Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 35

Damian was secretly very surprised to see his cousin, Isn't this Padme? fortunately, he had a good poker face, clearly, this was Jane Foster.

''Hello, please have a seat'' Damian said cordially.

''Hm, thank you'' Jane said somewhat nervously as she took a seat across from him.

''So how about we introduce ourselves, what's your name?'' Damian asked.

''I'm Jane Foster, my mother was your mother's younger sister'' Jane said.

''My name is Damian Alucard, nice to meet you'' Damian said, smiling at her.

''Hm,'' Jane was so distracted by his smile that for a moment she overlooked his last name, after all, she was a 17-year-old girl.

''What, Alucard, as in the king of Madripoor?'' Jane asked, puzzled, she wondered if she came to the wrong place.

''That's right, I'm the king of Madripoor, it's funny that you asked me for help without knowing it'' Damian said smiling.

Jane was very surprised but it was normal that she didn't know, the papers she found were old and probably didn't have pictures.

''Don't worry, I'll help you, how about in two days you go to Madripoor, tomorrow is my daughter's high school graduation, if you want you can go'' Damian said, seeing her not knowing what to say.

''Right, you have a daughter'' Said Jane, still confused not to mention that Damian doesn't look like a 31-year-old.

''It's okay, let's go downstairs so you can meet everyone, don't be nervous, they are all very nice'' Damian said, smiling at her.

''It's okay'' Jane said, clearly nervous.

Damian walked down to the living room where everyone was usually with Jane following him. It was funny that his daughter was almost the same age as her cousin.

When Damian came downstairs with Jane everyone but Sophia looked at him strangely, Damian couldn't help but feel a headache when he saw Sophia's smile, clearly, she hadn't told them anything.

''Wow, now you're going after young girls?'' Carol asked mockingly.

''Hm, you're getting a little old'' Said Ana adding fuel to the fire.

Even her daughter looked at him doubtfully, Damian couldn't help but want to give them a couple of spankings for having too much imagination.

''This is Jane Foster, my cousin'' Damian said, looking speechless at the 3 girls with too much imagination.

''Hi, nice to meet you'' Jane said as she looked around the room at everyone, she recognized Monica, Damian's daughter, she had seen her on the news a few times, but the other 3 women who were exaggeratedly beautiful she had never seen, she wondered if her cousin had some sort of harem.

''Oh so you're his cousin, nice to meet you, I'm Carol'' Carol said as she shook Jane's hand.

''I'm Ana'' Ana introduced herself briefly.

''I'm Sophia, we spoke earlier on the phone'' Sophia said cheerfully.

''Hm, sorry to ask but who is your wife?'' Jane asked innocently.


''Do you see that beautiful woman full of materiality named Sophia?'' Damian asked, smiling at Jane.

''Yes,'' Jane answered while thinking that she was his wife.

''Well she's not, she's my adoptive mother'' Damian said, stifling his laughter.

''Huh?'' Jane was dumbfounded, to begin with, Sophia looked like a lady of around 30 plus his words she thought it was her, but an adoptive mother, would he have some kind of weird taste?

''The beautiful ladies with blonde and black hair are my wives, and Monica is my daughter'' Damian said, seeing that she was starting to think strange things.

''Do you have 2 wives?'' Jane asked puzzled, even if he was a king, harems are a thing of the past, or not?

''That's right, they both started fighting for me so to avoid trouble I had no choice but to accept them both'' Damian said, sighing sadly before dodging a cushion that was heading straight for his face.

Carol looked annoyed with her hand outstretched by the thrown cushion and even Ana was looking at him more intensely than usual.

''I'm just kidding, I chased them and they generously agreed to share me'' Damian said looking at them affectionately, he knew it worked, Carol who is more easily embarrassed blushed a little and looked away.

''Hm I understand, don't worry'' Jane said, although she really didn't understand.

''So tell me, why do you want to study at Madripoor?'' Damian asked curiously even though he knew that his country was very advanced he didn't know why Jane wanted to go there.

''My father's friend Erik said that the Astrophysics university in Madripoor has the most advanced technology and if I have the chance to go I shouldn't waste it'' Said Jane seriously.

''Hm I see, don't worry after all you are my family, I will definitely help you, for now, enjoy your stay in this house and don't feel shy'' Damian said in a friendly way.

''You can go out and play with Monica, she really needs more friends'' Damian said half-jokingly.

Although Monica still considered herself friends with the girls she spent elementary and middle school with, they were older now and interests were starting to blossom, it was no longer a pure friendship like when they were little and with their parents trying to get them to approach Monica and please her there is some awkwardness between them, but again it's the costs to pay for having the status Monica has.

''Dad!'' Monica said blushing.

''Do you also plan to study at Madripoor?'' Jane asked.

''I don't know,'' said Monica, sighing.

''Why not? it's the best country to study in, plus you're even the princess'' Jane said puzzled.

''Precisely because I'm a princess, everyone treats me differently, I could never really make friends in Madripoor'' Said Monica, although it affected her a bit when she was young she's not a kid anymore, she just wants to go to a university and have normal friends, that's why she hesitates to study in Madripoor.

''Hm, I thought we could study together'' Said Jane, a little disappointed.

''Well, it's not decided yet'' Said Monica, with Jane she wouldn't mind if they went to Madripoor together.

Damian watched satisfied as their conversation happened, he knew that Monica had problems with where to study, it would be easy for her to say if she studies in New York or in London but she also knows that if she is in Madripoor she will be safe and she won't have to bother her father to look after her.

''Great, I hope you decide to go, it would be nice to have a friend there'' Jane said, smiling.

''Hm,'' Monica replied a little shyly.

''Do you want to play?'' Monica said, trying to break her awkward answer.

''I've never played video games'' Said Jane hesitantly as she looked at the controls.

''I'll teach you'' Monica said happily.

Carol felt displaced, her playmate betrayed her.

As Monica taught Jane how to play, Carol sulked and sat on his lap.

''Come on honey, when Jane learns to play you 3 can play'' Damian said.

''I'm bored'' said Carol.

''Why don't we go for a spin in space after Monica's graduation?'' Damian proposed.

''That wouldn't be bad, we can go fight some alien villains'' Carol said excitedly.

''Hm, I want to go'' Said Ana, you could see the interest on her face to know the space.

''Well, then it's decided'' Said Damian, as Monica was starting her studies she would also be busy so it was a good time to take some time off just the 3 of them.

Sophia couldn't help but look at Damian curiously, she wanted to go to space too.

Jane was learning to play when she heard some heavy footsteps approaching, she couldn't help but turn to look towards the noise when she saw a giant tiger of about 2 meters.

''AHHHH!!!'' Jane screamed as she had never screamed in her life before hiding behind Damian.

Jane, after all, was a teenager and had only seen tigers on the TV, unlike Monica who watched Sassy grow up.

''Come on don't worry it's just Sassy I promise she won't hurt you'' Damian said as he gently patted Jane's hands that were hugging him.

''Sassy come'' Damian felt Jane flinch as she heard him call the tiger.

''Trust me, she won't hurt you'' Damian said.

Jane very reluctantly lets go of Damian before looking at the tiger, she can't help but admit that it looks really beautiful though still scary.

Damian took a step forward and hugged Sassy's neck, her purr was really strong.

Seeing that she did not appear to be dangerous and with Damian's encouraging smile, she gently approached her and stroked her with an outstretched arm, ready to escape.

''She's not going to hurt you'' Damian said before bringing Sassy with him, the best thing was for Jane to get used to it little by little.

Jane looked at the tigress named Sassy in a daze before Monica pulled her to continue playing.

Some time passed and Jane was able to regain her composure and play with Monica while Damian and the girls talked.

As they chatted they heard the door open, and soon they saw Maria enter the room and stop when she saw them.

''Hello Maria, we have a new addition to this house, Jane Foster, my cousin'' Damian said introducing Jane.

''Jane, she is Monica's mother, she made me take care of Monica and then left us to work'' Damian said casually stifling his laughter.

Carol hearing Damian almost let out a laugh but endured to continue watching the drama.

''Uh-hm hi'' Jane said, not really knowing what to say.

''Damian!'' Maria said pissed off, she just got home from work and was already being teased.

''Did I say something that isn't true?'' Damian asked innocently.

''No, but you leave a lot to misunderstand, nice to meet you Jane just ignore it, it's not how you think'' said Maria.

Jane nodded before going back to playing with Monica, she had never tried the games because she needed to save money and they are very expensive, she really liked the fighting ones.

''So how's your work with SHI-'' Damian said before Maria interrupted him.

''I'd appreciate it if you didn't casually say the name of my secret organization'' Maria said, sighing.

''But I'm doing fine, thanks for asking,'' Maria said again.

''How nice, is Fury coming?'' Damian asked casually.

''Yes, he said he was going to come, after all, he has known Monica since she was little and by the way, he will say hello to Carol'' Maria said.

''Wow, how nice'' Damian scoffed.

''Hey'' Said Carol, hitting his stomach with her elbow.

Damian just rolled his eyes, he had nothing against Fury, it was just that it was clear that Fury also wanted to get Carol closer to SHIELD or the Avengers.

Damian had no plans for Carol to be an avenger, of course, he couldn't stop her but he hoped she wouldn't, she would surely solve everything for them.

Carol in the story was a sort of final boss that was nerfed for the sake of the plot.

Plus by that time they would surely have kids and he didn't think Carol would leave them to play the hero, but anyway he couldn't predict or stop what Carol was going to do.

It was already noon and Damian made Monica and Jane stop playing to go to lunch, together they sat at the table and began to eat calmly.

Jane felt a little strange sitting at the table with these people, when her parents died Erik took good care of her but in the end, he couldn't give her the comfortable feeling you have with your family, unexpectedly she feels a little like when she was with her parents seeing the atmosphere, she couldn't help but smile a little at the thought of this new start in her life.

After lunch, Monica took Jane to give her a tour of the entire house in addition to showing her room.

''How nice that she has a new friend,'' Maria said as she watched them leave.

''Yeah, although it's a little strange that your dad's cousin is the same age as you'' Carol said with a laugh.

''I wonder if in the future you will have a wife who is younger than your daughter, you little cradle robber'' Sophia said laughing, although she said it laughing she knew it was a reality, they are immortal beings and age is just a number.

''Poor Monica, this is not what I expected when I wanted Damian to be her father, maybe she will have to call mom a woman younger than her'' Maria said, sighing.

''It will be funny'' Carol said laughing.

Soon it got dark and after dinner they each went to their rooms, they went to bed early as tomorrow was Monica's big day.

When Damian went into his room he noticed it was empty, without thinking too much he went into the bathroom and soaked in the big tub with hot water.

As he was relaxing he heard two pairs of footsteps walking towards the tub, he immediately realized it was Carol and Ana and wondered what they were up to.

When he looked towards the entrance he saw Carol and Ana wearing 2 piece bikinis.

They both looked at him sensually, even though they are usually naked when they soak in the tub.

He assumed they wanted to give him some kind of thrill.

Since Damian is also a lustful being he didn't hesitate and immediately brought them into his embrace and they had a passionate water battle.

Although it was actually an honorable battle, as they fought one vs one while the booster waited for his partner to beg for mercy, still it was a battle they all enjoyed before going to sleep.


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