Prides Submission Book 2

Chapter 9: The Chaperone

     “Why so down Bro?” The question came from a freshman of all people. A stupid ignorant child struggling to become a man, with a small prick to boot. 

     Axel leaned against the rail from the stands, ignoring the question, as he watched the younger brothers in the middle of their training exercises on the football field below. It was a misty morning and a cool breeze hanged low in the air. Dew still moistened the grass below. Axel wiped the cool moisture from his brow and tried to ignore his fellow fraternity brother and classmates in the stands. For weeks now he had been struggling to earn the attention of his beauty, the one that so hauntingly captured his soul and poured her obsession into his mind. 

     Keri Pryde…

     The gorgeous voluptuous sophomore that strolled onto campus like a runway model. Her cleavage was fit for a goddess, her hips alluring to the angels themselves. Her soft skin laid over tightened muscle and contained a bulk that fit her frame perfectly. Her sculpted form confirmed to him the existence of god! The creators hands had moulded a creature of exquisite, yet harsh, grace. He knew the moment, no the very second, he saw her that he had to have her. Her voice sang in the wind, her curly hair basked in the warmth of the sun, and her smile…was purely intoxicating. 

      Yet nothing seemed to work on her…

     There wasn’t a flower, or bushel of flowers, that appealed to her feminine tastes. She had a sweet tooth but didn’t glom onto his gifts of chocolate either. Every attempt he made to earn her attention was dashed by rude glares or quick dashes away.

     The only time she ever showed him any sign of affection, was the night she was wasted and couldn’t keep her legs closed! That night was the greatest moment of his life. He was there hoping to find a moment to get closer to her, even if it was just to engage in a simple conversation. So many other women hovered around him but they meant nothing to him compared to Keri. His brunette haired goddess threw herself at him when he approached. For a split second he thought she had finally come around and wanted to lay her heart bare. To expose her own hidden feelings for him…but that hope was dashed. Still he accepted her body easily enough, and that blew his mind away.

     Her pussy was…rapturous!

     It was like his first time all over again, she squirmed and begged as he impailed her with his glorious cock. Her oozing warmth wrapped around him in a way that made it impossible for him to let go. Her womanhood, her birth canal, was as tight as a balled fist yet engulfed him as if his shaft had been shaped specifically for her alone. Just thinking of how it felt to pin her on all fours and drive into her, reaching her deepest chamber, made him fully erect! 

     Every time he had pleasured himself he tried to capture that feeling he had when he ejaculated into her womb. It felt so liberating to release his pent up rage into her. He had never done that before, climaxed inside without protection! He had every intention of pulling out when he started but at that moment when both had become one…and her heat sucked him farther inside…he couldn’t contain himself. 

     She was all he could think about now, all he could wish for. Yet she had avoided him like the plague. There was one night when he finally decided to suck it up and bribe her roommate to allow him access to her room. He wanted to surprise her and maybe…just maybe open his heart to her. But that had ended in disaster. He was told she experienced an extreme night terror…and guessed it was just his luck.

     “Bro?” The freshman tried to get his attention again, to which Axel waved him off rudely. He had no interest in talking. Food didn’t have taste anymore, and getting drunk no longer held its appeal. Only one thing made him feel…alive. 

     Thinking of her.

     After he found a quite corner in the stands overlooking the greater campus he paused to reflect. Morning was so young and it looked like it was going to give way to a cloudy day. Grey…the world was so grey without his lover’s affection. Without her devotion Axel feared every single day would be like this. A murky haze of loneliness. Even birds were yet to rouse from their nests and sing their mating calls. Almost no one was up this early, except the Contact brothers training or observing in the football field. With the restrictions from the Malaise of Madness over the fraternity was eager to get back into the swing of things, but after several weeks of laying around it was hard to get back into training. Axel supposed he would be called to join in soon, but even practice felt hallow now.

     “Hey…” Axel turned his head to find another man leaning against the cement wall. Somehow he had gone unnoticed. He was tall and thin with a plain face and cropt hair, but his beard was bushy and long. His wool coat was just distinguished enough to appear refined but the style was old. There was a cavalier energy surrounding him, almost like he was waiting for him.

     Axel raised his eyebrow studying the man who had been hiding in the shadows, “Who the hell are you?” It was clear he wasn’t a student, he didn’t even look like a teacher.

     “Just a helpful observer, or a chaperone I guess…” He looked over the campus and shrugged, “I find it so peculiar that there are so many beautiful women here…and yet so many sad and lonely men.”

     For a brief moment the pair stood in silence studying each other. Axel didn’t know how to respond so kept his composure. He wondered what the man meant by referring to himself as chaperone.

     “Back in my day, romance was in the air…but now its just debauchery and hedonism and bitter isolation. I truly feel sorry for you.” The chaperone reached into his coat pocket to retrieve a thin cigar. Smoking on campus was strictly illegal but that clearly didn’t matter to him. “By any chance do you have a light?”

     Axel shook his head, still reluctant to address him.

     The Chaperone grunted in frustration and hunted through his other pockets until he found a single match. Somehow he was able to strike it against the cement wall to light it and begin puffing the flavored tobacco. Axel waited for a few moments, watching the so called chaperone enjoy the cigar, before finally speaking. “You’re not a teacher so what the hell are you doing here.”

     He chuckled at that, “Oh but I am a teacher, just not one of books and dusty classrooms. No I’m a different sort of educator. You see I know the secrets of unlocking true love, and unbinding the chains of independence that have enslaved all women. But more importantly I am a teacher of lifelong happiness.”

     “Great but why the hell are you here!” Axel was getting frustrated, he was going to have to report this.

     The Chaperone seemed to sense his frustration and altered his tone, “I am here on the personal invitation of the Dean himself. As to why I’m standing here, underneath the growing yet empty seats of this colosseum my answer is simple…I like the view.”

     “You like the freaking view?” Axel narrowed his eyes.

     “But of course! You can see most of your University from here…and all the young minds going about. I like to study their faces, those I can see any way, and imagine what it is there feeling. Do you know what I have found?” There was now a rich layer of smoke surrounding himself and bleeding into the air. Axel wasn’t used to the smell of tobacco and coughed as he waved his hands to clear the air in front of him.

     “If you have a pass to be here, I would like to see it…now.” Axel had a hard time believing this man had a right to be here at all. Nothing about him seemed right. 

     “Oh but you're not interested by what I have found?” 

     “Now!” Axel planted his feet to the ground. 

     The Chaperone sighed, dipped his head, then slowly retrieved a small leather wallet from his back pocket. The leather was parched and cracked but held a medallion inside. Axel took it and studied it intently. The medallion inside did hold the University seal, but the identification card was stained and hard to read. He could kind of make out the words ‘Doctor Hum—‘ but that was it.

     Axel looked up at him, “Your a doctor? I can’t make out your name.”

     “Oh you don’t have to call me Doctor, but if you must insist on my name it is Victor Humble. Doctor Humble but please just refer to me as Chaperone. That is after all what I am.” 

     “A chaperone for what?” 

     Doctor Humble couldn’t contain his smile, “For all you lonely young men. I am here to show you how to find the happiness you truly seek. To finally fill that void in your heart.”

     Axel tossed the wallet back to him and crossed his arms over his thick chest. His shoulders bulged as he held himself, “And just what exactly can you teach me to…solve my loneliness?”

     “Young man,” The Chaperone took two steps forward then reached his arm forward to pat him on the shoulder, “What I have found is that everyone knows their lives are hallow. Their expressionless faces beg for attention, submission, and affection. They just no longer know how to find them, or better yet how to break through the culture that has stolen their hearts and then to re-discover the joy of true love. To capture a stubborn woman’s heart and show them how to undue their chains all you have to do…is break them. Break their chains, and mould their hearts.” 

     Axel felt a shiver down his spine, “What are you talking about?” 

     “Why don’t you follow me, let me show you.” The Chaperone said.

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