Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 106

Monica quickly returned home after meeting with Tony.

The next day, Monica would accompany Jane to her home in Texas with all the furniture they bought.

Then she would fulfill her agreement with Tony and be free to start her project of exploring the sea, becoming a monster hunter.

She had spent some time researching everything relevant to her quest.

"What was it?" Jane asked Monica as she saw her arrive.

"Just a robot fight," Monica said, laughing.

Jane looked at Monica confused.

"You'll probably see the news footage tomorrow."

"Hm," Jane nodded.

"I'll go to sleep, do you want to sleep with me?" Jane asked.

"Sure, after all, we'll be apart for a while," Monica said, nodding with a smile.

"Yes, you have to remember to send me pictures," Jane said, smiling as she walked with Monica to her room.

"Of course," Monica said, smiling.

The two quickly lay down and fell asleep.


The next morning, Damian woke up before going downstairs to watch the news about what happened the day before.

Although he hadn't been present, he had seen the events through satellites.

Sophia was already sitting, watching the news that reported the events and multiple recordings made by people.

"Good morning," Sophia greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning," Damian said, smiling before sitting next to her.

"How unusual," Sophia said, looking at the news.

"Yes, the world will make a fuss about the appearance of something like that," Damian agreed.

Suddenly, the iconic scene arrived where Tony fell silent before saying, "I am Iron Man."

"What an idiot," Sophia said speechlessly.

Damian just laughed upon hearing Sophia's comment.

"Now he'll have to deal with the pressure," Sophia said, shaking her head.

"I think he thought it through. After all, I'm partly the owner of the armor as a shareholder of Stark Industries," Damian said.

"Hm, that's true," Sophia said.

At that moment, Damian received a message on his phone. Taking it out of his pocket, he saw it was a message from the scientist, informing him that Monica's submarine was ready and inviting him to come to see it. The scientist also wanted to discuss Tony's armor matters.

Damian casually replied that he would go in a while.

At that moment, his three daughters came downstairs accompanied by their mothers. They smiled upon seeing him and ran towards him.

"How are my girls?" Damian asked, smiling as he lifted them onto his lap.

"We're good," Alice said with a smile.

"Do you want to take a space walk?" Damian asked them with a smile.

"Outside of Earth?" Emma asked, looking at Damian.

"Yes," Damian said, smiling.

"I want to go," Emma said, her eyes shining.

"I want to wear a spacesuit," Alice said excitedly.

"I don't think we'll need them," Ivy laughed.

"We'll go out in the afternoon. How about having breakfast?" Damian said, looking at his daughters.

"Yes, I'm hungry," Alice nodded.

"Great, let's go then," Damian said, picking up his three daughters in his arms as he glanced at Carol, Ana, and Ophelia, who were conversing a little further back.

"Are you coming?" Damian asked Sophia.

"Sure," Sophia said, smiling. She had been observing Damian's interaction with his daughters and thought to herself, "He's truly a good father."

Damian took his daughters to the dining room, and breakfast was quickly served.

"Where are we going?" Carol asked, looking at Damian.

"Knowhere," Damian said.

"That place?" Carol nodded.

"We'll go in the afternoon. I have to go to Madripoor to take care of some matters first," Damian said as he fed Ivy.

Everyone ate while they chatted. Sophia also mentioned Tony and his armor, which led to a comparison between the Madripoor armor and Tony's.

After a few minutes, Damian finished eating and was engrossed in conversation with his daughters when he received a message on his phone.

Damian looked at the phone and saw that it was Tony boasting about being a superhero.

"And what's your superpower?" Damian asked, typing.

"Being the smartest in the universe," Tony arrogantly wrote.

"Your armor is still not up to par," Damian mocked.

"You've only seen a small part of my genius," Tony wrote with a mocking emoji.

"Just wait for the chaos that will ensue with people going after your armor, Mr. Genius," Damian wrote, mocking, before putting away his phone.

"Girls, I'll be back later. I have some things to take care of," Damian said to everyone as he stood up.

"Remember, when I come back, we'll go out. Be ready," Damian said, smiling before kissing his daughters.

"Hm, we'll be ready," Ana nodded.

Damian nodded before disappearing and reappearing in the underground laboratory in Madripoor.

Damian walked toward where he sensed the scientist's location and greeted him.

"My lord, you've finally come," the scientist said excitedly.

"What do you have for me?" Damian asked, nodding.

"The submarine for the princess is ready. I've already contacted her, and she should be arriving soon," the scientist said.

"Let's go see it first," Damian said, nodding.

The scientist led him to a somewhat remote area where there was a large pond with a kind of submarine floating in the middle.

It had the shape of a manta ray and seemed to have a big mouth at the front, but it was just the cockpit where the pilot would sit.

It was all gray with some black edges around the mouth.

"It's beautiful," Damian said, nodding in approval.

At that moment, Damian detected someone approaching rapidly. He gave a slight smile as he felt it was his daughter, surely excited to see her submarine.

Monica stopped at the edge of the pond and looked at her submarine. She nodded in approval when she saw it.

"Do you like it, sweetheart?" Damian asked, smiling.

"Yes, it's awesome! Thank you, Dad," Monica said happily as she hugged Damian and kissed him on the cheek.

The scientist watched the scene speechlessly. He was the one who had stayed up late designing the submarine.

"The manual is inside the submarine, and it has enough provisions for a month," the scientist said.

"When do you want to leave?" Damian asked.

"I'll leave in a month," Monica said. Despite her excitement, she had promised Tony to give him combat lessons. Plus, she also wanted to punch him.

"Whatever you want, sweetheart," Damian said, nodding with a smile.

"What will you do now?" Monica asked curiously.

"We're going to space. Do you want to come?" Damian asked.

"Hm, I'll pass. I want to explore everything when the time is right," Monica declined.

"I want to change our ships. I don't want everyone to think we're from the Kree Empire," Damian suddenly said.

"That's a bit difficult and would take a long time," the scientist hesitated.

"Don't worry, I already have a plan," Damian said.

"Can I see it?" Monica asked, interested.

"Sure," Damian said, smiling at his daughter.

"Cough... I'd also like to see it," the scientist said timidly.

"Sure," Damian nodded.

"Where are the ships?" Damian asked.

"All three are floating above Madripoor," the scientist said.

"Good," Damian said, nodding before making the three of them appear in space at a distance from the three ships.

"It's time to make some modifications. They're too gloomy," Damian said, shaking his head.

Damian appeared in front of one of the ships and reached out to touch it. He began scanning the entire ship, from the control center to the cabins.

The ship was truly enormous and had a slightly thin rectangular shape. Damian estimated it to be about 800 meters wide.

Damian scanned every part of the ship before returning to Monica and the scientist.

"The following might take a while. Make sure the ships are empty," Damian said before making them appear in the underground laboratory.

Damian quickly accessed his AI and began transferring the data about the ships and what he wanted it to do.

"It will take 43 minutes," the AI said after a brief analysis.

"Good," Damian said, nodding as he waited.

Damian wanted to change the ships because he didn't want to be mistaken for a Kree. He also wanted his ships to be recognized in the universe after what he was going to do.

43 minutes quickly passed, and the AI delivered detailed information about the ship.

Damian was going to do something big this time; he was going to transmute the entire ship, giving it a new appearance and form while keeping all its components.

On the inside, it would be the same ship, but with a different arrangement and design.

With the desired information, Damian quickly appeared in front of one of the ships, touching it with his hand while activating his magic circles.

Damian began transmuting the large ship, changing the order of everything. The ship started taking the shape of a gray arrow with a tower at the back.

With the form of an arrow, the ship reached a length of about a thousand meters.

Damian stepped back and looked at the ship with satisfaction. This universe had never seen this type of ship before.

Damian glanced at the other two ships before approaching them and making the same modification.

The three ships looked truly imposing as they floated in space.

Damian appeared in the underground laboratory once again, searching for Monica and the scientist. He found them in Monica's submarine, with the scientist showing her the functions it had.

"It's ready. Do you want to see?" Damian asked, looking at them.

"Sure," Monica nodded, showing curiosity.

The scientist also approached Damian, eager to be shown.

Damian made the three of them appear at a distance from the ships.

"Wow, they look great, quite elite," Monica said.

"They look intimidating. What are they called?" the scientist asked, amazed once again by the abilities of their king. Did he even need them?

"Stellar Destroyers," Damian casually replied.

"Can you make them return to the ships? I'll send you the information about the new ship layout," Damian said, sending the information.

The scientist nodded and sent a message on his tablet. A few minutes later, thousands of ships began entering the cruisers.

"We'll depart in two hours. Let them get used to the new ships," Damian said before taking them back to the underground laboratory.

"I'll stay to continue exploring my submarine," Monica said, approaching Damian and kissing him on the cheek.

"Alright, see you later," Damian said, nodding with a smile before disappearing.

Damian appeared at the entrance of his house, just as his daughters were coming down the stairs with three small suitcases.

Damian smiled as he watched them descend; they looked adorable doing anything.

"Daddy!" the three girls shouted, running towards him to hug him.

"Are you all ready?" Damian asked before kissing each of them on the cheek.

"Yes, I brought my water gun. If any aliens misbehave, I'll soak them," Alice said, making a threatening face.

Damian chuckled lightly at her remark.

"Where are their mothers?" Damian asked.

"They're upstairs. We came down first. Emma said you would come," Ivy said with a smile, already accustomed to Emma's inexplicable knowledge. Emma always seemed to see things that would happen in the future, although for now, they were only things that would happen on the same day.

Ana claimed she inherited it from Damian, who always seemed to know everything that would happen. But Damian thought she inherited it from Ana, who always seemed to have a sixth sense regarding him.

"Daddy, is Sassy coming with us?" Alice asked.

"Sweetheart, space is not a good place for a tiger," Damian said, smiling ironically.

At that moment, the rest of the family came downstairs with small suitcases; after all, they would be away for a few days.

"Is everything ready?" Damian asked.

"Yes," Carol nodded with a smile.

"Alright, then let's go," Damian said before making everyone appear in Madripoor in front of a ship.

"We're going in this?" Carol asked, confused.

"This is just to take us to the new ship," Damian said, smiling.

"Why didn't we appear directly on that ship?" Sophia asked, perplexed.

"So you can have a good look at it," Damian replied.

The three little girls ran up with their suitcases, exploring the small ship as they went.

"I'm excited to see these new ships," Carol said with a smile. She clearly knew all types of Kree ships, and the three Damian took from Ronan were not unfamiliar to her.

"Get on board, we have a journey to make," Damian said, smiling.

"Who will stay and take care of everything?" Ophelia asked, looking at Damian.

"Hmm, no one?" Damian said awkwardly.

"No one dares to attack us, and besides, I can get there in an instant," Damian said, shaking his head.

"If you say so," Ophelia shrugged before boarding the ship and sitting next to the girls.

Finally, everyone boarded, and the ship took off.

The girls looked out the window as they saw the ground recede and everything becoming smaller.

"We'll see the ships soon," Damian said, pointing to the three white dots in the distance.

Everyone looked in that direction and saw three giant arrow-shaped ships. The ships were white with red markings and had a large tower at the back.

"Wow," everyone exclaimed unconsciously.

Carol, in particular, was amazed because she had never seen that type of ship in the universe.

"How did you change our ships?" Carol asked in astonishment.

"I transformed them. On the inside, they're the same; I just changed the order, shape, and color of the ships," Damian said.

"It's like what you did with the pool?" Natasha asked.

"Something like that," Damian nodded.

"They look awesome," Alice said, gazing at the ship with stars in her eyes.

Her two sisters nodded in agreement.

The ship quickly approached and passed through a blue energy barrier before landing.

As soon as the doors opened, the three girls immediately ran out, looking around with curiosity.

When Damian descended from the ship with the rest of the group, he saw them touching the blue barrier with curiosity.

Damian approached them with a smile.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Damian said, looking at Earth.

"Yes, but it looks a bit small," Ivy said, raising her hand and aligning it with Earth to make it seem like it fit in her palm.

Ivy couldn't help but smile as she looked at the small Earth in her hand.

"Let's go to the bridge; it's time to leave," Damian said, smiling at them.

The three little ones nodded before following him.

The whole family walked until they reached the bridge where the scientist was.

"My lord, we're ready to depart. Knowhere is on the edge of the galaxy, so we'll make a couple of jumps before we arrive," the scientist said.

"Very well, proceed," Damian nodded as he looked around.

His family was observing everything with curiosity.

Especially Sophia, Ophelia, and Natasha, who had never left Earth before.

Soon, the three ships activated the jump and disappeared through rectangles.


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