Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 105

Tony, who was sitting on top of his company building, was monitoring Pepper through the cameras.

Upon seeing Obadiah saying those things to Pepper, he couldn't help but mock.

"My Pepper would never betray me," Tony murmured, smiling slightly.

"Sir, there has been an attack at home, the systems have been disabled," Jarvis said.

"Damn it," Tony muttered, standing up.

Just as he was about to take off, he couldn't help but pause as he looked at Pepper and the smile on Obadiah's face.

Tony couldn't help but wonder if it was a trap to lure him back so they could kidnap Pepper.

"Damn," Tony murmured, standing and watching as Pepper talked to Obadiah.

"Sir, they have entered the garage and are making a mess while searching for something, most likely they are looking for a reactor," Jarvis said.

"They won't find anything, the reactor I brought from the cave was disposed of," Tony said, shaking his head.

"Sir... You left it in the trash bin," Jarvis said.

"But," Tony said before being interrupted by Jarvis.

"Sir, you no longer allow anyone to go down to the garage to prevent them from discovering what you're working on," Jarvis said.

"Oh, right," Tony said, ironically smiling.

"Well, I don't think they'll be looking for something like that in the trash," Tony shrugged.

"They found it," Jarvis said.

"Damn it, where did Obadiah get those people?" Tony said, annoyed.

At that moment, Pepper had finished talking to Obadiah and had left with Happy.

So Tony flew straight home, and within minutes, he had arrived.

There was a whole convoy of cars and motorcycles with many men in black taking things out of his house.

They were even taking DUM-E out.

Without saying a word, Tony began to destroy the cars and shoot repulsor blasts at the people carrying his belongings.

When Tony started attacking them, the men quickly reacted, taking out weapons from their cars before aiming at him.

Tony recognized the type of weapon it was, but it puzzled him because he hadn't created that weapon.

The men shot at him, and a large metal net spread out before wrapping around him.

Soon, more people shot several nets, hindering his movement and barely keeping him in the air.

"Quick, take the blue thing to the boss, we can handle the rest after neutralizing him," the leader of the men in black said.

One of the men nodded before grabbing a sealed metal box and getting into a car, driving away at high speed.

"Damn it," Tony muttered, trying to free himself from the nets. The sound of metal crunching could be heard, but he still couldn't break free.

"Jarvis, fire the chest reactor at maximum power," Tony said.

The armor fired a beam of energy that instantly disintegrated the metal around him, causing the net to loosen a bit.

Tony quickly freed one arm before starting to tear the nets apart slowly. The men below continued to shoot at him with no effect.

Tony finally broke free from the net before starting to shoot at all the vehicles.

Tony flew erratically as he neutralized all the men.

This time, he was extra careful because they seemed to know about his armor and had come prepared.

In a few minutes, Tony had neutralized all the enemies. He looked at them not knowing what to do; he couldn't trust his company for now.

At that moment, he received a call from Pepper, so Tony quickly answered.

"Hello? Tony?" Pepper asked quickly.

"Hi, where are you?" Tony asked hastily.

"I'm with a SHIELD agent, we're on our way to arrest Obadiah, Tony, he sent you to be killed. You only survived because they didn't know who you were," Pepper said.

"What? No! Pepper, get out of there," Tony said urgently. Pepper wasn't supposed to arrest Obadiah, especially now that he has a reactor, even if it's an old one.

"What's wrong, Tony?" Pepper asked, hearing the urgency in Tony's voice.

"Obadiah has highly advanced armor, it lacks a power source, and he just stole it from my house. It's likely that the person carrying it has already arrived. You absolutely can't get close to him," Tony quickly explained.

"Armor?" Pepper asked unconsciously, recalling the files she saw on the computer.

"Tony, I'm already in Sector 16, where Obadiah has the armor. I'm with some SHIELD agents. We must not let him activate it; he's coming after you, Tony," Pepper said.

"Don't worry, just get out of there," Tony said, annoyed, as he started flying towards Stark Industries.

Pepper quickly swiped her card and granted access to the SHIELD agents.

"Be careful, Tony says he has highly advanced armor," Pepper said with concern to Agent Phil.

"Don't worry, Miss Potts, we'll be careful," Phil nodded seriously before entering the area where they believed Obadiah was.


A few minutes before Pepper and Phil arrived at Sector 16, Obadiah was looking in awe at the arc reactor in his hand.

"What about the rest of the things?" Obadiah asked the man.

"They're fighting against Stark, his armor is quite difficult to deal with," the man said.

"Good, go back," Obadiah said, not taking his eyes off the reactor.

"Yes, sir," the man said, nodding before leaving.

Obadiah took the reactor and placed it in the slot of his armor. With a twist of the reactor, a click sound was heard before the armor activated.

Obadiah couldn't help but smile slightly; now he just had to defeat Tony, and it would all be over.

Suddenly, he heard a small explosion at the door, so he quickly opened his armor and went inside.

It would be a good warm-up before Tony arrived.

Obadiah saw several agents entering, so with a slight smile, he advanced toward them without hiding.

The bullets bounced harmlessly off him before he struck them with his giant robotic hands.

In the distance, he saw Pepper running out, so with a smile, he began to chase her, knocking down the agents in his path.

Just as he was about to catch Pepper, he crashed into the reinforced door frame, allowing Pepper to escape.

After hitting the frame several times, it finally collapsed, allowing him to pass.

Obadiah caught up with Pepper and spoke to her.

"Pepper, you should have accepted being the CEO of the company while you could," Obadiah said, pointing at her.

Pepper slowly turned around, looking in fear at the giant robot aiming at her.

"Now your services are no longer required," Obadiah said.


Tony flew at full speed towards Stark Industries. From a distance, he saw Pepper running away in panic.

His heart skipped a beat at the sight, but fortunately, he was already close.

"Stane!" Tony shouted, not calling him by his nickname.

The giant robot paused before looking up.

Tony collided violently with Obadiah, causing both of them to roll several meters and fall onto a highway.

Obadiah got up and lifted a car over his head.

"Leave innocent people out of this," Tony said, looking at the people screaming inside the car.

"They are just collateral damage, Tony," Obadiah said.

"Jarvis, give me a big one," Tony said, channeling energy into his chest and sending Obadiah flying.

Tony easily caught the car before placing it on the ground and approaching Obadiah.

"Sir, energy levels are below 50%. I advise against using such attacks if you intend to prolong the fight," Jarvis said.

"Don't worry, he has an outdated reactor. I'm curious to see how long his armor will keep running," Tony said confidently.

Tony flew towards Obadiah and struck his helmet.

His blow had little effect and only left him in a bad position.

Obadiah took advantage of the situation, grabbed Tony with his hands, and slammed him onto the ground.

"For 30 years, I have supported you and tolerated your whims," Obadiah said, stepping on Tony's armor.

"Please, have you ever created any of the weapons we sold?" Tony asked, coughing from the impact.

Obadiah angrily struck the ground near Tony upon hearing his words but missed.

Tony activated his thrusters and escaped, now floating in front of Obadiah.

"Hmph, I built this company from nothing," Obadiah said furiously.

"You're a fool. You've only been living in the shadow of my father's legacy and mine for years. Just look at your helmet, you couldn't even change the design. You were just a parasite, taking advantage of the Stark name," Tony mocked.

"That's why you didn't dare kill me in 30 years. Without me, you're nothing," Tony said before unleashing repulsor blasts at Obadiah.

Obadiah put his hands up, blocking the energy blasts sent by Tony.

Obadiah started picking up cars and throwing them at Tony, who was flying just a few meters above him.

Seeing this, Tony ascended higher before continuing to fire at him.

Obadiah couldn't help but curse Tony, thinking he was a cheater.

Finally, Obadiah ignited the thrusters of his own armor and launched himself, albeit at a slower speed, toward Tony.

Tony was surprised to see that this massive piece of metal could fly, but he just smiled slightly as he matched Obadiah's speed.

Both of them quickly ascended until they reached an altitude of over 10,000 meters, with the city below appearing as a cluster of lights.

Exhausted from chasing Tony, Obadiah increased the power and had a brief boost, managing to catch Tony.

"My armor is superior in every way, Tony," Obadiah said arrogantly.

"That's debatable," Tony said, smiling faintly inside his helmet.

"By the way, how much energy do you have left?" Tony asked curiously.

"Energy?" Obadiah asked. At that moment, the lights on his helmet went out, and his armor began to decelerate before plummeting.

"Well, you see, that reactor was old and worn out,"

Those were the last words Obadiah heard before he began to fall.

Tony watched as Obadiah fell. He had no intention of saving him; someone like Obadiah couldn't be kept alive if he was your enemy.

If he survived, he would only go to prison and cause endless problems for Tony. After all, Obadiah was a man with many connections and wouldn't rest until one of them was dead.

"I suppose I could give him a little push," Tony said before accelerating towards Obadiah and propelling him towards the ground.

A few hundred meters before hitting the ground, Tony quickly separated from Obadiah, who was falling at an incredible speed.

Tony watched as Obadiah crashed into the ground, creating a large crater. There was a small tremor in the surroundings from the impact.

Tony did not doubt that Obadiah must be dead after falling over Mach 1. Once the dust settled, Tony landed near Obadiah. Fortunately, he had fallen in the parking lot of his company, so no one was injured.

"So, it was you causing all this destruction," a voice suddenly said behind Tony.

Startled, Tony couldn't help but throw a punch at the voice.

Tony was surprised once again to see a blue-haired girl stopping his punch with her hands.

"You brat? What are you doing here?" Tony unconsciously asked.

"Don't call me that," Monica said, annoyed.

"My cousin moved to Texas, and we came to pick up some things we ordered," Monica said as she approached the robot and kicked it lightly to see if it would move.

"That doesn't explain how you stopped my punch as if it was nothing," Tony said, looking at Monica's hands for any bruises.

"I'm very strong," Monica said, smiling at Tony.

"Do you want help with this thing? There will probably be a lot of people here soon. Your fight wasn't exactly a secret," Monica said.

"Can you?" Tony asked, looking at her with doubt.

"Of course," Monica said, nodding before effortlessly lifting the suit and holding it as if it were nothing.

Once again, Tony was speechless. While he could also lift that suit, it definitely wouldn't be as easy for him.

"Where do you want to take it?" Monica asked.

"Follow me," Tony said as he began to fly towards one of the warehouses.

Monica also floated and easily followed him.

They both arrived at a warehouse where Tony entered a password and opened some metal doors.

"You can leave it here. Later, I have to open the armor to retrieve the body," Tony said, sighing.

"What if the fall turned him into mush?" Monica jokingly asked while looking at Tony.

Tony made a disgusted face as he wondered if he should just destroy the suit.

"Tell me, are you good at fighting?" Tony asked, looking at her as if assessing her.

"At least better than you," Monica said.

"Do you want a job? I'll pay you $10,000 per lesson," Tony said.

"I'll give you $10,000 for every punch I land on your face," Monica said, looking at him disdainfully.

"Will you ask Daddy for the money?" Tony taunted.

"That's none of your business," Monica said, scoffing.

"I'll set up a gym at home. Come in a few days to teach me," Tony said, nodding.

"Fine," Monica said.

"I'll be back. I don't want to be seen involved in this. My life is interesting enough," Monica said before disappearing from Tony's sight with her incredible speed.

"What a crazy family," Tony said to himself before calling Pepper and telling her to come back home.

Tony flew away and returned to his house. He leaned against the sofa and let out a sigh.

He had killed someone for the first time, and that person was someone he thought was close to him.

It was easy to do without even looking. He just let the armor drop.

At that moment, Tony heard the door of his house open. Looking up, he saw Pepper enter and look at him with surprise and understanding.

"I suspected it was you using that flashy red armor," Pepper said, smiling slightly as she approached Tony.

"What happened to Obadiah?" Pepper asked with some hesitation.

Tony remained silent for a moment before removing his helmet and looking at Pepper.

"I killed him," Tony said, looking Pepper in the eyes.

"I understand," Pepper said, sighing. She would be lying if she said it didn't make her uncomfortable, but in those kinds of fights, they probably couldn't hold back.

"It's okay. Now, it's just you and me," Tony said, carefully taking Pepper's hand and looking at her with a smile.


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