Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 130

Jane and Monica gazed at the sky until the storm ceased.

"It seems it's over, whatever was happening," Monica said, looking thoughtfully at the sky.

"Let's go back," Jane nodded, assuming that Thor had a great battle and didn't expect him to return immediately. He would probably come back the next day or something.

"Sure, tell me how you got involved in all this," Monica said, walking with Jane towards her house.

"I was... you know, searching for those special storms when suddenly I ran into him."

"Originally, I didn't think he was really a god since even a simple needle hurt him," Jane laughed.

"Now that we're back, how about we grab something to drink?" Monica asked, laughing as she draped her arm over Jane's shoulder.

"You mean to get me drunk while you're fine?" Jane said, slapping Monica's hand away.

"Details," Monica grinned.


Damian had already returned home after the little race they had.

The little girls had barely woken up and hadn't noticed his absence.

Upon arriving, they only saw Sophia reading a book while sipping tea.

"Jen really rubbed off that habit on you," Damian chuckled upon seeing her.

"The more you drink it, the more pleasant it seems," Sophia sighed.

"Did you guys go on a date?" Sophia asked, smiling at him.

"No, just went to see something a bit interesting. You'll probably see it on the news later," Damian said, sitting down next to Sophia.

"Oh? And you didn't think of bringing your dear mother along?" Sophia asked, teasing him.

"I forgot," Damian grinned sheepishly.

"My books are running out," Sophia said, looking at Damian.

"You could read the Badhwuan's books. They have interesting stories about how the Earth used to be," Damian casually suggested.

"Hmm, that's a good idea," Sophia nodded.

"Daddy, look, it's Sassy," Alice said, pointing at the TV with a smile. She had been flipping through channels when she saw it.

Damian glanced at the TV and his expression froze as he saw Sassy gazing at the lake intently, wagging her tail.

When he saw the channel, he realized that it was a fishing program and that they were live when they spotted a giant white tiger on the shore.

Damian immediately extended his senses and detected Sassy several kilometers away near the lake.

"I've always told her not to go that far," Damian sighed.

"She gets bored too; she probably stumbled upon the lake by chance or caught a scent. She looks really cute trying to catch a fish," Sophia smiled as she watched the TV.

"I'll have Laura go get her," Damian said, standing up. He could go himself, but accidents were more likely that way.

Damian reached Laura's room and softly knocked on the door.

"Come in," Laura's soft voice called.

Damian entered and saw her playing video games in an oversized shirt that covered her thighs.

"Laura," Damian said, looking at her.

"Hmm?" She responded distractedly, still focused on the screen.

Damian sighed before standing in front of the screen, looking at her wordlessly.

"Cough, sorry, the game is new and it was getting interesting," Laura blushed, embarrassed.

"It's okay. I need you to go get Sassy; she's at the lake a few kilometers away. Press and animal control are probably on their way, so you need to be quick," Damian said, not minding, before leaving the room.

Laura let out a sigh of relief that she didn't get scolded. She looked down and saw the clothes she had been wearing before, embarrassed that she was only wearing her panties under the shirt.

"I hope he doesn't think I'm trying to seduce him," Laura muttered, embarrassed.

"No, I need to hurry," Laura said, lightly slapping her cheeks before opening the closet and pulling out the suit she wore under her armor.

With the suit on, she quickly ran to the module where several robotic arms put the armor on her before she rushed out.

Laura ran at over 100 kilometers per hour toward the lake.

After a few minutes, she arrived in the area that had already been cordoned off. There were several people preparing tranquilizer rifles.

There were also several reporters in the area talking animatedly about the case, and rightfully so—Sassy was about two meters tall if she held her head up, which would look absolutely terrifying to a normal person.

Laura's arrival quieted the surroundings a bit as the cameramen focused on her.

Laura didn't pay attention and walked directly toward the lake.

"Be careful, I don't know if you're aware, but there's a giant tiger in the lake," one of the wildlife control specialists warned.

"Don't worry, I'm here for her," Laura nodded slightly before entering.

"Her?" the man murmured, puzzled.

Laura reached the lake and saw Sassy slowly chewing on a fish. There were already several bones around, so it wasn't her first.

In the distance, she saw a drone recording everything; she guessed that's why they were so calm outside.

"Girl, you're in trouble this time," Laura laughed as she petted her.

Sassy huffed and lightly pushed her head against Laura as if to say she was mistaken.

"Let's go home," Laura laughed, seeing her actions.

Sassy let out a long yawn, showing her large teeth, before starting to walk behind Laura.

A group of people gathered around the drone's screen, amazed by Laura's interaction with Sassy.

When they reached the exit, several people looked at them nervously, and animal control tightened their grip on their weapons.

Sassy ignored them and simply followed behind Laura. As they got a little distance away, they both started to run and quickly disappeared into the distance.

Everyone left in the area let out a sigh they hadn't realized they were holding.

"Sir, what's going on with that tiger?" a young man asked the specialist.

"I... I don't know, but such a large size can't be natural. Even the famous Smilodon wasn't that big," the specialist said in shock.

Although they had seen its size through cameras, they couldn't be certain, but now that he saw it pass by him, he couldn't help but be amazed.

"She's beautiful," the stunned specialist murmured, looking in the direction Sassy had gone.

"If it's not natural, then was it the result of experiments?" one of the journalists murmured.

The eyes of several lit up as they thought of juicy headlines. Damian Alucard has always sold well; this is an opportunity.

Laura ran alongside Sassy towards home, both running at high speeds and after a while, they reached home.

Sassy arrived trotting calmly when she saw Damian standing at the front door with his arms crossed.

Her steps couldn't help but slow down as her tail nervously wagged.

She arrived in front of Damian before nuzzling her head against him, circling him once, and looking at him.

Damian tried to maintain a poker face but finally couldn't help but show a slight smile as he saw her trying to act adorable.

He wasn't really mad at Sassy; he also understands that she can get bored after a long time at home, and with her high intelligence comes curiosity.

"Girl, you just had to tell me you wanted to go out; now you've stirred up all those people outside," Damian laughed as he scratched behind her ear.

Sassy made purring sounds and softly growled as if she were talking.

"Alright, let's go for a walk, then," Damian said, smiling.

"Thank you," Damian said to Laura. If he had gone himself, it would have been more complicated.

"That's fine," Laura shrugged, taking the opportunity to stretch her legs.

The three of them entered the house. As Damian expected, there was chaos on television, and everyone was watching.

There was a scientist on the screen showing different images of ancient feline fossils and how none of those came close to Sassy's size.

"Clearly, it's an albino Siberian tiger, just much larger in size. This isn't natural. In my professional opinion, there must have been some kind of experimentation. We've seen that Madripoor's soldiers are very tall; there must be a connection there," the scientist adjusted his glasses on the television.

"His words make sense. If I didn't know the truth, I'd be convinced," Carol laughed.

"This will come back to bite you later," Ophelia laughed as she looked at the comments on her phone.

"Whatever," Damian shrugged, unconcerned.

"How about we go camping?" Damian suggested. It would be a good activity for the girls, and Sassy could go out and destress a little.

"Let's go!" the three girls exclaimed simultaneously, excited. Anything new they did felt like a good day for them.

"Where to?" Carol asked, looking at Damian.

"We're going to the Savage Lands; we can see the new flora and fauna," Damian said.

Everyone's eyes lit up, thinking about camping in a prehistoric setting.

"Alright, let's go," Carol nodded with a smile.

"Then go and pack your things," Damian smiled at his daughters, who ran to their room upon hearing him.

"And what about Nat?" Ana asked.

"I'll call her, and I'll also tell Monica, Jane, and Maria. It's been a while since we all got together," Damian said, smiling.

"That's great, the whole family will be reunited," Sophia said, smiling happily.

"I'll go help the girls pack their things," Ophelia said, heading upstairs.

"Alright, then we'll go to a place where you can stretch your legs," Damian said, scratching Sassy's chin.

Sassy softly growled with excitement in her eyes.

"We'll leave in an hour," Damian said before taking out his phone and heading out to the garden. He sat in one of the chairs before dialing the first number on his phone.

"Hey, what are you up to?" Damian said into the phone.

"Working," Maria replied as the sound of rustling leaves could be heard.

"We're going camping in an hour; you have to come. It's not negotiable."

"Since when can you boss me around? I'm not your daughter or your subject," Maria teased.

"Then I'll tell Monica that you haven't visited in several months since she started exploring the ocean. Besides, the fact that you sleep in your office," Damian said, unconcerned about her response.

"I was just kidding, don't be dramatic. Of course, I'll come. One hour, right? See you there," Maria rolled her eyes before hanging up.

"Annoying bastard," Maria muttered. She didn't want her daughter to worry about her and start giving her another lecture.

Damian smiled in satisfaction as his first call went well. He dialed another number while he waited.

"Hey, sweetheart, are you busy?" Damian asked.

"Not really, I've been following Bruce and Betty since this morning. They're at a hotel and don't seem to have plans to move until tomorrow," Natasha said, reclining against her ship's seat, a bit bored. She had been scrolling through social media until Damian called.

"We're going camping; leave your surveillance in place and come. If something happens, I'll take you back."

"Sure, I'll be back in a few minutes. Love you," Natasha smiled.

"I love you more," Damian chuckled before hanging up.

Damian dialed his phone one last time as he waited for someone to answer.

"Hello, daughter," Damian said with a smile.

"Hey, Dad," Monica said cheerfully. Jane, Darcy, and Erik, who were there too, looked at Monica as they heard her.

"How was everything?" Damian asked.

"Good, luckily you warned me; otherwise, there would have been a disaster. You have no idea what Jane did," Monica looked at Jane teasingly before dodging her hand trying to take the phone from her.

Jane tried to cover Monica's mouth, but she was too fast and strong.

"She's been driving recklessly, hit the same person twice," Monica said, looking at Jane with a mischievous smile.

Damian chuckled softly hearing Monica and the faint sounds of their scuffle.

"Sweetie, we're going camping. Bring Jane home," Damian smiled.

"Sure, I want to see my little sisters," Monica nodded happily.

"Alright, don't be too late," Damian said before ending the call.

Monica put her phone away and looked at Jane before explaining that they were going camping.

"Hmm, alright, wouldn't hurt to take a vacation," Jane nodded.

"Cough, what if you take me?" Darcy proposed, looking at Jane.

Jane looked at Darcy for a few seconds as if considering it before looking at Monica.

"I don't think Dad would mind," Monica shrugged.

"Alright, then we'll all go," Jane nodded.

Erik looked at everyone confused, wondering when he said he wanted to go.


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