Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 107

Frank was in the small gym of his house with his children.

Since he had realized the magnitude of this world, he decided to start training his children. Of course, it wasn't as arduous as what he went through; he just wanted them to learn how to defend themselves and get accustomed to it for now.

Unexpectedly, his two children had shown a lot of interest in training after seeing how strong he had become despite their young age.

While he was with his children, he suddenly received a phone call.

After listening to everything, he simply said, "I understand," before hanging up the call.

Frank looked at his children, who were running around, showing a slight smile before gesturing for them to stop.

"Kids, I have to go to work. You worked hard today," Frank said, smiling at them as he congratulated them.

"It was fun," Frank's son said with a big smile, wanting to be as strong as his father.

His daughter also smiled happily upon hearing her father's praise.

"Go take a bath," Frank said, smiling as he gently ruffled his hair.

The children laughed before nodding and leaving the room.

Frank became more serious as he changed his clothes and went to find his wife.

"Are you leaving?" Maria asked, looking at Frank.

"Yes, I won't be back for a few days," Frank said, hesitating as he looked at his wife.

"Why?" Maria asked with some concern. It's not usual for him to be gone for several days.

Frank looked at his wife before sighing and telling her the truth. He didn't want her to worry while he was away, but he definitely didn't want to lie to her.

"We have a mission in space. It seems we'll be going quite far," Frank said, almost unable to hide a slight smile as he saw his wife's adorable face fill with surprise.

"Space?" Maria unconsciously asked. Although she knew her country had advanced technology, she didn't think interstellar travel was possible.

"Yes, I have to go. Take care while I'm away, and don't worry, it's only for a few days," Frank said, kissing his wife as he embraced her.

"You take care," Maria said, embracing Frank with concern.

"And remember to take photos and bring me something," Maria added after a brief pause.

Frank couldn't help but be speechless upon hearing her.

"See you," Frank said, kissing his wife one last time before leaving his house.

Maria waved goodbye and watched his back until he disappeared from her sight.

Frank quickly arrived at the underground base and met up with his comrades. He noticed that the suits were not in their place.

"Hey, Frank, do you know what we're doing?" Laura asked when she saw him. Everyone was puzzled by the absence of the suits.

"If they didn't tell you, there's a reason," Frank said without revealing what he knew.

At that moment, the scientist in charge of the project arrived and approached them.

"We have a new mission. We're missing one final component to create more armor, and we're going to retrieve it," the scientist said.

"We'll be gone for a few days. You have 15 minutes to say goodbye and be at the camp to depart."

"Yes, sir," everyone said solemnly before going to prepare.

In 10 minutes, everyone was on the ship, ready to depart.

The scientist also boarded and gave the signal for the ship to take off.

The ship quickly ascended and left Earth.

The soldiers were already somewhat accustomed to the sight.

One of the soldiers who was looking ahead couldn't help but be surprised before nudging his companion and pointing in the distance. His companion couldn't help but gasp softly as he looked at the three imposing ships in the distance.

In the silent ship, everyone heard it, so they also looked in that direction before being amazed.

"Are those ours?" one of the soldiers asked.

"Yes, they have been modified by our king," the scientist said.

"We'll make a trip to a corner of the galaxy where we'll find the materials," the scientist said, smiling slightly as he saw their astonished faces.

"Our king will also join us, so don't be surprised to see three little girls running around," the scientist said.

Everyone nodded, feeling curious about the three little princesses. Would they be little monsters like their parents?


"My lord, we can't make any more jumps to reach Knowhere. It will take us three hours to get there," the scientist said after the three ships made one final jump.

"Very well, inform me when we're close," Damian said, nodding as he headed toward where he could sense his daughters. He wanted to see what mischief they were up to.

Damian left the control room and slowly walked through the ship as he made his way to his daughters.

After many turns, he finally arrived at the hangar where his three daughters were on a combat fighter, with several frightened soldiers around them.

At that moment, a woman with black hair approached them and started talking to them.

"Hello, girls," the woman said with a smile.

"Hi," Alice greeted, looking at her with uncertainty.

"Girls, you can't get on the ships. It's dangerous," the woman said patiently.

"Why?" Ivy asked.

"These ships are for combat, and if you press something by mistake, you can hurt someone or even hurt yourselves," the woman said.

"How about you play somewhere else?" the woman kindly suggested.

"Okay," the girls said, not caring too much.

"Do you want to play with us?" Alice asked with a smile.

"I don't think I can. I have to work," the woman said with a smile.

"What's your name?" Ivy asked curiously.

"My name is Laura," she said with a smile.

"What mischief were you doing?" Damian asked as he approached them at that moment.

"We were looking at the ship. Mom told us that she's really good at piloting," Alice said, smiling as she saw her father nearby.

Laura was a bit shy in front of Damian but tried to maintain a neutral expression. She didn't know if she was supposed to do some kind of greeting. Besides, Damian is the type of man she likes, confident and with an imposing presence without trying.

"That's fine, sweetheart. If you want, later we can go and fly in the ship for a while," Damian said, stroking Alice's head.

"Thank you, Laura," Damian said, nodding and smiling at Laura.

"It's nothing," she said, nodding while thinking to herself that he knows her name.

"Dad, can we play with her?" Ivy asked as she looked Laura up and down.

"You can ask her, and if she wants, of course, you can play," Damian said, chuckling lightly.

The three girls looked at Laura adorably.

"I guess I could accompany them for a while," Laura said, nodding without caring. They didn't really have anything to do until they reached their destination.

Besides, she was genuinely curious about Damian's daughters. Her first impression was that they were too adorable.

"Well, take care of them for me," Damian said, nodding with a smile.

"We could go and check out the weapons on the ship," Alice said with a smile, glancing at her father. Seeing that he didn't seem to mind, she grinned before taking Laura's hand and dragging her towards the place.

Ivy and Emma chuckled softly as they ran after their sister.

Laura, who was being dragged, couldn't help but be surprised. Alice's strength was not something a small body should possess.

Damian chuckled softly as he watched them before disappearing and reappearing next to Carol and Ana.

"Where are the others?" Damian asked, confused.

"Ophelia and Natasha are testing the spaceships," Carol said, not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Hm, the girls wanted to get on a spaceship too," Damian said, laughing slightly as he sat down next to Ana, who was focused on the screen.

Both of them were playing on the console. For Carol, space was nothing new, so she simply spent her time in the room. Since Ana wasn't that interested either, she decided to keep her company.

Damian, seeing that there was nothing to do, simply rested his head on Ana's lap and closed his eyes to sleep.

Ana couldn't help but be distracted by Damian's face. She wanted to touch his hair but didn't want to lose the game.


Alice, Emma, and Ivy arrived with Laura where the ship's weapons were. Usually, they operated in automatic mode, but they also had a manual mode.

The three girls quickly sat in the seats with excitement and began moving the lever that controlled the weapons.

The system was quite intuitive, so they quickly figured out how to operate the weapon and started test firing.

The girls watched with excitement as the weapon fired on the screen.

"Can't we get close to something to shoot at?" Ivy asked. It wasn't as fun without a target.

"We would have to get closer to some asteroids," Laura said, smiling ironically as she saw them happily shooting away.

"Can you make the ship do that?" Alice asked excitedly.

"I'm afraid I don't have that authority," Laura said, shaking her head.

"We should ask Daddy," Emma said.

"You can also talk to the scientist; he could slightly change the direction if you ask him," Laura suggested.

"Where is he?" Alice asked with a cute smile.

"I'll call him," Laura said, smiling ironically. She was sure she would get scolded again.

Laura activated her communicator, and it rang a few times before the other side answered.

"Laura? Is something wrong?" the scientist asked.

"Yes, the three princesses want us to pass by some asteroids so they can shoot at them," Laura said.

"So, they've been shooting, huh? Alright, we'll pass by some asteroids. You should have let me know before they started shooting; they gave us all a good scare here. Make sure to take care of the princesses," the scientist said before ending the call.

"It's done. We'll pass by some asteroids, so be ready to shoot," Laura said, smiling at the three girls.

The four people in the room waited for a few minutes until they saw a small field of asteroids in the distance, gradually getting larger.

The ship decelerated noticeably to avoid passing by them too quickly.

The three girls grinned widely before starting to shoot. Initially, they missed everything and didn't hit any asteroids since the distance was still quite large.

Laura, seeing their struggles, joined in and started firing with a much higher accuracy rate.

With proximity and experience, they began hitting their shots, causing the asteroids to explode.

The three little girls had fun shooting until the ship left the meteoroids behind and accelerated again.

"What can we do now?" Ivy asked to herself.

"How about playing as the captains of the ship?" Alice suggested, excited as if she had come up with a great idea.

"Let's do it. There's not much time left until we arrive," Emma agreed, nodding.

Alice and Ivy chuckled softly upon hearing their sister. They were already used to her knowing things.

"Let's go," Alice said, looking at Laura, who had a mischievous smile as she sent messages to the scientist, reveling in the headache he would have.

Laura happily led them to the control center at the top of the tower. Once there, she would only watch over the little ones from the side, and the scientist would have to make sure they didn't touch anything they shouldn't.

The four of them walked before taking the elevator and reaching the control center.

The scientist was already waiting for them, looking somewhat helpless.

The three girls smiled playfully at him as they began curiously inspecting their surroundings.

The scientist followed them bitterly, explaining the things they shouldn't touch.

After nearly an hour of the scientist keeping a close eye on the little princesses, they were finally about to arrive.

In the distance, a small black dot could be seen.

Realizing they would arrive in a few minutes, the scientist sent an alert for everyone on the ship to be ready for any situation. He then took out his phone to send a message to his king.

But just as he was about to send it, he couldn't help but look at the little princesses who were playing with the ship's controls.

"Princesses, we're almost there. How about you go inform your father?" the scientist suggested with a smile.

The girls thought for a moment, looked at each other, and nodded. They got off the chair they shared before running off.

Laura, seeing the girls quickly leaving, followed them.

Alice and Ivy simply followed Emma, who seemed like a GPS and knew exactly where their daddy was.


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