Prides Submission Book 2

Chapter 10: I’m Not A Slut…I Think

     Oh god, why I’m such a slut, Keri thought to herself as she wrapped her fingers around the shiny sleek pole and pressed her groin into it. The lingerie she wore was a one piece lace outfit that harbored thin straps and fully exposed her nipples with their dangling sapphire jeweled piercings. It was tight around her chest, but loose along her stomach to allow her better flexibility. She wished it fit her better and hoped she would get a custom fitted outfit during the actual Homecoming event. Had it not been for sticky tape there would have been no way to keep the thin fabric from sliding off her shoulders or exposing her entire upper body to the sweat stained air. 

     For the first time the Rachelle Institute had authorized its sisters to compete in a sporting activity, or at least one sporting activity. What they considered a sport however wasn’t what Keri Pryde had in mind. She hoped for basketball or maybe even soccer, although a women’s football team would have been interesting. Instead it was the lucrative dancing competitions known by most as pole dancing. 

     Pole dancing was a newly invented sporting competition commissioned by the sororities shortly after classes started again. It would also be one of the scoring events for homecoming. Keri along with seven other Rachelle’s, were handpicked to train for the pole dancers quartet and even show their talents on the newly built floats that would parade across campus. How they were scored for their performance was a mystery for now but she imagined it wasn’t dissimilar from the body builder competitions she had seen before. She guessed their performance would be graded based on pose, style, and physical appearance. 

     At first Keri wasn’t sure how she felt about the idea of dancing naked on a platform, spinning in misguided circles to an undeserving campus. But as the hours went on, learning the basic moves and practicing continuously wasn’t so bad. The techniques didn’t require nearly as much physical strength as she was led to believe, but her joints still stung when she tried the low dips. Her legs couldn’t hold on to her upper body weight alone. This was partly due to the previous injuries her body sustained over a year ago, after she barely survived a Skitter attack and resigned herself to academia. 

     But it was also partly the fault of her physique. 

     She had resumed her workouts over the past few weeks. Each morning she would go on a run with Sena and Lilia for at least two miles. Lilia was a league above both of them when it came to jogging. Keri got the distinct impression they were holding her back, as she and Sena both struggled to keep up to Lilia’s pace. Often Lilia had to slow down so they could keep up. Following that was a shower, which always resulted in some steamy alone time with her girlfriend, and then her normal class schedule. That afternoon after class Keri would workout for at least an hour at the gym, lifting weights and getting swole. Sena had decided to join her on almost every occasion, but Keri knew she had no interest in getting fit. Her girlfriend had grown more…jealous of the attention she received from others and accompanied her to ward off anyone trying to pester or flirt with her.

     Keri now weighed one hundred and thirty pounds, sixty pounds of which was skeletal muscle mass! But even with her legs thicker than her other sisters she found it difficult to keep herself hanging in mid air. Her core muscles were barely keeping her from collapsing onto the floor, and that was a workout of its own. Although it was mildly humorous to watch her sisters gawk at her bulging six pack the thick stomach muscles clenched with straining tension.

     She could hold her position for ten seconds, each of which was agonizing, before she had to thrust forward to grab hold of he bar. She was drenched in sweat and shaking from the trauma so she let her body slide down the rod to the floor. Once her feet touched the ground she could barely hear the clapping approval of her sisters above the sound of her own blood pounding in her ears. 

     “Great job Sis! I told you you could do it!” Misty Albright rushed onto the platform and embraced her the second Keri took a step away from the pole. Keri practically collapsed into her arms and slowly fell on her knees, she was completely out of breath and needed a minute to collect herself. Silently Keri cursed herself, she should’ve known today was not the day to do her clean and jerks with a hundred and thirty five pounds of weight at the gym. 

     Only when her panting had subsided did she respond to her older sister, “Thanks…I guess…” 

     Misty Albright was a tall and slender woman with shoulder length brown hair and an athletic physique. Sena once teased Keri would look just like her in two years, and in a way she could see a resemblance. Misty was the only senior on the team. Instead of wearing a seductive one piece bikini her perfectly round orbs were neatly tucked under a tube bra that wrapped around her chest. She wasn’t heavily endowed, but her breasts were perfectly natural in a way that was appealing to look at. Keri supposed the most attractive thing about Misty Albright was her smile, she had narrow lips but a wide mouth with dimples that made her cheeks glow when she smiled. 

     “Your so talented, I can tell your going to steal the show.” Her smile made Keri blush so she tried to keep her head down.

     Keri sighed and suddenly felt a chill crawl over her skin. Cold sweat was starting to make her begin to shiver. Just as she was beginning to shake someone draped a warm towel over her shoulders, to which Keri grappled onto and held it tightly. Slowly she felt her joints relax enough to where she could stand and let Misty walk her off the main platform. She couldn’t wait to clean up and put on some clothes, but that had to wait for now.

     She had been wearing bed sheets for several days but last night Sena had shocked her with some new clothes. Although her tastes weren’t quite what she expected, and she still had an entire wardrobe to find, she was happy to wear something that properly protected her modesty.

     Once off the stage Keri was allowed to put on a thick robe so she could sit and watch the other’s try the same routine as before. One by one the dancers team would practice and evaluate their skill level before the session was over. Misty Albright was a natural, her spins and dips were elegant and swift. She was flexible as a sprite but not as durable, some of the upside down moves were difficult for her. Keri watched in fascination as Misty swirled her auburn hair, biting her lip and winking to the empty stands. One by one the others tried a similar series of moves and their instructor, a male gymnastic teacher who Keri suspected wasn’t heterosexual, gave them proper cues when needed. 

     Katie Cox, with her pixie blonde hair and wide hips, seemed to float around the pole like a leaf in the wind. Her legs were slender and her soft curves squeezed around the pole as she leaned forward. She was a freshmen, and it showed. The Seniors had written disgusting messages on her ass cheeks and shoulders, tally marks were inked on her chest as well. Keri noticed the poor girls swelling breasts were making her uncomfortable.

     Following her Keri watched as Elisabeth Clement jumped onto the stage. Katie had been completely naked, but Elisabeth was in a thin bikini not too dissimilar from her own. The raven haired women had narrow eyes, an oval face, and dark bronze skin. Her pierced nipples clang against the metal pole as she tried to swing around it. She wasn’t as graceful as the others, but when she climbed the steel to the ceiling she could dip fully backward so that her head almost touched the ground! Her right palm anchored her in place, and her breasts hanged to reach her chin. 

     When Elisabeth was finished it was Bella’s turn. She was a junior and spoke little. Her entire back was covered in a rich tapestry of tattoos, and her tanned skin was so smooth Keri wanted to touch her. Bella Savage had dyed her hair white and combed it back into a long thick ponytail. Her own bikini was almost nothing to measure, she wore a strapless ensemble that seemed to cling onto her bust with boobie tape alone. A single strip of cloth covered her crotch, but her butt cheeks was fully exposed as she jumped and twirled in quick fashion. Her shoulders and back muscles were well built which allowed her to handstand so that she could grapple the pole with her bare legs. Keri wondered what the hell she did to beef up her upper body strength like that, and became embroiled in her own thoughts on how to achieve such gains.

     Then came little Kirsten, another freshmen who had been having a rough time of it. A small vibrating egg had been inserted into both of the poor girls nether reaches and ceiled into place by a thick leather water absorbing pair of panties. One of her breasts was slightly larger than the other, and puffy nipples were leaking fluids. Despite these challenges the ginger beauty did her best to perform. The instructor had to spend twice as much time with her than everyone else before she could complete the full routine. Kirsten O’Brian could barely hold onto the bare before the vibrating toys inside her loins broke her constitution. When she eventually finished, the instructor had to take a particularly lengthy amount of time to sterilize the practice pole. 

     Lastly came another sophomore, Mary had long brown hair that she had braided into pigtails. She sported a short skirt and workout bra that made her cleavage appear more shapely. Keri had only met her briefly but knew only one thing about her. She was a giant nerd. Video games, board games, and lore keeping was her passions. Because of this she spent most of her time with her gaming clubs. There was a rumor she was a star online, or at least one cam girl looks fairly similar to her. Mary Dickens was ok as a pole dancer , better than Kirsten but just barely. Maybe it was because she didn’t have a vibrator up her snatch but she grasped the lessons faster than her predecessor. 

     All of this was just an introduction, a session to determine the skill levels of everyone on the team. Tomorrow would come the first actual training session, and Keri was already calculating how that would factor into her daily workout. The funny thing was pole dancing used just about every muscle group, even her ass was sore! She thought about it a while Mary was finishing up her session, and came to the conclusion that she should work more on her biceps tomorrow.

     “Ok ladies, very good—very good. I definitely see room for improvement but I gotta say I’m impressed!” The Instructor somehow wasn’t aroused once during all the sessions, even when Elisabeth’s boobie tape failed to hold onto her clammy skin and let slip both her glorious mounds to the entire room. Even Keri felt a little wet afterwards. 

     Once free the seven athletes, although she still couldn’t consider herself one, returned to their locker room adjacent to the private session chamber. The building they were practicing in was the old Gym building at the edge of campus. It was mostly shut down after the newer and better facilities were opened years ago, but the ancient gymnasium was still available to be rented out and the locker rooms still had a fully functioning sauna. 

     The old building reminded her of the boxing club she used to work out in over a year ago. Its cement blocks were cracked and the paint had been chipped away from age. Lights flickered and the floors seemed to groan underneath her feet. But in the functioning sections of the construction everything had been done to maintain its appearance. There was always an aroma of dust and sweat mixed with a grungy fungi aftertaste that made it hard to breathe at times. But once in the locker rooms those odd smells and tastes melted away, in their place Keri felt the soft aroma of rose flowers tease her taste buds and stimulate her sense of smell. She found it rather comforting.

     The lockers were newly repainted but their hinges creaked and resisted her as she opened the small hatch. The dark green paint inside just barely covered the graffiti that had been left there before. She wondered who’s hands had bothered to write a message, and what that message was before it was discarded to lost history. Whatever it was she doubted it mattered. As Keri disrobed herself she caught a whiff of her own body odor, and was appalled by how badly she reeked. She made a note to purchase some body cleanse wipes for her armpits before tomorrows sessions. For now she wanted to get out of the gaudy outfit and refresh herself with a nice hot shower. After that a couple minutes in the sauna room wouldn’t be such a bad idea. 

     “So…gone down on anyone today little miss sunshine?” Keri was just pulling the ridiculous lingerie from her skin when the voice interrupted her thoughts. She scoffed as her own nakedness revealed marks on her shoulders and stomach from the tight fabric and discarded the outfit to the floor before turning around to address the voice. The owner of which was Misty, she was leaning against the lockers while watching her. The woman was also naked and Keri couldn’t help but notice how the Senior needed to trim down the forest between her legs. Keri tried not to stare at the unkept bush, so she averted her gaze and removed the jewelry from her nipples. Her nipples always felt better once relieved of the heavy sapphires. 

     Keri looked over and could see the hunger in Misty’s eyes, the sadistic cravings that seemed to pollute every Senior’s gaze. Somehow she knew it was Misty that had forced Kirsten to practice with sex toys rammed into her loins. But that wasn’t enough, it was never enough for them. Keri got the distinct impression that Misty wasn’t asking her a question, but instead preparing an offering. She imagined that Misty wanted to order the exhausted freshmen to go down and eat out one or more of them in the locker room. The Pawns had to obey their Seniors orders no matter how profane…just as she had to last year. Keri didn’t want to disrespect her superiors, but she wasn’t in the mood to have a freshmen go down on her for some petty sadism, “Don’t even think about—“

     “For the love of god let me take this thing out of me please!” Kirsten interjected loudly. She rushed over to Misty in a panic. The freshmen was pissing so much the water absorbing underwear was failing miserably contain her lust. With puffy green eyes Kirsten was begging to be released from the torment of having to withstand one orgasm after the other. Keri watched in stunned horror as the rubber panties slipped down Kirsten’s legs, and a disgusting burst of her juice sprinkled the ground between her quaking feet. Before Kirsten could get without arms reach she fell onto her knees and crawled until her hips spasmed again. “I can’t take it anymore…please just kill me!”

     Keri froze in place, and somehow she couldn’t help but feel a burning heat in her pelvis while she watched. Fuck why is this turning me on? 

     The woman continued to cry out for mercy, but Misty didn’t seem to care. “Pawn!” Misty voiced with a sneer, “Can’t you see I was talking! Or do I have to bring out the electrodes again!”

     “NO PLEASE! Just make it stop!” 

     Misty couldn’t help but laugh at her please for mercy. She turned to Keri to ask the question Keri already saw coming, “What do you think Keri? Do you feel like relieving some tension? Maybe helping this poor Pawn how to satisfy an educated woman like yourself?”

     Keri looked to the poor girl then back to Misty, she tried to keep a neutral expression, “Just leave her alone, she’s been through enough.” 

     “Fuck no…that wouldn’t be fun,” There was something in Misty’s tone that terrified her. She was enjoying this too much. Then Misty took a step forward and leaned close, she pressed her chest into Keri’s before whispering into her ear, “Do it for me? I need this little Pawn to sharpen her skills before I present her to the Lyra institute on loan.”

     Keri raised an eyebrow, “You’re loaning her out to the Lyra Sorority? But why?”

     “Oh just a little experiment, or a test run for something down the road,” Misty looked over to the Pawn on the floor. The other sisters in the room were very nervous about what was happening in front of them as well. “Consider it a favor please?”

     “You’re not making any sense? Your offering this freshmen to the Lyra’s for some silly experiment?” Keri never heard of a sorority loaning one of their own to another sorority. Other fraternities for sure, all the time actually, but never another sorority. They sororities were always in competition with one another just as the fraternities were amongst themselves, why would they ever loan out one of our own to a potential rival? In any case Keri just wanted a shower, she wasn’t obligated to obey any orders from the seniors and had no intention of letting them haze her again. Calmly she brushed aside Misty’s hand and shook her head. 

     Misty was surprised to be rejected and even more so to be pushed aside. “I’m disappointed in you…but I guess it cannot be helped.” Misty sighed as she finished speaking then turned her attention back to Kirsten on the floor, “Maybe we’ll find someone else for you to practice on little Pawn.” 

     Keri passed by Elisabeth, who’s eyes was rolling into the back of her skull, and noticed her delicate folds were failing to hold in the small egg stimulating her burning cove. She watched as slowly the egg shaped toy started poking out.

     “Don’t you dare…” Misty fell onto the poor freshmen and with a harsh finger pushed the round oval instrument back into the slick canal. 

     “STOP!” Elisabeth tried to crawl away, reaching out to anybody that might help. “Take it out!” 

     Keri wanted to do something, anything to stop this…but knew it wasn’t her place. Her previous year of training had put a mental block at the mere thought of questioning the seniors orders. This was something that Misty noticed, she looked over at her as if curious about what she thought about this. If she would react in any way. Keri sighed, grabbed a towel for the showers, and walked away. The screams of the freshmen’s torment echoed across the locker room as Keri entered the shower stalls which were tucked away further back. The cries were only drowned out when she turned on the faucet. 

     The moment the faucet was turned onto full power a rush of warm water rained down onto her. The water pressure was a little too soft but it still got the job done. The sound of steam dulled the awkward pleas until they finally subsided into a whimper. 

     Warm water caressed Keri’s skin, soothing her joints and relieving her tight muscles. Looking down her nipples were finally a shade closer to pink like before, but she feared they would begin lactating again at any moment. She applied a strawberry lotion and washed her hair for several minutes before applying soap to the rest of her skin. Just standing in the hot shower was amazing, so much so that she didn’t notice when someone began meddling with the handle of the door of the stall. Only when the steam suddenly spilled out of the enclosure did she narrow her eyes in revulsion. The intruder was Kirsten herself, and behind her Misty whispered an order into her ear.

     Bitch of a whore!

     Keri sighed then turned her body to face them both, “If your going to ask her to go down on me again! If thats really what you want, can we at least take this to the sauna? Let me have a shower in peace!”

     Misty’s eyes burst into joy, “Ooooh I like that idea. Please hurry, this little one desperately needs to learn a thing or two about female empowerment, if you know what I mean?” Misty finished her sentence with a wink.

     Keri swore to herself and locked the old stall door again, the locks were ancient and obviously not working. Still she got to enjoy five minutes of peace before hearing the tap of Misty’s fingernails on her door again. Truly this bitch wasn’t going to stop. 

     She shut off the faucet, and toweled herself before opening the door. Misty was giddy in anticipation, “The others are already being serviced. I’ve ordered both Pawns to relieve our tensions before we leave. Hurry up!”

     Keri rolled her eyes and followed warily. Somehow she was going to have to explain to her girlfriend why she let two random freshmen go down on her, on top of everything else that happened today. 

     Needless to say they weren’t really good. Kirsten’s technique was poor, she didn’t know how to apply just enough pressure to drive her affections without getting too rough. But the other freshmen, Katie Cox, seemed to have a natural talent for exploring the female vagina. The way she could bend her tongue so that the tip circled around Keri’s puffy clit and stimulate the inner linings of her lips was amazing! 

     Later when the Pawn duo was finished with their task Keri had to help Kirsten out of the room and douse her with cold water. She had reached the limit of dehydration and simply couldn’t take any more. The fact that her plaything was no longer of value frustrated Misty who proceeded to leave them all behind. With a wave she strutted out the door, leaving Keri to wonder who she would torture next. It wasn’t until Kirsten had regained consciousness and was safe that the other’s in the duet could finally put on some clothes and finally leave.  

     Kirsten left the sex toy on the floor as she walked out, Mary and Bella accompanied her so that she returned safely. Keri meanwhile was trying to put on her jeans when Katie approached. 

     “Hey, I just wanted to say I love your body! Your boobs are so cute,” Katie seemed flustered. She was fully clothed but her low cut v-neck sported a healthy amount of cleavage. Keri felt awkward receiving a complement like that from someone like her, “There so perky yet soft…not like mine.”

     She wasn’t wrong, Keri got a good look at her figure when she was on the platform from before and in the sauna. Katie’s swollen mammaries had made her bust appear almost saggy, and Keri knew if she felt them they would feel firm under her fingers. Keri looked her up and down, her earlier markings were gone and somehow had escaped Misty’s notice. 

     “You don’t have to earn my approval you know? I’m not a senior, you can say my sagging tits are worthless compared to yours,” Keri said. Of course she didn’t think her gorgeous body was sagging at all, she was just trying to lighten the mood.

     Katie seemed dumbstruck, “I would never say that! There not saggy, their amazing!” She looked down at her body before continuing, “My damn chest is still to small for anyone to care. No matter how mushy those injections make them, there still nothing like yours. Guys just look at me and laugh.”

     Keri put a hand on her sisters shoulder and looked her in the eye, “There fine, believe it or not mine were almost the same last year. They’ll go back to normal, and maybe even grow to fit that hot bod of yours” Just as she finished her statement she felt a tight knot in her chest. It was enough to make her plant her other hand against the frame of the locker with a thud. The pressure in her own mammary glands didn’t die down, it just continued to grow.

     “Are you alright?” Katie asked.

     I’m tired of this, was what she wanted to say but didn’t speak. Instead Keri nodded and turned away. She continued to talk to the freshmen while putting on the rest of her clothes. Sena had given her a new pair of skinny jeans and a cardigan. Before putting on the sweater Keri retrieved the nipple piercings from her purse and cleaned the tips of both ends before re-applying them, the sapphires gleamed from the light. 

     “Those are so shiny!” Katie had approached closer so she could get a better look. 

     Carefully Keri pinched the nub of her areola so that the tiny hole could be accessible and then slid the jewelry into place. The weight of the sapphire pulled her nipples down but it wasn’t too bad. After that she examined the special bra made to wear with such jewelry. It only held her lower bust into place, thus exposing most of her flesh to the wind. But they would keep her breasts from losing their rounded shape and provide better comfort.

     Just as she grabbed her purse someone walked back into their private locker rooms, for some reason Bella had returned. She glanced over and upon seeing Keri addressed her. “Hey Keri, some guy wants to speak with you upstairs…not sure what its about but he seems antsy.”

     “Can you say I’m not here? I need to get to the dorms, and don’t need a boy following me around.”

     “I could, but he said it was urgent?”

     “I’m sure he thinks everything about his penis is urgent, who cares,” Keri finished buttoning up her cardigan and clamped on her belt. She was so glad she found her boots the other day, she still wasn’t sure where her sisters hid the rest of her clothes but she was determined to find them soon.

     Bella just remained fidgeting like somehow she could change Keri’s mind, “Um I really think you should go upstairs, he seemed adamant to talk to you.”

     Keri slammed the locker shut. She then put on her necklace, brushed her hair back, and only then turned her attention back to Bella, “I really don’t care.”

     How many times do I have to say it!

     Just as she finished her statement a dull boom echoed from outside the locker rooms, the door of the gym entrance  had slammed open and shut. A heavy pair of boot steps echoed toward their room, too heavy to be another womans. Somehow as the presence continued to approach Keri felt something change in the air.

     His voice made her stomach clench, and her inner walls squeeze tight. “Hey Keri? Are you in there? I really need to talk to you…please.” Axel’s voice was unmistakable. 

     Suddenly it was as if her womb flipped a switch in her brain on its own. She could feel a sudden warmth glow deep in her stomach, and her loins began to burn. Somehow she could already smell his cologne in the air and that stirred her womanhood’s excitement even further. Her legs began to twitch, her body was ripe and out of control! The rush of emotions scared her. 

     Why is this happening? She wondered. Just hearing the man’s voice had done something to stir her gushing depths. This sudden rush of emotions and carnal yearning was different than before, she could feel something different in her heart. Her lips were itching as something in her gut continued to make her feel light headed. 

     Am I fucking ovulating…just by hearing him!? Keri Pryde stood feeling the vibrations in the floor as he paced just outside the doorway. Each step made her heart pound faster in her chest. The lips between her legs were already spilling forth juices of desire, and her eyes dilated. 

     This was bad…really really bad…


You can check out the complete first book here -> Prides Submission Book 1

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