Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 129

"Be honest, how long have you been here?" Jane asked, suspiciously looking at Monica.

"Just a few minutes," Monica replied, grinning unabashedly.

"You could have helped them," Jane said, referring to Thor's friends.

"So quickly concerned about his friends? What a good girl you are, Jane," Monica said, embracing Jane.

"It's not like that," Jane said, a little embarrassed.

"Don't lie, I can recognize that kind of thing at a glance," Monica boasted.

"You haven't even had a boyfriend; I bet you haven't touched another man besides Damian unless it's to hit him," Jane mocked.

"That has nothing to do with you," Monica said, avoiding her gaze.

"And do you like him?" Monica asked, turning her gaze back to Jane.

"I'm not sure, I think I like him a bit. I have to admit that the fact he was willing to sacrifice his life for me moved me."

"How cliché," Monica said, teasing.

"Thinking about it logically, he would make a good partner. He's attentive, kind, and handsome," Jane said, looking at Monica.

"Well, a god is barely acceptable to my dear Jane," Monica said, laughing and joking as she hugged her.

Their conversation was interrupted by a loud collision that generated a strong gust of wind.

Thor had struck the Destroyer in the chest, sending it flying through several houses.

Thor quickly flew toward the Destroyer only to be punched in the face, sending him crashing into several houses.

The Destroyer looked at Thor from a distance and waited.

Loki wasn't very experienced using it, and he would definitely lose control if he tried to do too much at once.

Thor looked at the Destroyer, which seemed to be waiting for him. With doubt, he threw his hammer in another direction and controlled it to strike the Destroyer from behind, hitting it in the head and sending it to the ground.

Thor ran toward the Destroyer as his hammer flew toward him. Once in his hand, he repeatedly struck the Destroyer at high speeds.

Loki was fully focused on trying to dodge the hammers, but they were too fast and the armour was not designed to be remotely controlled, and even at that he had little experience compared to Odin.

Thor repeatedly struck the armor, causing it to fall to the ground. Thor charged his hammer with lightning before leaping and smashing the head of the Destroyer, deforming it.

Loki stood up and cursed like a gamer who had lost internet connection. He could no longer control the Destroyer.

Thor returned to Jane with a triumphant smile, almost seeking praise.

"Could you have fought a little less destructively?" Jane asked, ironically smiling at the nearly ruined village.

Thor almost felt as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown at him before looking back and seeing that many houses were completely destroyed, with some even on fire.

"Don't worry, I'll donate some money for the reconstruction," Monica said with a smile as she patted Jane's back.

Thor finally fixed his gaze on the blue-haired woman and felt something strange as he looked at her.

"I'm like Jane's sister, Monica," she said, introducing herself as she extended her hand.

"I'm Thor, nice to meet you," said, shaking her hand cordially.

"Hm," Monica nodded amiably.

Jane approached Thor, touching his arms covered by the scale armor, feeling his cape, and running her fingers over his hammer curiously.

"Oh Jane, you pervert, touching his hammer," Monica said, pretending to be embarrassed.

"Don't say weird things, pervert," Jane said, raising her voice with her cheeks reddening. She was just curious about the clothing that had appeared out of nowhere on his body.

Thor put on an uncomfortable expression, not knowing what to say. He finally coughed and looked around for his friends.

At that moment, he saw his friends limping toward them, supporting each other. With concern, he quickly approached them before helping them sit in a clean spot.

"I have to go, Jane, but I'll be back soon to chat," Thor said, smiling kindly at Jane before hugging her.

Jane hugged Thor with a slight smile before letting go.

"Heimdall," Thor said, raising his hammer after reuniting with his friends.

To Thor's surprise, the Bifrost didn't open, which created a somewhat awkward scene.

"It seems we're stranded," Fandral sighed.

"Heimdall!" Thor shouted, trying to make his voice reach him.

After a few seconds, a rainbow-colored tornado formed, sweeping them all away.

In their final moments, Thor and Jane shared a look before disappearing.

"And he's gone," Monica said, looking up.

Erik and Darcy approached them as they continued to gaze at the sky.

"Will I get extra credits for this?" Darcy asked Jane.

"Da-Damian told you to come?" Jane asked, pretending she hadn't said anything wrong. It was very strange that Monica had arrived just at that moment, even though the day before she had said she didn't know when she would be back.

"That's right, he told me to come. He said something interesting would happen. He probably detected the Bifrost," Monica said, thinking.

"Did you want him to come?" Monica teased.

"Something like, 'I won't give my daugther to you', and there will be a fight over you?'" Monica laughed.

"How cliché," Jane also laughed, imagining it.

At that moment, the sky filled with multicolored thunders, similar to the Bifrost but in a disorderly manner and with a sense of destruction.

Monica became serious as she looked at the sky; it gave her a dangerous feeling.

"What's happening?" Jane asked, seeing her expression.

"I don't know, it's just that what's in the sky isn't normal," Monica said.

"I hope everything will be okay," Jane said, looking at the sky with mixed feelings.


After Thor and his friends returned to Asgard using the Bifrost, they found Heimdall unconscious next to the activation mechanism.

Thor examined him briefly before looking at his friends.

"Take him to the infirmary," Thor said without stopping as he spun his hammer and flew toward the palace.

Thor flew toward the palace, a sense of nostalgia washing over him as he looked at his kingdom. He almost thought he'd never see it again.

Upon reaching the palace, he quickly inquired about his father from the guards, only to be surprised to learn that Odin had fallen into the Odin Sleep.

Thor furrowed his brow as he walked toward his father's chamber, where he found Loki embracing Frigga while a Frost Giant lay dead on the floor.

"Thor!" Frigga exclaimed in joyful surprise before rushing over to embrace him, causing Loki to lose his smile as jealousy spread across his face.

Thor hugged his mother before letting go and confronting Loki, much to Frigga's confusion.

"This time you've really gone too far, brother," Thor said, frowning, not wanting to mention what Loki had done in front of their mother.

"I just did what I had to do as a king. Now, if you'll excuse me, I still have things to attend to," Loki said before using Gungnir, Odin's weapon, against Thor, unleashing a beam similar to the Destroyer's.

Thor raised his hammer to block the attack before quickly turning and sending his hammer flying towards Loki, sending him crashing into the wall, shattering it and knocking Loki off his feet.

Thor dashed through the hole to reach Loki, but Loki suddenly kicked him from behind, sending him crashing to the ground from the palace's great height.

Loki smiled before pressing Gungnir against Mjolnir, creating an illusion that made Mjolnir believe Thor wasn't calling for it.

"Loki Odinson, you'd better have a good explanation," Frigga said, smiling threatening Loki.

Loki couldn't help but grimace as he looked at his mother and felt a genuine headache coming on.

"Mother, I really need to do this," Loki said, looking seriously at Frigga before lunging through the hole in the wall.

Loki buried Gungnir in the palace wall to slow his fall, then, upon reaching the ground, he saw Thor coughing as he struggled to get up.

Loki took advantage and struck Thor on the head with the other end of Gungnir, rendering him unconscious.

Chuckling to himself, Loki quickly ran toward the Bifrost as fast as he could. He knew that his foolish brother wouldn't be down for long.

Loki quickly reached the Bifrost and used Gungnir to overload the mechanism, directing it toward Jotunheim.

The Bifrost quickly fired a beam into the void, and as it persisted for several seconds, it began to distort space.

Loki watched with a grin as the planet of monsters would soon be destroyed, and he would be Asgard's hero.

"Loki!" Thor shouted as he arrived at the Bifrost's entrance.

"Why are you doing this, brother?" Thor asked, looking at Loki.

"I'll prove to Father that I'm a valuable son. When he wakes, I will have saved his life and ended the war," Loki said, smiling.

"And why did you send the Destroyer after me?" Thor asked.

Loki fell silent as the strong sounds of the Bifrost continued.

"Do you really ask me that? Perhaps you don't remember over a thousand years when I was your shadow. Do you think I enjoy being called the god of mischief? Do you think I like being treated as if I were a mere servant?"

"I didn't ask for any of this, I didn't even want the throne. I just wanted to be your equal, to earn Father's recognition. I was always the least favored son, and now I understand why."

"No matter how hard I tried, the praise and affection were always for you, and what did I get?" Loki said, looking at Thor with red eyes.

"Brother, that's madness," Thor said, looking at Loki with concern.

"Madness?" Loki asked with a strained smile.

"Tell me, what happened to you on Earth that made you so weak? A few days ago, you would have killed all the Frost Giants with your bare hands without blinking," Loki shouted hysterically. If his brother continued to be the arrogant idiot who disregards everything, it would be easier. But now, Thor was looking at him like a brother, unlike before when he treated Loki as a mere servant, someone he could ask anything of.

"Are you telling me it was a woman? If so, when I'm done with this, we can continue with Earth," Loki said, provocatively.

Thor's anger finally flared, and with a roar, he lunged at Loki.

Loki twisted Gungnir to meet Thor, but in the collision, Loki was easily overpowered and sent sprawling.

Quickly kneeing Thor to get him off, Loki rose to his feet and stabbed at Thor with Gungnir.

Thor dodged the attack, sweeping Loki's legs out from under him before striking him with his hammer.

His hammer pierced Gungnir and hit the ground, but a yellow beam struck from the side, causing Thor to crash into the wall.

Thor got up with a furious roar before flying toward Loki at top speed, colliding with and breaking the wall of the Bifrost's control room.

Both fell onto the rainbow bridge and quickly stood up.

Loki no longer engaged Thor in hand-to-hand combat and instead used his illusions to land several blows.

Tired of Loki's tricks, Thor stopped holding back and used his lightning to attack everything around him.

Loki was hit by one of the lightning bolts, receiving a strong electrical shock that knocked him down as he gritted his teeth in pain.

Thor approached Loki and looked at him before placing his hammer on his chest; he didn't have time for his brother, he had to stop the Bifrost.

Loki watched Thor approach the Bifrost with a slight smile; that day he, Loki, would be the hero who ended the war.

"You can't do anything, brother. The Bifrost has already been overloaded. Perhaps even our father couldn't stop it at this point," Loki said, laughing.

Thor gazed at the ray distorting space and the bridge beneath his feet. He hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and extending his hand, causing Mjolnir to come to him.

Loki, who had finally managed to sit down, looked at Thor in bewilderment.

Thor raised his hammer before smashing it against the bridge, creating a crater and causing cracks to spread.

"What are you doing?" asked Loki, astonished.

"Idiot, if you destroy the bridge, you'll never see her again," Loki said.

"Not only that, all the realms will fall into chaos without a means to secure the nine worlds."

Seeing Thor continue to strike the bridge, an expression of desperation appeared on Loki's face before he stood up and turned his hands, summoning a box that seemed to contain blue mist inside.

He quickly shot a freezing wave towards Thor, but at that moment, Thor delivered the final blow, shattering the bridge completely.

The bridge was destroyed, cutting off the power, causing the ray to stop, and triggering a massive explosion that sent both of them flying.

Thor and Loki began to fall into the abyss, where the remnants of the spatial distortion pulled them towards an unknown fate.

Fortunately, at that moment, Odin arrived and grabbed Thor by his leg while Thor held onto Gungnir, which was in Loki's hand.

Odin looked at Loki, who had a complex expression on his face.

"I could have done it, father, to make you proud," Loki shouted at Odin.

Odin only looked at Loki in silence, closing his eyes and sighing.

"I have always been proud of you, my son," Odin said, looking at Loki with a complex expression. Loki truly is like him when he was younger. The decision Loki made is one that Odin himself would have made in the past if necessary.

"And why does it seem otherwise?" Loki said sadly, looking back.

"Brother, don't do it," Thor said, seeing Loki's intention.

Loki looked at his father and brother one last time before letting go. He didn't want to return alone to receive the scorn of the people. They would blame him for the destruction of the Bifrost, even though he wasn't the one who caused it. Once again, Thor would be the hero, and he would be the villain.

It has always been like this

Odin showed a look of sadness upon seeing Loki's decision. He was awakened by the destruction of the bridge and had little strength left, or he could have saved him.

"Loki," Thor whispered as he thought about his interactions with Loki. While he primarily remembered the bad things Loki had done, he also recalled that he hadn't treated Loki as a brother but rather as just another one of his companions.


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