an octopus with a little too many arms. 

"I won't save you this time, Stern. You’ve failed twice."

"I-I… Secretar—"

"Set up a meeting with Emma Frost. I'm taking over Stark's case."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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